The Black Dahlia's Wrath I

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:42 pm

Glade 36th, 4622

He lied there in the cold dark basement, alone. He had no one and was bound by the chains that he once escaped from. There was a sudden realization that he had never been free; for all this time, he was a slave to the Entente. He had been given the hints, although he ignored them. It was too late. He wasn’t fulfilling his own ambition like Dahlia had explained to him before; he wasn’t maintaining the balance of power like he had promised himself. He fed it, made it grow stronger, like a festering seed of corruption that he had played into the hands off.

Now there comes a price to pay.

Guilt and the melancholy of not learning from what he had been told before. It became a dangerous thing for him. He knew he must repent his sins, but he was under harsh circumstances.

If only he had listened.

The little hope and little joy that he got by fulfilling every desire Dahlia had, but was unable to sate his own. The woman grew into a selfish tyrant and much more ruthless methods. Little did he know, there were dark secrets. Secrets that he would never have thought he’d find out about his lover, her family and everything.

The basement door opened as the light came through. It was cold, dark and perfect for him to blend in, yet his vision was so used to the dark that the light ultimately blinded him “Take him to see Dahlia, he deserves his final words; let him repent.” At that moment, Salen was dragged like an animal to the corridors of the Coven sect herself; it was her house. Her very own fortress. A palace for her to commit her deeds and atrocities.

However, there was always someone watching.

The dreg inside him could feel an urge to get the message across, but even this one was enthralled by Dahlia’s ways of persuasion. It was a part of him. There had to be someone that would know what she was capable of.

Salen was hauled in chains towards Dahlia’s room by a group of Corvo who were serving under her. It appeared she had everything planned for the time that Salen had betrayed her; he knew she was bad news and yet there was no getting away from her enthralling aura. It was like a drug, addictive to the sense of danger she provided for her ambition. However, her ambition proved too dangerous for even Salen to comprehend. He chose to falter, to give up on it and try and pursue his own dreams. Little did he know, he was still a slave. A slave to her persuasion and her ettiquette.

Salen looked up at Dahlia with anger as she beamed down on him; her eyes were furiously looking down upon him as she shook her head “You betrayed Brazim’s ways, you’re nothing but a scoundrel to his court. What say you!” Salen shook his head at the response to the court that Dahlia had set herself off “If anyone was a liar, it was you all along. I know everything, I’ve been putting the puzzle pieces together for a long time, but you keep wiping them and now it’s come clear to me what you really are. A monster.” She slapped him across the face as he relented the pain as he spat back at her.

“Me, a monster…” She laughed as she circled Salen like a shark, it was clear she had an agenda all along “It was Brazim that mistaken you for , fancy choosing someone like you, when you betray his trust by betraying me.” She raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms. Salen knew that wasn’t entirely true, although a lot of the things she did were in the undergrounds of her domain.

“You won’t be on your glass pedestal much longer, Dahlia. Mark my words! You’ll pay for what you’ve done! Brazim will know! He always knows. I know everything, I know you’ve destroyed members of your family to secure your place. I know you killed your husband, if you can commit any sort of crime like that then where's the trust? Was I gonna end up in a shallow grave just like the people you’ve manipulated; it wouldn’t be a reason other than for your own benefit!” Dahlia turned around and put a knife to his throat, before screaming at the top of her lungs

“ENOUGH!” She heaved.

Salen smirked as he laughed, knowing he was manipulating her psychologically. He gained joy from it “Do it. I don’t care anymore, take my life…” He stared at her deeply in the eyes as the hilt in her hand shook, before she let go. She couldn’t do it; she was a coward. Perhaps she still had some feelings for Salen “Yeah, just as I thought; you couldn’t draw even an ounce of blood with that blade” He mocked her as he laughed. He knew how serious this was, but it was time for him to drop the biggest bombshell of all. Her secrets. She had alot to hide and she knew it, judging by the sweat that dripped down her forehead.

“Ask me this question, what truly happened to Tiberius.”

“Jealousy… That’s what.”

“So you just decided to fuck with my head to get what you want huh? That it? That’s the lowest thing that you can do and I hope you rot in Bel!” He cursed the woman as his gaze pierced the woman with anguish.

“I valued you alot, Salen. But it seems that you’ve disappointed me too. The only one who will be rotting in Bel is you.”

“If you valued me, then you would’ve put me on the right path, instead of trying to feed your own ambitions. What is it you crave most, Dahlia? A chance for power? Power you never had? You will never achieve it and you know it. I’m surprised people aren’t truely disgusted at what you truely are. You may have a beautiful figure, but deep down you're a monster!”

“It takes one to know one, Salen. Like us, we are beings who crave only the simple pleasures in life. Nothing can fulfill us. You know this very well. Sooner or later, you’re heart will be as black as mine for each and everything you crave” Dahlia looked downwards as she paced back and forth.

He growled out as he tried his best to lash out, only to be pulled back like a wild animal on his chains. There he stood no chance, the collar around his neck strangled him as he choked with the force it was being pulled. He relented and tugged with the force it was taking him as he gasped for air.

“I’m not like you, Dahlia. I’m better. Better than you’ll ever be.”

“If you live, that is… Maybe. Maybe not. I highly doubt that you’ll ever become great, although I’m sorry to say your time is up… Take him back in his cell. I will tell you when to bring him out. When Derek arrives in Lorien, I will give you the signal, Torres.”

“Yes, Veir”

Eventually, he was dragged off. He kicked and screamed as Torres tightened the leash further, pulling it back “You better shut the fuck up.” Salen shook his head as he laughed “Your gonna have to pull it tighter than that to shut me up, I’m not going without a fight” Torres laughed as he looked at Dahlia “Hear that… He said he’s not going without a fight. What do we do.”

“Just get him out of my sight.” She demanded.

Salen was eventually dragged back to the dark dungeon, where he would spend time, until his day of execution. However, he wasn’t going without a fight. The resilience burnt within him, even though he was trapped, there was hope.

A hope for escape.

A hope that someone would have got his message.

Unless no one truly cared about him.

Last edited by Salen on Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1382
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Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:07 am

The Black Dahlia's Wrath I
Points Awarded:
  • +5 EXP

  • Intimidation: Hitting a nerve
  • Intimidation: The truth can be scary
  • Intimidation: Not giving into threats
  • Psychology: Knowing what makes a person tick
  • Psychology: Identifying a Narcissist
  • Psychology: Playing the same game as someone else.

  • N/A

  • Bruised neck and wrists from being dragged around.

Haha, I don't know whether Dahlia is kidding or not, but Brazim definitely doesn't care about her affairs. Really shows her arrogance, though :p
word count: 281
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