Run Pacheco!

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:51 pm

68th of Searing, 120

Magna started the day like any other. She woke in her tent, packed away camp, ate one of her ration packs, then waited for her companion to do the same. This morning, unlike other mornings, her companion had fur in place of scales. It had been that way for the past three mornings altogether.
Aeraku the dog was a curious Rathari, kind, but somewhat reserved. He'd offered to pay her for her company on a trip to Grimholdt on the basis that she was tall and imposing, and Magna accepted, for she needed money.
The trip was an easy five days one way, and because manga refused to go just about anywhere without Pacheco, Aeraku could ride the majority of the journey on horseback without hiring a third party mount or caravan.
All in all, the trip had gone well until that day; the weather was kind and they hadn't been attacked by the various monsters that prowled the Atinorian Wilderness. But that didn't go to say that the journey went without disturbances, as Magna had noticed another traveler along the road behind them partway through their journey. The silhouette traveled alone and didn't appear to carry any sort of baggage. It was suspicious, but she'd not really thought too much about it, aside from walking faster.
Instead, her thoughts centered around the dog while they walked. She'd only pet him once and showed great restraint through the past few days. For some reason, Rathari didn't like to be petted. She recognized that but didn't see anything wrong with it. It was frustrating, but she found opportunities to distract herself in the form of short talk.
"I have not ask yet, but why are you go to Grimholdt?" She asked with a glance over her pelt-draped shoulder. Part of her wondered if wearing animal furs offended some Rathari, but she didn't dwell on it. "How long you want to stay?"
Her poor Vithmi was warned of by her companion, Khan, before their departure. And without him there to oversee the mistakes in her language, she'd almost let her tongue grow slack. While she looked to the dog, her eyes settled on that dark figure behind them, but she again suppressed the thoughts surrounding them.
The road ahead was a well-tread dirt path with tall grass acting as walls on either side. The path went up and down hills, and though Magna was out of breath by the time she reached the highest point on some of them, she seldom slowed and never paused.

word count: 446

Floor Gang

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