An Audience with House Oriol [Ortza]

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:35 pm

59th Frost, 4621

Salen had been preparing for his task at hand, ready to set off for the morning as he prepared a batch of weaponry, poisons and throwing knives for the assignment he is sent on. Dahlia enters his room dressed in a lavish collection of black shimmering silk, followed by a veil over her face to hide her modesty; it was normal that Salen would witness her going to a party as he turned around. He smiled at her profound beauty for a moment as she looked at the mirror; however it seemed that her nature all over was somewhat obsessive, as if her own reflection wasn't looking back at her. She stares back at Salen as she raises an eyebrow "Well, how do I look?"

"Ravishing, darling." Salen nodded in honesty, before Dahlia's head turned in his direction before smiling as she moves closer to him, placing a hand on his cheek. The touch had been warm, soft and yet strangely comforting as Salen was confused by her. She was a woman who never had true fulfillment like him, but yet there were times that her demeanour would become extremely icy.

"You always were a master of understatement. Come, we have errands to attend to and a wild night to enjoy."

Salen raised an eyebrow and smirked for a moment. Perhaps it was a night of fun and excitement, or one of those boring parties that Dahlia would play those stupid games. The Candor, it was a term that came across in Daravinic terms; it was also something that Salen wasn't familiar with, nor he would dabble in. It was a dangerous game, a vile thrill of gambling for one's life and societial stature.

"Get dressed, I'll meet you at the door"

Salen would nod as he stared at her as she left.

House Oriol's Manor

Dahlia and Salen would queue outside as other Entente are gathered outside; the ones who had an invitation would be out for their own ends, like wolves. Salen knew in every den, nook and cranny of Daravin there were always predators willing to snatch up the vulnerable, those who had left themselves a weak spot in themselves. Eventually, they would both be invited in to take a glimpse upon the manor, as Dahlia would wonder around impatiently "Wait with me, Salen... It's unwise to be able to wonder the corridors amongst the men and women of this area. Friendly faces, they are deceiving. Just act normal, smile and greet with nods and laughs. Oh and... Don't fall for the handsome types, if you do... Well, you know what to do." She laughed as she surveyed the party, trying to keep her eyes around the area.

Salen was wondering why he was here in the first place; was it a part of his assignment? It was clear that Dahlia had brought him for a reason. She was a cold calculating woman, with an intelligent way of communicating her weave of riddles and problems to solve.

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Fri Feb 18, 2022 7:23 pm

There was no reason for Ortza to expect the night to be any different from other nights here in Amoren. Yet another party, where he would expect to follow Lord Savéro silently, a step behind and to the right, listening for any intrigue that the head of the house may miss in conversation. These parties, it was unlikely that any one would try something physical - it would be quiet a severe break of Candor. But, it was also good to look like House Oriol was prepared for the contingency. At least, that's what Lord Savéro always said.

The servants rushed around the tall man as he walked toward Lord Savéro's quarters, making final preparations in the house. The Velsign wore what could generously be called his finest cloths, though his chest was still bared. Chainmail had been deemed unsuitable for nights like this. He knocked once at the wooden doors, and after a few moments, the Head of House Oriol stepped out.

Lord Savéro Oriol was a tall man for a human, and age had not shrunken him. In his mid 50's, gray was speckled through the dark hair cut short. His shoulders were broad, and seemed broader still under the large overcoat with the high collar. Most distinctly, though, his grey eyes had a icy glow that still seemed to cut to Ortza's core - the sure mark of a Mentalist.

"Ortza," he said with a smile.

"My lord," Ortza, replied back, bowing his head.

And with no other words spoken, they proceeded to the gallery.

By no means was the manor of House Oriol the finest in Amoren, nor the largest. But what they lacked in size or craft, art, food, and music made up for. The gallery where the party was focused was a large, central area, with high ceilings and large windows looking out to a well-kept garden. A pair of staircases lead up to the upper rooms on either side of the main entrance through which the guests enter, and several curtained alcoves run along each side.

It was, of course, a perfect place for the game of Candor to be played.

Lord Savéro stood on the balcony between the staircases, looking down over the crowd. Ortza briefly pondered just what the older man was looking for before pushing it from his mind. It wasn't his place. Instead, he looked for those who stood out - those whose clothing was not as modest, or who acted differently, and waited for his lord to take action.

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Sat Feb 19, 2022 5:28 am

The house was busy with the various Veir hanging around, it appeared to be a den of wolves. The friendly faces masqueraded by the fact of that they were predators for gossip; to begin with, they were the ones who would reveal the presence. She appeared to be to be disgusted with Salen's lack of ettiquette as she blinked with disgust.

"Oh. You wanted a drink?"

"No, I'm just rather taken back that I still havent educated you in Daravinic ettiquette. Oh well, you are new so lets start now. Rule one, dress appropriately. As I can see your well adept in that rule" Salen raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms "You are handsome, I do give you that, but yet you have so much to learn fledgling, being handsome and beautiful is not enough, you might aswell become a courtesan at this point if you think that's the case. Lesson two... Never reveal information without a price, as you know that's well bred into you I hope." The patronising nature of the woman appeared to be demeaning, as if she was trying to undermine Salen's intelligence; he furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed "I guess I should take note of everything from professor Dahlia herself." He smirked as a way of sarcastically endearing the woman.

"Good boy..."

Salen rolled his eyes at the sudden attempt to annoy him; at times, Dahlia and Salen would often initiate contests with wordplay, wit and banter, although it was unclear if it was sincere or attempts to wound his ego. There was a complex relationship between the two, yet they both had something in common. They were pretenders of society, only Dahlia had more power over Salen. This was something that he could never shake off fully.

Dahlia's eyes met Savero's for a moment as she smiled insincerely; it was chameleon-like, yet uneasily noticable beneath her reptilian wit. She made her way upstairs as she carried the giant weight of her golden dress, as Salen followed behind. Being a gentleman, he gave her breathing room incase she fell backwards with the weight of her gown. Yet, she remained poise and confident as she approached Savero, she noticed the giant Velsign behind him for a moment who appeared to be surveying the area, she recognised him as one of his bodyguards; but yet Salen would look. He was slightly impressed by the size and the wings that he nodded.

"Savero, it's been a while."

Dahlia would smile fakely, staring into his eyes with a sense of beguilement in them, it appeared she was influencing Savero with her eyes; knowing she had the capability of doing so. Salen's eyes would wonder over to the taller Velsign, he was slightly intimidating with the giant wings and the tall statue.

"I must say, does your bodyguard have to duck everytime he has to go through the doorway, in that case you might wanna sort that out." He smirked.

"Salen!" Dahlia snapped for a moment "I apologise for the rudeness of my apprentice, he's just... well blunt." She laughed.

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Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:56 pm

The rustling of fabric caught Ortza's attention; a woman, veiled, walking up the staircase, a man behind her, surprisingly underdressed. Likely another bodyguard, he thought, and his gaze turned back to the floor below. It was commonplace that other Veiran would come to speak to Lord Savéro. It was half the point of these parties, to discuss and plan and exchange secrets.

Lord Savéro smiled at the woman in greeting. It held no warmth, though, almost a mask. "Dahlia. A pleasure to see you as well, after all this time."

It was the man's voice - Salen, he quickly learned, that caused Ortza to look back over again. He wasn't used to people commenting on him to his Lord, not where they expected him to hear them. He raised a brow, looking over the man again. Was he a threat? He didn't seem like he was about to act out, but Ortza has already been surprised once.

"It's no trouble, Dahlia," Savéro responded, taking in the man as well. The smile didn't leave his face. "I can appreciate a forthright observation now and then. Though I am surprised to see you bring a protégé at all. Grooming a successor?"

While the conversation went on, Ortza kept his eyes on Salen. Something about the way he had looked at him was different than how other Entante would glance at him, acknowledge the presence but not the person. He wondered, too, who this Dahlia and Salen were - they weren't one of the regular Houses that would come to these parties.

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 4:19 am

Salen's eyes made eye contact with Ortza, he smirked as if he was challenging him to something. The eyes would lock as the scent of leather and sandalwood filled the room. The fragrance that compelled to the lust of others. Dahlia's scent clashed with more feminine glamour brought upon her visage. The scents were almost filled with inviting danger within their compelling false masquerades they endorsed. In this case, she could be disguised as any normal Entente woman. It was a perfect match for her.

The smile of Dahlia would never leave, although her beguiling looks weren't easy to resist as she stared Savero deeply in the eyes; she had full control for him to give into every single desire he wanted, but yet she didn't ask for anything "Maybe" She said in a passive aggressive tone; she knew that was a slip up to make her talk about her business, but yet she kept it minimal "Perhaps, that's for me to know and for you to find out, Savero. Unless you were offering something, I would be inclined to share such information" Her smile beamed as if she had cornered Savero socially, it was clear that the two were in competition with each other. It was Daravin. A normal part of life. A meritocracy.

Salen watched the woman negotiate, but yet the gaze never left Ortza; he was watchful of him in case he was unleashed on him, like a wild dog on a leash. The tall stature had been enough to intimidate him slightly, but yet they didn't know that they were both hounds on leashes in different ways.

Dahlia smiled as she raised an eyebrow at Savero "Besides, I heard you've been quite naughty lately, keeping things from me. You know me, Savero. Anything everyone knows, I know. I have eyes and ears everywhere as I'm sure you're aware." Her smile was much more devious and impish "What do you have to share?"

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:07 am

Perfumes weren't uncommon among the Entente, but Ortza was surprised how strong both these strangers' scents were. Salen's especially seemed to almost be wafting directly towards him, the earthy, deep flavors swirling around him. Though his face remained placid, Ortza did feel a warmth grow in him. Curious. What could that mean?

Lord Savéro chuckled - a joint sound of triumph for having Dahlia reveal something, and in their winding, jabbing conversation. "My dear, you cannot blame me for not sharing such information when I have not seen you. Do you believe I would trust information that is shared in whispers to the permanency of paper?" There was a careful balance to be had here - even Ortza could tell his Lord wanted to maintain allies with this woman, but didn't want to give information away too soon. "But perhaps," the older man continued, "If you truly wish to know, I might have questions of my own that you could answer." An offer, placed on the table. The negotiations of two powerful, secretive people trying to maintain their sway, not just in society, but over each other.

Ortza didn't break his gaze from Salen's, though it was sending chills up his back. He wasn't used to this sort of direct staring, and not for so long. The first true break in his facade, his head cocked slightly to the side. Salen wasn't a bodyguard, to be sure - no trained bodyguard would speak up like he had. And most Entante would disregard Ortza after a brief glance, at least while in front of Lord Savéro. So just who or what was Salen?

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 2:29 pm

Salen watched the two exchange for a moment, although he couldn't help become interested in the giant winged male. The way he lowered his guard as if there was some vulnerability within the man as he continues to stare at him directly; he didn't care how uncomfortable it made people, he was always pushed people's buttons. That was the thing about Salen, he was a wind-up merchant, someone who would always ensure that his presence was known. His gaze turned to Savero as he looked him up and down for a moment, watching him continue talking to Dahlia. It appeared their conversation appeared to be petty and boring. He wondered if the winged male would often feel the same way, delving into the boring aristocratic territory of the decadent paragons that ruled over Daravin with an iron fist. A cutthroat demeanour.

Dahlia's eyes would meet Savero as her enchanted visage would beckon him further; she was using the power of Beguiler to endure his inner desire. To give into giving her information as a favorable ally. Dahlia was a woman who kept her friends close, but her enemies closer and for good reason. She was a Corvo, a woman who had advantage over most of the Daravinic Empire "Very well, I can understand, you wouldn't want to fall upon your own sword now would you?" She laughed heartily as she stepped further, her eyes still in intense contact with his as she gazed into them with a malevolent, hungry stare "You have to answer my questions first." She demanded, already looking at him with her hypnotic gaze. There was no change in her eyes, but often brimmed an irresistable urge to give into desires. It was a mark of persuasion that she had hoped to bring across the greater good. She wondered if her beguiling gaze worked upon the man, in hopes that she had persuaded him with such power behind him.

Salen sighed with boredom as the two would converse as his gaze moved back towards the winged male, whatever his name was. What was his purpose in this? Why was he here and not within the arms of the Daravinic religious zealots?

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 2:51 pm

There was a pause, as if Lord Savéro was contemplating the counter offer. Ortza's gaze flickered to Dahlia as she stepped closer now. His arms stiffened. But, he waited. There was no greater threat yet than normal at these parties, and it was not one he could defend against anyways. He was ready, though, if it came to it.

"I can agree to that," Savéro finally spoke again. "Though I hope you will answer my questions in equal part." His words dripped with demand. Beguiled or not, it was clear that interest had been piqued. His own body leaned towards hers as well - subtle, not enough for the prying eyes of Candor to notice from afar and cause a stir. But enough.

Ortza relaxed slightly again, the tense posturing falling away. This was falling back into the realm of normal. The exchange of information, trying to get more than you gave. His job would be to listen closely. But his eyes moved back to Salen now, still staring. Constantly staring. His eyes seemed to be trying to peel away his exterior. Ortza, for a moment, pondered what exactly Salen saw that made him stare. Then again, what was it about Salen that made Ortza stare back?

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Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:35 pm

Dahlia appeared to be adept at throwing in counter offers her way; weither it was her beguiler's wit or pure persuasion, there was no question. She noticed the way he leaned into her, as if it was suggestive and yet intentionally predatory. The battle of wills began between Savero and Dahlia as they were both powerful mages; they were influential in their own way. However, it was clear that there would always be a power struggle between the two

"Come Salen, I'm sure we can go away from here. Away from the gawking prying eyes of the guests. As lovely as they sound, they do bore me. Can we go somewhere private, Savero? You know I like my privacy very well, don't you?" She shaded as she walked through his place as if she owned it. Anyone who had dealings with Dahlia knew that she was influential in many ways, there were often dark rumors of the many consequences people have had for double-crossing the woman. However, that was seen as malevolent gossip. She served the Entente community in many ways, although she had never let her true intentions slip. Whatever they may be, she was still a dangerous woman to have around and a dangerous woman to disobey as it appeared Savero had been cornered.

Salen watched as the Candor had been inflicted upon Savero; it was a lesson that he had taken first. Never reveal information without a price. It was a normal part of her life when making negotiations. Salen took note of these small details as he watched. He often learnt things by observation, meaning that he would take note of Dahlia's form of negoitiation. However, it wouldnt work with a man of his stature. He was a commoner, yet could be a Valran if he wanted. However, he was to remain in the unseen eyes of high society as Dahlia's protege. That's what Dahlia wanted everyone to believe, but in reality, Salen had no name in Daravin.

None yet.

Last edited by Salen on Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 348
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Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:20 pm

"My office, then." Lord Savéro gestured to a servant, who nodded and turned away. "I'll have some wine brought for us as well. Will your protégé be joining us as well?" He gestured in the direction opposite that Dahlia had stepped - she may act like this is her home, but he knew better where they could continue this discussion. "Perhaps he should stay out here, enjoy the party." Did he want her alone to control the flow of information, or for other, more sensual reasons? His body language betrayed nothing.

But, as Ortza turned to follow them, he did gesture subtly for the Velsign to stop, wait. Ortza's brow furrowed in confusion. Why would he want him to stay here, rather than come along? His job was to protect his lord. And this woman was still an unknown factor in Ortza's mind. How could he guard from here?

But Lord Savéro just shook his head. There was a glint in his eyes, not attributable to his magic prowess. The hint of some plan that he had yet to share. "I will call if I need you, Ortza. Please keep anyone from bothering us." A command disguised as a request.

Ortza's face fell back behind the emotionless mask. "Yes, Lord Savéro. As you wish."

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