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Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:02 am
by Ruin

Searing 4622

Player Registry
Welcome to Daravin. All players must submit a player registry post in order to begin threading in Amoren, the Imperial Badlands, and the Outer Marches.

Code: Select all

[googlefont=EB Garamond][style= margin: 20px auto 20px auto; max-width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #524947; border-right: double 6px #524947; border-bottom: double 6px #524947; border-left: double 6px #524947; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #ece8e8; background-image: url(]

[style2=margin: auto; max-width: 700px; padding: 35px 0px 30px 0px;  color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-size: 105%]
[size=120]PC Full Name:
Reason For Being Here:
Place of Your Stay:
Duration of Your Stay: 
Class: (Entente, Commoner or Slave)

Things You Want To Thread About:
Things You Don't Want To:

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?[/size][/googlefont][/style2][/style]

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:04 am
by Gloomcrest

PC Full Name: Jared Gloomcrest
Reason For Being Here: Born at Alistian
Place of Your Stay: Alistian, The Northern Marches
Duration of Your Stay: For a long period of time unless a change forces a move.
Class: Commoner from other people's riches.

Things You Want To Thread About: Character development & relationships; Combat & magic doesn't hurt either.
Things You Don't Want To: Meh; Open to RP anything; Just depends on the mood.

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?
To develop a further understanding of himself and growing into something possibly bigger.

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:18 am
by Alistair

PC Full Name: Alistair Nathaniel Reid
Reason For Being Here: Work, Life
Place of Your Stay: Genteven, His Home
Duration of Your Stay: Until it's time to go
Class: Commoner

Things You Want To Thread About: Character Development and Growth, Romance, Magic, Business
Things You Don't Want To: I'll let you know.

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?
Establishing more of a foothold, getting his income and skills going.

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:18 am
by Arkash

PC Full Name: Arkash
Reason For Being Here: Great picnic locales
Place of Your Stay: the imperial badlands
Duration of Your Stay: the foreseeable future
Class: dirty crime boy

Things You Want To Thread About: picnics
Things You Don't Want To: everything else

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?
  • Get my stuff back
  • establish a base of operations in a badland derelict
  • learn Artificing & reading/writing
  • acquire an essence calcifier
  • perform the necromancy process of transference on a dubiously consenting party
  • partake in moderate levels of cannibalism
  • start building a new body??????

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:53 am
by Salen

PC Full Name: Salen Auclair
Reason For Being Here: I live here duh...
Place of Your Stay: At the moment, a small hideout in the badlands.
Duration of Your Stay: May move around, depending on plot structure.
Class: Commoner

Things You Want To Thread About: Magic and Combat, Romance, Espionage and Subterfuge Shenanigans.
Things You Don't Want To: I will let you know.

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?

Last Season, Salen had discovered that he is the last descendant to House Auclair, a Veir house whom Dahlia had destroyed on the account of arranging Lorenzo Auclair to be killed; her twin sister had tragically taken the blame for such a cause years ago, since Degare had told him briefly about it. His goal is to find any leads and connections and restore his house in readying himself with the war against Dahlia, as well as both the Entente and the Omen. Dahlia is growing continuously threatened by Salen's revelation that she had ordered him to kill him, assassins will possibly be lingering everywhere except Rallion, Genteven, Adienne and Cisperant, since she has multiple enemies there.

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:53 am
by Nym

PC Full Name: Nym
Reason For Being Here: Culinary exploration.
Place of Your Stay: Amoren Lowtown
Duration of Your Stay: ???
Class: Commoner

Things You Want To Thread About: Horror of any kind, dark romance, and unusual friendships. Magic and the study of the dead are paramount to Nym as a character. Anything else is suitable, really.

Things You Don't Want To: I can't really think of anything here! Droning conversation with nothing going on, I suppose; maybe we could layer that conversation into work, or something sensual?

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin? I'm just a bit aimless since I'm still figuring things out. Ideally I'd like to start working towards Blood Magic right away, but I'm still feeling out the forum and making comparisons.

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:10 am
by Est

PC Full Name: Est
Reason For Being Here: Born and raised
Place of Your Stay: Rural Couronne, outside Railon
Duration of Your Stay: Indefinite
Class: Commoner

Things You Want To Thread About: Combat, magic, romance, establishing friends and enemies
Things You Don't Want To: Not super into finance or diplomatic politics unless there is a level of crime involved

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?
Still just establishing my character and getting a feel for the lore, so not too many ambitions for now besides meeting people.

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:02 pm
by Nimuek
PC Full Name: Nimuek Albadawi

Reason For Being Here: Nearest place from where her people settled in the mountains surrounding Daravin & the first she is exploring
Place of Your Stay: Just arriving into the city section, Nim is currently just living out of her tent in the wilds outside the city
Duration of Your Stay: At present for a while
Class: (Entente, Commoner or Slave) Commoner?

Things You Want To Thread About: Adventures, wild mishaps, mysteries, getting into general mischief and learning new things
Things You Don't Want To: no romance please

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin? In general OOC I'm just easing into the world and trying to get my head around everything. IC Nim is looking for friends, adventure and puzzles waiting for her to solve

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:21 am
by Andre Castemieres

PC Full Name:Andre Adélard Castemieres
Reason For Being Here:Andre currently resides within the city of Amoren serving as a Valran.
Place of Your Stay:Within his lords estate in the Entente Square
Duration of Your Stay: For the foreseeable future until duty calls him elsewhere.
Class: Commoner (I think technically)

Things You Want To Thread About:Combat, character development, scheming, politicking , magic studies, adventure, tales of intrigue
Things You Don't Want To: Not looking for romance currently.

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?
Andre is looking to establish himself amongst the other PC's of Daravin and potentially vie for more power

Re: Player Registry: Searing 4622

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:49 am
by Alaric

PC Full Name: Alaric Koenigsmann
Reason For Being Here: Spying for the Kindred On vacation :)
Place of Your Stay: Probably some B&B in Amoren
Duration of Your Stay: We'll see
Class: Foreigner??

Things You Want To Thread About: Intrigue, magic, learning culture/language, friends that aren't really friends
Things You Don't Want To: Nothing particularly stands out

What are you primarily looking to accomplish this season, in Daravin?
Alaric wants to gain a foothold in Daravin so he doesn't immediately get stabbed; finding allies friends :), not being painfully not from around here, etc etc.