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Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:00 pm
by Taelian Edevane
81st of Ash, Year 120

What did it mean to be a man? He supposed that now, he had lived the full life of one -- but he'd never had a purpose. A meaning. Even when he thought he had one, there was always this... feeling, in the foreground of his mind; a sort of hesitation, a distant pull towards other things. No one thing had ever been enough. Even Riven, as much as he had loved him, hadn't been enough to fill the whole that was his 'purpose'... whatever that even was. Did a man even have purpose? He supposed that was a question for the Gods, not himself.

He was dead, now. That much was certain. He felt himself falling towards an endless abyss, and based on everything he thought that would happen to himself as he died, that made sense. He expected to go to the Carrion Hole, to be with Malek for an eternity; the Living God whose son had just forced him to open a portal for him in his final, dying breaths. He supposed, if he thought on it, the request made sense. As much as he didn't want to be lonely, he also did not want for all too many Ebon Knights to join him. They still had their revolution, their purpose, even if his own became more and more distant from him.

Falling into that darkness... he always expected to feel cold. Instead, he felt an incredible warmth, as if the Beacon was still churning. He hoped it wasn't razing through him; then he wouldn't have an afterlife at all. He wouldn't get to meet his mother, or his father, again. And if there was one relief in all of this -- it was that hope. Of finding them. Of feeling their arms around him, just one more time.

He felt more of that warmth filling him. Like blood moving through his veins, or perhaps out of them. Filling the gaping void near the center of his chest, pouring through him onto the grass, like a fountain. As much as he hated the Dranoch all his life, he was succumbing to them now in the most brutal and grotesque of ways. He was becoming ash as he died; the most poetic of justices, burning himself alive -- even through his own soul -- much as he'd done to them. At the end of the day, they were just another lifeform. They just wanted to live, to thrive. To dwell freely within their world, and command their own destiny. They were cruel, and they treated men like beast, exploiting them and bleeding them dry. They didn't care about the pain they inflicted, or the filth they forced others to dwell in. But in that regard, perhaps they were just like his own kind. He could practically feel it, now: the history of his people.

He was becoming ash, and so he thought of the Ashen Elves, the Ald'norai. The things they had subjected others to... perhaps their descendants were still paying for that now.

Even though he was dead, he had a feeling that his mortal form was still crying, somehow. Like its tears were streaming from their glands, like his heart was still heavy, even though it had probably stopped beating. There was this overwhelming sensation of pain, and letting go, that he still felt even now. Like when one sobbed; when they couldn't even breathe enough to break through with simple words. He felt like that now, like he was going unto death still sobbing, hoping for another word, hoping to release some of that pain.

Re: Somnus

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:09 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Then, his eyes opened. He stood on the balcony of an old, Elainian church, gothic in style. Before him sprawled out a city that he couldn't recognize, with a setting sun long on the horizon. The sun... flared, but each flare became lesser; smaller, less bright. That orange light in the distance began to fade, and behind it sprawled out a golden one, as if a sun sat behind the one at the forefront of his vision. The sun itself began to peel, to fade, to recede back into itself as it vanished into nothing, eclipsed by the wild light of the object before him. It didn't look like a sun at all -- instead, it was something of a crystal, or a shard. Radiant, though at the corners of his vision, he could see darkness attempting to seep through. That darkness, though, was fought back strongly by the golden light. Perhaps this was Muid -- under siege by darkness, maintained by the glory of the Adac, the Living Gods.

He turned around and began to step along the edges of the balcony, seeking out a door so that he could descend and move through the city. But, there was no door. Just the massive frame of the cathedral, perhaps hundreds of feet high, a shape that could only be scaled. He often wondered how people even managed to build things like this, particularly so long ago. Walking through Lorien and seeing the pitiful Hollows being thrown from the heights of their spired buildings made him cringe, his jaw clenching; to think that a man could endure something like that as their final moment. All for the sake of elegant vanity.

Perhaps it was worth it, so that their successors could observe sights like this. Their sons and daughters, and even those entirely unaffiliated. They could test their own mettle, climbing these heights, peering down at the city from above. Perhaps -- in the odd case of his own current circumstances -- seeing the sun be absorbed by some divine fragment, which held back the corrupting veil of night.

He still wondered what the life of a man was -- what it was meant to be. Why the Gods created them and offered them so much freedom, only to give them so little ability to exercise it. The vast majority of them labored on the same farms they were born on. The rest often died of arbitrary things, things they had little control over; disease, random chance, being harmed by others without any ability to defend themselves. And of course, age. He'd always also wondered why his own kind did not experience age the same way. They'd been given so much more opportunity -- yet, so many of them were bound in tight cages, treated as secondary in the world of men.

Re: Somnus

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:21 pm
by Taelian Edevane

He felt a man's stubble against his neck. Immediately he recognized it: "Riven," he pleasantly groaned, smiling at the corners of his lips.

"I love you," the man told him.

"I love you too," he said in exchange. "What are you doing here? I thought I was going to die alone," Taelian mused.

"Nope -- I'm right here with you," he replied. The two of them laughed for a moment; he knew it was just an illusion. But it was something nice, in whatever place this was. The real Riven, once he heard of his death, would likely be sunk into unimaginable pain. But here... he could pretend that they were happy together. Even if it was only a lie.

The man found himself crying again. As his tears came, his lover brought him into his chest, and the two held one another for a moment as the dead Sil'norai trembled. "I tried so hard... for so long. I put the revolution above myself, always," he said, shaking.

"And was it worth it?" Riven asked. "You died for it in the end, just like you wanted. You helped Aldrin kill a Huntsman. So many of your comrades couldn't have asked for more -- this would've been the best, the most glorious death they could imagine. So -- are you fulfilled?"

He frowned, shaking his head.

"No, of course not," Riven said, answering his own question. "You were always meant for more than this. The revolution was the life given to you -- it wasn't the life you chose. But Taelian... it isn't the end. You're not dead; you're not even close to it. You're becoming something more," he whispered. "Take my hand," the man began. "Let me show you." And, with a moment of delay, he did. The Sil'norai took his hand, and as Riven stood, he stood with him. The larger man extended out his wings, and began to fly away from the cathedral, holding the dying Ebon Knight in his arms... perhaps one, final time.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Towards the light," the Velsign replied. "This isn't the afterlife, Taelian. This is you -- this is the inside of your own soul. And that, at the very core of it... is your Divine Spark."

Re: Somnus

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:19 am
by Haldir
Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

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