[Amoren] On Our Fates Alight

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Tue May 03, 2022 7:06 pm

TIMESTAMP: 1st First Bloom, Glade 4622
NOTES: Open me!
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Some time around that night’s witching hour, with the moon high in the sky, the Veir awoke. His lover lay beside him, buried deep within his own dreams. Ever since his beloved had returned, he’d thought about using his newest mark to peek into the other’s dreams. However…he really had no idea how to do that. The man who’d given him the mark had said that in the very beginning, one couldn’t do much more than explore their own dreamscape using a skill called Voyage. Eventually, he’d be able to Voyage into the slumbering minds of others— but for him? Not yet.

Closing his eyes, he channeled ether through Remnant’s mark as he buried his face into the back of his lover’s neck, wanting to breathe him in as he drifted off to Voyage into his own Mind Palace.

He ‘woke up’ among a thicket of enchanting deciduous trees in full vibrance with an array of golds, oranges and red hues to their leaves. There were craters in the ground all around him, chunks of the fragmented land floating in the air above him as if the world had been shattered, these pieces held in stasis. He heard the flow of running water in the distance, too. The temperature was fair along with a gentle, soothing breeze that felt contradictory to how very still everything was.

After a moment or so, he began to wander forth down a small, well worn dirt path. It wound down a gently sloped hill with a steep drop on one side from shattered ground that opened up into a mountainous valley filled with rivers and falls that reminded him very much of Boghadar— only here, the water ran red. The general layout of the land was the same, if a bit broken and with a good portion floating in pieces at varying heights, dancing with some rather low hanging clouds. The clouds here bore creamy shades of gold into orange as they coalesced into a reddened sky. However, none of the city was there. His tower remained where it was supposed to be…yet there was nothing else.

The tower was very far away— even if he somehow managed to sustain a sprint all the way there, it looked as if it would take hours. As he continued to explore the path before him, he found a small, red gemstone embedded into a stone a little ways off of the smooth dirt on which he tread. Curious, he approached it, knelt down, and gently tapped the surface with a finger.

For the briefest of moments, the man felt horribly nauseous as the world shook and spun around him and his vision blurred into an incomprehensible mess. Almost as soon as this began, everything unraveled and sorted itself out again…only this time, he stood right before his tower that was once so far away. Shocked, he approached the door.

The inside was…not what he expected. At all. It was vast, much wider than the walls of the tower would ever allow and designed much like the grand foyer of the main manor on the estate. This wasn’t even the strangest part; he was standing on the ceiling, upside down as if it were the floor. Baffled, he began to move forward, looking around in a childlike sort of wonder. Around now was when he remembered the one other thing Salen had told him he could do— cast Guidance. It would allow him to find his Engrams more easily, which he would assume he’d need given the strange nature of his dreamscape.

With a small pulse of ether, the Engrams lit a bright glowing red all around him as if on fire for the briefest of moments before stabilizing into a shining shade of carmine. Well, some of them. Others were much more dull…he assumed these were, naturally, older memories that he’d have trouble recalling. The glint of the Engrams shined through the walls of the palace as well, so he saw many of them strewn about the very odd, expansive layout of the tower. As for any of the ones in this room? They were all on the floor. The actual floor, not where he stood. How could he reach them?

Taking a moment to think about it, the Ferrier wandered over to one of the walls and placed his foot against the wood paneling as if to climb its verticality. Funnily enough, this caused the entire room to shake and shift perspectives; that wall became the new floor. A simple puzzle, though it was only the first one. Now knowing how to navigate the room, he walked over to the ‘floor’ wall and pressed a foot against it, once again shifting the room, this time to set it back to a proper alignment.

Most of the Engrams in here were fairly dull and he figured they would be quite hard to decipher, especially given his current lack of skill. There was one in here, though, that shone brightly as if it were a freshly polished stone in the shape of an ornate standing mirror. Approaching it, he tapped a finger against the surface and it appeared to ripple at his touch. Blinking, he corrected himself and channeled ether into the Engram.

Instantly, his senses were overwhelmed and he found himself standing back in what felt like one of the rooms in Amoren’s manor. His body moved on its own, as if he were merely a passenger in his own form. The Veir hadn’t really bothered to look over the Engram for any context as to what this memory was, either.

The elf was starting to feel some semblance of strain pulling at his head, but he really did want to see what this was.

It began with him playing a slower song he was rather fond of on the single grand piano that lay within the house, and since he’d played this very song on this very piano many times, it really wasn’t completely clear to him what this memory was. It was not possible for him to even move his own eyes while reliving a memory, but he felt everything clear as day. As the song neared its end, the door to the room opened and his head turned to see who was there. He felt his expression turn amiable, pleasant in his gaze as it rested upon two familiar figures. When he opened his mouth to greet the person his Valran had escorted and the words came out, immediately, he recognized this memory.

The strain intensified and he realized he’d have to stop this Voyage lest he overstep. This was…unfortunate. He rather liked this memory, actually, and would’ve been more than pleased to let it replay. Maybe more than once, to be honest. However, he really couldn’t risk the Mageblight— he needed to save his stamina in that regard for the Resonance mark he sought. Begrudgingly, he cut the flow of ether that held together his Voyage and drifted back into actual slumber.

Dawn’s early light rose slowly over Amoren as the gilded city slept. While Solace gracefully faded into Glade’s First Bloom, the circumstances of two dwelling within had changed drastically in the span of a few hours the night before. The devoted pair had spent the latter portion of the month bound tightly together as they readjusted to one another’s company, yet a shadow still loomed in the distance. It was the same shadow that had fallen over Arkash since he was first enslaved at the start of his journey in Daravin– that of a petty, manipulative Veir, Raphael of House Mathis. Sound asleep for now, the Rathor and his lover would take their leave of the city and then Daravin itself within the day.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, the Veir found himself just barely awake. He sat there in this half asleep state for a few moments before he remembered that they really didn’t have the time to linger. Arkash lay on his side, facing away from him. Pulling himself a little closer, he rested a hand on the younger man’s shoulder and kissed the back of his neck, then the top of his head while his grip tightened into a gentle squeeze and he attempted to shake his lover awake.

“Beloved…I still need to…inform Lucia of our plan. You can come with me to talk to her if you’d like, or you can stay here and sleep more if it suits you…” his voice is soft, tired, as he falls back into the bedding beneath him and covets the man in front of him, holding him close.


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Thu May 05, 2022 4:31 pm


The night was often a time of comfort for the young Rathor. Sleeping in his human form meant that he’d stay warm through the night and didn’t have to bask in the morning’s early sun to move properly. He was able to roll around and adjust his position without the protrusion of his tail getting in the way, and his claws couldn’t jab and poke him in the night because they simply weren’t there.

On more recent nights, Arkash had been sleeping in a bed; another’s bed. He shared space with Degare Socorro, a noble he’d come to dot over and enjoy to various degrees.

Despite the comfort that came with being able to reach over and cling to the Veir, Arkash hadn’t slept well that night. The bulky, cumbersome shape of his limb braces got in the way more than once and brought him to rouse briefly through what was left of that short night.

But again, the warmth of his partner’s breath ran over his neck above the film of his subconscious mind, and quietly dulled what was left of his restlessness.

All until Degare began to shake him free of sleep’s captivating hold.

His eyes opened wide as a deep draw of breath filled his lungs and lit his senses with all things in the room. His chest deflated as he let that breath out through his nose, and he rolled his fingers to clench a fist with his braced arm. His eyes stared for a moment while he thought to the night prior, memories relived all so quickly. A second deep breath was drawn before he exhaled, and he nodded against the pillow in his lover’s tight hold.

“If it weren’t for this, I’d have thought all of that was a dream,” Arkash said almost wistfully while he stared at the arm that was held together by the brace.

“I’ll catch up with you,” Arkash said as he sat up. “I won’t be returning here after Lorien, so I’ll have to grab my tools and things,” Arkash explained as he rolled onto his back, then looked to the elf who’d entrapped him in his embrace. He came to smile a little while he peered into Degare’s amber gaze, then shut his eyes as he dipped his head to kiss the man on the lips. “I love you,” he spoke warmly, relief woven in his words.

“I won’t be long, Dear… Unless I somehow find a needle and thread to patch up my clothes; then you might find me with my hand sewn to my trouser leg or something,” he spoke largely in jest with a smile, but textiles were never something he shined in.

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Thu May 05, 2022 10:37 pm

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When his lover stirred and first spoke, Degare placed a gentle kiss on his neck and sighed. "I sincerely wish that had been a dream…" His tone was almost mournful, Arkash having been forced to go through that ordeal greatly saddened him. That…and he wouldn't be forced to travel far away from his home. He was grateful, at least, that they still had one another.

The Veir listened as the other spoke and rolled over. A loving smile pulled at his lips when their eyes met and he happily returned the kiss granted to him by his lover. "I love you, too," The elf's voice mirrored the warmth of the Rathor's, weighing heavy with his adoration for the other man.

He held Arkash's gaze, expression loving and affectionate, though a sort of pensive, thoughtful emotion stirred underneath the surface. The Sil'Norai did feel a strong, genuine bond of love to the younger man, something powerful and overwhelming, and though he was now capable of verbalizing these feelings, he was still deeply afraid of his own emotions. Afraid of the pain that came with losing somebody. Afraid of anyone harming Arkash any further than had already been done. Afraid of making stupid, erratic choices from the weight of his ever growing pile of emotional baggage.

For example, the fear combined with other tumultuous emotions had him on one hand wanting to desperately, obsessively cling to little Rath and never let him go, but on the other? There was a voice asking if he really wanted to derail the course of his life for somebody else like this. Especially given the most recent developments— did he really want to abandon his family, his home, his work, his comforts, to travel all the way to Lorien, and then live in the Badlands for who knows how long? Such a choice would not only ripple outwards through his House as a general concept, but it would deeply upset Lucia, for whom he cared greatly, along with the fact that he'd essentially be dumping every burden he bore on top of her and another Veir, Lola, while he was gone. Admittedly, these things did weigh on him. They made him feel uneasy, almost ill. There was a reason Lola had declined the role of Lady-Regent despite being older than him and perhaps a bit more qualified— she sincerely didn't want it. He also had…no idea how long he'd be gone.

These thoughts ran through his head quite quickly as he lay there, arms still wrapped tightly around the smaller man. Much as he'd just made perhaps some solid points internally about why just abstractly up and leaving all the sudden was a poor idea, he couldn't deny the hold Arkash had on his heart, on him as a whole. What use would he be to his House anyways, wracked with guilt and anxiety about his lover's fate, should he choose to stay behind? So of course, his decision remained the same— to go along with Arkash.

These thoughts were interrupted when his lover spoke again, making a joke about being bad with a needle and thread. The levity brightened his expression and pulled a soft laugh from him.

As the pale elf was about to rise, another thought crossed his mind and he paused. After some hesitation, "Oh…I meant to bring this up earlier, but…since we're going off together now, I do want to know– what kind of relationship do you want with me…?" Degare paused, taking a moment to search for one of his lover's hands with his own, lacing their fingers together. Then, he spoke again to clarify what he meant, "...as in…commitment and exclusivity. Historically, I've never been a jealous lover, but…when I was with Averre, he wanted me all to himself, so I gave him that. With you…? I…" The Ferrier trailed off, voice soft and loving but woven with nerves and slowed from apparent anxiety surrounding this line of questioning. Giving the other's hand a gentle squeeze, eyes of reddened amber drifted off to the side as if embarrassed before he continued, "...I…want that again. Genuinely. But…for full transparency, I did lay with Vivian. Honestly, though? That only reinforced the fact that I only want you. Even in those moments, I found my mind wandering back to you. Plus…the headspace you put me in when we're together is…wholly unique. All I want is you." By the time he got all of these words out, the elf's features had become suffused with fairly vibrant shades of red and pink, even to his ears.

Quickly, as if he'd forgotten something, "I-It's okay if that isn't something you want, though…I, ah…I'll get over it." While this was true, he likely would, the audible tremble of his voice betrayed the fact that it'd hurt him to be declined in this scenario.

The Veir didn't quite understand why he felt this way. Perhaps it was the obsessive nature of their relationship. Perhaps it had something to do with the extremely visceral way they made love– creating a sort of…intoxicating codependency. Maybe there were unspoken parallels to his prior marriage and he craved that type of stability. Maybe it's the submission, his desire to give himself entirely to his lover, that gave him this craving for reciprocation in that regard.


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Sat May 07, 2022 6:46 am


The mornings had become much more pleasant. He didn't ache anywhere thanks to the support of the mattress and was often cleaner than he would have been if not for the oils and sweat that human skin excreted. Additionally, he didn't have to immediately get up the second he opened his eyes; there was no need to stumble and fight off the exhaustion that came with sleep, he could simply bask in absolute comfort beside the man he loved.

For some time, such things were alien to the Rath; he'd not known such comfort before coming to Amoren.

When he'd finally grown familiar with it, he realized it would be something he missed.

Beside Degare, he laid on his back while he basked in the morning's warmth. He read Degare's features after their expression of love for one another and offered an almost inquisitive grin with the press of a single brow as if to ask what the Elf was thinking with his expression alone.

The crack of his joke seemed to brighten Degare's features, however. In tandem, Arkash smiled.

Degare made the motion to sit up, and Arkash preemptively rose with a press of his good arm and extended them overhead with an arch to his spine that stretched the musculature of his humanoid form and woke the fibers of his being. Degare didn't rise however, he noticed as he yawned, then looked over his shoulder while the man lay still.

Arkash began to test the arm in the brace while Degare spoke, then paused and returned his gaze to the man when the question was delivered. His eyes were a little wider than normal, brows lifted a little while his lips stayed relaxed, it was as though the question had startled him, or at least caught him by surprise. Even so, he turned to face the elf as their hands came together, and their fingers interlocked.

Arkash stayed sat upright as Degare continued the explanation, as though he couldn't resume the relaxed lay in the bedding while he processed the question behind his eyes. As the question was expanded upon, Arkash came to nod a little. It was confirmed that Averre was Degare's late husband. Though the Rath wished to know more of Degare's past relationship, he was afraid to bring it up in case he soured the mood as he had in the past.

Commitment and exclusivity... Similar to...

Arkash's cheeks grew warm, and a soft smile began to pull at his lips as Degare continued to speak. The mention of Vivian did bring his eyes to his forehead in a slight roll, but that smile persisted in his features. The reaction wasn't typical of someone who'd just been told that their lover had laid with another, but then, Arkash wasn't all that experienced. "Degare..." Arkash began as the elf declared that all he wanted was him. The most flattered expression of adoration lit his eyes as he shifted a little, then rolled onto all fours and maneuvered himself to lay atop the elf.

His arms and legs trapped the noble beneath him while he pressed gentle kisses to his jawline, and affectionately hummed.

As Degare spoke quickly on Arkash's preference against it the younger man pressed a finger to his lips to silence him, then closed his eyes as he leaned in to replace his finger with his lips.

"You're so sweet," he said when he came up for air, then shuffled a little to rest his head under Degare's chin, tucked close to his form, ear flush to the neck he'd torn open just hours prior. "You're all I want too, Degare... Nothing else matters to me." The young rath sighed pleasantly before his cheeks darkened slightly in the low light of the morning, out of Degare's view. "It's really so sweet that you're willing to commit to me... I..." He paused with a brief exhale, something a little more forceful, almost frustrated came laced with the brief exhale that preceded his contemplative silence.

"...I never really thought that was an option, or even possible, to be honest."

He lifted his head then, slight panic in his eyes. "I don't doubt your commitment, Degare, it's just... Well," he paused to exhale sharply again. The subject was delicate, and his addled mind could scarcely find the words or the comfort to talk about how he felt. Frustration took the press of his brows with a slight frown.

"I've only had one... Well, partner is a strong word. I'm involved with Taelian, but I haven't seen him since before we first met in your store, and we often go seasons at a time without seeing or talking to one another..." He began. "Our relationship isn't like what you and I have; The most intimate we've been is a kiss. He wanted to go further but I-" he looked away, almost ashamed. "...I don't know, I don't know why but I was scared, I felt ashamed and... I cried." It was indeed one of the most awkward experiences of both his and Taelian's lives.

"After that, we had a disagreement and just slipped out of touch before I met you."

He shook his head and cleared his thoughts. "Sorry, there was a point to that but I got... Distracted. The point is that he had a husband through that; his primary love. And then he later went on to lie with you." He was entirely calm through his explanation, as though he was telling a story from recounted events. "So I was already under the impression that it was normal for Sil'norai to have multiple interests when Vivian said you were sleeping together. I know humans do it too, but there's normally more yelling and scorn involved," he said with a slight shrug.

"What I'm trying to say is... You can't help how you feel, love. If you want to commit yourself to me, I'm happy with that. If you want to have sex with other people, I'm happy with that too." Despite how collected he was with the delivery of his words, his heart was beating quickly in his chest. "All I ask is that you don't leave me, okay?" Came his delivery a little quieter, eyes glistening in the low light of the morning with his sad smile.

"I mean it," he affirmed. "You really are all I want; nothing else matters."

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Sat May 07, 2022 9:46 am

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Waking up beside a consistent lover again was something the elf had desperately missed. Though he'd started the process of dragging himself out of the bed, he hesitated. Then, when Arkash sat up to stretch, his pause extended as he drank in the sight of the man he loved. How beautiful he was in the morning light almost made Degare feel even more nervous about the delivery of what he wanted to say, but he nonetheless found the confidence to speak. Lacing his fingers with the other's, the Veir leaned into the smaller man as if for support while he spoke.

Once the pale elf had vocalized his preference, the little Rath wriggled free from his grasp and maneuvered to pin the elf beneath him. The red tones on Degare's features only deepened now that he found himself stuck under his lover like this again, especially so when he saw the openly warm, loving expression the other wore, blatant in its display of his affections.

The kisses against his jaw pulled a grin to his lips that was impossible for him to resist– being touched like this, held like this, kissed like this…it filled him with the warmest, purest kind of delight. However, he did take a second to nervously rush out that it was okay if Arkash didn't want what he wanted. He didn't want the other man to feel guilted or trapped into agreeing to anything…but he'd just barely finished the sentiment by the time his lover moved to silence him, first with a finger and then with a kiss.

The elf melted into it, deeply enjoying the press of his lover's lips. Ever so briefly, he lost himself in the moment.

When the smaller man tucked his head beneath the Ferrier's chin, he moved to wrap his arms around his back, holding him in a tight embrace as his fingers gently traced over the musculature beneath his lover's soft skin. That alone was enough to make him feel at ease, but what Atkash said gave him a much more vibrant feeling of joy and relief than he honestly expected. But…why didn't he think this was an option?

The Veir didn't have to wonder for long, though. He waited with patience for Arkash to go through his explanation, giving him whatever time he needed to process his thoughts or get words out. Everything he was saying made sense…and while he found the little bit of information about his involvement with Taelian to be somewhat interesting, what stopped the train of his thoughts was the mention of Vivian…not for the sake of it, no. What had stood out to him was the fact that Vivian apparently already told Arkash about their involvement. This was something Degare had, in very clear words, said not to do. His brows furrowed and an expression of irritation, almost anger, flashed over his features for just a second before he pulled himself away from those emotions. Such a thing would be dealt with…later. For now, he sincerely just wanted to bask in the warmth of his partner, in the affection that they were sharing with one another.

With the delivery of his next few sentences, the silver elf could feel the beat of his lover's heart quicken in his chest, and in turn, Degare gave the other a soft, reassuring squeeze. "I won't ever leave you. I couldn't imagine a world in which I would ever make that choice," there was genuine happiness woven amongst the love and adoration in his tone, voice soft and warm. "...but I do want to give myself to you, commit to you, sincerely. So…I'm just very glad you're amiable to the idea. I just…love you so very much and I'd much prefer we keep our focus on one another." The beat rate of his own heart had picked up from his excitement at the fact that Arkash reciprocated his desire for them to covet one another in this way.

He was truly happy in this moment, but…
"...I…we…don't have a ton of time right now, though, dear. When we do get on the ship to Nivenhain, we'll have plenty of time to spend in one another's arms, though," he said this with a soft laugh at the end. "Unfortunately…we really ought to prepare to travel now." Much as he didn't want to let go of the man in his arms, he knew that they were riding upon borrowed time for the moment and that they likely needed to leave as soon as possible for the best chance at avoiding anyone catching on to their trail.


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Sat May 07, 2022 4:07 pm


Degare was quiet through the explanation of his limited experience, his lack of history with romance in general. Polygamy was common in Lorien, and his first experience with a lover was another for a married man. He accepted that aspect of his life as it was, there were no easy means of convincing the heart to go against its nature. What that meant for his future, Arkash simply didn't consider.

With his history and the nature of elves in mind, it was hard to believe that a man as powerful as Degare would willingly resign himself to the likes of a foreigner, a criminal, a heretic. So, he expressed that Degare was free to do as he pleased, but that he had eyes for no other. Nothing else mattered for as long as Degare loved him, for as long as the noble stayed with him. His one condition to Degare's freedom was that he wouldn't leave him; that he wouldn't be abandoned if something sweeter came along.

Not only did Degare swear that he would never leave him, but he also went on to express that he still wished to maintain their focus exclusively on one another; that he didn't want outsiders in their relationship, no others.

A tear glistened from his cheek as he smiled below his leaky eyes, and he breathed out in relief. Perhaps secretly, that was precisely what the younger man had wanted; a lover of his very own, someone to keep to himself. Of course, he wouldn't have said that, not at the expense of what could be Degare's ideal life. "Okay..." he agreed as he rubbed at his eye, and breathed deep. "It's settled then, I'm stuck with you just like you're stuck with me," he offered with a smile, and squeezed the elf a little tighter while he laid beneath him. "We're stuck together," he elaborated the smile that pulled at his lips brightly, completely content.

While their hearts raced in tandem, he kissed the elf again, then relaxed his body in its entirety, draping the elf with his being.

Of course, there was no time.

When Degare said so, Arkash perked up with a deep breath and lifted his head. "Fuck, you're right..." he said with a grumble and lifted himself from the older man with a jaw stretching yawn. "...it's good you spoke up when you did, else I'd have fallen asleep again."

Arkash sat up, removed his braces, then dressed in his damaged clothes before he searched through the drawers for some spare needle and thread. "Plenty of time for more than that, love," Arkash mused with a wicked smirk. "Come on, how else are we going to occupy our time while out at sea?" He offered with a knowing raise of his brows. "You might have to control your volume... I'll just have to take it easier on you if you can't," he continued quite casually while he collected his things.

"Go, see Lucia. I'll be down just as soon as I've... Cleaned up my clothes a bit," he said with a look of concern to the needle and colored thread he spied in the drawer of the nightstand.

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Sat May 14, 2022 8:10 pm



Sociology: Monogamy
Sociology: Polygamy
Sociology: Race can determine relationship preference
Meditation: The comfort of being Coveted
Meditation: Composure in the hold of a lover
Psychology: Adversity toward sharing
Psychology: Commitment
Psychology: Separation anxiety
[PC] Degare: Confessed that he laid with Vivian
[PC] Degare: Wants to commit to you
[PC] Degare: Wants only the both of you in your relationship

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8


Sociology: Monogamy
Sociology: Polygamy
Sociology: Polyamory
Sociology: Cultural Norms Surrounding Relationship Types
Sociology: Culture vs. Race vs. Individual
Persuasion: Bear Your Heart to Another
Persuasion: Consider Others' Emotions
Rhetoric: Pathos - Emotion
[PC] Arkash: Was under the impression you hadn't the desire for commitment
[PC] Arkash: Seemed genuinely overjoyed at your request
[PC] Arkash: Cried when you insisted he was the only one you wanted
[PC] Arkash: Willing to give up personal happiness for your own?

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

Comments: I think it's cute that Degare is willing to commit to Arkash, it's just too wholesome. Anyway, Great Thread. Let me know if you have any questions about your rewards! PS. I cannot give any Remnant Exp to Degare until he has completed the Remnant Initiation Thread.

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