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[Raellon] Step 1 (Solo)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:55 pm
by Bellmari

40th of Searing, 120 AS

The late afternoon sun was was like a grand light casting its gaze down upon the stones of the city. The intensity of it was such that the stones beneath Bell's feet were hot enough to be felt through her slippers. Were it not for the breathable dancer clothing she wore Bell was sure she would be sweating right now, but as it was the light breeze against her exposed midriff was enough to keep the heat at bay for the moment. The crowds in the coastal city were bustling with activity, lines of pedestrians moving to and from the docks to the west as they made their way either toward the market or away. This was the peak time, when the crowds were at their thickest and the hearts of those that past at their lowest.

Bell sat cross legged on the edge of a running fountain, her fur shimmering between shades of blue and white as she glanced between the people as they past. In the distance a group of mistrals played a jolly tune, one of life and energy which did little to lift the gloomy atmosphere. It made the Rathari frown. Closing her eyes she tuned herself to the rhythms of the world, drawing upon the power of the rune which seemed to vibrate through her from her left side. She had discovered fairly quickly that she did not have the skill to read entire crowds, so instead she focused on one at a time. First was an older man, tanned with crooked hands. He sounded of pipes banging on barrels, deep and asynchronous. As a woman with her hair in a bun passed Bell tuned in and sensed the chiming of bells in a high wind, not melodic but rather ruckus and frantic. Another man walked by, younger, and from him came a quick beet of horses hooves on cobblestones. Perhaps he was in a rush to get somewhere important?

Opening her eyes Bell's ears twitched and her furl shifted and faded to its natural silvery white. The people here, each and every one it seemed was focused in on themselves. Their lives, their missions, their jobs. She looked over at the musicians, and a slight pang struck her. Despite everything they played, gave their all, yet no matter what they did if things were to stay as they would receive little to no compensation for their passion this day.

After just a moments thought the rabbit made her decision, and she swiftly unfolded herself until she stood atop the lip of the fountain. Some that passed gave her an idle glance, but like the ones playing the music they did not take a second look. Breathing in Bell dropped off the lip of the fountain, adopting a swaying stride as she began to push into the crowds. Once more she expanded her senses, her rune vibrating as she focused on one person at a time. As she passed one older man she tuned into his uneven rhythm. When she past she past a hand over his shoulder, injecting a single note into the unsteady thrum. A note of curiosity. The man started and turned to look at who touched him, but Bell had already passed.

Her hands moved in steady, sweeping motions to match her swaying, almost dancing steps. As her long fingers brushed a shoulder, an arm, a neck she tuned that person's symphony and injected the same note over and over again. Curiosity, interest, and just a hint of anticipation. Some faces that turned were annoyed, others startled, some confused. Bell did not stay in place long enough for each person to discern who it was that had made the contact, but before long there was a trail of people looking about, scratching heads and pausing their hurried pace to take in their surroundings.

Breaking free of the crowd the Rathari spun on one foot and tipped her head down in a quick bow at the musicians as they paused in their playing. It was three of them, two with stringed instruments and one with a set of drums. They looked at Bell with an odd expression, perhaps not expecting a rabbit in silks to appear. It made Bell smile, and she winked as she raised her head. One man looked as if he were about to ask a question, but with a finger Bell shushed him and tilted her head toward the crowd. There were a few heads now turned in their direction.

Words, Bell had found, really didn't express that much. They were limited somehow, despite the fact that they had meaning and could be used for communication. Something about words just didn't quite touch the soul, not like emotions could. At times Bell thought that, if people could only communicate their emotions to one another instead of their words there would be far less pain in the world. Music, then, was the most effective form of communication that the Rathari could think of. Music was a language that all spoke with some level of fluency. Music spoke to the heart, while words only to the ears and the mind. Thus, instead of talking Bell merely straightened and began to clap her hands.

She started with a simple rhythm. A steady beat that could be counted in single notes. The musicians looked confused for only moment before they began to join in. The one on drums matched the beat, while the two stringed instruments began to strum cords in time. Bell's smile widened further as she began to bounce on her toes. She clapped her hands faster, increasing the cadence and the three matched her. Then, with a flourish she spread her hands wide, waving at them and music began to play in earnest.

It was a local song, likely a tune used for tavern ditties and drunken festivities. It had a strong underlying drum beat, and the cords of the string were quick and snapped with a fury of tides and whistling wind. The sudden change of sound made those at the edge of the ground pause and turned toward the them, a few farther back even stopped completely to crane their necks and look. That was what Bell was looking for. Her hears flicked as she continued to hop with her hands held out at her side, smiling widely.

Re: [Raellon] Step 1 (Solo)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:14 pm
by Bellmari

Her magic thrummed as she looked at the crowd, picking out one woman whose tones were shifting from a lethargic plodding tone to one filled with the odd spike of energy. As she hopped Bell clapped her hands in time with the music, her hands meeting on every 2nd bounce. She could feel it, the shiver of excitement that ran up her spine and raised her fur. Color began to flow from the crown of her head, bright pink into purple, blues and yellows. Those that were looking now eyed her with narrowed eyes, unsure of what they were seeing. It was likely that they had not seen very many Shimmer Hares in their lives. They were not exceptionally common in this part of Atinaw, and so a color shifting bunny was likely an odd site in and of itself.

Suddenly the music changed, so fast that it may have been missed by most of the crowd. Bell, however, herd it and shifted her body in response. She landed on just one foot this time, bending forward and dipping her arms low before swinging back into a spin that kicked one leg high into the air. That feeling of excitement welled within her, lifting her up like the winds beneath the wings of a bird, and suddenly Bell was flying.

The music guided her steps, and her heart beat in time with the pounding of the drum. She spun and dipped, twisted and leaned, her arms waving and fingers curling as if to beckon the steadily turning crowd toward her. Magic sung in her veins as she picked one person out of the crowd who looked hesitant, as if he needed to be somewhere else. On him he focused, her eyes locking onto his between spins as she sent a single note slipping into the man's music: rapture. She sent him excitement, and tuned his excitement further as he watched her. She could see his hesitation beginning to fade, and with that small que she turned her attention to another man at the far edge as he past. To him she sent a similar note to pull his eyes toward her, and as she did she felt the ripple of her 2nd rune activate. The edges of her body blurred slightly, colors beginning to leak off of her fur as she moved. It was a faint thing, easily ignored or written off as a trick of the light, but that was all Bell needed. A few more people who passed paused to look at the commotion, one or two staring a second longer at Bell than at the musicians, and in that moment she tuned to them as well, one at a time adding another hint of curiosity to their melody to keep them in place to watch just a bit longer.

It was a cascading effect, something that Reimar had taught her long ago. She did not need to affect an entire group or crowd all at once. She simply had to get enough people involved to cause a cascading affect. One person would pull another, and another and before long an entire crowd will have gathered by word of mouth alone. People in groups tended to respond as their neighbor did, and if she could draw awe from a few then it was possible she could make it spread to many.

The pace increased further, until Bell's feet were a blur and she felt as if her heart would pound out of her chest. Then, finally, it hit a crescendo before cutting off as abruptly as it started. Bell froze in position. One foot forward and hands raised at the side, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as she tried to slow her hammering heart. Her smile though, that had not changed at all. She still felt light, like she was floating on a cloud over the horizon. A nice sized crowd had formed due to the performance, and those at the front clapped after a few moments pause as they put together that the performance was over.

"Maybe now," Bell said over her shoulder at the musicians, "You will get some decent tips today."

With that Bell gave the men a final wave, and before they could say anything she slipped away back into the crowd, heading in the direction of the docks.

Re: [Raellon] Step 1 (Solo)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:54 pm
by Fortuna


Mesmer: Focusing on one person in a crowd
Mesmer: The Cascading Effect
Mesmer: Identifying Notes in Melodies
Mesmer: Using Touch to Transmit Notes
Mesmer: A light touch is all it takes

Dancing: Staying light on your feet

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5 MAGIC only

Comments:Ohhh my. I won't lie reading this made a tear come to my eye. This thread reminds me of my very good friend, this is exactly something she would do. How beautiful, I saw her in every moment of Bell. I'm excited to read these next solos!