[Hopsfel] Pacheco is an odd name

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:24 pm


15th of Searing, 120

Hopsfel was by comparison to most; not a very big city. The majority of its center consisted of political buildings, a few of the more 'professional' shops, and a number of oddly fancy buildings Amara doubted she'd ever explore. As with most towns, cities, etc, the closer you got to the centerthe cleaner the homes were, the more guards one would see lingering around corners and the less dirty it's citizens seemed to be. Hopsfel seemed no different, as the more she led Magna out of town, the less of those guards, and the more of that dirt she'd see covering the faces of it's residents. Meanwhile a proud Jastai walked beside someone she felt was almost a friend, and the curious bounce of the half-breed beside her drew her attention as they went on their way.

Amara had offered to lead them through the city as the other female had only just arrived, and it was very unlikely she could find her way. Admittedly, the giant took her time while they did, eager to talk to her, commenting on the well kept horse, a few questions on her journey to the city. A neat, carefully place cobblestone road sounded out against Pacheco's hooves, contrasting the chatter of mostly human and Rathari, and of course the Jastai alongside Magna. She adored the sounds around her, and the giant unknowingly kept her strides long and a bit quick, a normal human would possibly have trouble keeping up with her excitement.

They had left the smith's shop not long ago now, heading west down a short hill, past numerous buildings, merchants, and oddly enough a few of the strangers that had been staring at the group beforehand-- And Either Amara hadn't noticed, or she didn't care enough to show shame for the eyes on her. In fact she was still very happy (and very distracted) with her calloused fingers running through the horse's mane, which she knew as Pacheco. A short pout formed when she discovered a few knots that kept her from combing through the course hair, but the child-like irritation passed in seconds as her hand dropped from the beast. If it wasn't evident enough, she loved animals.

Eventually her attention was drawn once more to Magna, and Amara parted her lips to speak. "Would you like to ask anything while we're walking? The tavern I usually visit is somewhat far." She called out. At the moment, she walked beside Magna, her hands at her sides and dark eyes trained on the rarity beside her. "Keep in mind nothing is off limits, I'm more than happy to help." Her voice was cheerful, eager, and a grin looked as if it was permanent on her cheeks. Gods, her energy was overwhelming, and how she maintained it this long without break is a mystery.

word count: 498
Extremely nervous screaming.
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Thu Jul 02, 2020 3:32 pm

It didn't take much to impress Magna, she'd seen very little of the world growing up, and on her travels alike. Somehow, she'd avoided major cities and roads all throughout the wilderness between Hopsfell and Antiris. It wasn't that she had anything against cities, but that she had a very clear and defined goal: Atinaw. All her travels had been for the sake of reaching this great land, which she'd believed was home to a tribe of Jastai. And, after her first day in a city, she discovered one of those Giants; a kind and energetic Amara, who was more than happy to guide her through the city and answer her questions. Pacheco seemed to like her too, which meant she was undoubtedly a good person.

Up until Amara's offer, however, Magna had been quietly admiring the architecture. She'd not seen such complex and grand structures before, and could only wonder how much time and effort was put to each building. She'd worked with plenty of wood, and knew that some of these structures would take weeks to make if they were carved from fresh lumber. But these were stone; and lots of them had bricks that were surely far too heavy for any one man to lift. Beyond the construction of the city, the resident humans and beastmen were all very impressive. There were so many species living in these walls, so many different colored furs, feathers, and scales: Even Pacheco could feel at home here, she was certain.

"Hm? Oh, yeah," replied the red-headed halfbreed as they walked. Amara even offered Magna the chance to ask about anything, but she still thought carefully and considered her options. 'Hey, do you know my dad?' No. that was a stupid question. Perhaps she could start smaller? Work her way up? "Well, I don't know much, 'sides the fact that you're all really tall," she laughed an awkward breath, then cleared her throat. "Uhh, I don't know. Is it true you come from tribes? And where's your tribe from?" Relatively simple questions, for sure. But, they could help Magna in her journey. For one, it would help to know if Amara had come from Atinaw or elsewhere; it could save her an entire search. For two, it would help validate the information she'd learned on her travels if Jastai truly did live in tribes.

While they walked, Pacheco and his clacky hooves were more than happy to soak in the attention of Amara's attentive strokes. Meanwhile, Magna simply guided him along by the lead and kept her focus on the taller woman.

word count: 453

Floor Gang

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