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[Raellon] Stretch and Bend 2 (Solo)

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:20 pm
by Bellmari

52nd of Searing, 120 AS

Bell tried to stick to her routine every morning now. Her nights were long as every, the days filled with interesting times and adventures, but in the mornings? That at least the Rathari intended to hold sacred. Today she managed to awaken before the first light of dawn, a bit surprised at herself actually as normally she took some time to awaken. For nearly 5 minutes she had simply laid there beneath the covers, listening to the sounds of early risers out in the streets starting their days. A part of her wanted to just roll over and fall back asleep, but like a bad dream Reimar's voice seemed to echo in her head, practically shouting at her to stop being lazy and to get back to her work. Thus with a sign, and a quick stretch of her back the Rabbit rolled from the warmth of the covers and flopped to the floor. She didn't even bother to roll onto her back, instead breathing deep and pushing up in the first stretch of the morning.

Her body was sore, but that was becoming a common thing for the Rathari. Every day she spent some time stretching and performing exercises to strengthen her muscles and regain some of her old flexibility. When she wasn't dancing for the inn she was in the streets, finding as many opportunities to perform as she possibly could. Then at night she cooled down with a final round of stretches before bed to work out the kinks that would inevitably form throughout the day. What this meant was that Bell's body was in a constant state of breakdown and recovery, minor muscle fatigue and thus always, always sore. Thankfully she had learned her lesson about excessive drinking. Bell grimaced as she remembered the night she had gorged herself on wine and fruit. That next day had been... messy.

A few pops came from her back as Bell finished her first stretch, laying down flat with her arms out to her side as she rolled onto one side. She rocked her leg back and let it hang without touching the ground, using the position to stretch out her shoulder for as long as she could stand it before she shifted and repeated the motion on the other shoulder. Reimar had always said that an acrobats, and a dancers, greatest strength came from the flexibility of their joints. To become a true master you entire body had to be like rubber, able to bend and stretch without breaking and snapping back at a moments notice. At the time Bell had not really understood why this was so important, but now after losing that limberness she had taken for granted she understood. Before a simple handstand would have as easy as breathing. Yesterday when she tried again for the first time, however, it had been an absolute disaster. Not only had she NOT been able to balance herself for more than a couple of seconds, the weight of her own body made her shoulders and back ache. When she lost her balance she had toppled and knocked over the lantern, nearly setting the curtains on fair had she not kept a pitcher of water by her bedside just in case she grew thirsty in the middle of the night.

Rolling onto her back Bell glanced to the side where she could see a black charm mark against the wall where the floor came to meet it. Hopefully when she left this city the inn keeper wouldn't notice...

Closing her eyes Bell breathed in and tightened her abdomen, raising her legs off of the ground to begin a few simple exercises to strengthen her core. Before she could have gone through this routine without even a hint of strain, now however after just a couple of minutes her brown prickled with sweat and she struggled to control her breathing through the pain. The exercises consisted of a series of leg lifts, kicks, tucks and twists. These exercises all targeted her lower abdomen region, as well as her upper thighs. Both felt like there was a fire lit from within them, searing her blood and making her gasp when she finally finished and lowered her feet to the ground. Bell raised her hands to cover her face, groaning at the way her body felt. It couldn't be possible... Had she actually gained weight? Sitting up slightly she poked at her stomach, a frown burning in her eyes as she noticed that where there had once been lean muscles and toned ridges there was now a slight give with more than a little bit of softness.

Shifting to one side Bell rested on one elbow, the leg on the ground slightly bent while the other was straight with the foot relaxed. Slowly she breathed, beginning a series of sideways leg lifts which she counted out slowly one at a time. These she felt working in her hip area, causing an odd crackling noise as muscles and tendons began to warm up and loosen. Through it Bell controlled her breathing, trying her best to ease the tension she felt in her shoulders as she finished the reps and switched to the other side and repeated. The core of the dancer was the most important part. Without a strong core one could not bend and stretch and move their bodies with confidence. The hips, however, were just as important. If the hips were stiff and locked up in the middle of a motion you were basically dead in the water if not crippled from further action. She tried to keep these lessons in mind as she shifted to hands and knees, continuing on with exercises that focused on the hip flexes with side leg lifts and backwards leg raises. Where her legs and hips had burned before now they were practically screaming at her to stop. This Bell recognized as her body rebelling against what was best for it, and so despite its protest she continued. Each and every repetition she completed with agonizing slowness, holding a tightness in her core while continuing to breath steadily in and out.

Sitting back on her knees Bell took a few seconds to catch her breath, leaning back until her hands touched the floor behind her, and it was then that she felt a small sense of satisfaction as she realized she was just a tiny bit more flexible than when she had started 4 days ago. Progress, it seemed, was measured in small increments. It wouldn't all be obvious at once, but over time she would see the fruits of her labor in full. When her breathing had steadied she stood, stretching her arms high overhead before dipping down to press palms flat against the ground. She paused here, enjoying the sensation of her back pulling as a few small pops echoed from her spine. Raising herself up slowly Bell drew in a deep breath, holding her arms out to the sides and widening her stance. She reached with her right hand all the way to the ankle of her left foot, the movement pulling at both her back and hip joints. This was repeated on the other side before she ended the stretch in the middle with her body nearly doubled over. Smiling Bell realized she could almost, almost touch her forearms to the ground. Progress indeed was beginning to show through.

When she straighten again Bell rested her hands on her hips, twisting side to side as a few more pops echoed, and with each one she felt looser and looser. Her muscles were warm, her body hummed with energy, and a general sense of goodness welled up within her as she breathed out a long breath. Glancing at the window Bell realized that the sun had since risen, the first rays of light peaking through the blinds and sending scatterings of yellow and red on the covers.

"Looks like I win today." Bell told the light triumphantly. She wrapped up the routine with a few more minor stretches, touching toes, pulling knees to her chest, everything she did until she felt a slight burning in the muscle she was targeting. Finishing up the Rathari clapped her hands together and hopped on the balls of her feet. She felt lighter somehow, like a little bit of weight she had not known existed had shifted from her shoulders. Tension she had been carrying at the base of her neck had almost completely gone away, and with a faint measure of surprised Bell realized a pain in her left him was suddenly absent. She hadn't even realized she WAS in pain before. How odd.

I guess you weren't just a grouchy old man. Bell thought, rolling her shoulders and enjoying the new sense of release she felt, I really should have paid more attention when I had the chance.

Re: [Raellon] Stretch and Bend 2 (Solo)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:10 pm
by Fortuna


Acrobatics: Stretch Every Day to see Results
Acrobatics: Progress comes in small increments
Acrobatics: Stretching Relieves built up tension
Acrobatics: Stretching May cause some pain to disappear
Acrobatics: Core Strength is Key
Acrobatics: Hip Flexibility is Important

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5

A grinding thread but a needed one nonetheless. Bellmari could teach Saej a thing or two about stretching, that's for sure! All those pops coming off her made me have to crack my back too.