The Fall of Dahlia Senerite I [Group Assignment]

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Hugo Abreo
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Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:07 am


Few people enjoy cold water. It makes sense, water that is even just a few degrees colder than the body temperature means that energy will leave your body in the form of primarily conduction. This sensation is quite uncomfortable if one were to swim in water that has a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. However, this sensation is made far more uncomfortable if one were to be stripped into a chair and violently forced into the water. This would cause a feeling of disorientation as your body is rapidly put in a different environment, combined with the sensation of your wrist and body violently bouncing against the strapping holding you down. Thus a person is with a certain degree of force brought into the water. This is certainly not a pleasant sensation but is not completely horrible yet. But then you are kept underwater for one, three, eight seconds and the time continues to lengthen. You feel your lungs begin burning up, want to open your mouth for air and yet you know that you can't. So instead you sit there as the seconds tick by and the burning is getting worse. Your entire existence is focused on the feeling in your lungs, the harsh pain and the threat of light-headedness. Then just before your consciousness is about to fade or you are about to open your mouth you are once more violently forced to the surface by the chair that you are bound to.

That is the sensation of being in a dunking chair. An unpleasant sensation that Hugo is feeling as he violently coughs. His body is cold, his hair and clothing are drenched and he can feel his entire body shaking in pain, despair and adrenaline. Yet even this moment of torment is more pleasant than the sensation of drowning he had felt previously. So he sucked in air, coughed once more and somewhat regained his breath. But then just as he finally regained a modicum of breath that annoying voice spoke once more. "What do you know ? What are you hiding ?" Hugo took a few deep breaths, not responding, then he felt the dunking chair begin to tip backwards once more, heading into the direction of the large pool of water below him. This triggered Hugo to respond in an out-of-breath voice "Wh- what do you want to know ?" Now finally looking up, Hugo could see the general figure of his tormentor. Though the details were quite vague since Hugo was too tired to really focus on well...... most things really. As such he only saw the vague contours of the monster hiding in a husk of a man.

"Names, information of what Salen or René told you, things you don't want anyone to know." Hugo took a few more deep breaths (interrupted by a cough) before responding. "Y-y- *cough* you -ave to be more, specific. They did not tell me anything of import. And thing I don't want others to know, I can tell you I pissed my pants once because I could not leave my lesson to go to the toilet but really I have no big secrets. If you want specific answers you are going to need to as-" and then Hugo felt the chair tip backwards once more. He had just a moment to take a breath before his whole body was dunked into the water again. Once more he could feel the burning begin to tingle in his lungs, and he knew he would not last long. The first time he had been dunked had been maybe minute or 3, now he would have far less time. Maybe a minute before he would not have any oxygen left.

As he sat there, tied to a wooden dunking chair in the cold water, Hugo did not pray, did not take the time to regret or think of a way out. He only thought about the burning in his lungs and his whole instinct was tied to trying to survive just a second longer. But how many seconds are left in a minute ? 55, 54, 53, 52.......

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Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:40 pm

The darkness of the tunnels was pitchblack, hard to see in some places, although it appeared that the inner darkness would fold on itself as they turned the corner; the sound of smooth gushing water followed by the perpetual squeaking of rodents in the area echoed the room as they turned to what seemed like a dead end amongst the waterworks. Synthar placed his hand amongst the brick wall before he traced his fingers until he found a strange engraving in the wall; it appeared to be some kind of keyhole to something. Was this the entrance to the hideout? Only time could tell.

"Hey, I think I found something!" He shouted at Salen and Jared beckoning them to come over, that was until a shadowy figure appeared from behind him, screaming and lunging at Synthar, but it dissipated. The sound of a Nightfallen's confide was close as it appears that a female laugh would beckon them forth "I sense an intruder~" She laughed as they began to close in on Synthar as he would unsheathe his blade. A fight was about to break out as two nightfallen mages would arm themselves with Umbraplasm, ready to strike.

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Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:35 am


Jared travelled alongside Salen, Synthar, Andre & Cordelia through the extensive network of various tunnels & grimy walls that is called the Waterworks. The amber-eyed thief couldn’t help but gasp softly as his extensive training had drastically hindered his physical stamina both with experienced people & solo practice in the deepest hours of night & day.

Despite all the stresses currently running through his heart, body & soul, the thief was determined to see all of this through. His vision adjusts over time with the surrounding darkness and, with it, the chilling sense & the residents that have sheltered themselves against the splendorous lights illuminating the surface of this beaten world.

“Come on, Jared; You got this… You just need to hold out long enough to see this come to an end & make sure that all of us can see the next dawn.”

With his Obscura flickering with every passing glimpse of light in the Waterworks, Jared’s footsteps were pretty silent, aided by the Umbralplasm coating all over the thief’s clothing & equipment, muffling any notable sound production, such as metal pieces clattering about.

Something that Jared had kept on hand was the emblems that he managed to acquire from their previous scuffle with Dahila & her supporters. It was already a feat to steal something of importance during a battle & even more so in his current conditions.

Hearing Synthar calls out to Salen & Jared about finding something near him.

"You think it has to do with this trinket right here?"

Jared takes a moment to pull out one of the emblems that he has managed to take off the corpses of Dahila's henchmen, but as Jared is about to close the distance to Synthar; A figure of shadow drips out of a nearby pocket of darkness. This figment of shadow lunges forward at Synthar before fading into nothing as a crackle echos in the stone tunnels, which merely echos about sensing an intruder.

Sense that a battle will soon unfold, Jared takes a moment to prepare a globe of Umbralplasm in his left hand while keeping his iron dagger in his right before holding his breath, stealing & readying himself for a fight to unfold.

“Remember, your training Jared… When push comes to shove, do not be afraid to spill blood as they are unwilling to give out mercy themselves.”

The thief mentally gives himself a pep-talk as his gaze keeps a close eye on the surroundings as he attempts to see if there is anything odd lurking in the shadows with his skills in survey & investigating the surroundings.

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Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:43 am

Something didn't seem quite right as Salen's senses grew slowly, he could feel the pain of Hugo's suffering nearby, from the sense of melancholia and sadness. He knew they were close by from the share dread he was continuing to feel. The darkness of Hugo's mind as he stopped for a moment, as he proceeded to voyage into the mindscape, he appeared to be in a complete trance, unaware of his physical form's surroundings but mostly of the surroundings within the cloudy state of the Reverie. The grey crystalline sands that blew across the dreamscape, followed by the barrenness of the desert territory were only bare, that was until he approached the doors to the memory palace.

He opened the two double doors and entered into what seemed like a torture chamber, followed by the corpses of mangled bodies, tied down, emaciated by the decaying rot that was placed under them. This mind appeared to be a Bane practitioner of some sort. He proceeded to cast guidance as the room lit up like a star chart, revealing the locations to all of the engrams, dimmed and undimmed "Hmm..." His voice lingered as a dark shadowy figure appeared from behind him. The overcast of nightmare used to protect the minds of another was somehow manipulated.

"It's not right to intrude on someone elses property..." A female voice spoke from the shadows.

"As it is not right manipulating every man or woman within your petty circle."

"True, but as you can see you're a knife in my back, the truth is you're the one who betrayed me."

"No... You're the one who was going to throw me to the wolves after you were finished..."

The female laughed as she came out of the shadows of the mind, revealing herself to be the troublemaker, Dahlia Senerite "So, you have come to save Hugo... I wouldn't think that was in you're nature knowing how much of a self-absorbed two faced liar you are..."

"Isn't that what you are? You're already exposing yourself."

"I know what you've came to do... Falsify this mind, I can't let you do that."

"Try me, bitch..."

"Oh? Bold words, but winters coming..."

"It's already here..."

Salen proceeded to cast Mnemonic Impression, creating a protective barrier from the nightmares that Dahlia had decided to inflict on him. He proceeded to cast Junction amongst a array of Engrams, lighting them up as he proceeded to find a conjunction of memories to manipulate. He needed a valuable narrative to construct, a motive, an alibi and a reason for attacking the others.

He looked through the puzzle of Engrams, connecting the dots to an event where the mind felt betrayed, an event where he had experienced loss and an event of violence, compling it into a complex narrative. He could feel the further strain on his mind as he was being battled with the phantasmal apparitions that Dahlia was conjuring.

"Back away from the mind, Salen..."

"Fuck off..."

"Oh, then I suppose I am going to have to teach you a lesson..."

"I will proceed weither you like it or not, no matter how much damage you do to me, because I have nothing to lose; one mistake you've made is challenging someone with that motif, so you're wasting your breath and your ether being here..."

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Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:14 am

The amber-eyed thief couldn’t help but flinch for a moment as the shadowy figure that feinted lunged at Synthar. Then, conjuring an orb of Umbralplasm in his left hand, the thief starts by surveying the surrounding shadows, seeking out for something that isn’t there visually but noise & any form of disturbance to the general surrounding.

“This is fucking terrible….”

Jared mutters to himself as his approach to Synthar was stopped by the sudden silence of Salen’s steps merely vanishing; immediately turning around, Jared noticed that Salen seemed quite out of it as if something was tugging at his mind or he was delving into this so-called 'mindscape’ as it was explained to him by Salen himself.

“You got to be kidding!...”

The thief didn’t have the stamina nor the time to babysit a vulnerable target, and his foes would be no less the wiser about the situation. Any advantage they could get could lead to a possible incapacitating or even fatal wound, ending one’s ability to push forward. Sparing no time, the citrine-eyed magus places himself in front of Salen’s body and holds his ground, assisting Synthar as best he can without straining his body.

Despite the foes getting the initial surprise on the group, it did not mean that they had lost the initiative and if it told that needing to hinder their movement was the best possible outcome, then so be. Briefly wave his right hand over the Umbralplasm orb that floats in Jared’s left hand. A stream of condensed Umbralplasm flies out as Jared’s Compass shrinks by a small amount in exchange for firing a rather heavy stream of Volley at one of the Nightfallen foes before taking a deep breath as his body strains slightly from manipulating the Umbralplasm.

“Not yet, Jared…. You need to hold onto your cards still…. And you can’t show weakness…”

The thief was determined to play by what tools he was already shown in the previous exchange back in Genteven, sticking to his usage of Volley when the angle & opportunity arose and lashing out with a Stratum to intercept a strike or two. In cases of defence, The thief had his Obscura active, which he could thicken with Stratum as he could not afford to make an acrobatic dodge due to his position acting as a buffer to Salen’s physical body.

Panting rather loudly, the alistian scoundrel’s skin felt like it was burning from within as he fired another Volley at one of the Nightfallen mages currently pursuing their assault on Synthar as removing one dangerous enemy from combat as quickly as possible would improve their odds of living. Still, the thief was very much aware that he was essentially fighting himself, and it was up to his creative thoughts & wits to outdo another Nightfallen if he wanted himself & the rest of the group to come out of this combat with minor injuries at best.

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Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:46 am

The application of Falsification proved successful as Salen was able to manipulate the mind of one of the guards in the torture chamber. The guard would begin to act suspiciously as his engrams were being tampered with as Salen constructed a logical narrative within the mind of the narrative. He saw that Dahlia had also cheated the guard, resulting in him being manipulated by the facts of his mind. The construction of the narrative was almost perfect that it seemed like an emotional drain on the target, believing in something that he was incapable of believing without the logical fact finder of his thoughts.

"And you've learnt so much, but can you undo mine..." She asked as Salen was shifted out of his voyage for a moment; it appeared that the guards were given strict instructions to keep Salen alive. But for what reason? That was unknown, it appeared he was free from his trance as he noticed a throwing dagger coming straight at him. With a touch of his weave, he stopped the dagger in motion for a moment, turned it around and impelled it towards the thrower, hitting one of the Nightfallen directly in the jugular vein. The blood splatter could be noticed as one of the assistants would gasp in pain. Salen's head appeared to be cloudy from that moment as it proved to be a strenuous move to do on his behalf, so much that he was becoming ill from mageblight.

Synthar looked over at his colleague whilst he was dealing with the remaining two assailants of the ambush. The umbraplasm appeared to wrap Synthar as he fell downwards into a spiralling pool of darkness. One of them appeared to have casted Obscurafane as the darkness suddenly inherited the area "Jared! Take out the one channelling" He said before his voice was smothered by the suffocating globes of Umbraplasm.

The door opened revealing the guard that Salen had falsified earlier with another guard in his hand, dagger in his throat. He let his body slump to the side as Salen quickly regained his composure as fast as he could and started running to the door. He eventually pushed the channeling Nightfallen into the water, watching Synthar become free from the choking grasp of Obscurafane. The nightfallen screamed in anguish as they set their sights on Salen who appeared to be going after the keys to the torture chamber.

Salen's arm would transform into the immature form of the Shaper as he lunges at the guard, digging the sharp nails in his neck as he landed a killing blow. He grabbed the keys from his waist. He nods to Synthar and Jared as he maintained his composure, despite being exasperated with mageblight.

After all, the Half Sil'Norai had no choice in a situation of dire need.

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Hugo Abreo
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Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:30 pm


A wise man once said that one should not fear death because when all of the superstitions around it are removed, death is fundamentally a function of nature. And to fear a function of nature was childish. These words might have given Hugo some comfort in these times if he had heard about them. Unfortunately, Hugo had not heard these words before. Instead, his head was warm and felt like it was hammered upon. Hugo tried to move ut felt how his arms and feet only vaguely responded. He did not know what to do, he knew his time was short and yet it felt like this moment was lasting an eternity. The burning in his chest was getting worse and worse until it felt like red-glowing iron dust was in going around in his chest. Burning embers digging into his flesh and burning his lungs. But this was not what was actually happening, what was instead happening was that the supply of air in his lungs was quickly getting exhausted. The cold water around him was not helping things either, as Hugo felt how the cold was chilling his body and was sending signals to Hugo's brain for him to open his mouth. So many physical signals were telling Hugo to breathe, and yet he did not. Even as it felt like lava burned in his lungs Hugo did not open his mouth.

Vaguely in the distance, he thought he could hear some commotion, but it was of little import in his mind. Had the torturer forgotten to get him up or had something else happened? Hugo did not know nor did it particularly matter. All that mattered was to stay alive, not to give in to death even when all your senses were telling you to give up. This was not the first time that Hugo had felt the sensation. When he had been initiated into Brand his full consciousness had been focused on pure, all-present pain. However, the initiation into the magic that was Brand was something on a mental level more than a physical one. Your body certainly felt its effects but if you resisted hard enough you could survive. However, with drowning, such was not the case. Even the strongest wills can only control their bodily functions to a certain degree. At a certain point, your body acted without mental input or contrary to it. Such was the case now.

The tension in the jaw slowly began to decrease. The hard pressure that was on his teeth was beginning to decrease. Hugo mentally screamed to keep it tight, to keep his mouth shut. But even as he tried everything to keep his mouth shut, the muscles in his jaw relaxed. Hugo felt an odd sense of resignation and cold dread replace the panic and struggle that he previously felt. He felt how the first bits of liquid entered his lungs and how the edges of his vision began to darken. It was almost... peaceful

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Wed Nov 16, 2022 5:14 pm

Salen eventually found his way along the dark corridors of the dungeons; he reached an iron bolted door. He looked around as he took the keys he had stolen from the body of the falsified guard and inserted them in, opening the door to find the room was set out like a torture chamber, in the middle appeared to be the dunking chair as he looked, noticing a human figure submerged in the water. Salen eventually ran up the stairs and tried to lift the switch up that was operating the contraption to the chair. However, his strength wasn't enough alone. He needed some kind of assistance "Fuck..."

Salen frantically looked around the empty place that spoke an essence of macabre darkness within the nature of this room as he looked back, noticing Synthar enter the room "Oh thank god, where's Jared? I need your help; this might be Hugo..." He pointed as Synthar gasped, running up to the contraption as fast as he can, before heaving the lever upwards, using all the strength and might he can until he was out of breath. The contraption revealed the drowned Hugo in place at that very moment. Salen frowned for a moment as Synthar hurried back to inspect him further, from his breathing to his pulse.

He was alive, but it appeared that his body had been in water for longer than needed. The use of vile torture methods appeared to be Dahlia's forte if she could get away with such a crime, but of course it appeared she was oblivious to the games that the Empire were playing against her, so much that Rene's plans were falling into place. "There may be something we can do..." Salen's gaze shot up as he furrowed his eyebrows "You mean you can just resurrect people like that?"

"Not really, but a magical initiation might be the only hope..."

"Are you sure that's the answer? Initiations are dangerous as they come, Synthar."

"Do you want him alive?"

"Of course."

"Then take the fucking chance and help me submerge him back in, once I've drawn the mark..."

Synthar eventually draws a crescent moon on the eyebrow of Hugo's forehead whilst he was unconscious, eventually ran back up to the contraption, pulling the lever back down and forcing the device to submerge Hugo again for so long. The blue faint glowing could be seen from the water as the mark began to saturate itself within the body of Hugo's existence. He would eventually feel the same sensation of drowning, before slowly dying within the water's grasp.

The mark slowly makes its way through the soul as the water begins to defibrillate his heart and restarting his neurological functions once again. The process may be a forever traumatic burden to Hugo, now that he has claim the title of a true Baptism mage. Once Synthar saw the rising bubbles from the water, this was a sign the ritual was complete, the doctor pulled the lever upwards one last time revealing as he brought him up to the surface, where Salen climbed onto the chair and began to undo the straps, placing the awfully heavy man amongst his shoulders and dragging him to a flatter surface, before slinging him down and began to perform chest compressions on his chest to clear the water out.

"Fuck sake, don't tell me this was all for nothing."

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Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:05 am

There was so much going on as the amber-eyed thief was flinging various tricks up from his sleeves to stall out the two nightfallen foes that suddenly made their presence known to Jared & Synthar. In the heat of the moment, the Alistian rogue did what he could with his limited stamina in the brief skirmish that took hold within the darkened hallways within the Waterworks.

Jared’s training proved to be of use as his Compasses had more umbralplasm compressed into themselves compared to a month or two prior, so much so that the expenditure of Umbralplasm when using Volley had more density, enough that it could root or pin foes that were hit to the ground & even more so provide a rather horrific scene as those affected had their orifices smothered by liquid darkness with crushing weighting.

As one of the Nightfallen magus struggles against the slithering mass of darkness that was influenced by Jared’s control over the blackened substance, the thief’s attention was pulled over to Synthar, who managed to let out a wail of warning about needing to focus on another magus who was controlling the cramped battlefield with his own Umbralplasm before a pool of darkness consumed his body that the thief was familiar with from his previous experiments & training with his mastery of the conjuration of night.

Pulling & shaping his Compass that has been imbued into his blackened cloak before entering the Waterworks; the Citrine-eyed combatant takes a moment to focus his shaping the Umbralplasm into a whip, but before he can finish his action of attack. His attention was brought over to the door that suddenly swung wide open with a guard whose hands were covered in blood & the head of another and. Salen got up before rushing over to the door & knocking on the Nightfallen magus that was focusing on altering the ground with his Umbralplasm into the disgusting water that runs through the Waterworks.

Confused by the situation, the thief couldn’t make heads or tails about what was happening. Still, at this very moment, the apprentice rogue had to finish off his opponents to the best of his abilities and, with that, let loose a heavy lash of Umbralplasm emit itself from the edges of his cloak, striking the befuddled & soaked Nightfallen magus by the side of his ribs with excessive force to fling them into a wall; letting out a sickening crushing & cracking noise of bones being placed under bone-shattering power.

By then, Jared’s attention to the other Nightfallen, under the influence of his Volley, comes to view rather lifeless as the person’s light vanishes as the Umbralplasm asphyxiates its target in a gruesome manner.

“What’s done is done….”

The amber-eyed thief had very little time to process what just happened, as this would be his first encounter with taking another’s life by force & while it was, by all means, an act of defence, The gravity of the situation was still a bit too haunting for the late 20s-year-old man but with time being short & Hugo’s life at stake. Jared had no choice but to suppress his emotional turmoil as Salen took another’s life with relative ease, briefly giving the nod before proceeding through the door. Jared would attempt to follow his comrades as best as possible, but his body would not allow him to move beyond a limping speed. As he quickly lost sight of Synthar & Salen, it was understandable that it was essential to get Hugo out & the amber-eyed thief could at least defend himself for a short period before succumbing to exhaustion from the build-up of radioether that had accumulated over the many months.

Just as the thief arrives on the scene, his eyes widen as he witnesses Salen & Synthar attempting to provide medical aid to the lifeless form of Hugo, who Jared saw as a friend. As much as the thief tries to come over & assist in any way he can, His body refuses to listen, merely allowing the Nightfallen thief to place his back against the cold stone wall and slide down to the ground, unable to do anything for the brief fight took a lot out of thief. Frustrated that he could not do more beyond recovering his stamina & watching from a distance, the thief couldn’t help but build up beads of tears in the corners of his eyes as he could not do more, an observer at this point & allowing the strings of fate play its part.

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Thu Nov 17, 2022 9:12 am

The onset of Synthar's negligence came to bite him back; he had left Hugo in the water for as long as he should, thus had suffered only a shallow onset of drowning once again as the water he would've expunged at the surface, would filter into his lungs once more. The timing of Hugo's rescue was most fortunate, had it not been for the three who rescued him from such a horrible fate. Yet, there was guilt, sadness and sorrow as they may have already failed. If Hugo doesnt wake up, what will become of his legacy? What will become of the Veir who had lived on the brims of failure for all of his life? Salen's chest compressions were the only thing that could be the thing that save him, but thus perhaps Hugo's own resiilience.

Such an event of torture can leave a scar on the mind, particularly when the torture was nothing more than a way of succumbing to the dreadful nature of Daravin's politics. Secrets were kept, and for good reason. If anyone found out about Dahlia's misdeeds, they would swiftly put a stop to her antics. Of course, the public are becoming wise to her antics as there were plans. The plans of a former husband, now enacting and persuading his way through the ranks.

Synthar could feel a vibration in his satchel as he took out the Shard Resonator that Rene had given him before the journey. It was shaking, vibrating and humming as he was pop it on the floor. Rene would emerge with Vinsue beside him as he tilted his head slightly "Oh my... I must say, this is not the thing I hoped for..." He said as he looked at Hugo on the floor "Did you perform another one of those 'damsel in distress' initiations, hmm? I'm beginning to think you were flattering, only this time it seems you may have fucked up the ritual itself, you either left him in too long or let him out early..." He eyed Rene with a narrow of his eyes, before sighing "You were always the dumb one of the troupe, I don't know why they trained you in necromancy... Ulen forbid..."

"I thought I told you to stay behind?"

"You know I don't take no for an answer... Like someone else we know." He said turning towards Salen.

The sound of footsteps could be heard as Rene and Synthar prepared their weapons. The sounds were increasing in pace and tempo, followed by a grunt of the wounded as Andre would burst from the door and shutting is as fast as he can. He appeared to be wounded from some kind of sharp wound. Salen's eyes grew with worry for a moment as he watched him walk towards him "What happened..."

"Cordelia... She... She betrayed us... She's having no intention of letting her family legacy go... The Senerites... The Sil'Norai family ruled by greed and avarice, it was no wonder Brazim had chosen them."

"She did this to you..."

"Not the time... She plans to kill Dahlia... Then you."

Salen's eyes lit up in shock as he shook his head.

"Please, don't go after them..."

"I have to, Andre... They stood in my way and regardless of Cordelia's motives, I don't care... If it means her death then so be it... I will take their name and reforge it..."

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