The Cage: Part Three

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:42 am

6th of Searing, Year 120

He joined Iridith near the inn, the site of the creature's massacre of the town's civilians. Destian remained in the small cabin Taelian had found him in -- he'd relayed how everything happened to Taelian and Iridith, but afterwards said he wished to remain in hiding until they could assure him of the death of the beast. It was a sensible request; he planned to stay here, apparently, and petition for ownership of the farm his adoptive father owned. The Lord of the area would eventually reallocate the rest of the town to new farmers and other laborers, and Destian would be left in a position of privilege. The boy was nothing if not pragmatic.

He told them of how everything occurred. The beast was spotted by a farmer to the west, cleaving through the treeline and culling some of the local stag. Within a few hours they'd received word of a few of the farmers dying, their homes being broken into. After the creature managed to kill the people inside, he would move to the laborers in the fields, and he was continuing east. This warning was relayed to everyone north, south, west and central to the community; many of them came into the center of town to congregate in their mutual defense, bringing as many dragonshard guns as they could. Many other villagers instead fled to a larger, walled castle-town, joining relatives or seeking refuge and informing their Clansmen of what was occurring in this area. From what they had learned from Destian, it appeared the creature was intent on cleaving east. All of the news had come from the west, in a straight line. Taelian wondered why.

Whatever the case, Iridith called him back to the inn for... 'deliberation'. He felt anxious of what she meant -- the woman was confident that the two of them could take the creature on, so he wondered why they weren't moving immediately east. Quickly, he found out.

"Taelian..." the Jastai began. "We need to kill him."

"Who, the creature?" he asked.

"No, Destian," she said solemnly. But it was a fake solemnity; it was clear as day in the precision with which she formed her demeanor, the way in which she averted her eyes and looked aside. It was deception. His time with the Covenant had been enough for him to learn that, at least.

The Ebon Knight's gaze narrowed. He thought to ask why... but, he already knew why. The woman decided to inform him anyway.

"He's a threat to us. He saw both of us here, therefore linking the creature to the Covenant. Maybe he, a child, believes that we were simply in the area... but when he's questioned by the Atinorin authorities, they won't. They'll investigate us -- perhaps even blame us for this creature's mauling of the town. And..."

"Why wouldn't they blame us?" he asked. "We're responsible, Iridith. Wylen is, at least. Most of the Thespians wouldn't even help you, isn't that correct?" Too many had died already. They were just . . . random villagers, subjected to the arbitration of fate. Wylen was the adviser to the Finla of Raellon; he was meant to act as a voice to these people, providing their counsel to the leader of this Clan. He was their representative, supposedly, but foolishly he'd managed to get dozens of them killed. For nothing.

"It doesn't matter; too much is at stake. It's not a moral question anymore -- it's a question of survival. Why should mages across the country need to be held accountable for Wylen? For they will be. There is no doubt of that."

"Why should a boy have to be held accountable for Wylen? And for the Thespians' selfishness?"

"Because fate is cruel," she replied. To Taelian, it was a meaningless answer. It effectively meant: she didn't need a reason. Unfairness already prospered. The worst thing was, he acknowledged that in many situations this argument would've been persuasive to him. Mostly because... he didn't care in the first place. Not for these strangers; not for their lives, not for their farms. But... a part of him cared for Destian, somehow. Already. He reminded him of himself -- an orphan, an opportunist, a cynic but a hopeful one. Sharp, resourceful. He knew that he didn't need to die.
word count: 765
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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:03 am


"Let's kill the beast first," he said.

"No," Iridith replied. "We have to do it now. For all we know, while we're hunting this creature the boy could be hauled to Raellon by the authorities and forced to answer their curiosities. He could undermine our organization -- and certainly Wylen's position in Raellon. Do you think the Finla will keep his counsel after learning that he's created a disaster like this, strictly due to his incompetence? We would be lucky to not have him set upon a pyre. Remember who it was that saved your brethren of the Ebon Knights -- who has been nothing but good to you, despite your limited contact. He is a pillar of our organization." She grimaced, noting that Taelian seemed far from convinced. He was looking at her with... disappointment, if it could be so clearly named. This only invoked Iridith's rage.

"Nevermind!" the woman yelled. "I'll do it myself. Wait here."

"Wait!" Taelian cried. "Don't. We can take him with us; if he dies you won't even care. If anything he can serve as a distraction for the beast. And if the authorities come while he's with us, they won't have anyone to ask. We can... figure out what to do with him when the beast is dead. Maybe we can even turn him into positive propaganda; don't you think that would be a positive outcome? Turning this into something good. Not adding more death to the growing pile."

She sighed. The woman's complexion shifted to appear more... sterile, level-headed. "Fine," she replied, yielding to him. "Be aware that I would have found no pleasure in disposing of him. Necessity leads us to act on these occasions - not will, nor desire. There will come moments where you must perform heinous actions to protect the prosperity of your peers. Things may appear evidently clear in your holy rebellion against the Dranoch, but they are not always such outside of the confines of the obvious 'common good'."

He had many thoughts in response; that Iridith only wanted to protect her position, that she appeared to take an unrealistically high-minded approach to these affairs, and that she was unexpectedly rigid in dealing with a tough circumstances. As if she were drawn to elimination as an option -- perhaps drawn to the killing. He knew many mages who were eager to display their power; to wield it against others at the slightest infraction, often because they felt it was - in some way - a sort of divine right. And the woman before him, now... she seemed somewhat like those women and men. As many thoughts as he kept over Iridith's actions and philosophy, he had ideas for preserving Destian's life. Things to keep him alive for.

And not all of them had to benefit the Covenant. Or anyone but the boy himself.

"I'll let him know that we're bringing him along, merely for his own safety. He'll probably be resistant, though, at first. Just give me time," he asked. The Jastai answered with a curt nod.
word count: 532
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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:20 am


It didn't take long to convince him. Taelian only needed reason that he was safer with them, as they had no clue where the beast actually was. And... that he would get to see all sorts of abilities and spells, as the human appeared interested in the arcane. Besides, Taelian couldn't imagine that hiding under a blanket for an entire day had been a very riveting experience for him. And he was beginning to grow maddeningly hungry, and most of all thirsty. His mouth was exceedingly dry.

The first thing they did was to bring him to another one of the cabins, where they'd prepared a meal from the inn. There, Taelian, Iridith and the Atinorin boy spoke some . . . and even prayed. Taelian to Wraedan, as he always would in dealing with creatures of the undying variety. Iridith to some absurd faith she'd only just told him of; some spiritual commitment to aether and the arcane. She . . . quite literally worshiped magic, which was far from a surprise. And of course... Destian. He prayed to Wraedan too, but for a different reason. Briefly, quietly enough to where he must have been certain he would not be heard, he prayed that his adoptive father and all of his bloodless siblings be spared pain upon death, and that they successfully navigate their way to Nod.

Taelian didn't care much for the Dragon Gods, though at least for a moment they could offer someone solace. Even he himself; somehow he felt more confident, believing that Wraedan was on his side.

"Are you both ready to go?" Iridith asked. "I have four hours remaining on my Irothar's contracts. We need to increase our pace from here. Taelian -- I'm going to need you to help me track the beast. Covering all of this land... it will be difficult to find. And from what it appears like, it's very fast."

He nodded in affirmation. "I'll help. First... ah, perhaps we could acquire some horses? They..."

"They've all been eaten," said Destian. "Nothing was left alive."

"On foot it is, then," Taelian said glibly. Iridith rolled her eyes.

word count: 369
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Mon Jun 15, 2020 2:01 am

♅ The Cage: Part Three ♅

  • 5xp {Cant be used for magic}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Persuasion: Convincing someone to hold out
    Persuasion: Persuading a child
    Negotiation: Bartering for someone's life
    Logistics: Making a risk analysis
    Logistics: Making high-risk judgments
    Deception: False remorse
  • This was not what I was expecting, but I'm glad Taelian was able to save Destian, even if for the moment. This was very gripping thread, and a great read, I cant wait to see if they are able to kill that abomination. Dont kill Destian, he a pragmatic nugget.
word count: 127
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