[Memory] The Reveler's Chosen I

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:28 pm

8th Searing, 4618.
The Coven of Scaeva - Daravin Sect

Salen was unaware of his change, unaware that his body had been inflicted with a blight. A dreg had entered within his soul; he was now tainted for the price of a new body, a new youth. No blemishes, scars or the previous disfigurements he had. Salen looked at his wrist in awe as he noticed his leadened veins were gone; the black cracks of veins that trailed underneath his skin now dissipated. Salen looked in disbelief as he didn’t know what he had become, nor his purpose anymore. He sat up and there stood a large mirror as he gazed upon the reflection in disbelief as he saw the changes; his face perfectly aligned with the golden ratio with no sign of any blemish or disfigurement.

He gazed closely as he noticed features of his body were more muscular. His skin is heavily fragranced with the perfumed scents from sandalwood, orange blossom to lemon, other woods and even leather. His body was a floral garden to be explored, created in the vision of the Reveler himself. Those that walked Amurlain, whether in their dreams or in reality had changed. The more Salen looked in the mirror, the more impressed he became; as narcissistic as it sounded he became entranced in himself, as if he became a godly presence. The fact is he was blessed to do the work of a god. A god who wanted and wanted, who craved for the desire and ambitions of others. He had a very questionable want, a very abstract craving that no one seemed to know about.

A female in a scarlet red dress stood at the door, watching Salen admiring himself. She smirked; the fact he had succumbed to the gift meant the man was desperate for a certain kind of craving. To be admired amongst men, to be within the spotlight. He had that power now, but there will always be more. Humanity was never satisfied with the gifts that were brought upon them. There would be nothing but sadness and tragedy for most Corvo. That’s what they were. Fiends of the night with a constant ambition that’ll never satisfy themselves. Men and women who lived double lives to satisfy their craving. In the face of great speculation there was always a need to disappear from society. With their long lifespans, they could easily do this; they were masters of disguise. She watched the male for before walking forward, the footsteps of her crystalline heeled shoes made a sheen glass-like sound as she took her steps into the room.

“Rise, Brother of the Reveler” She spoke.

“Your ambition has been noticed by the god, Brazim himself; the great lord of vice, addiction, vanity and ambition invites you to join his cause for greatness.” She spoke as she walked over to the mirror “You have been blessed with an unusual gift, a gift of youth and vitality for the price of fulfillment. For the rest of your life, you will serve the Reveler’s whims. To strive for ambition, to bring forth Brazim’s presence upon the world, to satisfy his every desire to be a part of Atharen once again, to consume the essence of those who blaspheme Brazim. He is a part of us now; we feel his pain, his anger, his lust and more importantly his ambition. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Scaeva.” She turned her gaze as she looked at Salen, caressing his cheek, before she smiled and stepped away.

“Introductions aren’t the formality here, but I must confess it was rather rude of me to not introduce myself, I am Dahlia Senerite, I am your caretaker of this sect; you are here because Brazim saw something great within you. You have a desire to fulfill, a desire that eliminates the feeling of self-control, humility and repression. I am here to guide you as your mentor, Salen… But before we begin, as part of Daravin’s sect we are to provide you with a test…” Salen listened carefully to the woman; she appeared to be quite forward with her ways of teaching, as if almost assertively strong. There was a strange attraction to her as Salen could feel her stare intensely folding upon him “What is that test?” The male asked as she smiled at him.

“An initiation into magic of course, if we are to fulfill Brazim’s wishes; we must become societies’ chameleon’s, I must educate you on your abilities. You’ll notice a few changes to your bodily functions and your tools that you can use to your advantage; it’ll take some time to develop them fully however… But I sense a strong Nightcrawler within you already… I have faith.” She paused as she circled, showing her dominant arm transform into a sharp claw with red arcane symbols glowing amongst her hand. She appeared to be fully fledged, fully developed in her abilities. “Your dominant arm becomes a weapon known as the Shaper, right now you’ll not feel it, but in time… It’ll be the strongest tool you have for those moments of self-defense. The arm is indestructible, although can be damaged and brought out of commission. It is unwise to use this unless it is absolutely necessary. Try to fit in with humanity if you can. I know it can be difficult with the way this society is… You’ve experienced the fronthold of it.'' Salen nodded. She was informative on the abilities, although he raised an eyebrow as she mentioned the society of Daravin

“Someone who doesn’t agree with it I see…”

“Only reason to view them as a chessboard and play them like pawns, if one knows how to play. Your test comes first. It’s the only way you’re going to prove if you have the capability of blending into Daravinic society… Are you ready?”

“Yes” Salen nodded; however he was reluctant to take part in such a ritual. What if he failed? What if he was forever trapped in the mindscape forever? Would Dahlia get him out? He could only put his trust in his caretaker.

“Let's begin… Lay down on the bed, close your eyes. Sleep.”

Salen nodded as he was unsure what kind of test he would have to take; eventually he fell into a deep sleep for a moment. It was time to begin the process.

Into the Mindscape

Whilst Salen was asleep; Dahlia would look over at him, noticing how peaceful he sounded. She smiled as she moved her hand across his cheek. The moment began as she began to draw the Mark of Control on his scalp; the mark of Remnant. The magic that allowed users to dive into the dreams, thoughts and memories of others. A powerful tool for anyone who knows how to use it; Dahlia closed her eyes, placing a finger upon Salen’s forehead as she began the initiation process.

Salen and Dahlia were inside the mindscape as she looked over at him; the long grey corridor of doors of the Reverie were real. Each door contained an engram. Salen appeared to be unsure of what he was doing before she nodded “We’re in the mind, it’s a vast complex mind, but we can manage, I’ve dealt with even more vast minds than this one; minds that are centuries old. Remnant is a vast magic of dreams, but my ether can only support you for so long; you must locate your engrams from the past to the present, guide me to them.”

The process of exploring the mindscape seemed more difficult, especially when Salen was unfamiliar with such realms, such memories as he decided to go through one door; one which linked his memories to his birth. The complicated birth of a Sil’Elainian refugee as he was taken away from his mother. Confined to slavery, for what would be the majority of the rest of his life. That didn’t seem like the case. The first engram was in front of him; a crystal sphere that would pulsate the memories of that certain past. Dahlia activated it as Salen moved forward; he could feel his ether expend slightly as Dahlia did her best to stabilize him.

The next Engram was his childhood; his thoughts as he opened the door to the next room; the birth had been linked to one of them in a synaptic way; there were many important facet’s to Salen’s mindscape; since there was a lot of trauma in this, there were many Engrams to find and experience for Dahlia. She could feel it as she entered the room; the sadness as a child for which she had empathized with “These memories, they are chaotic. I see the engrams are linking together.”

Salen looked back for a moment as he noticed all his other engrams were linking perfectly in synaptic cohesion. From the experiences after his initiation to the Amurlainian dream lead him to the final Engram; the engram of the present. The gateway out of the mindscape and into reality. Salen would wake up; a novice in Remnomancy. Dahlia smiled as he appeared confused.

“Is that it? That’s weird…”

“It’s called Remnant for a reason; the Philosopher King made it as an intention to explore dreams on a further scale, now it has become useful for our work…” She smirked impishly, knowing what kind of work they do. The occupation that has always been kept in the shadows.

“Come, there is more to discuss…”

She left the room as Salen was thrown some clothes; he had been naked for quite some time. Especially after the sexual ritual he had performed.

The fruits of Amurlain bore witness to a new arrival.

A new Corvo.


word count: 1655
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Posts: 369
Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:04 am
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1617
Character Secrets: http://viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1619

Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:14 pm


Points: 5 Magic XP, 0 Normal XP

  • Remnant: Guidance - Locating Engrams
  • Remnant: Guidance - Guiding A Person through the Mindscape
  • Remnant: Voyage - The First Concepts of Dreamdiving
  • Remnant: Reclamation
  • Remnant: The Kyrikaric Principle
  • Remnant: The Mindscape

Loot: Perhaps the real treasure is the friends we've made along the way (n/a)
Injuries: No PC was harmed (n/a)

Comments: Freddy Kreuger always scared me as a kid. Wonder what Salen will get up to once he has the power of dreams and illusion on his side?

word count: 152
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