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Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:16 am
by Arlen
Arlen nodded at her response. He had no reason to doubt her and he wouldn’t.
They travelled further into the forest and the shadows among the trees were becoming impenetrable for Arlen. Instead of his sight, he sharped his hearing.
The steps of the horses were the most immediate disruption. The sudden rise in the wind as it rustled through the trees was yet another inconvenience that prevented him from picking up any warning signs. He didn’t realize that it was Rhea who called the wind forward. But that didn't change the tingling in his body, that sixth sense waking up that he cultivated through his time living in the forest.
Still, the attackers escaped Arlen’s detection until it was too late.
He heard the ka'twang of the bowstring, saw the arrows fly through the air. Both horses got caught but seemed that Rhea's much worse than Arlen's. His horse neighed, kicking up the legs, before buckling slightly. More arrows flew and Arlen flattened against he horse’s back, sliding down.
Two masked individuals rushed out of the cover of the trees to his left. They raised their weapons above their heads. His horse raised on its legs again and bolted.
Shit, Arlen swore as he pulled out his own sword. The steel immediately glowed with golden-white light. He countered the uppercut of the bandit to his right with a block. The steels were sliding against each other with a shriek before Arlen sidestepped and mercilessly sliced at the bandits exposed side.
He pivoted around, taking a step back to have a better view of the situation before him.
He had two bandits to his right. One healthy, the other grasping his side and stumbling. A mild scent of burnt meat filled the air.
There was another one between him and Rhea, another facing her and last one to her right, limping as though to regain balance.
Two on one, Arlen thought. The one with cut side descended to his knees.
At that moment, as though the bastards read his thoughts, Arlen was besieged from both sides. His swords pulsed, the brightness increased. The two attackers were rushing him at the same time. Arlen widened and lowered his stance, his heart beating strong, ready to face the fight.

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 3:50 pm
by Rhea
Golden Fields of Barley
71st day of Searing, 120 A.o.S


She wasted no time, charging at the one she had wounded, targeting his wound in order to take him down first. The one to his left came in to defend him, locking blades with Rhea and exposing her to an attack. With one hand firmly gripping her sword, she extended the other one, reaching out to the earth beneath the wounded bandit.

With a mental note and gift of her aether, she asked the earth to hold him in place till she could handle this one. It agreed, locking around the bandit's feet and pulling him down into the ground up to his ankles. With him stalled, Rhea dueled with the one in front of her.

A flurry of exchanges between steel sung in the air as Rhea fought against him, using every opportunity she could to either disarm or dismember him. Seeing she had no choice in her exchange she called on the wind once more, asking for it to impair her opponent in some way, a hand reaching forth as a gust of wind blew in his face allowing her to drive her blade into his chest.

With him down, the one she wounded finally broke free, rushing at her from behind. Turning into his attack she ducked, ramming her sword upward catching the man in the neck. with her combatants down, she turned her attention to Arlen and the ones surrounding him. She noticed a third lining up a shot and when let loose she sent her hand forward.

A gust of wind blew around the arrow, knocking it off its trajectory if only a few margins. It was enough to miss Arlen, and gave Rhea enough time to close the distance between her and the archer and cut him down as well.

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:35 am
by Arlen
Arlen focused on the charging man. The elemental havoc that Rhea was wreaking on the other bandits missed his notice because of that. He trusted, she was capable whatever means she decided to use to ensure her survival. Thus far, he didn't feel the need, nor heard anything that would suggest that his assistance was required.
So instead, he countered the man to his right. It was a risky move as it exposed his back to an attack from the other man. And that's what it was meant to do. Arlen wanted to entice the other rushing bandit into the false opening.
Arlen used his attack as a decoy. The metals shared a brief kiss before Arlen used the momentum and pivoted away again. This created an opening in itself where the highwaymen were suddenly rushing at each other.
Their blades met with a cry of surprise. Their bodies tensed as they tried to avoid hurting one another. At that moment, when the two were too preoccupied with each other, Arlen took the stark opportunity and owned it. He swept at them.
One of the fighters still unbalanced took a hit to his side. A gust of wind tore at their clothing, startling all three and on the edge of his consciousness, Arlen registered an arrow flying by and clattering on the ground. That was too convenient and his gaze only briefly stumbled over Rhea with her outstretched arm. The black-haired man smirked, realizing his companion was full of surprises.
There and then, he was finally faced only with one man. After a short exchange of blows, Arlen gained another advantage. He dropped low and drove his sword right through the man's chest. Sizzling and smell of burnt meat filled his nostrils as his sword pierced through the other side in its shining and bloodied glory.
The man skewered on his sword gasped in surprise and pain. His weight was becoming heavy as it rested against Arlen. So he let him drop off the sword and on the ground before swiftly turning around to establish just how many more men they had left.
They were surrounded by lifeless bodies.
No wonder he wanted a convoy, Arlen thought as he straightened back up, lifting his blade.
The light emanating from the steel pierced the shadows of the surrounding trees. There didn’t seem to be any more men hiding. If there were, perhaps they ran off.
The sun had dipped beyond the horizon and the sky's arch was becoming the deepest colours of blue. So he looked at Rhea, still not shielding his weapon otherwise, he wasn't going to see her at all.
“Seems like we’ve got them,” he said. “But it seems we’ll be walking back.”
The dead bodies of the bandits peppered around Rhea's dead horse and Arlen's ran away nowhere to be seen.
"Mind leading a blind man?" If needed, he would explain his predicament to the young woman and follow whatever she was comfortable with.

Re: [Loras] Golden Fields of Barley

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:15 pm
by Ruin

Review Request:

XP: 8 each.

Magic Experience: 4 of these points may be used for Elementalism, Rhea.

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
Elementalism: Asking the wind to scout ahead
Elementalism: Blowing enemies back with wind
Blades{Longsword}: Disabling slashes
Blades{Longsword}: Stabbing through the neck
Etiquette: Its bad to keep people waiting
Etiquette: Apologize when late
Mount{Horse}: Cues for reinless riding
Mount{Horse}: Combining reining with pressure focused riding
Mount{Horse}: Knowing your limits as a rider
Mount{Horse}: Knowing when to rein in, when not to

Negotiation: Drive a hard deal if needed
Linguistics: Kokalath: Yes
Tactics: Set achievable goals
Leadership: Establish others’ skill level
Leadership: No need to handhold a skilled warrior through battle
Tactics: Gain a wider perspective
Tactics: Split the attackers into smaller groups
Blades: Gain an advantage for a deadly strike
Tactics: Fool your opponent into action
Blades: Bounce off your opponent’s weapon
Leadership: Make sure your team is ok
Tactics: Destabilize your opponent
PC: Rhea: Can do magic
PC: Rhea: Apparently is the black sheep of the family
PC: Rhea: Can sing
PC: Rhea: Fights well
PC: Rhea: Met doing a convoy job in Loras, Atinaw

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

Oh, I do love a good fight scene! Even if this one was a bit short, you both wrote spectacularly; I could envision it perfectly. As always, I loved the way Arlen described and fleshed out the world, and Rhea was a star.

Build to last,