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[Arlen] A Second Outlook On The Wilderness

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:11 pm
by Ricky
Searing 30th, 120th AoS

Daylight still lingered over the western mountains as birds still filled the air with lilted tunes, while screeching cicadas also cried echoes both near and far away. For one such as the lone wolf, this was a different approach on the territory, for Ricky had never really considered the necessity as to why he'd be out here. Even now it felt as though there was little point to the idea, and yet somehow both Captain Malkea and Hannah both thought it worth a shot. Decent as the idea was, Rickter fully understood the reason behind it, of course, otherwise, he would've never come out here, to begin with anyway.

Fourteen days ago his son had been briefly kidnapped from him, so if anything out here was the last place he wanted to be. Yet if he wanted to improve on his shortcomings, especially after the events that transpired afterward, then the wolf clearly needed to be fully comfortable with... well, everything. That meant being able to shift into forms at whim like other Rathari seemed able to do, as well as being fully aware of his capabilities within each form. Up til now, of course, Rickter had never had such concerns, but when you experience a near-death situation such as he did, then one could only either remain weak and perish, or adapt and overcome the uncertainty of chaos.

Thus while both Rickter and Hannah were mending and becoming stronger, it was imperative the wolf fully ascertain the perks of being... well a wolf. Which explains why he had been out here for the entirety of his afternoon, even if every fiber in his being still drove him to return back home. He knew he however that even if he could, he would only fail to help himself in the long run. No matter how distrustful he felt of everyone else now, he also knew that he couldn't expect to remain shut inside for the rest of Martin's childhood either.

No. That boy deserved the best his father could provide him, even if it meant wandering the wilderness to hone his predatory instincts. If anything he had gotten lucky when the kidnapping occurred, as it had only been pure luck the father discovered the location of his son. Luck and... well a couple of other factors. Still even as the wolf wandered throughout the nearby fields of Loras, he couldn't help but appreciate the noticeable traits of being a wolf. For starters he was quicker and even nimbler, then again having four paws rather did make that a possibility. As for his senses, he never doubted the usefulness of his nose, as even now he could detect all the unusual smells of nature.

A certain molehill reeked of a couple of unusual smells to be sure when he'd stopped to sniff at the upturned dirt along his path. Before too long he would have to head back, unless he wanted to linger outside beyond sundown, for now, however, he pressed onward with constant vigilance. Mindful of the brushes and rustles within leaves and tall grass, hopeful that on this brave venture of his, he would not cross another predator that stood much larger than him.


Re: [Arlen] A Second Outlook On The Wilderness

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:41 pm
by Arlen

Arlen came across many sicknesses throughout his life. But homesickness was a rare one. He had forgotten how it stung, how it made his sense keener to all the things that were not right. With him. With his environment. In a country where the common tongue seemed to be frowned upon, he could not feel at home. And the sickness always showed him the sideways glances, shaking heads. If only he knew. But the culture shock hit him with delay, few days into his stay in Loras. A small town that he enjoyed for its relative peace, but still a town that probably got as local as one could get without going to the villages.
So he took to the one thing that lulled him into the illusion that he could be back home, back in the north. The forest. He walked through the woods sometimes when the longing for his tribe grew too strong. Wherever he went, forests were the one and only constant he found. Cities changed. So did the people. But forests did not. Sure, there were different kinds of trees and all, but their shape...always the same. Like his memories.
He laid a hand on a trunk next to him, surveying ahead. The sun was going down and the shadows were darker. A little longer and he was going to struggle to see. He was already finding some difficulties, catching himself squinting here and there.
Take your chances, he heard his younger self whispering into his ear. You know you can. And his blood heated a little. His heart pumped once or twice with the daredevil beat.
You can also die here. He pressed his lips. I barely know this forest. Because at least back home he knew what predators to expect. In here? The daredevil beat squeezed the pumping muscle.
He closed his eyes. The hot Searing air filled his lungs. Forests were forests. They all spoke the same language no matter where they were planted.
And so the branches above him whispered, sending their tales down to the understory before laying it to rest on the ground. And he heard it clearly. The world and its life. Without losing himself in the fairytale, his fingers were always dancing close to the hilt of his kukri.
Despite the forest’s familiarity, or maybe thanks to it, Arlen came prepared. He had his bowstrung across his back with a set of arrows on his hip, a kukri hung on the other. Woollen shirt, bracer on the right forearm and archery glove on the left hand. He was ready.
He opened his eyes. He was going to take his chances by going back a different route.
Best of both world’s, he thought, lips twitching.

Re: [Arlen] A Second Outlook On The Wilderness

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:04 pm
by Ricky
Rickter's nose rose at a tilt within the air, his pointed ears perked forward as he absorbed all the sound. Listening to the ambience of nature, he began to think he'd discovered something otherworldly, perhaps something so surreal as though it happened to be a simple melody. A song, or better yet a tune, carried out by the simple breath of the wild, to which Rickter took in with his incredibly sharp nose. Nature had that warm and musky scent to it that he could appreciate, almost enough to forget that he was technically a man, though more of a wolf in his current state.

The wolf's eyes lingered up towards that canopy of tree branches above him, admiring the last remnants of the sunlight as they filtered through in dismal rays. Yet he felt fine out here all alone, even if he wanted to go back home. The home was where his boy remained safe, and yet out here was the father, not there keeping him safe as he should. It was a bit of a moral dilemma that Rickter struggled with, understanding that what he was doing now was a necessary cause. He had come out here to embrace and observe, to learn how to immerse himself within his other half. Rickter knew he had to, for how does one learn to tap into his instinct, let alone use it as a weapon against the world?

And so with a slight twitch of his ears, their angles listened for more sound, the ambient sound of nature still a tune in his ears as he focused. Somewhere in the trees were cautiously antsy squirrels, moving from branch to branch as the leaves rustled, it was no doubt last call for a few more nuts before retreating to the nest. Somewhere to his far left several meters back, the sound of foliage shifting hinted another sign of activity, as the quiet hare moved at delicate increments. Crickets chirped all throughout the thickets of grass, as the sound of insects lowly buzzed in his ears, while there'd be an occasional firefly glowing about within the woods. Truly he felt a sense of awe that felt mystical, as though something akin to his nature resonated with this very place.

He wanted to believe he'd be able to thrive within it, but the truth was he knew he didn't belong here either. For he was a lone wolf, always the outcast no matter which world he walked. Yet still, he could not deny the sense of exhilaration he felt, as though he were embracing a new world through new eyes. And in that world, the wolf knew, just as he learned within the other one, that the world and nature are both one coinciding thing; and that was chaos. Yet the version of it he'd immersed himself within was beautiful here, dangerously so in fact, which perhaps weighed more in on the excitement as well. Yet something else loomed within the air now, a new scent that the breeze carried from the direction Rickter had been facing.

It... smells of the wood but... more. The wolf tried to discern what other slight hits he traced within the air, his brows somewhat in a furrow as he skulked lowly to creep in the direction towards it. I'm not alone. He quickly noted as he kept low and stuck to the foliage, hopeful the large networks of tangled weeds would keep him hidden at best.


Re: [Arlen] A Second Outlook On The Wilderness

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:17 am
by Arlen

Arlen moved through the forest noticing the marks various animals left behind. Animal trails crisscrossed the woods like fading scars. At places, the bark was peeling from tree trunks, either eaten or as a result of scratching. It was reassuring to see those same signs in this forest as he saw in the North.
And so just like in the North, Arlen expected that unless he was passing through a territory of an aggressive predator, he should not encounter any complications on his return.
He continued checking his surroundings regardless and as the landscape around him changed, Arlen found himself even more attentive. The undergrowth and bushes began to obscure the otherwise not so limited view of the forest. With the shadows growing longer and darker, anything could be hiding behind them.
The world was privy to his thoughts because a breeze swept in and caressed the vegetation. The rustling caught Arlen’s attention, making him stop before he felt the cooling touch on his cheeks. Still…
He took the bow from his shoulder, pulling on the string to warm the weapon up.
Just in case, he thought. Slightly hunched with eyes scanning his surrounding, in one fluid motion Arlen nocked an arrow too.
Plenty of hiding spots. For predators, but also prey. And so he moved forward at a slower pace, wondering if there was going to be another stirring of the bushes. And so there was. It was very quiet and if Arlen wasn’t actively listening, he would have missed it. Swing in the direction, his hand wrapped tighter around his bow, fingers hooked with confidence on the bowstring. No wind touched his skin this time.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” Arlen more mouthed than whispered those words.
Let it be a bunny. He could totally do with a nice stew.