Dance In The Flowering Rain [Memory, Dralléad]

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Alyssum Crow
Posts: 94
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 10:18 pm

Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:13 am

Glade 14th, Year 75, Age of Steel

As the season started to warm, so too did the plants that were resilient enough begin their journey back to the surface, blooming in a rainbow cascade of colors and warmth to welcome the return of the sun. Those same plants were probably aided greatly by the fact the last of the cold season's snow was quick to become little more than mush under the almost immediate barrage of rain. Rain that had yet to let up. Which led to Alyssum standing hesitantly inside the door of the house giving her foster uncle what could best be described as a Look. "Come now pup, a little rain never wounded anyone that a warm house to come back to. Not to mention you won't melt like the snow."

"Give me time and I'm sure I can prove one of those false," Alyssum said, full on glaring at Rúnar now. Alyssum wasn't partial to snow, but she was even less partial to the rains. Neither one got on well with her, her naturally thin coat, or the exceedingly fat content of her borderline malnourished body. Blame Isra. This wasn't just her dislike of the rain showing though, this was her watching Rúnar stroll out into the freezing cold rain with a woven bag and a grin that left her feeling something that almost resembled disgust. "Please don't tell me you like this," she muttered under her breath with a shake of her head, leading up to a heavy sigh as the mad man began to hum.

"Pup, one day you'll come to realize that all types of weather are as wonderful as they are necessary for us alchemists. There are certain plants that might only bloom during heavy rain fall, or perhaps wild beasts that you're only able to hunt during a typhoon," he said as he readjusted the bag and waited for Alyssum to come out from her shelter. She continued to look at him like he already had a fever, wondering if she should run and grab the yarrow or white willow bark. Rúnar rolled his eye. "Yes, it sounds stupid and dangerous. I'll give you that. It's highly unpleasant. It's something that, unfortunately, you're just going to have to learn how to stomach my dear pup if you ever want to become an accomplished alchemist."

Alyssum's eyes darted up to the misted gray sky as he spoke, weighing the benefits of staying dry against the shame and frustration of only ever being average. If there was nothing else that could drive Alyssum from her perch, it was probably that word. Especially after having spent so much time reading through the Almacs and what were practically novels about alchemy created by the former Crow family alchemists. She'd spent a couple days straight just reading through as much as she could and commuting it to memory before getting drunk on her own day dreams of grandeur. The Crow kinship wasn't one that she'd been born into, and she wasn't even sure if it was one she'd have children for. But it was one she could possible see herself raising children for, ones lacking in family. One she could see herself restoring to its former glory and honor by whatever means she could possibly manage. It was a thought as tantalizing as the rain was repulsive and inevitably it's what drew Alyssum to step out into the cold as she flattened her ears against the downpour.

It was by no means a light sprinkle of rain either. It was really well and truly coming down. Alyssum was already well near soaked within the couple minutes it took her to reach Rúnar's side and for the two to start walking. It was no fair that half of her wardrobe was still being commissioned while Rúnar was decked in thick furs, some of which his own. Sure they were both neoalts, but Rúnar had noticeable patches of his coat along his arms and legs while what did Alyssum have? Absolutely nothing! Even if she did, again, her coat was thin enough it wouldn't do her any good. It would probably just absorb the water and do her more harm to be fair. "Is there anything specific we're looking for?" She was going to fight this man if he dragged her out into the woods without a clear goal in mind. Gods knew it was something Isra would have done. Just because she could was an answer Alyssum had gotten used to getting from Isra. Of course, there was some method to her madness, a lesson she was undoubtedly trying to teach, but often times it was lost in the absolute chaos that came with a fourteen year old trying to figure out the complex meaning behind getting dragged out into the woods at 3 in the morning and being told to find her way back home or else The Monster was going to come and get her.

Alyssum had discovered in the short span of time she'd spent living with Rúnar, she much preferred him in terms of being a teacher. Even then, she preferred Isra to some of the people she'd met living under Rúnar's care. He'd been quick to start tracking down tutors for Alyssum, especially when it came to basic skills that were kind of necessary living in a city but less apparent living in the wild with Isra. A big one was language, and a tutor who could help polish her Vithmi and flat out actually learn common was the first thing Rúnar did. She was sweet enough lady who was often slow and considerate of Alyssum's circumstances. He son was not. Luckily she wouldn't be seeing either of them for the next week since Rúnar had set aside the time for helping her get her footing in terms of alchemy.

This first day was already proving to Alyssum why this might be a bad idea.

Rúnar hummed quietly in response to her last question before smirking at her. "I'm looking for something specific, yes. However, you aren't looking for anything specific. You're just learning the basic for right now and I've decided to have you tag along. Two birds with one stone and all that."

It wasn't the best answer if she was being honest but it was enough to placate Alyssum momentarily. "First steps first, do you actually know what can and can't be used as ingredients?" Rúnar asked and Alyssum actually paused for a moment. She wasn't actually sure. Was there a certain set of items that worked as ingredients? Or maybe he was looking for a general type? When she didn't answer for a couple minutes Rúnar laughed and ruffled her hair slightly to her great displeasure. "Anything my dear. What you'll discover as an alchemist is that we work with ether. Breaking down objects to extract their ether and make it into concoctions and the like. Now, ever object in the world has a little bit of ether. That's why anything can be used as an ingredient. Some items are always going to be more effective ingredients than others though, items which carry a larger amount of ether or items that have a higher purity."

Alyssum nodded as Rúnar came to a stop next to a dead tree which looked like it probably first fell a couple seasons ago. It probably used to be a mighty thing, but now it laid on the forest floor long past its prime. Rúnar kneeled down slightly so he was eye level with Alyssum and pointed towards the bark of the tree. "Now then. To be safe I'll probably have you start with some less dangerous ingredients like natural herbs. Things with a low amount of ether and a pure form of ether are safer to begin with. You're less likely to have your experiment explode or accidentally turn into something toxic. I have a couple different ideas for what I want you to start with but we're going to have a quick experiment right now. Can you tell me which of these you think are probably poisonous and what the most poisonous thing on this log right now is?"

Alyssum's ears perked up as she looked at the log. It was covered in an assortment of bugs and mushrooms. Was he talking about the bugs or just the mushrooms? Well, she didn't see the bugs being poisonous so she'd focus on the mushrooms. "Uhm. The red one?" She asked hesitantly as she pointed at a faded crimson cap.

"Poisonous or the most poisonous?"

Alyssum tilted her head to the side, an agitated expression on her face. Rúnar continued to look at her with the same kind of gentle expression. "I... I'm not stupid I'm just panicking!" She blurted out suddenly, causing Rúnar to laugh as the younger girl forced her face into the palms of her hands.

"I know pup. I know. I doubt Isra even taught you much about mushrooms since she was always the kind to hunt, right?" Rúnar asked as he began to pluck the faded crimson mushrooms off the log, being careful to shake off anything else like the bugs which skittered across it. Alyssum nodded slowly. "Mushrooms aren't just good for alchemy, but they're also a good food source. I know Isra was probably bad at the whole balanced diet thing, but I'm going to try and teach you whatever I know so you don't accidentally get scurvy because when you turn 20 you decide you liked the forest better. The thing is, there's no easy tells when it comes to poisonous things, not all the time and especially not with mushrooms. If you take a print of them you can sometimes guess based on the spore color, but that takes time and if you're hungry it's time you aren't going to have. These are actually called evening bleeders, and they're what I was out here looking for. The most poisonous thing on the log is actually those little bugs. If you accidentally at one, well, they're probably poisonous enough to kill most full grown beastalts."

Alyssum sub consciously jumped away from the log the moment she heard about the lethality of the bugs. They were so tiny though? Rúnar laughed once more, seemingly unbothered by their dangers. "Don't worry! They don't bite, and it's really easy to make a cure. The funny thing is, despite them being so poisonous, a lot of people end up with a natural immunity to them because they're so prevalent. Remember, Alyssum, not everything is always what it looks like at first glance. These are about as dangerous to you as most other bugs unless you do something stupid. Similarly, these mushrooms are actually an edible kind that poses no harm to you unless you boil them wrong, at which point they release a dangerous neurotoxin."

"Why is everything so dangerous?" Alyssum muttered. She didn't know how else to express the looming feeling of distress that came with this new knowledge. Didn't know the words to express her terror and agitation as she watched Rúnar tie up a bag of the mushrooms and stand up.

He just shook his head with a sigh. "Simply because that's how things are, and how things had to be. You, too, my dear are a dangerous creature. Perhaps one of the more dangerous ones in these woods. Maybe one day you'll be the most dangerous in all of Tyrclaid, or even the world. Or perhaps your wings will be a shelter for that which can't find the strength to be strong. The first of your challenges already began a long time ago, know it or not, and you survived them. You'll be challenged more though. That's simply how things are. Now then. Let's play a game. Using what I told you about the evening bleeders what do you think their alchemical effect might be?"

"Uh, something to do with the toxin aspect? Are you making a poison?"

"Close. I'm making an anesthetic."

"What!? But that's a type of medicine," Alyssum looked absolutely baffled by the prospect and Rúnar just smiled ruefully.

"Medicines are little more than domesticated poisons. If you take evening bleeders in small amounts and some other ingredients which cause sleep, numbness, and the like then eventually you'll end up with a powerful anesthetic. One commissioned by the doctors and the necromancers alike. One day, if you like, I'll track you down a necromancy teacher who's good with medicines and poisons. Then you'll be able to see what I mean." Rúnar tied off the bag but instead of heading the direction of home he just stood there looking expectantly at Alyssum. "You remember the way, right?" Something about his tone reminded Alyssum of one of Isra's tests, if a bit more gentle. Were they actually all that different or was Rúnar just a nicer Isra?

She sighed in frustration, turning the direction she was pretty sure they'd come from. "That way, I think?"

"Do you know what cardinal direction 'that way' is?" He asked, pulling out a small metallic device. She'd never seen one before. So of course, she shook her head being completely unaware of what a cardinal direction was. "This is a compass. There are four cardinal directions. North, east, south, and west. I'll teach you how to use one later but we went east from home so now we're heading west to get back." Alyssum nodded slowly as Rúnar spoke, doing her best to process the information. "You can lead us home. Just avoid any animal trails. We don't want any accidental encounters with something dangerous, a trait that Tyrclaid is know for. At least, we don't want any dangerous encounters before I teach you how to fight."

"Eventually, we'll start collecting ingredients from some of the more dangerous animals in the area. Once you've gotten yourself more adjusted and we've taught you some basic combat skills. Rare beasts and plants are better for alchemy after all, but they take some skill to get ahold of!" With that, Rúnar happily followed after Alyssum as she was the one to stumble their way home, pointing out plants, animals, and their affects along the way.

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Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:28 am

Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

  • 5 {Alchemy}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Alchemy: What Can and Can't Be Used As Ingredients
    Alchemy: Starting With Safer Ingredients
    Alchemy: Creating An Educated Guess Regarding Effects
    Survival: Recognizing Poisonous Plants
    Survival: Having The Sense Of Direction Required To Not Get Lost
    Survival: Avoiding Potentially Dangerous Animals
Loot: n/a

Injuries: n/a

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 78
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