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Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:16 pm
by Gloomcrest
As everyone is ready to put their lives on the line for what could be anyone’s last moments of one’s chapter in life, Jared takes this moment to tighten his raven-hued cloth that nestles on the lower half of his face. Then, looking around carefully as the group slowly ascend from the basement stairs, Jared’s heartbeat begins to race ever so slightly as with each step, an arbiter of death would be watching every single second, for grim reaper shows no mercy for anyone, even for the old, young & senile.

Noticing that, Salen produced a frown on his pretty face for a mere second; The amber-eyed thief couldn’t help but smile underneath the piece of cloth that masked part of his facial expressions.

“No need to frown… Whatever happens from this point onwards is what fate had designed; You can’t take all the woes of the world onto yourself, for that would ruin your sense of personal growth.

While Hugo & myself are pretty weak, we aren’t pushovers either. Heck, we managed to get this far now, which is already an achievement in itself. As cold as this may be, You need to preserve your own life but do not let your sense of compassion wane; We all made a choice, whether in the moment, forced or from our moral stance.”

Hoping that his brief chatter would provide some comfort to Salen would vary in effectiveness, the thief let out a cough that immediately took a bit of stamina from his body, forcing the thief to slow down for a moment before quickly recovering.

It was only then that Jared felt a weird change in his body as Synthar used his Nightorch on everyone; a brief glowing hue of misty black & pearlescence white fog stemmed from the Engraver’s hand before fading into nothing. The thief couldn’t explain what had occurred, but from what he could feel, his body felt lighter in some weird shape or form.

“I guess I can say thanks, Synthar, for whatever you did just now….”

As much as Jared would like to chatter a little bit more, once the group step in front of the closed doors that lead into foreign territory, Jared holds his breath as his gaze becomes stern as the deadly performance will begin shortly; adrenaline begins to fill the thief’s veins as this could be his last chapter in life that would be forgotten in the sands of time itself.

Upon entering the large room, Jared’s citrine-hued gaze glazes over towards the twins battling each other, as evidenced by the frost covering the floors where Cordelia once stepped & around it as if a fungus’s mycelium spreads & claims the uncontested territory.
The frigid air that lingers about causes the thief’s body to shiver as the amount of clothing worn would not suffice to protect the body from extreme swings of gelid winds for long, Something the thief didn’t think about for preparing in advance, but there was no time left to spare about pondering such matters.

Tendrils of water laced with semi-crystalline shards of ice motion themselves with Cordelia’s movements. These tendrils were sporadic & violent, whipping about from side to side as if mimicking a blade’s slash. As the two continue to converse in anger or to smear each other’s flaws into the mud, The amber-eyed thief takes a moment to collect some darkness on the tips of his fingers before it forms into multiple beads of Umbralplasm which compressed themselves into dense Compasses, readying himself as Dahlia makes the first move.

A wave of gelatinous black ooze conjures forward from Dahlia’s hand before fading into nothing as Cordelia’s body begins to slump slightly; something that Jared was concerned about as this was something that had affected Hugo and to what extent is something the novice fighter would need to learn if he was to come out of this alive.

As Cordelia’s movements begin to falter, a whirl of icy white & prussian blues of water & rime begins to form in the room, blasting the surrounding area in a layer of gruelling ice as it takes form into an entity that Jared has never seen before.

Wasting no time in the matter, the amber-eyed Nightfallen takes the initiative by quickly moving off to the side to get a better angle as he fires a barrage of Volley with the Compasses he had generated from the tips of his fingers, which begins to streak across the room. Keeping a significant distance away from the conjured entity, Jared kept his eyes & ears open as he seeks for an advantageous position to pull additional tricks up his sleeves.


Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:23 pm
by Hugo Abreo

Whilst they were walking towards wherever Dahlia was hiding, Hugo met Vinsue's eyes as she offered him a biscuit to eat. At seeing that piece of food a low rumble could be heard from Hugo's general direction and Hugo realised how hungry he truly was. He carefully accepted the food, and then as advised, began eating it slowly. It was tempting to just scarf the food down in its entirety as he felt the pit in his stomach from his barely-fed belly, but the reason why it should be eaten slowly became apparent. As the rich food began going down his throat, he almost felt a gag sensation as he was overwhelmed by something that was not small amounts of stale bread. Thus Hugo took his time eating the biscuit, slowly eating at it whilst they were walking and only looking at Vinsue again when he finished with the biscuit. "Thank you." He then continued walking onward, trying to remain focused and not have his thoughts drift away from him. If he did there was not a small likelihood that he would fall asleep whilst he was walking. Even now he felt how his eyelids were heavy and his vision was growing unfocused.

Before they finally reached the room where Dahlia was in, one of the helpers apparently used some magic on Hugo and his other companions. It did not feel.... pleasant. Like a thick and foul oil that had spread across the skin. This sensation caused a temporary increase of alertness, but it seemed whatever the magic was it did not help against the exhaustion that one felt. Still, it was something to increase survivability as they got into battle. Then the group finally arrived to the sight of...... two identical-looking women fighting each other. Apparently, these were Dahlia and.... someone else? Maybe the C-, Catherine, Coalina, C-something who the group had mentioned had betrayed them ? In any case Hugo saw these two dangerous-looking women fighting each other with magic and this big ice-like creature that was there as well. Hugo knew that considering his absolutely exhausted state, his aim would be off, but he also knew that he had a great target. Whilst the two women might be quite nimble, Hugo had gotten some expertise in fighting creatures other than himself. Thus Hugo took in a deep breath and began channelling ether into his axis. He felt the electrifying energy thrum through his body, somehow enhancing the feeling of blood dripping down his ears, nose and eyes. Then he used this energy to agitate the raw ether above one of his hands, creating a crackling, glowing, blue ball. This ball and some extra balls were then lobbed into the direction of the huge ice elemental.

It was a brute force solution but with Hugo's horrible aim the big monster was the only target he had any chance of effectively dealing with. As such Hugo would take cover behind any possible pillars or furniture and then begin lobbing bolts of galvanized ether at the monstrous ice elemental.


Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 7:33 pm
by Vinsue

She would give a slight nod to Hugo as a response to the thanks he gave. She remembered the miners back home. Sometimes they got lost or stuck for days and the first food they could find. Some would eat as much as they could as fast as they could only to lose it all on the floor soon after. She was glad he took the advice and glad he ate it. "After the battle I'll try to get Jared to fix you some of his famous soup." She said, trying to lift the mood.

The almost invincible filling that came from the blessing was welcome. As soon as they reached the sisters fighting she dropped her pack and immediately got both hands on her staff. Quickly noticing the cold. Best way to fight the cold was to keep moving. Just as she began to move the environment changed. Her eyes widened in amazement and surprise as the ice creature formed. The closest thing she had ever seen to the monster was a golem, so naturally she assumed the beast was similar. She was about to attack it but it seemed someone else had beat her to it. So she decided to attack Cordelia. One because she was a trader, two because she was slow, and three everyone else was taken. She didn't hesitate to run at the woman ready to strike, dodge, block and repeat. Her goal wasn't to kill but district as this would allow one of the others to have a chance to deal a death blow.

The high one got from facing possible death head on was amazing. Her heart beat so loud that she swore everyone could hear it. Everything seemed to move slower and so she tried to move faster. Often she would strike and sidestep, even trying to get Cordelia too close to the ice creature. She honestly hoped someone would take her direction and end the twin so she could help with the other. She also had to keep focus and not turn and run like everything inside of her wanted to do. She was not a soldier but she was stubborn and surviving was her goal. Taking out the twins is her goal. She was not going to fail.


Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:44 pm
by Salen
Cordelia's tendrils eventually wrap around Vinsue forcing her to become entrapped by the tentacles of water. She is lifted up and thrown as far as she could towards a bookshelf. The force was enough to render Vinsue in a somewhat state of panic, but it appeared she was saved by a cushion of sand left by Andre's Divide magic. Afterwards she began to glare at the four including Salen who appeared to be the bane of her existence, the thing stopping her from achieving greatness "You are all not welcome here in the House of Senerite, you are all tresspassers here, including YOU!" She screamed inevitably at her sister as she launched her water tendrils towards Dahlia one by one, for which she ran as fast as she could. The Ensign's strength appears to be waning due to Hugo's efforts of pacifying the icicles in the area.

However, Cordelia had been given an advantage, she appeared to feeling relaxed by the Sopor Dahlia had inflicted upon her, so much that she began to enter a meditative stance for a moment. As she meditated, the room began to freeze, the outside of Amoren grew with hailstorm, strong enough that it burst through the windows, letting out a violent gust of blizzard that would eventually blanket one area of Amoren. The ice grew stronger as she remained in a mediative stance once more. Dahlia witnessed the power of her sister's magic. It was Rumination, a ability that would call upon devastating effects delved by water, being acid rain or a mass hailstorm. The impact on the environment would be at least somewhat devastating within that area.

Dahlia huffed at her sister's interference "You know you were always a common interfering bitch! How about... No!" She immediately lunged at Jared and began to channel her ether, eventually creating a portal to her own Reverie and enacting the Trial upon him. Jared would find himself in a space surrounded by giant chesspieces, in which Dahlia would be looming over him. However, her ether appeared to be too much to continue the game of chess. For now, this was a game of survival.

"Survive the game and you win..." She laughed haughtily.

"Good luck."

► Show Spoiler


Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:49 pm
by Hugo Abreo

((Background music for those interested))

Hugo was just done. He had been stuck in this hellhole for weeks, had drowned, made alive again and now he was sent forth into battle. His eyes, nose and ears were bleeding and he had a killer headache, all of that coupled with massive exhaustion. At this point, everything was so painful and bad that going the extra mile did not matter. After whittling down the elemental of some sorts, Hugo saw how an aura of frost began to surround Cordelia. Harsh winds whipped around and coarse bits of snow and ice bit into Hugo's skin. However, through all the pain he had felt and through his numbed senses he nearly felt nothing. (Though Repose might be the main reason his sense of pain was dulled.) Hugo did not see where the second sister had disappeared to, but that did not matter. All that mattered was to defeat this final threat that was in front of him.

As such he kept walking forward, his eyes squeezed shut as everything in front of him was obscured in a white haze. He could feel his fingers freezing, potentially getting very early frostbite whilst his wet clothes began to freeze around him. This made his movement forward but it did not matter, just one final obstacle, then rest. So even as Hugo's clothing began to freeze, his final bit of willpower was put into walking forward. The ice that built around his knees broke as the forward momentum crushed it. Hugo's arms felt heavy, the now ice-filled sleeves seeming to pull them down. Leaden weights tried to pull them to the ground but one arm stayed in front of Hugo's eyes whilst the other remained at his side. And thus Hugo arrived at where Cordelia was standing after half a minute that felt like an eternity.

Cordelia would see how coming from the barrier of snow and ice that surrounded her a figure would appear. He had black skin, contrasted by white snow and ice that were stuck on his skin, clothing, and everything. His clothing was of noble make but it was threadbare. However, what stood out the most was his posture and face. There was a look of emptiness and utter tiredness in him, one that was contrasted by a deeper look of defiance and anger. Though Hugo's fingers were freezing, early-stage frostbite setting in, he could feel a deep warmth and anger in his chest. He had enough of all of this. He saw how the dark-haired woman was about to say something as he appeared but she never got to utter a word. Before she could utter a syllable Hugo got right up to her and with a swing of his arm sucker-punched her in the face, followed by a shove which sent her careening towards the ground. He said in a relatively low but very clear tone. "Shut up.". He then got on his knees next to Cordelia's prone form and put an open palm on Cordelia's face. "I have had it with you arrogant, stupid bastards who know fuck all yet think you are smarter than Ulen. So stop talking and JUST SHUT UP !!!" Then Hugo took a deep breath and began to channel the wild and electric energy of Brand.

The harsh energy went from Hugo's axis towards his hands. The wild energy leapt through his veins and arrived in the air and matter in front of Hugo's veins. The wild energy then got released into the air, and it began to bounce and bounce and bounce. This bouncing agitated the raw ether in the air and caused it to begin burning. This all happened in split seconds and before Cordelia knew it she felt an immense burning sensation. Galvanized ether ate at her skin and for a second Cordelia could feel her skin and bone all begin melting. Then her consciousness faded into oblivion as more Galvanized ether continued to be shoved into her face. Some sparks of it burned part of Hugo's hand but the vast majority of kept pouring into Cordelia's face. The skin melted and then boiled into the air, creating the smell closest to the roasted pig. Followed by bones being scorched, and cracking. Finally, there was the sound of bubbling from where the brain used to be in the head. The bits of liquid and flesh dissipated in a cloud of steam. Then as only the lower bit of Cordelia's head remained intact Hugo stopped.

He breathed heavily in and out, then with slow and scrambling steps he moved towards a half-frozen couch which was located in this room. Hugo laid down on this couch and then as soon as his head hit the cold leather he lost consciousness. His body was stable and his wounds were manageable, but he was just completely exhausted. And thus having become a murderer Hugo slept like an angel.


Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:49 pm
by Salen
The cold darkness could be felt as Salen witnessed the miasma of snow and ice whistling through the window, he had no choice as he noticed Vinsue being thrown, already in the coldness of the freezing ice, Salen began to use whatever ether reserves he had left to enforce a shield of Umbraplasm upon Vinsue, in hopes that she could escape. Eventually he saw Hugo going in straight for the kill "HUGO! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, ARE YOU CRAZY! YOU'LL GET YOURSELF KILLED!" He shouted with deep concern and agony to his voice. He could feel Hugo's anger and vengeance burn within him, so much that the same feeling he had was ignited and yet not a single drop of blood was spilt from his reckoning.

The gruesome display of searing flesh changed everything for Salen, now he was beginning to feel somewhat unsatisfied, knowing that other lives had to get involved for some strange reason. He didn't want to live with a complete burden like that, he just wanted to be done with these shameful events that have plagued him for years. All of the torture, the gaslight, the abuse. He knew it would be gone, but it would always circle his mind no matter what, and perhaps Hugo may have had a taste of his torture, but deep down... He blames himself. The act of vengeance on both sisters was only fueled by the mere wrongdoing of their actions against him, but he wanted firsthand at the vengeance. He watched Hugo's violent flurries of galvanised ether hit the last of her vital remains before she succumbs to a painful death, her final moments sealed by greed, by avarice, by hatred and most of all by the sheer lust for power.

He somewhat didn't forgive Dahlia for the past, but now if he had just moved past it all, he would be in a much better position. The event dawned on him "Wheres Dahlia..." He asked as he turned to Andre who appeared to be shielding himself and Rene from the blast at the time "She took Jared..."

"Shit... Well... I hope he kills the bitch..." He uttered "Better her to be dead"

Indeed it was better for House Senerite to be dead as they were the bane of Daravin's existence.


Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:30 pm
by Vinsue

A simple heartbeat of time in the air can feel like an eternity and yet there was simply nothing Vinsue could do to stop from being thrown, or stop from landing on her back. The sense of panic immediately fading as she realized that the pain was not as bad as it should have been. She should have died or got seriously hurt, yet nothing felt hurt. Her first movements were to check that she still had a heartbeat. Then to make sure nothing was broken. She got up slowly making sure nothing was waiting for weight to start hurting. As soon as she was confident she was not hurt she began looking around for her staff. 

A filling of dread came as winds began to blow and snow began to fall. Turning the cold into a full blizzard. She simply laid down and covered her head. She tried to stay warm despite her wet clothes and weather. She simply hoped the magic would run out soon. 

Once the storm died down Vinsue stood up and looked around. She saw Hugo walk to a couch and fall asleep. She then noticed that once again Dahlia had disappeared with one of their own. She took a deep calming breath. She walked to where she was thrown from, and looked at where she landed. She pointed and mumbled as she calculated where her staff could have landed. She finally pointed to a spot and walked to it. She shuffled her feat in that arena and quickly found her staff. 

She picked it up and avoided looking at the corpse as she made her way back to the others. She looked up at Salan. She wanted to speak but couldn't find the words. So she looked away and went to retrieve her stuff.  


Re: The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II [Group Assignment]

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:36 am
by Mimi Pidders
The fall of Dahlia Senerite pt II

  • Hugo: 15 XP
  • Vinsue: 15 XP
  • Jared: 15 XP

  • 10 Generic Lore to all (please ping for specific lore)

  • Each participant receives 1000 df and 1 T3 Remnant Sunderscrap.
  • Vinsue receives 1 map piece

  • Hugo and Vinsue receive injuries as recorded in the thread.
  • Jared receives injuries as recorded in his follow-up thread involving the trial
  • N/A

Good job, all. A formidable foe is down!