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Amorous Intentions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:02 pm
by Vivian

28th of Glade

Vivian needed to get out of Veir Socorro’s house for a little while. If the Veir wasn’t there, it was painfully obvious how little Vivian fit in. He was looked at oddly by the staff, they giggled when he tried to sound out his words learning to read, and he didn’t feel comfortable enough practicing magic without the Veir. He needed to walk the streets again, but this time he was clean. His long coat with its fur hood was threadbare but clean. He smelled of lavender, he’d managed to get his pants repaired, and he felt good.

He sighed and walked down the slightly cleaner streets of midtown Amoren, feeling content for the first time in his life. There was no pressure to survive. He didn’t have the gnawing in his gut. He had money in his pocket. Bara was safe and sound staked out in the sunlight and warmth of a Veir’s garden. No doubt he was having the time of his life.

For the first time, Vivian could see the city. Truly see it, not just skulk around the edges of it. Maybe he would go in a shop instead of skulking around the bins in the back. Maybe he could eat at a restaurant, or go to a bar and order a drink. The possibilities were endless when one was clean and had money.

Vivian strode into an upscale bar. He looked good. He had his eyes ringed in kohl and a little silver dust he’d saved for the occasion. He’d dyed his lips a bit with beeswax and rose oil, and he’d stolen Veir Socorro’s comb to make his hair lay properly on his head. He perched at the bar, not wearing a shirt but his coat thrown open carelessly. His pants were low on his hips, and he ordered a mixed drink.

He smiled at it. A mixture of lemon juice and vodka, with a little bit of sugared orange peel. He took a sip, letting the alcohol roll off his tongue. It was heavenly; sour with a little pinch of sweet at the end. He moaned and closed his eyes slowly, bringing the glass to his lips again. He didn’t even need to get drunk. This was a work of art he intended to savor.


Re: Amorous Intentions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:43 pm
by Ano

Vivian might have had some sponsoring Veir, a benefit from some hoity-toity war-waggler, but Ano, dearest Ano had the Halamire. As a licensed practitioner of Sundering working in such desperate times, the Veir that sponsored his facility had assigned a light security detail to his protection. Emphasis on light. A single individual, in fact, who stood stalwart by the door in his bulky hauberk and full visor, as fierce and intimidating as any puppy dog might be. This protection only extended to the Noble District, yet it was something Ano was grateful for. Hateful mages, grieving Veir to whom he owed blood debts for Sundering their prized lovers, servants, traitorous children. They all wanted him dead to some varying degree, and Ano often wondered when his time would come. He'd already found a delivery boy dead with a parcel meant for him, the poison ineffective against his undead physiology; that fact was kept on private record, not yet shared with the public.

Day by day, the Sunderstrike was drove down, and he lit souls like waxen candles, burning them away. The smell was something he'd gotten used to, but those who didn't know could suss bitter motes of charcoal-or-other from his calculating magnanimity; for in spite of this, he wore that charming sleuth of a smile upon his darkened lips, glossy curly-cues dangling from his head. His long, white-clothed raiment snaked along the floor, wiry ankle binds clinging tight to his dark brown skin. The robes parted, showing more neck than most might at such an upscale bar, but he knew even the Candor would not molest him for carousing with less uppity men. Nor was he Veir, or even Valran, so what did it matter to him?

Swirling a crystalline glass of the highest proof swirl of pure Vodka on hand, fumes like the strongest Wurmblood wafted from his glass as he paced himself with gentle swigs, playing along with this charade through the eve. It ran right through him, with no ill effect; he could not even feel a buzz, nor did he ever know what it might have felt like, born within the Barrengate. The drunkards seemed happy. So did the ones in the booths off to the edge, and he fed from their cheer. That was enough.

Ano wore the very same brand of rose oil circulating through the noble district. His skin glowered with life, still vigorous in spite of any effort by the sun. He turned, spying Vivian there, then glanced about again. The male's facade haunted him like a sweet dream, side-glancing eyes stealing little truths until he was utterly enthralled and moved beyond a more rotund fellow to ease in next to him, drink in hand. The smell of the alcohol was strong with him, as he popped the glass down with an audible clack and leaned back upon his elbow. "Eh bien, regardez-vous. Est-ce que je vois la peau d'un Sil'Norai devant moi?" he pondered aloud in Gentevarese.

When Vivian did not catch his meaning, he shifted to the Common way of speech with a preceding little laugh. "Ah, does this tongue carry meaning?" he said, the tails of white ribbon from his cuff dangling over the edge of the counter contrasting with that softly brown skin. "Ano Qirat. A pleasure." He extended his left hand across the counter, nails finely cured to sharp little points, painted this bluish-grey.

Re: Amorous Intentions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:18 pm
by Vivian

Vivian glanced at the door as someone came in. Someone who posted a guard by the door. Vivian smiled at him, then returned to his drink. For once…he wasn’t afraid of the guards. He wasn’t doing anything illegal. He was just another man sitting in the bar. He delicately posed himself, lifting his chin high on his elegant neck. If only he had suitable clothing.

He watched the man who ordered at the bar, then the man at the door. The one guard was heavily armored, though Vivian wasn’t sure for what. He’d always lived in the dregs of the town. The Halamire never went to his areas. It was fascinating seeing one for the first time, and Vivian stared out of the corner of his eye as he sipped his drink.

Well well…he didn’t have to wonder for long. The man, in his long white regalia, came and sat next to him. He used a smooth and purring language that Vivian didn’t recognize at all, and at first Vivian thought he wouldn’t be able to communicate with him. He did smile tolerably; this one was a handsome fellow, and in many ways the type that Vivian aspired to be. He wanted his clothes finely cut, and the hand that was offered to him was so beautifully manicured.

Vivian gave the other man a winning smile, turning toward him. “Vivian Kreine. The pleasure is all mine.” He took the man’s hand delicately, and kissed above the back of it. “Please, sit.”

The seat next to him was occupied but…well, not for long. Vivian neatly shoved the other man off the stool and patted it for Ano. The man who had been dumped on the floor scrambled up, about ready to shout at Vivian…then saw the man who was set to take his seat. Vivian had guessed right; anyone who came with a knight for a guard must be one himself…or someone in the employ of someone truly dangerous. The drunk mumbled something and bowed, beating a hasty retreat. Vivian looked completely unbothered, and sipped his drink.

“I usually don’t see knights around bars.” He began. Vivian was an unregistered mage, but this man could hardly detect that could he? Malformation wasn’t really common.


Re: Amorous Intentions

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:28 pm
by Obsequies
Thread Title

Points awarded:
  • +4 both PCs

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • N/A

Partial exp because to get full points there's a word count requirement of ~1500. A shame Ano is being put on hiatus for now.