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Coming Around

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:52 pm
by Patrick
Coming Around
Glade 45th 120th AoS
All three of the Barnell brothers had awoken early that morning, as Dominik made it a point that they were all going to fish early this morning. While Connor hadn't quite fully regained his vigorous spunk, he had certainly done a decent job coming out on the mend at least. Occasionally there would be a time where he'd fidget or space out a little, before coming back around to the present reality once more. While he no doubt struggled with inclinations to relapse off and on, he certainly started to regain that same chipper personality that made him Connor.

Needless to say all three boys were out by the river, as they all had front row seats to watching the sun rise during the morning. The air was cool and moist, with a thin veil of white mist hovering off the ground around them. The sound of a water flow created a serene sense of peace in Patrick's mind, as he came to appreciate the scenery that surrounded them. Five days out in the wilderness and he certainly enjoyed it, granted the first few of those five days were a little hectic at first. Namely because of Connor but also due to who he'd met the other day, and the fact he visited off an on to get to know the brothers a little better also.

Yet while Taelian was almost an unexpected surprise it was one Patrick welcomed, for the most part, as he continued to enjoy the freedom found in the wilderness all around. "Alright," Dominik started as he placed down the pther fishing rods, "I'm only gonna show you both this one. So don't get distracted while I'm at it, got it Con?"

"Yeah yeah, just get it over with." He remarked a little agitatedly as Dom brought up the first fishing rod.

"So the first thing we're gonna do is preparation; we prime the rod with a line and hook, then put some bait on the hook to use as a fishin' lure."

"Then we haul in some dinner." Patrick interjected lightheartedly as Connor lowly moaned at the thought of fish for dinner.

"Yes, but focus Pat!" Dominik couldn't help but chuckle for a moment, as he showed them how to spool the line along the fishing rod; and in turn feed it just enough to have a little extra dangling from the tip. "Now how you tie the line on the hook is very important guys." The eldest brother assured them as he knelt down to grab a few hooks, using his mouth to hold the other two as he handled just one. Patrick did note that his brother bit down on the end that wasn't barbed, indicating that Dominik had very well done this before; quite a few times given how seamlessly he managed to tie his own hook on. "You'll want to twirl the line a couple times," He added with a step by step demonstration for emphasis, "and with the small loophole near the base of the hook; insert your line through there with a good lil' tug to secure the knot."

Patrick didn't even wait to start following instruction, and even Connor looked to him to try and follow Pat's lead. With the two younger brothers holding their own rods, they worked on priming them just as Dominik had shown so that they'd get the hands on experience as well. "Not bad... Seen worse." Dominik teased the both of them, once the end results were shown to him anyways. "Now there's actually several different ways you can fish, and also several different lures as well. Today though we're usin' live bait for fishin', as that's generally the easiest to fish with." He explained as he reached down to pull a small steel bin from his fishing kit, twisting the container open to reveal a load of packed dirt within.

However it wasn't just dirt that Patrick noticed, as there were nightcrawlers sluggishly wiggling their way within the dirt. "Okay... now that is just gross." Connor whined as he winced to the container in disgust.

"Wuss." Patrick teased as he watched Dominik pluck one of the worms out, with careful application as to how he attached it to the hook. He started by first pressing the barbed tip into the flesh of the critter, and then by wrapping the rest of its body around it until the critter was snuggly on. When he picked up the container once more and held it out, Patrick didn't waste time in repeating the steps his brother demonstrated once more. Connor showed much reluctance in making the attempt, but after a few remarks of disgust he managed to apply the same dedication also.

"Now this next bit is important, especially when you're fishin' on a river like this one. You'll want to make sure our lines don't get tangled as a result, but we're gonna each cast into the river one at a time. I say this because I wanna make sure neither one of you overdo it. Watch!" And almost like some prodigy Dominik stepped down closer to the river bank, mindful of his rod as to avoid the hook getting caught on a tree branch. Finally when he stood close to the water, the older brother angled the rod towards his right; twirling it around as he casted out the line down river. Both of the other siblings watched, with a little bit of surprise, when they saw that hooked worm soar into the air; before finally tumbling into the river below.

Dominik didn't seem to wait to start reeling it in either, however he did slow into a gradual stop after a moment had passed. "Make sure release the lock mechanism right here," Dominik pointed out that part of the fishing rod out for the two, "whenever you're about to cast out like that. You don't want to do it too soon, or else you'll hit yourself or someone nearby. Waitin' too long will also cause the hook to fly farther out, which can be trouble if it gets caught onto shit." Patrick on the other hand didn't wait it out, in stepping several feet down the river; he made sure to reach a point he'd be able to cast from. When he found a spot and knew his line wouldn't intersect Dominik's, Patrick then put to practice the demonstration he was given earlier.

Sure enough after the flick of his wrist the bartender released the rotor spool of the reel, sending his hooked worm out flying into the water a little further downriver. Further than he expected honestly, but it was fine since he still reeled it in some. Connor's turn to try came next and he... wound up casting his line all the way to the otherside of the river bank instead. "Oops." The remark merely brought a sigh from the eldest brother, as Connor tried to delicately reel it back in.

"Careful Con!" Dominik urged as he quickly placed his rod down with care, before moving toward the youngest brother's side to help reel it back over. Patrick couldn't help but honestly chuckle as he watched them, curious as to how Dominik was going to get it all the way back over. There were after all rocks and fallen tree limbs to avoid, so it wasn't likely that he'd get it back over without considerable risk. That was when he felt something, a random tug against the tip of his own rod. It then occurred to Patrick, that this wasn't just the pull of the river he was feeling just then. No... these were the pulls of a fish nibbling on his hook.

"Uh, Dom!" Patrick remarked as he glanced back and forth between them and his rod. "Dom!!"

"Hang on Pat, kinda busy here!"

"There's a somethin' munchin' on my lure!"

"Oh FUCK!" Right away the older brother handed Connor back the rod, quick to move towards Patrick as he pointed to the youngest. "Don't you do anythin'!!" Connor looked to him with full offense, while Dominik approached Patrick to inspect the rod. "Yup! Start reelin', and when that fish fights back; watch your line to make sure it doesn't grow strained."


"Or you lose our dinner, now start reelin'!" At his behest Patrick obeyed the command, reeling in the line even past the point where something hefty pulled against him. It wasn't by any means strong or resilient, but something was definitely attempting to get away from them now. "That's it! Remember the strain, you don't want that line to snap!"

"Okay, how exactly do I do that?!"

"Angle your rod in the direction you feel it pull the hardest, only pull it back up when you feel the tension ease!" Patrick did this for a moment but didn't see how that necessarily helped... until... "Well don't stop reelin'!!" Damn it. This was already a complicated hobby, innately Patrick couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed really. Nevertheless he took what he had heard to mind, reeling the line in as he angled the rod every now and then to ease the tension. Finally the efforts of his labor bore fruit, as a fish frantically wiggled and splashed at the surface of the river beneath them. "That's it! There ya go lil' brother!" Dominik sounded a bit more proud now, with a brush at Pat's shoulder as he moved to help collect the fish.

"Got ourselves a nice carp, bit on the small side but not too shabby!" He commended as he worked to pry the hook out from within the carp's gaping mouth. "You clearly have a natural knack for fishin' Pat. Con let's get that rod fixed back up, if we lose the hook then we lose the hook." The eldest brother chuckled after he stated that, dropping the fish in a water filled bucket as he went to help the youngest sibling once more. "Keep up the good work Pat, the more fish we catch the more supper we have for later!" He remarked as Patrick moved over back to the bait bin, careful to repeat the process of pinning the nightcrawler on the hook; before wrapping it around once more.

"Well, guess we better get to it." Patrick remarked as he looked from his rod to the two brothers, a little glad to be out here enjoying this with the two of them. While he would've loved to appreciate the sentiment he felt a bit more, Patrick noticed that Dominik's rod was now beginning to tug also. "Um... your line Dom!" He warned the eldest brother yet again, with both Dom and Connor looking at the unattended fishing rod a little surprised.

"Son of a-" Dominik nearly swore as he charged at his own rod, leading the other two to laugh as he frantically grabbed for it. Needless to say they both got a good laugh out of watching him, as the oldest sibling couldn't help but groan and mutter to himself constantly; while he continued to reel in his own snagged fish.

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Re: Coming Around

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:39 pm
by Althalos

XP Awarded - 5
Magic Experience: Nurp
Injuries/Ailments: Natta
Awarded Lore:
  • Fishing: Priming Your Rod
  • Fishing: Baiting Your Rod
  • Fishing: Using Live Bait To Catch Fish
  • Fishing: Casting Your Line Appropriately
  • Fishing: Snagging A Fish With Your Hook
  • Fishing: Keeping The Strain On Your Line To A Minimum
  • Personal: First Time Fishing
  • Personal: First Fish Caught
Loot: N/A (Delicious Carp dinner?)

Comments: With all of the high-drama you normally see on sites like these, it was honestly really relaxing to read about a nice fishing trip. There was a lot of detail that you clearly took time with in the thread, to the point where I felt like Dominik's instructions could almost be used as a step-by-step guide to fishing in the real world. I can't help but wonder whether Dom managed to catch his own bite, or whether Connor will ever manage to recover his fish hook from the stream. :D