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Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:17 pm
by Arkash

20th of Glade, 4622

A glance up at the clock had the little hand aimed at the peg just before the northmost point of the face. It was meant to be the day on which Degare initiated him, but Arkash had thus far eluded the man. He'd made reasonable excuses at first, like that he was hungry and had to hunt immediately. Then there were less reasonable excuses like that his carapace was dry and had to be waxed before he could begin the initiation, that his tools needed to be polished before he could begin, that he had a headache and had to lay down so that he could focus... And then there were excuses that were quite ridiculous, in that it was too light out and it strained his eyes, the air was too warm and made it difficult to breathe, and he'd not eaten enough again despite spending the early hours of the morning on the prowl, which resulted in stomach pain.

The evening had come, the very last hour of the day, and still, Arkash hid.

He'd withdrawn to the study in which he'd initiated Degare some few moons ago. The pale moonlight shone on him while his claws picked at the brass of his Doctor's bag handle, and his foot claws tapped anxiously on the carpeted floor while he leaned. All his belongings had been cleaned, his scales had been waxed, and he'd certainly eaten enough. Being endothermic, his body matched the temperature of the house, which was more than comfortable. And the sun? It had set hours ago.

Still, Arkash remained isolated in the dark of that room. His deep red eyes stared off into nothing at all while he fidgeted with his kit, then breathed a deep sigh when he glanced at the clock again. He'd had days to prepare himself; why did he refrain?

His mind ran the track again, the idea that he might rise, find the Veir, and receive his mark ran circles in his mind, and just like the last run, he faltered at the execution; he backed down.

Firm claws squeezed the handle of the bag as he withdrew his cardinal features, then began to re-assume his humanoid shape. Once he'd retaken the form of Caro Caedimire, he relented the squeeze of the brass handle and set the bag on the table as he stood.

Weakness dug through his bones as he took a heavy step toward the door, and every step thereafter felt like lead until he entered the other room. His heartbeat quickly and his lungs begged for air as he pushed on. The longer he ignored the sprout of anxiety in his heart, the lighter he became. His head felt weightless as he neared the Veir's scent, and he almost felt to float through the halls as he neared the source of his Veir.

When he, at last, happened upon the man and his eyes settled on Degare's face, the rattling in his chest slowed and the thrum of horse trot in his ears relented entirely. Mouth dry, he swallowed. "Cariad..." he spoke softly, quietly. "I'm ready," he affirmed. "...But It's okay if you don't have time now, I'm sorry I left it so late-" he added quite quickly to the end. Tension bled into the air around him, his jaw pressed tight, and wide eyes remained affixed to the elf through every word he spoke.

Image source.

Re: Mudbound

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:43 pm
by Degare
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The Veir didn’t understand why it had felt like Arkash had been avoiding him that day. It did result in some choice strange encounters with a…unique Malformity mage…but truthfully, the pale elf would have rather spent his time doing what he was supposed to have been doing. In this case, that was granting his lover his most coveted mark: that of Bane.

At this moment, the Ferrier was outside within the walls of the estate’s garden. He wasn’t really doing anything in particular, just sitting on the ground looking up at what few stars had started to shine through the evening sky as it began to darken. The expanse above was clear and the weather fair– it was as good a time as any to enjoy some semblance of silence in the cool air of late Solace.

The sound of soft footsteps perked his ears and pulled him from the solemnity of his reverie. Turning his head in the direction of the sound, the Veir’s face brightened up quite a bit when he saw that the approaching figure was his beloved. Something was off, however. When the younger man’s steps ceased, he appeared nervous, swallowing before he spoke. While he claimed he was ready, his voice was notably weak compared to the confidence that was normally so tightly woven into his words. If he were truly ready, why would he try and create an out for himself immediately in the very next sentence to come from his lips?

Brown eyes stared wide at the elf as he sat there looking over his lover’s features. The Veir’s own amber gaze, while still warm with his affection, reflected something of befuddlement and maybe an echo or two of…disappointment? Concern? Anxiety of his own? His own expression had become somewhat muddied as the waves of tension steadily radiated off of his lover and into him. That last sentence had been delivered quickly and quivering, too. Had he changed his mind? Was he afraid to voice this?

As the Veir weighed these thoughts within his mind, his head tilted curiously as he tried to annul the more negative emotions that had begun to brew within. “Are you quite alright, love? If I were going by your body language alone I’d think you didn’t want to do this…” his own voice spoke slowly, words drifting through the night air heavy with the weight of his concern for the other. His tone was affectionate, caring…he wouldn’t force Arkash to do anything he didn’t want to, but if he had changed his mind, it would be impossible for such a thing to not hurt the Ferrier’s feelings.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Raillen Tongue/Speech"
"Silvain Tongue/Speech"

Re: Mudbound

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:13 am
by Arkash

There had been someone else at the estate that day, which served to distract the Veir. Such only served as another excuse to the young Rath, and pushed the initiation further up in the day. He wasn’t one for social interaction regardless, and would have sequestered himself far from the visitor to practice his Necromancy on a good day. Alas, such wasn’t the case. Arkash had been encumbered with the turmoil of his own denial the entire time he hid and found no relief in Necromancy.

He hadn’t anticipated that his own anxiety would be apparent, let alone that Degare would be able to detect it or that the effect would be contagious, but he could hear Degare’s heart begin to beat faster, and the smell of his sweat glands activating was more than apparent in the open air of the garden.

Somehow, Degare knowing his fear only made him tremble more. His breathing worsened in its pace and his eyes watered.

And when the elf asked his question, the floodgates broke.

His lips trembled as tears streamed his cheeks, and he sniffled through the overwhelming burn in his throat. “No,” he answered. “I can’t do it Degare… I want to but I can’t… I can’t ever.”

“I can never use magic again, I can’t get marks of control, I don’t even know if my Mark is even there anymore-!” He sobbed once, and brought both hands to cover his eyes where he stood. A curl of his nose heralded a flash of anger as he quickly brushed his tears from his eyes and wiped his nose in the sleeve of his tailcoat.

“I fucked up, Degare… I fucked up so fucking bad and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.” He spoke with a moment of clarity through his broken voice. “Look,” he said as he lifted his arm and pulled down on the sleeve. A shaky sigh ran from his lips as he drew his box knife, pressed the tip of his blade to his forearm, and dragged down while he held it up. The rend skin was dormant for a second, then the ruptured blood vessels began to bleed. Deep red beaded at the sites of the deepest parts of his wound, accumulated, and ran down the length of his arm in stark streaks of red as gravity claimed them. In seconds, the wound closed, but the blood on his arm remained.

He stared for a moment at his arm before he closed his hand and lowered it at his side. His lips pressed as they quivered, and he returned his gaze to the Veir. “…It’s gone,” he said with a slight shake of his head. “…It’s gone forever.”

Image source.

Re: Mudbound

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 11:10 am
by Degare
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While the Veir spoke, he could see his lover's tension increase as his breathing worsened, becoming more flustered, and his eyes glossed over. By the time all of his words had been said, Arkash had burst into tears.

The Ferrier’s head dipped briefly in confusion as his brows furrowed, knitting together in concern. His lips pressed together into a hard frown at the first of his lover’s words. The pale elf didn’t understand what he could mean; that is, he didn’t understand until the Rathor spoke again, volume much louder, his distress breaking his voice– he’d been hiding this since he’d gotten back and had finally broken.

He can’t cast…? Degare’s mind sifted through all of his knowledge to try and find something that would explain this and landed on a few options. Many of them didn’t make sense, but if he connected the dots between what he recalled Arkash telling him and the present, one stood out: the consequence for failing Nightfall’s initiation. The younger man had mentioned something along the lines of trading marks with Raphael and it occurred to him now that if Arkash had actually managed to obtain a second mark…he probably would’ve mentioned it at the very least. With all of this together, no other explanation made quite as much sense.

His heart ached for his lover. The Veir’s furrowed brows rose due to a combination of sympathy and further concern while Arkash continued to explain. As if to show him the gravity of the situation, he withdrew a knife and rent the flesh of his arm– the blood that pooled in the wound didn’t have the same color, texture or scent that the Veir remembered. It must’ve been a mutation from his mark; a mark that no longer functioned.

‘...It’s gone…it’s gone forever,’
The weight of these words pressed heavily upon the Veir while he sat motionless on the ground. Wordlessly, Degare pushed himself up to his feet, casting Infuse in tandem with his movements to convert the blood on his lover’s arm into vapor that floated off into the cool night air as a fine mist. In the same motion, the elf wrapped his arms around his distraught lover, one around his mid back while the other held the back of his head close to his chest, gave him a tight squeeze, and held him there for some small amount of time.

Before he said anything, the Ferrier pressed numerous kisses to the top of Arkash’s head, then along the side of his face as he pulled away and leaned down to look at his saddened visage. After gently kissing the other’s cheek, his nose, and then finally his lips, the elf held eye contact and spoke, “I…can’t imagine how painful that’s been for you…but…” Degare was never particularly good at comforting people; he’d often freeze up and get incredibly anxious, not knowing what to do or what to say.

After a few beats of silence or so, “...if it’s of any consolation, I’m not upset at you…nor do I blame you. As much as I wanted to share my mark with you, I could never be upset with you in a moment like this...I…I love you. I love you more than words can possibly describe; you don’t have to hide things like this from me.” The pale elf pressed another kiss against the lips of his lover, lingering there for just a few extra moments.

As he opened his mouth to speak again, the Veir also shifted the hand on the back of his lover’s head around to wipe away the tears that had streamed down his features. “...and…your magic, it’s likely not gone forever. If I’m right…reversal is possible, though complicated…but possible nonetheless. Don’t lose hope. I’ll never leave your side and I'll help you in any way that I can, I promise,” He spoke with warm and loving tones woven into his soft, velvet timbre– voice low and reassuring.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Raillen Tongue/Speech"
"Silvain Tongue/Speech"

Re: Mudbound

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:46 am
by Arkash

The streaks of red that painted his skin faded with the ambiance of red mist to disperse and take to the air, infused to its gaseous form. Arkash watched as it drifted and lost it in the night, lips pressed tight while he continued to compose himself with the added weight of his longing.

With ease, he fell limp into the Veir's arms as his lover come to wrap around him. His teary eyes shut and he defeatedly brought his features to rest in Degare's clothes while he shakily breathed and choked intermittently. After a moment of pause, his arms came to wrap Degare's waist, fingers linked together around his back. His breathing steadied through the squeeze, and he exhaled a breath of composure.

He stayed quiet as the press of the elf's lips came down atop his head in a plentiful display of affection. As though the act itself soothed him, the race of his heart slowed. "...It's my own fault," he spoke in response, voice low while his eyes rested on Degare's face, almost level with him. His hands came to rest on Degare's shoulders, limp in wake of the turmoil within. "That was how he beat me; he attacked me right after he initiated me; while I was weak... My magic stopped working partway through, but I caught him in the neck..." Came his explanation. Indeed, it was the mark of nightfall.

When Degare then attested that he wasn't at all displeased with the Rath, that he didn't blame him for what happened, the tear-born shine in his eyes returned with a pained press of his lips. Arkash had lifted a finger to his eyes to catch some of his tears when the older man declared his love, and Arkash's lip began to tremble again before the elf seized them with his own. His eyes shut, which brought more tears to stream his cheeks as his breathing picked up again.

"Fuck..." Arkash began when the kiss broke. "Why'd you have to say it when I'm a bawling mess, Degare?" He said with a smile and wrapped his arms around the taller man's neck as his saddened gaze became illuminated with a flash of joy. "Thank you... Thank you for loving me," he spoke in a mixture of sadness and catharsis.

"I need a Stygian..." Arkash began when Degare said there was hope to recover it. "That's the only way... And I know one, but fuck... I'd lobotomize my soul with my claws before I went to her." The idea that Lady Ash held the key to his magic was maddening.

At the elf's professed loyalty, Arkash sniffled, then began to dry his eyes with his sleeve. "Thank you, love... I can still teach you everything I know, it will just be harder now that I can't show it to you... And then, you'll need to harden your own blood if I decide to open you up again... Okay?" How such a thing was on his mind at that time, he wasn't sure.

"...Right now, all I need is you. I just need you to hold me, to give me your love, and stay tangled with me until the morning..." Arkash began as one hand came to hold Degare by the jaw, thumb resting on his cheek. "Can you do that for me, my love?"

Image source.

Re: Mudbound

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:10 am
by Degare
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While still present, the Veir could feel some of his lover's tension begin to unravel the longer the two held one another. Degare was glad to be of any comfort to the other in his current state of distress.

With hands sapped of strength now resting on the Ferrier's shoulders, Arkash began his explanation of what happened. He'd been right— it was a mark of Nightfall that had cursed him. Umbralplasm still lingered in his system, blocking his ability to channel ether in its entirety. Being right about anything in this situation tasted so very bitter. It's nice to know his own knowledge was, in fact, reliable, but what good is knowledge if he couldn't actually use it for anything? In some ways, being right hurt more; the Veir felt as if he'd failed his lover by not having been able to change fate's direction.

Degare didn't quite know what to say— his words came out slow, as if spoken with thought and intent behind them, though in reality everything he said came from an emotional mind wrought with panic about how exactly he could make his lover feel better. Almost as if he was afraid of how Arkash would respond to his profession of love, he kissed him and lingered there for a bit longer than entirely necessary.

The other's response pulled a soft, sheepish smile to his own features. "I didn't know what else to say…and it's true. I do love you, and your mistakes don't change that." At these words, the elf placed a gentle kiss on his forehead while Arkash thanked him for the love that he felt, "...and thank you for loving me."

It was then that Degare voiced that all was not lost, to which the Rathor responded with disdain towards his need for a Stygian. He didn't name the one Stygian he was aware of…but the pale elf had a single guess. With a soft sigh, "That is one method…though the world is mysterious. Magic and the soul have plentiful secrets left buried and I'm confident there's more than one Stygian walking the planet; I'm sure if we search hard enough, with the right amount of creativity, we'll get your magic back…without involving whoever it is that holds your ire." His tone was warm, voice woven with love, adoration and hopeful intentions.

Arkash's response to his promise of loyalty made the Veir smile…and then a rosy blush diffused across his cheeks. "I'm more than glad you'll still be willing to guide my hand in that regard. I've become rather adept with the other concepts you taught me…though I…might be a little delayed on hardening my own blood in those scenarios. There's…a lot going on in my head during moments like that, but I'm sure I'll manage," his sentence was punctuated with soft laughter and an impish smile.

His lover spoke again as one of his hands drifted up to grasp his jaw; his request was simple…and one the elf would be more than pleased to oblige."Of course…I'd love nothing more, Cariad…but…shall we go back inside?"


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Raillen Tongue/Speech"
"Silvain Tongue/Speech"

Re: Mudbound

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 7:53 pm
by Salen


Psychology: Denial
Psychology: Acceptance
Psychology: To confront loss is difficult
Psychology: Strong emotions can get mixed up
Meditation: Working through trauma
Meditation: Composure through adversity
Meditation: Face your fears
Meditation: When a pillar falls, lean on the others
[PC] Degare: Said he loves you
[PC] Degare: Isn't mad that you hid your loss of magic
[PC] Degare: Able to comfort you
[PC] Degare: Doesn't mind your weakness
[PC] Degare: Hopeful for your magic's return

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8


Investigation: Reading Vocal Tone
Investigation: Detecting Tension in Another
Investigation: Noting Abnormal Behavior
Investigation: Noting Overall Demeanor
Psychology: Hope
Psychology: Comforting Another
Persuasion: Calming Somebody Down with Words
Persuasion: Calming Somebody Down with Touch
[PC] Arkash: Lost his magic in a botched Nightfall initiation
[PC] Arkash: Underestimated Raphael Mathis
[PC] Arkash: Would rather rend himself to pieces than let Brilan Ald fix him
[PC] Arkash: Wants VENGEANCE
[PC] Arkash: Greatly upset by his loss of magic
[PC] Arkash: Saying you loved him appeared to make him happy
[PC] Arkash: You comfort him (and this brings you joy)
[PC] Arkash: Even in distress, his mind will drift towards intimacy for comfort

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

Comments: It's sad that Arkash lost his magic and only finding out this way, best hope there will be a Stygian walking the earth somewhere. Great Thread, if you have any questions about your rewards let me know.