[Loras] I don't want to die, Pacheco.

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:01 pm

45th of Searing, 120

The road was long, incomplete, and covered in dangers of all kinds. More than once on their journey had the trio encountered some beast that needed to be dispatched before they could proceed. Khan had made her buy a weapon; a large two-handed ax, but she had yet to use it on any of the creatures she faced... or used it at all. Every time they encountered an enemy, Khan would have to step in with his longsword, despite only having one arm, then dispatch it himself.
Pacheco and Magna were virtually useless in combat, but Pacheco had at least carried the small Rathari as far as Loras... Almost. Furthermore, Maga new of the various wild berries she could eat in the wilderness, and that was helpful for the chameleon, too. With her limited survival skills, they managed to cut back on ration usage between towns. They were still empty-handed going into Loras, but had saved some money. Both of them had their uses outside of combat, but even Pacheco needed to be able to handle himself in a fight in the harsh wilds of Atinaw.
The day was fair; few clouds and plenty of breezes to break the scorching heat of the searing sun. It allowed them to travel further without stopping for water, but even so, Magna was tired, and so was Pacheco.
It didn't help that Khan had been giving her exercises to complete whenever they stopped to rest. All of them focused her arms, so she wasn't burning her strained legs. But that still drained the energy she sought to keep and shredded her body fat. She'd lost a lot of weight on the trip as a result of Khan's efforts.
Part of him felt cruel to subject the giantess to such strenuous activities while traveling, but he knew it was for the best. She needed to be stronger.
Magna, however, knew naught of the expectations of strength in Atinaw. All she knew was that Khan had taken it upon himself to show her some exercises and that she'd become a lot more toned, lighter as a result. She didn't mind, but sometimes the little lizard was bossy and upset her to some degree. Especially considering that they were walking thirty miles a day on top of everything else.
It didn't matter though, Khan had told her that the next village was close and that she would be allowed to rest a day there before proceeding elsewhere. Because of that, the fur-dressed giant was eager to move on and complete the journey, but Khan called her to stop. With a sigh, she slowed to halt on her weary feet, and Pacheco did the same with his worn hooves. She'd have to get him new shoes, soon.
"Whyyyyyyy..." She whined in Vithmi.
"I hear something," returned the lizard in the same tongue.
Magna simply furrowed her brow, then dropped to sit on the floor where she was. "Like what? Breeze?"
"A breeze*, and no." Corrected the lizard. "Just, wait here a moment," instructed the chameleon as he dismounted the horse and used his one arm to hook the saddle as a pivot before he dropped to his feet. "Actually-" he added with a grunt. "Why don't you do some sit-ups until I get back? You haven't worked your core since yesterday."
Magna cried in pain, a pitiful wail of laziness and exhaustion. "Okay, I will," she spoke regardless, then got into the position a short distance from Pacheco. As Khan wandered off into the woods on the side of the road, Magna lowered to her back with her knees pressed together and bent at a ninety-degree angle, then lifted her upper body with her hips as the sole hinge of movement. "One-" she grunted, then lowered and lifted again. "Two-."

While Magna worked, Khan closed in on the sounds of clashing metal and masculine grunts. There were two of them, from the sounds of things. By the time the one-armed chameleon broke the tree line, the two were probably already aware of his presence. He was dressed in chain mail with a few plates on her shoulder and chest and carried a sword at his hip. "Friends!" Called the lizard in common, then repeated in Vithmi as he waved to the older and younger man alike.
Whichever language the two replied in would be what he spoke the rest of his sentence in. "I have a favor to ask. I've made friends with an outsider, and she can't grasp our customs in Atinaw, namely the need to be able to handle one's self in combat." He pointed with his stump arm, which was just a few inches from his shoulder in length, to the forest he'd just emerged from. "If one of you could attack her, rough her up a bit without permanently wounding her or worse, I'd be grateful."
Despite his forwardness, Khan wasn't dull. He understood that such a request was strange. "I just want to scare her, help her realize the dangers of Atinaw. A few cuts and bruises should do the trick. Would you help me?"

word count: 886

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Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:01 pm

I don't want to die, Pacheco
45th of Searing, 120

The sounds of sword clashing against one another sang through the trees like a sweet song as Koto and Sojin sparred. It seemed to be the daily routine now for them to do so. Sojin was impressed that Koto had gotten the basics of the Flowing Dragon Style down so quickly, but was determined to refine them a bit, hence the morning sparring sessions, though this time they were using their actual blades instead of the scabbards this time.

After some time, Sojin took a moment to catch his breath, throw it was more so for Koto than himself. "If you wish to stop we can, no need to overexert yourself on mere training." he encouraged, though the little viper was not in the mood to quit now.

"No I can keep going for a while longer, dont hold back." he engaged, getting into a fighting stance as Sojin simply shrugged and came charging at him. This wasn't going to be like the last sparring match they had, no this one was for higher stakes, his life to be exact. The fact that Koto knew he could die excited him, got his blood pumping. The aspect of danger did excite him a bit, but even more so he didnt want to risk the chance of dying by Sojin's hands.

Just before they clashed, the two men heard a noise coming from behind them, both turning with their bladed poised at the newcomer, only to be shocked by who had approached them. Relaxing, Sojin and Koto exchanged looks of confusion as the small rathari made his request. Sojin thought for a moment, but couldnt help but chuckle as he knelt down and nodded, looking back at Koto.

"I see no issue with that request, as I too am instructor of sorts. Koto be a good lad and spur his student into action, but dont kill her ok." he said, giving the young lord a nod. With a smile on his face, Koto took off in the direction the rathari had instructed them to go.

Soon he found her, and without hesitation, he came charging at her, blade poised and ready to cleave her leg from her hip.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Sojin Speech"
word count: 450
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:34 am

Khan's ploy seemed to work, as one of the training men chuckled, then instructed his pupil to see the act done. Khan bowed his head in gratitude, but watched Koto cautiously as he passed. Was it wise to have a trained fighter attack Magna? Only time would tell. Better a trained man than an incompetent one. At least that way, there was little chance of either of them getting too badly injured on accident. "He's safe, right?" Asked the lizard once Koto was out of ear reach.

Meanwhile, Magna rested her legs by doing sit-ups over and over. Her brow glistened with sweat while she pulled at the muscles in her stomach in continued motions. Thanks to Khan, it wasn't just her feet that hurt anymore, it was her core too, the center of all strength in her body. After the something'th rep, she finally slowed to a halt and rested her back against the floor while she panted and heaved through her exhaustion.
It was while she laid there that her gaze tilted to the woodline that Khan had disappeared into. She could afford to take a short break until he was back, but if he saw her slacking, there would be hell to pay. So, she remained alert. it was likely that Khan would see her before she saw him because of his camouflage abilities, so she had to hone her hearing on the woods.
When footsteps presented themselves to her ear, she grumbled and began to continue her sit-ups beside Pacheco. Then, the footsteps turned quick. With a furrow to her brow, she finished her last rep with a grunt, and looked to the treeline again. There, she saw a mad man with a sword. He charged at her. Her silver eyes widened as she gasped with something of a shriek of fear, then rolled to the side to evade the strike as it whistled through the air. Her back leg stomped the ground audibly as she stood and held her hands out. "Wait!" She called in common. "Don't stab me!"
What was she supposed to say? She didn't know why the man attacked her, only that he was using a sword and that it looked sharp. She didn't know how to fight, she'd always had khan to fight her battles for her. Her eyes drifted to the horse then, and she dove for the saddle to draw her axe; a two-handed polearm maybe six feet long with a nasty-looking head. Once she'd gotten her hands on the weapon, she steadied her stance and took a step backward. "Go away!" She yelled. "I don't want to fight you!"

word count: 462

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Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:05 am

I don't want to die, Pacheco
45th of Searing, 120

"What's the matter? Someone of your size afraid to fight?" he said, brandishing his blade as he took some slow step towards her. This was going to be fun, as Koto knew that she would not last long in a place that was made to kill its inhabitants.

Her size was intimidating, and so was that axe of her, but he could see she was hesitant, which he would use to his advantage against her. A devious smile on his face, he fled into the forest, using its shade as a cover. He was in his element now, using her paranoia against her, and keeping her confused by speaking in Aviaae tongue.

"You will die if you dont fight back." he mocked, trying to throw his voice so it wouldn't give him away. He was circling her like a shark, moving slowly till he was behind her. Watching her fearfully await his next attack he sprang from his hiding spot, charging at her back, aiming to attack her from behind.

He came in swing Kusanahi in flowing motions, putting his Way of the Flowing Dragon to good use. He would aim for her legs, then arms, then the torso, ultimately toying with her which he was hoping would force her to fight back. As much fun as he was having with her he was intent on breaking her out of this fearful and noncombatant shell of hers.

Her mentor was right in picking him to be a well-deserved lesson.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Sojin Speech"
word count: 327
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:39 am

Oh no. Her assailant didn't speak common! He was a short, gibberish-speaking maniac! "Stop please!" She called out in vithmi, but it didn't seem as though he understood her then, either, as he dove into the woods, out of sight. Her nostrils flared as she looked about the scene with clear panic in her wide eyes. The situation was bad. Very bad.
The silver of her eyes fell upon Pacheco for a moment, and she bared her teeth. Her dear companion was in danger if the crazy short man was still nearby, but what could she do? Uncertain, she rested a hand on his back and backed away from the darker spots of the woods. She would have to protect him.
Then, seemingly from nowhere, his voice echoed. She knew not where it came from, only that he continued to speak in a language she didn't understand. "LEAVE ALONE ME!" she yelled fiercely in vithmi. Right on cue, Koto charged her from behind. She didn't react until he'd already cut across her legs, which drew a cry of pain from her lips. He only managed to cut one of her arms as she turned and lifted the steel pole of her axe to block the strike that was aimed at her chest.
It was a reasonably terrifying thing, to feel steel bite into her flesh for the first time ever. So, her heart raced and her legs shook in fear and rage. He was such a small target. Even if she wanted to hit him, how could she? He was fast too.
With an almost feral grunt, she pushed back against him with a hard shove of her enormous axe with the intent to knock him over. "WHY YOU ATTACK ME." She bellowed furiously. Despite the direct cuts Koto had landed on her, she didn't seem all too impeded or injured. Did she just have a high tolerance for pain or was something else in the works?
Despite the wild look in her eye, she patted Pacheco with a hand that she dared to remove from her weapon, and he began to walk calmly in the other direction. She might have been bleeding, and her mind might have been hazy with rage, but she was not about to let Pacheco come to harm. Not if she still breathed. "YOU GO NOW!" she yelled in her broken language.

word count: 411

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Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:21 pm

I don't want to die, Pacheco
45th of Searing, 120

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" he cackled as he was forced a few feet away from the towering girl. She had the strength, but the little rathari lizard was right, she lacked the heart to truly be an effective fighter. "If you dont fight back, I'm going to get bored with toying with you and will put you out of your misery. Then I'm going kill your horse afterward and eat it." he said with a sinister smile.

He charged at her, moving in a sporadic way as to try and confuse her with his movements. It was a classic tactic, to instill fear or provoke rage in an enemy in order to cause them to slip in their actions. In this case, however, it was to spur motivation in her rather than intimidate her, though Koto knew it might do that as well.

he stayed low as he attacked, keeping close to her in order to limit her movements and reaction to his attacks. He could land several slices before she would be able to swing that cumbersome axe of hers to strike him. This was like a tiger playing with a newborn child, being capable of devouring the later with ease.

he figured if his held back strikes would get her to truly fight, then he'd have to improvise and go another route. Turning to where the horse when Koto took off in its direction. "You seem distracted, so allow me to relieve you of your worry. If the horse is dead, then you won't have anything to pull your focus away from this fight."

He shouted, sprinting away, hoping she would take the bait.
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Sojin Speech"
word count: 359
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:39 am

As it turned out, the tiny man was able to speak common! Magna's nostrils flared in rage at the revelation, not only did she make a fool of herself trying to communicate with him, but he threatened Pacheco too. She bared her teeth. "YOU CAN SPEAK COMMON!" She bellowed furiously. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! STOP!" She couldn't think of anything clever or threatening to say, she was too mad. "WHAT DID PACHECO EVER DO TO YOU?! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!"
The very thought that someone could be so cruel to something as pure and innocent as a horse set her heart ablaze. The fact that it was directed at Pacheco? It showed in her eyes, a burning, smoldering hatred. But still, she hesitated. Words are words, she thought, but it wasn't her voice in her head. She drew a deep breath, then exhaled slowly through her nose to calm herself. The tiny man was doing a good job at annoying her, she couldn't let her temper slip.
He came at her again, but his movements were hard to track. Worried silver eyes darted about the forest floor while she tried to track him, tried to predict where he was going to land, and ultimately failed. In a flash, he was too close to her to accurately use her large weapon, and she let out a hiss of pain as his attacks landed.
It was there that Koto could see the extent of the damage he'd inflicted upon her already, which was... surprisingly meager. The cuts on her legs were quite shallow and only trickled a little trail of blood from each wound, where they'd already coagulated. It was as though her skin was naturally harder that it should have been, but how could that be?
Whatever the case may be, she swung her meaty hand at him in a forceful backhand; an effort to put some space between himself and her. Again, she bared her teeth and growled like some sort of enraged beast when Koto once again backed away. He made his intent known, and yelled his plans as he sprinted... in the direction Pacheco had gone! Her heart skipped a beat and her silver eyes widened in fear. He was going after Pacheco! That couldn't happen. She had to save him!
With a blasting cry if primal fury, Magna launched herself in the human's direction and lifted her axe. Her legs were far longer than his, which allowed her to catch up in a few long strides. Her footfalls sounded heavily as she rushed at her assailant and lifted her axe overhead before she brought it down with a whistling hunger, and aimed to chop him in half. The impact of her blade on the ground, whether it connected or not, was going to be loud and heavy, and she wouldn't let up her assault either. Koto got what he wished for; blind, terrible rage.

word count: 506

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Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:24 am

I don't want to die, Pacheco
45th of Searing, 120

"Well shit!" he choked, the thunderous advance of the giant girl towards him. His poking and proding and threats finally spurred her, but he wasnt expecting such fury so fast. Midstride, he had no choice but to duck out of the way of the axe, nearly missing the bladed weapon and almost losing his foot.

She was angry and it seemed that she was not going to let up in her assault, so he had to think fast, being put on the defensive. He had to think of a way to turn this into his favor, or else she would no doubt kill him in her fit of rage. Though she wasnt really giving the viper a chance to think, her attacks coming one after another, her adrenaline no doubt fueling her rage as she thrashed about like a wild animal.

For now he would focus on getting some distance between them, dodging her strike one after another, moving further away with each one. Once he was at a distance he felt would give him a moment to breath, he sent his aether drenched hand out forward using the Ritual of Reminiscence, and from a misty black portal in the space above his head, the Sah'viirdost floating out of it. "Drain her of her strength." he hissed, the skull within the ethereal jellyfish glowing dark orange{anger} at her, as a mist began to pour out from it.

A slate-blue miasma began to fill a space of 20ft around him, and he knew what would come next, if she was foolish enough to charge into the fog, she'd find her body would become heavy, lathargic if she remained in it too long.
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Sojin Speech"
word count: 360
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:13 pm

"GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" She roared in gutteral, primal fury as the downward swing of her axe lodged the blade in the dirt. A grunt saw her rip it from the earth, then double her efforts to hit the tiny man. She swung sideways, upwards, diagonally, all in a flash of anger that broke the boundaries that had been laid before her. Even if she was furious, there was a distinct part of her that recognized she was doing something that she'd been taught was wrong. It was hardwired, like a law that had been nailed to her mind and prevented her from acting violently or aggressively toward anyone.
Kotoru had helped her overcome that hardwired law, and for it, she was grateful.... on some subconscious level. Consciously, she resolved to destroy him for his un-commit crimes against Pacheco.
With every flick of her weapon, the blade of her axe shrieked and sung as it glided through the open air. Its metallic hiss relayed its thirst for blood, as forced by the arm of its wielder. She had no proper form or any sort of fight style but she swung with deadly intent. Rage fueled her, and the more she struggled to land a hit, the angrier she became. Finally, Koto caught a moment to breathe when he rolled far enough out of her reach, but Magna didn't seem to tire; her blood pumped all too quickly while her body flooded with adrenaline.
Then, the man began to form a sort of magical portal with one hand and some sort of being appeared from it. Magna hesitated. What the hell was that thing? She curled her nose in a snarl, then shook her head and drove her palm into her temple, as if she actively knocked her sense from her mind. It didn't matter what the ghost jellyfish was. "FINE!" She roared. "YOUR JELLYFISH DIES TOO!!!!"
In a single hard pull of her weapon, she brought the polearm of her axe to sit on her shoulder and widened her stance with a hard stomp. She didn't flinch as the mist flooded the forest that surrounded the jellyfish. She snorted through her nose, then lowered her body before she bolted with wild, reckless abandon into the miasma. Almost immediately she felt its effects, and it reflected in her legs and arms as her adrenaline was forced to recede.
She coughed, then sputtered as she slowed, then fell to a walking pace as she closed into the jellyfish, and lowered to kneel on one leg while she pressed her weight into her ax. What happened? Where had all her strength gone? She breathed heavily while she sweat and overheated in the hot searing day. "Stop..." She warned through her heavy breathing. "Let Pacheco... Live..." She bared her teeth while her arms clung to the polearm of her weapon. "Take me... Instead..."

word count: 488

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Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:11 pm

I don't want to die, Pacheco
45th of Searing, 120

He smirked as the giant girl ran straight into the miasma not realizing what she had done. When the effects had taken effect he waited a moment, allowing for her to feel the full effects of the archetype's fog. The tables were finally turned in his favor and he was going to take advantage of the situation.

She pleaded for him to spare the horse....the horse of all things. The plea caused the viper to laugh hysterically as he came to kneel in front of her, Sah'viirdost's smog still pouring out from it. "Oh I still plan to kill it, but not before I have some fun toying with you first." he said placing the cool steel of his sword on her skin.

It was interesting, to say the least, carving up a giant as her skin was tough, but after the first four slashes he got used to it and had a rhythm to his cuts now. He watched her face intently as the kalzasian blade bit into her flesh. With every slash and every cut, the tempo of his slices increasing as he laughed to his merciliess assault.

With every pivot, his blade bit into her, every twist and turn his blade struck like an agitated viper at her flesh. As he sliced piece by piece into the giant woman, he could feel something in him stir. A malcious itch in the back of his head. It was whispering deadly things into his ear. He could hear it singing "kill her", "carve her up", or "dont stop till she is a bloody mess of flesh".

He didnt know where these compulsions where coming from, but he felt like it was natural and he gave into the compulsions.
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Sojin Speech"
word count: 361
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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