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[Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:28 am
by Arlen
71st day of Searing, 120 AoS

The heat of the day worked its way through crevices and cracks with the expertise of a seasoned thief. It stole away any chance of respite it could and instead reminded everyone that this season was called Searing for a reason.
Arlen was all the more aware of it dressed in full leather armour, with his Jastai marked sword on one side and his bow and arrows affixed to the horse’s saddle. The beautiful chestnut stood still, waiting as patiently as Arlen.
Wouldn’t mind a horse like that, he thought, holding the reigns and patting the side of the horse’s neck. Yet, he knew his coin was not going to be spent on this one.
When he spoke to the stablemaster the other day, discussing a hire of a horse, he noticed a grey beauty there which was giving him the eye. The large dark eyes, the way she swayed her head with a challenge… Arlen found himself musing, thinking of the freckles, the mane like ashes and body like speckled silver.
After all, he needed his own horse and that mare captivated him.
“Abandoned,” the stablemaster told him that day. “We’ll probably take her to the horse market next. She is just a nuisance now. Hopefully, we’ll fetch a good price for her despite her attitude.” That was a few days ago and suddenly his work finally had an aim. He had to get the coin before the mare would be taken to the market.
So that’s how he found himself outside in the scorching sun dressed in full armour. He got a mission yesterday for a coin that brought him closer to the target amount to purchase the grey mare.
Gypsy, he thought as he looked up at the sky, shielding his eyes.
He was standing near the farmer’s wagon, his current employer. Arlen was hired for a simple escorting job. The farmer came to Loras for a few days to sell the wares and the surplus of produce. Now with the coin in the purse and some purchase under the tarp, he wanted to travel back to his far removed home safely. The region suffered from the occasional bandit attack where a pitchfork would not cut it.
For the nature of the job, the farmer sure drove a hard bargain during yesterday negotiations.
“Common ain’t the language to strike a deal in.” Arlen remembered the farmer say.
It was either an experienced convoy hired in Common or the farmer’s life on the line if he was targetted. Choices were clear and that was Arlen’s baseline. Ultimately, fear seemed to be stronger than the man’s dislike of Arlen’s lacking Kokalath.
The sun was now tipping to the other side of the arch, marking the start of the afternoon and they were still not leaving. Arlen tugged on the reins of his horse, not yet mounted and approached the farmer who was checking his cart.
“Are we still waiting for someone?” He asked in Common and saw the farmer pull in his cheeks, taking his time to answer.
“Aye,” he said in Kokalath and looked to Arlen as though in a challenge.
Gypsy. The ashen dust of fire, Arlen thought, employing a deadpan expression. He nodded at the farmer in understanding. ‘Yes’ really wasn’t the hardest word to learn.

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:54 pm
by Rhea
Golden Fields of Barley
71st day of Searing, 120 AoS

The sun enveloped her skin as she walked around the city of Loras. This city and its people were polite and rather cheerful to her, as she liked that most of all about them. This job was an easy escort gig, one that could help spread the name of Radiant Dawn and gain them some recognition. For this particular job, however, she was not with Analine, as she decided it would be better to split their efforts.

While Rhea was on duty, Analine would go around the various pubs and diners, or anywhere where gossip was told. She would put those impeccable people skills of hers to amazing use spreading the name of the guild. Another reason why Rhea couldnt fail this mission.

While in Loras she found that the place was rather ordinary, if not pleasant given the people. She was taking in the sights and sounds of the place, smelling the different aromas that came from shops and homes. He never had the care to do so while in Quacia, as the only smell there was death and decay.

For him, there was really no point, as the city itself held no interest to him. In any case, it was a pleasant place. The sounds of the children playing, a market buzzing with life and commerce, and just the overall peacefulness of the place but her at ease. That was perfect as she was full of nervousness and it helped to quell such a feeling before beginning a job.

She then realized that she was running late by the shadow of the arches from the sun, and she quickened her pace to the rendezvous spot. She was to help escort a merchant back home from his trip to Loras selling his wares. The feathers adorning her armor flapped and chimed as she briskly moved through the bustling crowd of sellers and consumers.

All in all, she enjoyed her distracting sightseeing, moving through the city market. So many quaint shops dotted the streets, and as she moved, she felt the gentle breeze of the wind dancing around her. She could always feel the subtle trailing of the wind wherever she went, and that comforted her as well, knowing the spirits of the elements were with her. Coming upon the meeting spot she could see two figures coming into view.

She could hear them conversing one seeming to be impatient, and that realization made Rhea even more embarrassed for being so late. "Please forgive my lateness, I was distracted by the beauty of the city." she apologized, bowing to both of the males, catching her breath.

"Rhea Iulide of Clan Loregard, leader of the Radiant Dawn Guild." she said with a forced smile, her nerves obviously getting the better of here out of embarrassment. "Hope I'm not too late, shall we get going?"

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:01 pm
by Arlen
They didn’t wait much longer after. Arlen wasn’t in a rush, but the farmer noted his desired arrival time. Since Arlen was still learning the lay of land, he’d prefer to leave earlier. Alas, the employer was the person who called the shots most of the time.
It was moments later that they were approached by a woman. Under different circumstances, perhaps he would have thought that she was just a passerby, an interested customer. But experience taught him to think twice before making a judgement and this seemed to be one of those moments.
The farmer looked to the woman with a twist in his lips that was more favourable than when he was speaking with Arlen.
“Not a problem,” the farmer spoke to the woman in Kokalath and Arlen wondered if the farmer’s seemingly warmer attitude was due to the woman present, or because perhaps she was a citizen.
Either way, he directed an acknowledging nod at Rhea. “Arlen Zaltar. I’m the other escort,” he said. There were no fancy titles and the one he had bore no relevance in this profession, nor this instance.
“Have you done escorting before?” Arlen asked without the assumption in his voice that she did not. His words were not directed to doubt her skill. To those who knew him, he was trying to establish how well versed the woman was in convoy tactics. Depending on that, Arlen would then modulate his behaviour further and decide whether he should take the lead on the decision making front, or run this more by mutual agreement.
The farmer was already climbing on to the seat in the wagon and so Arlen wanted to establish their formation for the ride before they would move out of Loras.
“It’s about where we ride guard,” Arlen clarified further, mounting the horse. “I’d suggest the back. He,” Arlen nudged his head towards the farmer, “can keep watch front and if anything strange moves, he calls us. We keep watch back since it’d otherwise be vulnerable to rear attack.” He looked at Rhea as he made himself comfortable in the saddle. “What do you think?”
And the farmer smacked his lips and slapped the reins on the strapped horse’s ass. They were moving out but still with enough time until gates to decide the matter of guard.

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:39 am
by Rhea
Golden Fields of Barley
71st day of Searing, 120 A.o.S


Rhea was glad the patron wasnt to upset about her lateness, lord knows she was worried about it. Taking in a deep breath she looked to the other male that was there, believing him to be the other guard she was told about. It was somewhat alarming to her that even farmers needed extra security to safely sell their wares and return home in one peace.

It also made her realize how much of a bandit issue Atinaw was having as of late, one she would certainly rectify given the time to accumulate strength and more numbers for her guild. For now, she would gladly settle for guarding a pleasant farmer and his cart.

Her attention now fixed on the other guard, she took in his appearance. "He sure looks to be experienced, I hope I don't fuck up" she mused to herself. He sure was handsome too, a little taller than her as well, as she couldn't help but stare at his masculine feature before realizing she was doing it, blushing and turning her face out of embarrassment.

When he had asked if she had done this sort of work before, Rhea smile and nodded. "I wouldn't be able to call myself a member of Clan Loregard if I could guard a sweet farmer and his cart. I'm Rhea, by the way, Rhea Iulide." she said, smiling as she brushed some rogue strands of hair from in front of her eyes.

He expanded on his initial inquiry, as It pertained to how they would best guard the farmer as they rode back. Climbing onto the extra horse provided, she nodded in agreement. "I agree, that would be the best course of action, that way the rear is protected and we can also keep a watchful eye on our front."

Acknowledging his plan she set her horse into motion with a slap of its reigns.

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:28 am
by Arlen
His lips twitched into a whisper of a smile when he noticed the slight discolouration in her cheeks. He wondered about its origin, not assuming it was due to him but more likely the situation. After all, it was hard to find sellswords who took convoy jobs seriously to arrive on time. So Arlen thought perhaps that tinge of rouge was mild remorse on Rhea’s part which put her in his good books.
As she continued to speak, Arlen further assessed who he was dealing with. He chalked her down as young regardless, with some measure experience. And though their job was to protect the wagon, he hoped there would be no reason for them to actually further judge how advanced they were in their skills.
Either way, Arlen felt somewhat more at ease than he would with a greenhorn at his side. He would not lay his life in Rhea’s hands, but at least he would not have to fight for hers.
“Clan Loregard?” Arlen asked as they found their spots at the back of the wagon “Is that another one of those houses? Or kinships?” He couldn’t get any more foreign than that unless he was pressed to speak Kokalath. But he was still a stranger to these lands and the customs. The days spent in Atinaw so far were about battling culture shock, people’s perceptions and the heat when standing guard.
The South Gate of Loras was then gradually coming into view.
At this pace, we’ll be back past evening, he thought, eyes drifting up to the sky whilst listening to Rhea if she was speaking.

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:44 am
by Rhea
Golden Fields of Barley
71st day of Searing, 120 A.o.S


She giggled at the man, finding his question both odd and amusing. It then dawned on her that he was not from Atinaw, which made sense. "Yes, here in Atinaw there are families known as kinships, and of those kinships there are eight that claim high prestige. I am from one of those clans, Clan Loregard." she began, looking as the sun began to set on their journey.

"Kinships are very important to us here, that along with honor." she added, riding alongside the man, looking to him every now and then. As they went, she found herself humming. The wind blowing through her hair, her humming soon evolved into a light song.

"Even if all the stars that hold our wishes could join as one, and unite against the odds. Every dream would still drown under the downpour, their light left abandoned, falling victim to the storm. I have grown tired of chasing this trail of vague replies, an eclipse of the rising sun our shattering dawn. At long last, our daydream becomes a legend overturned though you shout and cry out our glory never will be heard. When not a single sound makes it through the darkness we’ll have the silence to carry the word."

She sang in a light hushed tone, not realizing that she had become audible to where both men could hear her. She found herself blushing, embarrassed by it. She then turned to the man riding next to her. Appraising her riding companion, she posed a question to him. "It has occurred to me that I dont much about you, care to share something about yourself? It'll help if we all know what each other is capable of in terms of skills and talents." she inquired, hoping he would feel comfortable enough in sharing with her.

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:14 pm
by Arlen
Arlen nodded when Rhea began explaining the order in Atinaw. Her declaration of belonging to one of those great eight clans provoked a surprised lift of eyebrows and a quick look from Arlen her way. Atinaw so far managed to undo a few of his preconceptions. So if his idea that wealth and standing equalled fine clothing and servants was to be another one of those, so be it. This country seemed to be a place where everyone pulled their weight rather than the other way round.
“Well, I am glad to hear that," Arlen said, after Rhea's note on kinships and honour. "They are important to my people as well. Or at least the part where I grew up.” Although they placed their honour in a different part of life.
Afterwards, they exited Loras at last. The farmer was leading the way. Those who walked the same path at a slower pace parted before the caravan since no one wanted to be run over. Arlen nodded a polite greeting here and there, most of the time at faces he did not even know.
Beyond the town walls, fields flooded around them. Greens, beiges and goldens meshed together in harmony as far as the eye could see. It was a rich land, that much Arlen understood from looking around. After all, dead land did not have the ability to birth such plentifulness.
It was sometime later that he heard the woman next to him hum, soon breaking into a soft song. Arlen enjoyed the entertainment since it brought back memories. When he had his own convoy, they also sang if their employers were partial to some rough clambake. No one in the convoy was a singer worth a coin, but they had fun and that mattered.
So his lips softened and his posture relaxed. The sun warmed his skin as much as the song sunk into his insides and melted away.
When it ended, it left a light tone in the air, much like the gentle sway of hips as they rode, its rhythm seemed to linger with them. So when Rhea spoke again, he looked at her without the original reservedness of a stranger or a man unsure of his companion.
“I quite agree,” he said. "Since moving to Atinaw, I've only done a few group guarding jobs. And usually men there were locals who already knew each other." He breathed out the last words as though dismissing those experiences. They made him miss his own men and forced the sense of isolation on Arlen that he did not enjoy.
“But as you might have guessed, I am not from here. I come from a Jastai tribe up near one of the free cities in the North. Pretty much my whole life I’ve been doing convoy jobs.” He shrugged. It was his reality, one of the only few things he had ever known. “I like the travelling. The fact that every road, even if you know it, can throw you a curveball anywhere, anytime.” Just speaking about it, there was a rush of energy through his body and though he was looking ahead at that moment, his face was alight.
“Though there is one thing, I have not learnt throughout the years, no matter how much my mates and I practised.” And he shifted his gaze to look at Rhea with a spark in his eyes. “Sing. I could never sing as well as you just did. It’s more a croaking crow, the sound I make. Aaand...our songs were probably better placed in midnight taverns to be fair.” Arlen chuckled, shaking his head at the memories. He noticed that there were fewer people on the road. They passed a few farmsteads already and were now nearing a forest. For a brief moment, his attention sharpened as he was taking in the lay of the land, picking out the possible dangers, dark spots and such.
Rhea came to his mind also. At least, we're not walking by in the evening, he thought and he looked back at his companion.
"I was also meaning to ask earlier. What does a nobility such as yourself do here though? Guarding a farmer. I mean, you seem capable, but why a job as simple as this?"

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 12:55 am
by Rhea
Golden Fields of Barley
71st day of Searing, 120 A.o.S


The trip out of Loras was peaceful, especially after her impromptu song. Those still on the road nodded and waved as they passed by, and Rhea focused her attention on her riding companion and his words. Interesting, that is all she could really say to herself as he spoke about himself, not to mention compliment her singing.

When he was finished speaking on his previous adventures, she giggled a bit. "Ironically I'm quarter Jastai, as my father is half Jastai. I wonder what it would be like to live among them?" he pondered as she spoke on her own lineage. It was something they had in common that was for sure and it made her a bit more comfortable around him.

His next question caused her head to tilt a bit to the side. It wasnt a hard question to answer, as it was a duty for her. "Because its what my clan does. We are fighters, monster slayers, all of that sort. More importantly, Its the least I can do. I wish to help where and when possible." she explained, looking up to the sun as it set.

"It's not uncommon really, then again I'm the black sheep of my family, the quiet child of a rambunctious clan. I guess what I'm trying to say without really rambling is that I just enjoy helping people however I can." she added, looking at him with a smile. Her eyes returned to the road, as they looked for anything out of the ordinary.

After all, she had past experiences with highwaymen on the neglected road. It was still early, and she couldnt leave anything to chance.

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:25 pm
by Arlen

He looked at her with raised eyebrows. Arlen spent his life among Jastai and yet here he was in the presence of one and completely oblivious. Arguably, a quarter of blood heritage was easily lost among other features. Still, it was nice to finally meet someone with whom he was able to create an imaginary bond.
“Living among them has its ups and downs. Depending on how much you can handle the constant competition,” Arlen offered with a chuckle. So far Rhea seemed quite mellow, easy-going. He didn’t know how much of a challenger she was. Not that it mattered. Either way, he got the impression that she wasn’t likely going to assimilate into a Jastai tribe any time soon.
When she explained the reasons for why she took on the job, Arlen remained surprised. “So how are you a black sheep of the family if you are doing what your family is doing? Is it because you're not as loud as they are?”
At times, the man took a while to understand the finer workings of family life. Although coming from a large tribe where everyone raised everyone, at times workings of other families eluded him. Mainly because they were different from the Jastai way and hence alien to him.
So he listened to her explanation just as they entered the forest. At some point, his attention turned away from their conversation. He drew quiet and watchful. The sun offered enough light for him to see but it may not be the case for the way back. There were plenty of bushes and undergrowth, thicker trees where anything or anyone could hide.
Alas, they delivered the farmer to his home in one piece. Arlen received the second half of the payment and that was the end of that job. The purse would feed him for a while again.
He wasn’t sure what Rhea’s plans were but it turned out that they were travelling back to Loras together as well.
“We’ll get back after the sun sets,” he said.
Way after the sun sets, Arlen then thought after looking at the sky as they left the farm behind them. The light was becoming fire orange and the opposing side of the arch was darkening.
The forest wasn’t far off and by the time they entered it, shadows had grown darker too. Or at least, dark enough for Arlen’s faulty sight to struggle to see.
“One thing,” he said to Rhea, “watch out for shadows. My eyesight struggles in dim light.” Better safe than sorry and he didn’t want to put anyone in danger. So best she knew that she was travelling with a circumstance-based, part blind man.

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:51 pm
by Rhea
Golden Fields of Barley
71st day of Searing, 120 A.o.S


His question was amusing, as he had no idea just how right he was. She was indeed the quiet one of the family, but she was definitely a warrior like them. "Yes I am definitely the quiet one. Where my siblings enjoy the rambunctiousness of a good time, I would rather find my solace alone or in the forest." she spoke as they ventured back to town, her companion warning her to remain sharp.

"It would not be my first time being beset by a highwayman." she giggled, her eyes closing for a moment. With an extension of her hand, she called forth the wind and sent it ahead of her. "Be my eyes." she whispered, watching as the wind went forth ahead of her.

She was somewhat impressed by this Arlen, he seemed to be a capable man, sharp and intuitive. Her initial impression of the man was that he was just another chauvinistic foreigner, though she would never outwardly admit it but the thought surely crossed her mind. But as she conversed with the man up until now, she sensed his genuine authenticity.

She was particularly interested in his insight into things such as combat and living with the jastai. Just what other mysteries and stories did he hold? In any case, this one was truly someone to keep an eye on, for all the right & wrong reasons. As she pondered a gust of wind swept around her, the sense she got from it saying "Evade" which sent her head in a swivel.

It was too late, her horse flung her from it, the horse taking several arrows to its neck. She slid across the floor, putting her in a slight daze as she got to her feet. Several armed men came running from the treeline at her, the first one getting close enough for her to take a leg. Getting herself together, a quick twirl of her sword, and she was ready to take down some bandits.

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"