[Couronne] Every Cloud

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Sun Apr 24, 2022 10:24 am


A slight smile and a shrug were offered to the Elf as he spoke of his curiosity. "Thank you," he said with a nod. "It's nothing exciting; I just got lucky," Arkash explained sincerely. "I'd wager you've heard at least a dozen stories just like it," he said dismissively. Despite the dejected way in which the Rathor spoke of his history, he did briefly look up at the Veir's eyes when realization seemed to stir. "...How about this? I'll show you around where I grew up if we're ever in Nivenhain together. Sound good?" he wasn't sure how often Degare spoke to peasants or just how many tragedies he'd heard told. His usual dismissal of people's inquiries wouldn't have landed the way it usually did, not with a member of the Entente.

A nod of agreement followed the Veir's assessment of Arkash's temporary judgment. Whatever gripes anyone held with his clothing would be invalid once he had new clothes, so what did it matter? "Okay," he agreed. "So long as it doesn't start another uprising among your staff, we should be good. I'll sneak out the window so I'm not seen like this," Arkash declared with a decisive bow of his head. When Degare offered his open schedule to him, he grinned brightly, apparently pleased with that.

It was next to the window that his rifle lay propped. Arkash obviously wouldn't be able to carry a weapon that large through the daylit streets, but he didn't imagine he'd need it in the company of a mage as powerful as Degare. At his ask for an alias, he waited while the taller man thought, and began to curl a smile. It was sweet to see him think so delicately about something so inconsequential, but the gratitude for such showed in his eyes. A slight rise of his brows came at the offered name. "Caro Caedimire..." he thought aloud. "I like it, it has a certain ring to it. Does it mean anything in Daravinic?" Arkash was ultimately unfamiliar with Gentaverse and Raillen as languages.

"You're too good to me," he spoke in admiration when Degare reiterated his promise of the day to him. "...If you keep this up, I might just have to mount you again later," the Rath declared quite provocatively "with or without your head on is up to you..." he continued with a playful wink. Then, when all was said and done, he let go of the elf and arranged to wait outside as Degare got ready to visit wherever it was they were going. Then, with as much ease as he entered, he left the chamber through the window when the street below was quiet enough that he could evade detection.

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word count: 489
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Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:20 am

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‘I just got lucky,’ the sentiment rolled around in his head as his lover spoke. The same sentiment could be applied to his life and yet the two of them have walked very different paths. Everyone’s life involves a bit of luck as a variable. With a tilt of his head and a soft, affectionate smile, “Maybe I have, but I’ve never heard your story, love. The fact that it's yours is what makes it worth knowing, I think.” His voice is just as warm as the expression he wears. Also, the Veir had a sneaking suspicion that Arkash’s story wasn’t nearly as bland as he was trying to play it off as.

The Ferrier nodded when the Rathor stated his plan to exit through the window– whatever he preferred worked, he supposed. When his lover posed the question about what the name of his alias meant, the pale elf laughed a little with an almost bashful smile on his face. “It does. I combined a few things to come up with it so the name is of mixed origin but it’ll fit in here just fine. As for the meaning? Maybe I’ll tell you a little later.” Part of him just doesn’t want to admit to how sappy and romantic he could be and the other part just thought it would be fun to pique the other’s curiosity on the matter.

Laughter was pulled from the chest of the Veir when Arkash next spoke, “...how tempting. I might endeavor to be ever sweeter if that’s the case.” His words were spoken in a low, flirtatious voice. The elf stood up and gave his lover one last kiss before the younger man left. It wouldn’t be long before he’d rejoin him on the streets below.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Raillen Tongue/Speech"
"Silvain Tongue/Speech"
word count: 377
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Sat May 14, 2022 12:34 pm



Politics: Caste System
Politics: Class Privilege
Politics: Diplomatic Immunity
Politics: The Privileges of Higher Society
Politics: Oppression of the Masses
Politics: Daravin - Massive Power Shifts Between All Castes
Law: A Tool for the Powerful
Law: Corruption
Law: Money and Power Bypass Punishment
Law: Selective Enforcement
[PC] Arkash: Nivenhain is an important set piece for his story
[PC] Arkash: Admitted his weakness in the face of Raphael
[PC] Arkash: Evolved - is a Cardinal now
[PC] Arkash: Wants revenge
[PC] Arkash: Loves loving you
[PC] Arkash: Wants your Bane mark
[PC] Arkash: Skittish about obvious displays of magic
[PC] Arkash: Passionate anarchist
[PC] Arkash: Strong emotions, strong control of them
[PC] Arkash: Skittish about revealing much of his life's story
[PC] Arkash: Let you come up with his new alias
[PC] Arkash: Uses intimacy to draw you in...and it works

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 5 Mentalism, 3 Normal Exp


Law: Harsh to the peasant
Law: Kind to the noble
Law: A means of perpetuating power for the elite
Law: Oppressive
Politics: The nobility are afforded privilege
Politics: Diplomatic immunity
Politics: Class
Politics: Division by birthright
Politics: The safety of higher society
Storytelling: Avoiding storytelling
[PC] Degare: Weak resistance toward you
[PC] Degare: Will concede to your ideals
[PC] Degare: Admits he's privileged
[PC] Degare: Proud of magic
[PC] Degare: Dislikes Grisic/Antimagic societies
[PC] Degare: Very sentimental
[PC] Degare: Took offense to hiding his Mark
[PC] Degare: Will initiate you
[PC] Degare: Curious of your story
[PC] Degare: Obscured the meaning of your alias's name
[PC] Degare: Can be tempted with carnal favors

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

Arkare!!! I enjoy the wholesomeness between them once again, particularly how Arkash draws him in, however it is known that even monsters can be the most seductive folk. I look forward to seeing more, this is A-list addictive content to read. Send me more!

word count: 334
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