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[Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:11 am
by Saej Mirilla
Searing 63 Year of the Age of Steel
Calid March¤

Saej sat in the back of the bar by herself, slowly drinking a cup of liquor*. The rum was dark and savory, going down her throat hot leaving her breathless with each sip. It was delicious. Today she drank slowly without the intention of getting drunk, she simply just wanted to relax and enjoy her impromptu vacation. The women and the Old Man busied themselves with work, she watched them buzz around like busy bees fresh from the hive eagerly filling and refilling mugs while also serving dinner to the patrons. All around her Kokalath was spoken and she also drank in their words, little was able to be picked up by her but she thought maybe if she lived here for a while longer the language may start making sense.

She was wearing her two toned dress and her long, dreadlocked hair fell from her head in cascades pooling around her shoulders like a dangling mink scarf. She had on her feet her pink running shoes as they were much more comfortable and stylish than her work boots. Today was a day to enjoy herself and be free. Free to be alone, with her thoughts, scheming about merchant stalls, and possible wares to sell. Loras had given her plenty of ideas. She was thinking of imported textiles and tobacco, to be maybe a general store. Dyes as well would be nice to sell to give people the option to perhaps add their own flavor to her textiles.
‘Maybe even tea,’
She thought dreamily, imaging the smell of her stall.
‘It’s going to be so beautiful.’
She could picture it in her mind, being here in Loras selling her wares to the ritzy townspeople and travelers. Coaxing people in with her wares and the scent of it all just like happened to her upon reaching the Center Market, they would surely fetch a fair price here and she would be right at home.

Perhaps she could leave Alfsos behind and settle down here, the sleepy paradise seemed like a perfect place to buy a home in Atinaw. In fact, she had just met a Lady, had they become fast friends? Her thoughts on this subject were pure enough, it was an oddly exciting prospect to have met someone with a similar mindset as she. Even if Milana was bound to her town and Saej was a traveler she thought perhaps they could have tea once in a while,
‘Tea with a Lady?!’
And talk about their lives. It was a strange feeling for a lonely soul to have camaraderie with someone she had just met but something about Milana struck her as genuine. Even the fact that she hid her stature was endearing, Saej would certainly have excused herself had she known who Milana was from the start. And that curious contraption she rolled around in, they weren’t common that was for sure but Saej knew what it was. A wheelchair. She wondered what had happened to blight Milana so but knew better than to ask a true stranger that, even if they were fast friends. Things like what happened that night on the Black Road where she had almost been assaulted, had it not been for Poppy, or what happened in that… church… were best left for more intimate conversations the other may initiate.

It wasn’t like she had anything to get off of her chest but now her thoughts flit from Milana to those nights spent trapped in the chapel in the Northern Wilds. Surely she should have died. She had the power of transposition for years and it would have served her then, what would her mother say if she knew? Head in hand sitting in at the table in the back of the room by herself her facial expression, unbeknownst to her, had turned despondent with her current thoughts. What if she had never been found? She would have lost her life, but what’s more, she would have never reconnected with her brother, would have never met Milana, Taelian, or any of the other interesting people she had met so far. Her heart twanged and she looked at her hands for a moment before running a palm down her face.
‘Or bought that stupid dress.’
Atinaw was proving to be something good for her, maybe, she felt like she had made friends here. She couldn’t imagine losing her life in that chapel and the idea of going back niggled in the back of her mind like an itch she couldn’t scratch.

Reality snapped back for her with the sound of plates clattering, one of the women had gathered up plates during her daydream and the sounds of the woman washing them from the kitchens could be heard all the way out here. Her eyes refocused on reality. A bard was playing a hurdy-gurdy singing solemn songs in Kokalath. That was when she thought she recognised someone, her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach and she had to stop herself from gasping. Could it really be?
Saej shouted into the tavern, taken by total surprise.

Re: [Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:13 am
by Arlen
Protests. Bombings. Executions. Those were all the things that were not happening in Loras. In fact, Loras was as quiet as a bug. At first, Arlen appreciated that as a gentle getaway into the country, the culture and frankly, life outside his tribe's settlement.
But now?
He pushed the door open into the Fishook tavern.
Now, he was not so sure anymore. His body was restless, so was his mind. Some of the challenges he was facing could not be solved by muscle or blade.
“Good day,” one of the serving women greeted him as she passed. Of course, in Kokalath.
It took Arlen a breath before he caught on. The sound was now familiar but the memory of it not yet imprinted on his mind. So the woman was long gone when he realized what happened and he wasn’t able to return the greeting. He also wasn’t confident enough to reproduce the words and shout them across the room.
Good day. Good day. Good day, he repeated the Kokalath words in his head. He’d been in Loras for over 40 days now and Kokalath was still the mystery it was on the first day.
It’s the time, he thought. Not been here long enough. Because sure it couldn’t have been his age, right?
He steered himself to the nearest table, just to ruminate over his circumstances.
“What can I get you?” A different serving girl approached, speaking in Kokalath. Again.
Arlen’s lips twitched in uncertainty. “I think you just asked what I want…”
The girl smiled. This one touched her eyes and Arlen was glad for that. Sometimes, he met those who smiled only politely but their eyes spoke of judgement when he responded in Common.
“Yep, that’s what I asked. So what’s it gonna be?”
“Ale and some bread with cheese.”
“Right on its way,” the girl turned around with youthful energy and was on her way.
So how did she say that… Arlen thought, trying to recall the sounds of the words spoken. He leaned back, eyes distant, finger tapping on the table.
Arlen was on his day off which called for very leisurely, no armour involved clothes. He could have passed for a local perhaps, a working-class man with a section of his hair tied at the back as usual. Hiding his ears was a habit he probably would never let go off.
“There you go!” It was the thud of the plate and the mug, that brought Arlen back from his thoughts about Kokalath.
He took a breath in and stopped. Emptiness took over his expression. The serving girl did not notice (thank lords), since she was off and away to serve elsewhere. Arlen was again too slow to remember this damned language. So there was no polite ‘thank you’ coming from him this time.
The air in his lungs blew out in one long sigh. He’d get it eventually. Because knowing Kokalath meant access to a more local market for missions, not just prissy merchants. With Kokalath, the citizens of Atinaw would no longer hire him and judge him no the side. They would just...hire him. And that was good enough for Arlen.
It was a few bites in that he heard his name shouted. Stopping mid-chew, he looked up as soon as the shout reached him. A few patrons fell silent and it was their bouncing gazes that gave him an idea of the direction. Which was when he saw her.
Or well, stared at her for a moment, because, sure, she was familiar. But he had to search his memory. He had to dig for that pang of remembrance. His chewing restarted as soon as he caught a whisper of a recollection. One gulp of ale down to clear his mouth. There were only a few women in his life that left a lasting impression on him. The picture of young, brave and quite a thoughtless merchant daughter offered itself up. Misty memories of a bear fight swam to his senses. How long had it been since?
Her mother called me what I was. It was that recollection of the discomfort and then his hand reached for the scars.
So he took his chances and he pointed at the dreadlocked girl.
“Saej?” He said, but it could have hardly reached her for the ruckus in the inn. Hopefully, she was able to at least part lip read.

Re: [Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:04 pm
by Saej Mirilla

Saej was totally stricken to see him here.
‘Where on earth did he come from?’
She wondered to herself, head shaking back and forth slowly as she took in his form. He had barely aged a day, just like her mother. If memory served he was half-Hytori. It all came flooding back then; the midnight run, the bear chasing her, screaming and crying under the wagon, and eventually the portal. Blinking at him rapidly she downed the rest of her rum, the burn of it making her hiss as she got up to come to sit by him. He pointed at her and said something, looking just as surprised as she as he slowly chewed his food, but she didn't catch his words.

“Arlen, what are you doing here?”
Saej said as she sat down beside him, making herself comfortable in his presence just like she used to do as a nineteen-year-old. Her hands were shaking slightly, it was as if she was looking at a ghost. On impulse she reached out one arm and gave him a side hug, leaning her head on his large arm. It was brief, just a quick greeting. She beamed at him.
“I can’t believe you’re here. It’s been… years! I was just a girl. It’s funny, I never did get that merchant stall started but was just thinking now that Loras would be the perfect place for it. I have ideas, finally-- though I doubt they would suit your needs. How strange you would appear now?”
Looking him up and down she took him in again, now up close she could see him very clearly. Very much the same person, long hair, strong shoulders, this air of capability. Despite herself, she was grinning. He had once been her protector and for that, she was forever grateful.
“I’m staying in Alfsos now, someone has let me stay with them. Shasco is there now back at the home, he’s going to be just as surprised as I am! I work as a courier now, can you believe that? What have you been doing? Where did you come from?”

She stopped herself from speaking more, taking a mental step back to regain herself. It was as if she was reverting back to that young woman with a million questions for the half-elf. Saej hoped she looked older, wiser, and more capable than when she was still a teen. Taking a moment to ground herself from the excitement she sat with an open poise, still clearly excited to see him but quiet now and more reserved. Folding her hands in her lap she waited for him to speak, but something bubbled up again.
“Have you heard any news about Alfsos or Loras? I won’t be staying here long, it was a long walk from Alfsos to Lorien and I need to get back to my dog. I can’t speak Kokalath but when I was volleying letters I have gotten the idea that something isn’t right. I’m not sure where to put my finger on it. I got to Alfsos late in Searing, then pretty much traveled to Loras under rumors of their marketplace.”
Small talk was not her forte but she wanted to keep the conversation going. Who knew what he had learned on his travels?

Re: [Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:04 am
by Arlen
It must had been her. He watched her approach and heck he be damned if this was the girl he remembered. Because, this was not a girl anymore but a full-grown woman. Her body changed, but her face did not, nor the hair, or the glasses.
The coincidence of this whole situation pushed him back into his chair. “Shoot, I could ask you the same!” He said as she sat down next to him. The embrace was quick but firm, one of many years past but memories shared. When they split, he let his hand rest on her shoulder for a moment longer. It was one last look to confirm that what he was seeing was not a figment of his imagination and that the imprint of her body on his was real.
Moment later, he rested back in his chair, the hand dropped, his face was transforming and feeding off of the joint energy of disbelief. A wide smile cracked across his expression and his eyes were just as alight as Saej’s whole expression.
“I know, right?” Arlen seconded. “Who would have thought that out of all the places it would be here that we’d meet again!”
He listened to her dream of owning her own stall. He wasn't able to swear that he fully remembered the details but it brought back another memory.
“You know if you ever need a convoy…” Arlen squared his chest, arms to the side. With years passed, he believed Saej would get the gesture this time. She seemed, more...mature, more aware. “Although, these days I seem to specialize in standby guard for scared merchants out of the region.” He waved his hand, blowing out some air through his lips briefly.
Though when she mentioned Alfsos, Arlen’s cheerful expression halted a little. The smile dropped and his eyebrows pulled in just a bit. “Alfsos you say,” he muttered, retrieving the ale mug and tapping it with his finger.
He was no longer contracted by Saej or her family, nor did he ever have a reason to worry about previous employers. But Saej, with her thoughtless bravery back then and not knowing what was happening in the region now, was possibly on a fast track to mix herself a cocktail of uninvited trouble if she wasn’t informed.
Arlen leaned back in his chair and sighed. He scratched the side of his head when she asked for updates on the region.
“Well, Loras is pretty quiet. There were some troubles earlier in the season but that was before I came down here. But Alfsos.” He beheld her in his brown gaze that through the concern darkened into fresh coals. “There is some funny business going on there. From what I’ve heard not that long ago an execution went a bit sideways. Apparently a bunch of people responsible for bombing somewhere in Atinaw just disappeared. Nobody’s found them yet.”
His finger continued tapping the mug as though he was counting his thoughts. His lips pulled together and to the side.
He wasn't best informed himself, but the sense of responsibility was hard to shake if there was something he was able to prevent. He was over the moon to see Saej and perhaps that was why his response to her was stronger than other women he had forgotten.
So after a moment, he took in a quick breath and shook his head. His hand left the mug and rested on her upper arm. “Look, it’s probably nothing. Criminals disappear all the time. And for all I know Atinaw might have an underground sect that got them. And, honestly, I might as well be just predisposed to disliking large cities but...just be careful alright?” From what he could remember, Shasco was more of a singer than a fighter and he did not know that friend of hers to make a judgement.

Re: [Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:02 am
by Saej Mirilla

The hug seemed to be received well and he let his arm linger on her shoulder for maybe a moment too long, she blushed then and stiffened as he took his arm away. It wasn’t a sexual gesture in the slightest, she just wasn’t privy to people usually touching her or giving her much affection outside of her family. It had been a long time since she had seen someone who she certainly would call an old friend, even if they had been removed for eight years. Something about their past, the horrible thing it was, had bonded them back then. It would seem the bond had stood the test of time, they were both very grateful to see each other and she felt in cahoots as he spoke.
“If I ever need a convoy, I will certainly come to find you-- should you still be here. In fact, would you like my address? Perhaps we could write letters, keep a correspondence? I’m afraid my life is very, well, boring as a courier, but I would love to hear of your travels and escapades. You know Shasco certainly will.”

It would seem when she mentioned Alfsos something in her friend darkened, if only slightly. She changed her gaze to something questioning, a smile playing on her lips.
“Yes, Alfsos, why?”
And he began his tale of executions and bombings. Her facial expression mirrored his own now, lips tugged down and eyebrows furrowed.
“Hm, that’s not good. I’m, well, frankly surprised to hear of this. I feel like I must be the last to know. You say they disappeared? Oh no.”
Her mind drifted to her temporary home, the strange cottage the noble allowed her to stay in. She pictured it in flames and winced. It was then an alien tugging was felt in the back of her mind, the urge for another drink. Pushing the urge away for now she brought herself back to the conversation, captivated by his next words as he touched her arm again. There was the slightest compulsion to shake the hand off, but she let it stay, feeling the touch there palpably. Her arm didn’t move an inch.

“Of course, I’ll keep my wits about me.”
It was time for the hand to come off of her arm, she grasped it in her own and squeezed, looking at his brown smouldering gaze with her aloof, yet happy, blue eyes, then let her hand fall away, removing his touch.
“Thank you, I guess I really don’t know what to say. This is terrible. Without knowing Kokalath I’m very much in the dark about things, it would seem. I’m not sure if you have the same problem or maybe it’s just me but the locals, they aren’t very privy to common speech. Not easy getting them to do, well, anything. They mostly just give me dirty looks or mime at me while speaking their language.”
She snorted and shook her head in disbelief.
“I never thought I would say this but I think I’m settling down. Well, not completely. But for now, it looks like my ass is staying in Atinaw. Once I get my loan I’ll be bringing my merchant stall between Loras and Alfsos for a while until I can get my coin back and travel onwards. The trip here has wasted me, I’ve never lived in a city before myself. Back in Kalzasi I would live in my wagon during the warm seasons and go back home with my parents during the cold ones. I guess I didn’t realise it was so expensive!”

A hand shot up to her broken glasses to push them up her nose, she looked back into Arlen’s intense brown eyes and gave him a small smile before taking her gaze away. She fidgeted more, idly twirling the end of a dreadlock as her mind reeled at seeing this man after so many years, and he was still, maybe literally, the same person as before. His clothes were cleaner, the road dust missing, but his posture, caring, and protectiveness was still the same. It put her into a sense of nostalgia.
“Let me buy you a drink?”

Re: [Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:50 am
by Arlen
Arlen shrugged and looked around. “I will be here for a while probably. It seems like a nice gateway to Atinaw.” Also probably the harder route because of the language. But without a challenge and hardship, life would be nothing. So he was rather content even if he was grumbling about his predicament from time to time.
When Saej mentioned letters, he raised his eyebrows. His response did not come straight away. It’s been long since he left the North. When he thought about her proposition in that brief moment, he realized that he did not bother to send even a single letter back to his tribe.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he said, rubbing the corner of his jaw with his thumb. “I’ve never been much of a writer. But if you want to hear about me guarding gem merchants and catching Ringtails who steal farm grain...” Arlen chuckled and shrugged. “I guess I could try. I’m staying in the Duedrop Inn for now so if you send letters there, I should get them. Where should I send my replies to?”
He had no way of taking note, but he hoped to remember the address. And if he would fail...well then he would cross that bridge when it came to it.
The mention of Shasco brought a smile to his face and broke the momentary uncertainty raised with the talks of letters. “Ha! I imagine. Is he still as...hyper as he was back then? I remember...was his singing? When we were guarding your caravan. I remember some...quite...unique music.” The diplomacy in his words was betrayed only by the twitch of his lips. In a way, now that a few years passed and Arlen grew even more comfortable with who he was, he wouldn’t mind meeting the half-Hytori. There were questions he wanted to ask Shasco and perhaps the mother as well. There were things he wanted to find out and understand so that he knew where to go from here, get a direction for this elusive path ahead of him.
When Saej picked up on the news in Alfsos, he nodded. “Yeah, disappeared. Something about smoke and whatnot. I don’t really know much. The news filters here through merchants and some visitors out of town.”
Yet, Arlen did not fully notice the effect his touch had on Saej. When she squeezed his hand and removed it, to him it seemed like understanding and acceptance of his concern. And that was good enough for him. Or it could have been something entirely different which his mind touched upon only briefly then and would probably slap him in the face with later that night - discomfort.
But the conversation moved on and so he allowed himself to be swept away with it rather than ponder there and then.
He reclined back in his chair and nodded his head. “You have no idea, Saej.” And he took a sip of his drink. “I’ve been trying to pick up words here and there, but then, sometimes when I try to repeat them, imitate them or something. You know, even then some people look at me funny. I don’t know if I am saying them wrong. It’s tough. But sometimes you get lucky and once the locals see you try they help. Some of them.” He shrugged again. “But yeah, they don’t like Common, but Common is called that for a reason. It’s a language everywhere. Part of me thinks that they should be the ones keeping up with it, not the other way round.” His sentiment was clear though he shrugged it off with a shake of shoulders. Kokalath was a challenge, but he accepted it albeit with a stint.
“Actually, what brought you here from the North? Why Atinaw? Why now?” Curiosity had awoken inside him because Saej’s appearance in Loras was just as surprising as their chanciest of meetings.
Then he raised his hand in refusal. “No can do, Saej. I might be just a sellsword but there is a way to do this.” He pushed his hand into the air, catching the attention of one of the waiting girls. “I’m getting you a drink. At least the first one.” And he grinned with a spark in his eyes.

Re: [Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:05 am
by Saej Mirilla
Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Arlen said he would be in Loras for a while, she took a mental note of that. It gave her even more reason to come back and visit. Next time she would certainly bring Shasco he would just love to see Arlen again, she knew that for a fact.
“I live not far from The Silver Lion Inn, if you come by Alfsos you will have to stop there. It was my first experience in Atinaw and I must say it was a good one. Try the shitport special, it’s my favorite.”
She didn’t bring up the fact she made a fool of herself on that drink her first night, instead she rattled off the address of her temporary home. Without a paper or ink she hoped he could remember.
“I don’t know how long I’ll be staying there,”
Came an explanation with uncertainty,
“But I think for now that’s a good spot to send letters to. If anything changes I will send word to the Duedrop for you.”

Arlen laughed at Shasco and she smiled an honest smile at him, her brother always had quite the reputation, leaving a mark on most people he met.
“Still as hyper as ever. And yes, he still sings. In fact he had joined a circus for a while, he’s got a few more tricks up his sleeve now I’m sure he will show them off for you should you ever…”
Her conversation trailed off before she finished the sentence, while the conversation was going great she wondered if she was overstepping a boundary implying her next statement.
“...Come and visit.”
Letting the conversation die there she fiddled with a dreadlock, then laid her hands in her lap. Luckily the conversation turned a different direction and she drank in his words, deeply disturbed by what she had heard.


The woman parroted. Her mind rested on Poppy and her brother then, would Shasco send word to her if something drastic happened in the city? Frowning she folded her arms across her chest, worried for her family. It was like a cold chill had seeped into her bones, the anxiety of her decision to just make a break for Loras seemed to be one that was ill-timed. Deciding that although Shasco was an egotistical bastard he would certainly seek her out if something bad had happened, that was the only respite her mind could find. The conversation turned then from such dire things to a shared experience, damn Kokalath.

“I have a feeling most of them speak Common just fine, it seems to be the Viking pride to pick on foreigners. But I agree, it would be nice to catch a break.”
Shaking her head she relaxed a little. Arlen truly had no idea how much it did her heart good to see such a friendly face from her past. It wasn’t often that she saw people she had a relationship with, let alone one that made such a good mark on her and her family. It would seem fate had brought them both together again and for that she was glad. Saej decided she would have to get Shasco to write a letter to their parents letting them know that Arlen was well. The world was a small place sometimes, wasn’t it?

“What brought me here? Shasco. I hadn’t seen him in years actually, I have been busy in Kalzasi as a courier. Have been trying to save up for, like I said, that merchant stall. I have a name for it, ‘Seeking Sator’. Anyway, we met in Kalzasi’s market and he said he had been in Atinaw. Actually, he hadn’t even come to say ‘hello’ I just saw him busking in the street and ran up to him, demanding he come speak with me. Such a shit. He convinced me to come back to the lands of Atinaw with him, it was a long journey by wagon. I will say that much. Dangerous too. I guess he thinks I will have better luck here with my stall, though neither of us speak the language I’m just hoping we will catch a break.”

At his hand-up refusal to accept her drink she blanched, then grinned deviously, feeling incahoots.
“Fine, you can buy me a drink oh-so-chivalrous-Arlen. But if I find myself drunk under the table, will you carry me home?”
It was certainly a flirty remark meant to get a rise out of him, but it wasn’t necessarily meant to be taken overly sexually. Just a tease, she was an adult now and she couldn’t be faulted for acting her age. It felt good to let loose, after all the worrying she had done about that elf she needed to let off some steam.


Re: [Loras]Rediscovery; The Chancest of Meetings

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:44 am
by Arlen
Arlen repeated the address to himself a few times. If that would not ingrain it in his mind, then at least he had the Silver Lion Inn for reference. But he doubted it would be necessary. His memory was usually impeccable for certain details. Shasco’s adventure made him grin. From what he remembered of him, it filled his character perfectly.
In response to her hesitant invitation, the smile touched his lips, cheeks and all the way to the corners of his eyes. He looked at the ale mug in his hand.
It’s not an invitation from a stranger, he thought as he lifted his gaze towards Saej. She knows what she’s doing. But did he know what she was intending?
“Thank you Saej,” Arlen said at last, taking a leap of faith wherever it may land him. “Yeah, I think it would be nice to see him whenever I happen by Alfsos.” He offered no reassurances at this point. After all, it was safer that way than promising something he wasn’t sure was going to happen then. But he wasn’t going to lie to himself and say that the idea did not appeal to him in some ways.
He then nodded when she spoke of her meeting with her brother and how he brought her to Atinaw.
“Well, I am glad you made it here ok. The roads aren’t safe like you say. Just when I was travelling down here, there were more in convoy than I would have up North,” he said and downed his drink.
It was then that he laughed at her response and waved the waiting girl over. “One for Saej whatever she likes and another one for me,” he told the barmaid.
Shifting in his seat, he was looking at the woman in front of him, a grin plastered to his face.
“Well, you’re a grown woman now. Sure you need no man to take care of you,” he replied in play with a spark in his dark brown eyes. Though truth was that if it came to it, he would do his darned best to make sure she was safe in her quarters. If he could see straight at that point.
Now as he settled into the moment, in the presence of a grown-up Saej, it was easy to let the misty memories float away and regard her as a woman and not a child anymore.
So when the drinks arrived he raised his mug in cheers. “To Seeking Sator and the chancest of meeting it Ransera.”