[Raellon] Step 3 (Solo)

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?p=3662#p3662

Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:06 pm

46th of Searing, 120 AS

"Where are you from?"

The stick in Bell's hand paused in the process of doodling in the dirt as she looked up at the child who stood next to her. He was a young boy, a rathari dog of some kind given by his floppy ears, and as he looked expectantly at Bell his tail wagged furiously behind him. There were actually several children standing around Bell now, which shouldn't have been a surprise given she was in one of the small parks in the city. The canopy of trees stretched above all of them, creating a wavering pattern of light and shadow on the ground below which Bell was using to make her little piece of art.

For a few seconds Bell considered how to answer, her long ears twitching this way and that. Finally, she looked back down and continued her work, the fur of her body shimmering and changing from a light grey into blue, purple, and finally settling on a light shade of pink. The kids whispered excitedly around her, seemingly interested in her fur's odd ability to change colors at random intervals. Perhaps that was why they had started to collect here whenever Bell showed up.

"A lot of places." This was said rather matter of factly, but the answer did not seem to be the one that the rathari was looking for. His tail slowed its motions as he inched closer, kneeling down opposite Bell and sticking his long snout barely an inch from Bell's face. The rabbit rocked back onto her heels, pink nose twitching as her fur shimmered to orange.

"No, like," he waved a hand vaguely, "Where did you live when you were little?"

"All over the place." Bell tilted her head, a smile quirking her lips at the boy's growing frustration. After a moment she finally relented, "I grew up in a trading caravan. My parents are traders, and we never stayed long in one place. After I grew up I joined another traveling group and never settled down anywhere."

Instead of looking appeased the boy merely looked even more curious, "So you don't have a home?"

Bell laughed and tilted backward, lowering herself smoothly into a sitting position and crossing her legs. The stick she laid across her lap and rested her hands on her thighs, "That depends on what you call home." Around the all group of children shuffled closer to listen, but the original boy looked more puzzled than ever. The rabbit raised a finger and pointed at his chest, "You are probably thinking of a home as a house, with tables and chairs, a fire and bed." She then pointed at her own chest, "For me, home isn't the place I sleep at night or where I eat. Home is where the people I care about are, wherever my friends are. Anywhere in the world can be home, so long as I enjoy the people I am there with."

"But..." that tail was wagging so fast a small cloud of dust began to kick up, and with a note of disappointment Bell realized her little drawing was being swept away as well, "What about if you don't like the people you are with? What if you are all alone?"

"Hmmmm..." Tapping her chin Bell thought about the question, leaning forward to rest her elbow on a knee as she did, "I suppose if I were alone... I would say my home is in the memories of those I care for."

"Memories can't be home!" one girl called out, and those around her agreed. Around the little circle, more and more voices began to join in. Bell looked from one young face to another, seeing how certain they all felt on the opinion that one could not have a home in their memories. She had to admit that it was an odd concept. How could she explain it?

"Oh!" A thought occurred to her, and Bell waved her hand at the children, "Here, come closer. Let me show you."

word count: 694
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Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?p=3662#p3662

Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:33 pm

Bell closed her eyes and pulled in a breath. The hum of magic resonated inside of her, flowing from rune at the nape of her neck as her outline fuzzed ever so slightly. It seemed enough that the children around her started talking excitedly again, some pointed at the odd whispy tendrils spilling off of her form as Bell began to use her magic. It was purely for aesthetic effect, but she tilted her head up and breathed out as she called forth the aether of her imagination. From her lips spewed a stream of thick grey fog which quickly billowed and spread to fill the space around them, blocking out the sight of the streets beyond the trees and eclipsing them all in a veil of waving grey. The smell of moisture-filled the space as Bell finished weaving her Web, but this time she removed the sound element leaving them sitting inside of a foggy dome.

The children all reacted in varying degrees of excitement and surprise. Most seemed enraptured by the illusion, one girl, in particular, was swiping at the fog and looking at her hand, noticing that despite appearances she did not feel wet like she thought she should. A few of the younger children looked somewhat frightened, so with a bit of concentration Bell added a slight additional effect. The once grey fog then began to slowly fade into different colors, soft grey tones of blue, red, yellow, and green which mixed and swirled around them. It wasn't much, but it seemed that was enough to make the few hesitant children a bit more at ease with the situation.

"Memories are like this fog." Bell said, her voice barely above a whisper. The children turned to look at her once more, their curious natures piqued to the highest extent with this display. Raising her hand a spinning swirl of fog came down and formed a small ball over the palm of her hand. It was, after all, just her aether given form. With just a bit of tweaking she could... The small ball stretched, forming into the rough outline of a person, a woman that spun in a slow circle on her palm, "They surround us, being formed, remembered and forgotten over and over again. From those memories though we can draw out something." Her other hand was raised, and another ball of color-changing fog formed over it and stretched itself into the vague outline of a man, "We can pull the faces of those we love from the misty images." The two figures Bell set to floating around her, more fog flowing into them and making them grow in size until they were as tall as the children who backed up a bit to make space, "Memories are reminders of times when we were happy, when we were sad, of the places we have been and of the people we have met."

The two figures suddenly dispersed in a buff of colors, and around them, Bell-shaped the illusory fog into the rough shape of a spacious home. It was not overly obvious, but if you squinted just right you could see a table and chair, a bed in the corner, and what looked like a person standing at a window. Bell smiled as she looked around at their little home, "You can use your memories to create a place for yourself in your heart that you can go to when things become difficult, or lonely. By remembering the times you were happiest, and the places you have visited and the places you visited you can create a home for yourself wherever you go."

Up until now, Bell had been whispering, so when she suddenly clapped her hands together everyone jumped. The illusion burst apart, shattering into nothing as they were suddenly returned to the forest where they had started, "In conclusion, a home is a feeling you have in your heart when you are with people you love, or when you are in a place you feel safe. If you use your memories to recreate those feelings, home can be anywhere you happen to be."

Bell stood and dusted off her legs, twirling her stick between her fingers as she smiled, "Does that make sense?"

Around her the kids looked between each other, at the surrounding woods, and finally back at Bell. For a brief instance, Bell wondered if she had overdone it. Then suddenly she was struck by a flood of children's voices, shouting to be heard over one another. What was that? How did you do it? Do it again! Can you teach me? Was that your home? Can you make it snow?

Bell backed away from the Rokus noise, raising her hands as if to ward off the children's questioning gazes and overeagerness. After much shushing and hand waving the voices stopped, and Bell sighed and rested a hand on her chest. She shook her head and winked at the little people around her, "That is all for today I think." as she spoke she slowly started backing away, stepping between the children's bodies. When she felt her foot reach the freedom beyond the circle she turned and bolted, laughing at the protesting shouts as she called out over one shoulder, "Lets make some more memories another time!"

word count: 901
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Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:48 am



Masquerade (Veneer): Removing Elements of a Web
Masquerade (Veneer): Adding Elements to a Web
Masquerade (Web): Using two visual elements
Masquerade (Illusory Construct): Building from a Web
Masquerade: Using illusions for storytelling
Masquerade: Adding Depth by using Physical Action

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5 MAGIC only

I started this yesterday and finished it today. What can I even say? The way you described memories rings very true, home is indeed where your heart is. Bellmari has a great head on her shoulders despite maybe getting up to trouble, but what's wrong with a little mischief!? You write very authentically, I can picture it all in my mind's eye!

word count: 144
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