Beauty and the Beast [Arkash]

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Location: Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=1709&p=7409#p7409
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:05 pm

The mention of bounties had already questioned if there were more people out there; it was something to add to his list of interrogations as well as what Tiberius had mentioned back at Rustbucket. Although it was grateful that after the moment of wrestling with the Corvo, he proceeded to get up. However, when the Corvo fled. Salen watched as he noticed the other man was knocked out, thrown across the room with such force, before his eyes widened.

Salen was freaked out in awe, knowing only a decently skilled Mentalist could through someone at superhuman speed like that. It had Salen curious, but also cautious. He took a deep breath and sighed as he dropped the camoflague of shadow before chuckling, shaking his head "Impressive, a Mentalist and a Nightfallen? You're expertise may be needed one day" He said with a smirk as he assumed, before dusting himself off. He stumbled slightly due to the weakness of early stage mageblight and caught balance of himself, he could feel the curdling, nauseating sensation in his stomach, holding in the painful need to vomit. He stopped himself for a moment as he looked at the other human; shaking his head in response to his offer of help "I'm fine; nothing's broken..." He smiled.

He watched him as he lifted him, like he was nothing but a sack of potatos; there was no care for the body; as if it was taken like a pig being readied for slaughter. The truth is he was, but he wasn't going anywhere until Salen had finished with him. He had answers to seek and things to interrogate from the man. That which included more information on the Black Orchid; a discovery which he had made during his initial low-profile stay at Rustbucket. A moment that he missed, knowing he was reunited himself with his lover Tiberius; the moment played on his mind as he glared downwards at the unconscious man, watching Arkash removing his jacket.

He watched him enter a mystery room and nodded at his sudden warning on following him. Instead, he began inspecting the male for various marks of control, knowing that Dahlia's agent's are notorious for possessing magic. He found a Remnant Mark on his scalp which was standard procedure for the welcoming of any agent within her sect; his eyes found a triskelion on his bicep. Salen raised an eyebrow "Hmm..." He thought for a second as he paced back and forth "Be careful with this one, he might be a powerful Ferrier..." He warned.

He smirked as he looked at the male, tilting his head as he inspected the male's beauty and chuckled lowly, tilting his head more "He's handsome isn't he?" He smirked, offering an opinion of appeal towards the other man "It's a shame, he won't be pretty by the time I've finished with him..." His facial expression changed; the anger, the malice. His facial expression clearly pinpointed his frustration towards the male, knowing himself that he was just a pawn in Dahlia's game. However, he felt no emotions for the woman, not even for the people that worked for her.

"Let's get him prepared, before he wakes up, although... Something's missing... Something to make this a fun night of fabulousness, mayhem and possible death..." He chuckled to himself "Don't worry, it won't be you... After all, it isn't a party until something get's broken... Where are the drinks?" He asked, working his friendly charm on the other male. As charming as he may be, it was clear he had cruel intent planned for the other Corvo's fate was in his hands.

After all, he was both sweet and vicious.


word count: 648
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Mimi Pidders
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Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:47 am

Beauty and the Beast
XP: 8
  • Necromancy: The Cardinal Resonator
  • Necromancy: Installation of the Cardinal Resonator below the medulla
  • Biology: The variety of muscles in the neck
  • Biology: Spinal column
  • Biology: Spinal cord
  • Biology: The central nervous system
  • Etiquette: Inviting someone in
  • Etiquette: Answering the door
  • Etiquette: Candor
  • Etiquette: Initiating a competition

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
XP: 6 Magic, 2 Normal
  • Nightfall: Confide - Creating a Shadow projection
  • Nightfall: Confide - A way of communication
  • Nightfall: Confide - A way to distract and manipulate foes
  • Nightfall: Compass - A vital creation when performing abilities
  • Nightfall: Compass - Manipulating a Compass to perform an ability
  • Persuasion: Offering goods
  • Persuasion: Make someone trust you.
  • Unarmed Combat: Wrestling with a foe
  • Unarmed Combat: Throwing your weight around
  • Unarmed Combat: A forceful kick
  • Acrobatics: Using your body flexibility as a self-defense strategy.

Loot: Captive
Injuries: N/A
Finally, some violence, how fun! Maybe Salen and Arkash can do this again some time and reenact Rope.
Last edited by Mimi Pidders on Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 406
Reason: Miscounted. Oopsy.
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