Etro Versailles [Approved]

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Posts: 110
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:

Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:58 pm

♅ Etro Versailles ♅
{Formerly Constantine Monteliyet}

Race: Half Human[50%] & Half Siltori[50%]
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 195lbs

Birthdate: 25th of Glade, Year 93, Age of Steel
Birthplace: Brandt, Lorien

Profession: Vigilante, Mercenary, Prostitute

Housing: 1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq. ft.) in the Straad

Partners: N/A

- "Nuisance" {By Crime Lords}


Fluencies: Common, Silvain
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Etro has been blessed with a mesomorphic body thanks to his genetics, allowing him to pack on muscle and size rather easily. Etro has a rather imposing figure. He is rather built and is said to embody what masculinity is supposed to look like.

He has smooth sunkissed skin, given a very few blemishes. He has dirty blonde hair that always cut short and clean, which is his signature hairstyle, as it compliments his facial structure. He has full, even eyebrows that sit above crystal blue eyes that catch the stare of many that look upon him. He has a smooth straight nose that fits into his symmetrical face topped off with a strong jawline.

His physique is built to perfection. He has broad shoulders that accentuate his large well-built chest. His legs and butt are well built as well which also accentuates his small waist, but has been strengthened during his years as a mercenary heaving his weapon around, giving a well-defined eight-pack & obliques. He has made it an effort to keep his body in excellent condition and an aesthetically pleasing body.


A charming and straight-forward individual, Etro handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with controlled ease. In most cases, even genuine surprise and happiness, his reactions to such stimuli is subdued. His conduct is very business-like, however, he isn't incapable of a bit a humor, good-natured or not. Despite appearing detached and cold, he cares deeply for the lives entrusted to him. He is very fearless, has been since he was a child, and has carried this trait with him into adulthood. Though not intentional on his part, there is an intimidating and domineering air about him. Etro is a true patriot of the county of Straad and incredibly loyal to Duchy of Brandt. He is responsible, usually reasonable, however, his calm & stoic demeanor can be broken to bouts of pure rage if his patience has hit its limits.

Etro is the love child of a human doctor and a former Siltori Aristocrat living a respectable life in Brandt. Having him was the greatest gift to his father, it was already hard for Siltori to conceive children. He was cherished by his father's side of the family and was introduced to the ways of magic and arcane study at an early age.

His father made sure his son could understand magic in and its inner workings, testing his knowledge and making sure his seed knew just how amazing..... and dangerous the arcane arts could be. On his 16th birthday, Etro received a gift from his father, it was a rune. His father was a Kinetics Wizard and a damn good one at that. Etro held enough practical knowledge of magic that his father felt no qualms about inscribing the rune onto his son.

The initiation was a grueling process, as Etro felt the weight of the flux upon him. "If you are truly my seed, then by the morning you will emerge a Kinetic wizard." his father noted after inscribing the rune. He left Etro by himself in a room as the young man bore the force of kinetics on his body.

It felt as though a heavy blanket had encompassed his entire body, swallowed by an unseen force with the intent on crushing him. He was no pushover, however, and musted the will to withstand the force. For the entirety of two days, he was subjected to this arcane pressure, and by the morning of the second day, he had emerged from that isolated room a wizard of kinetics.

That night his family celebrated, a feast in his honor as though it was a rite of passage for him, which in some way, it was. The night was filled with joy and merriment, for it would not be so in the morning.

That night he had been shaken from his sleep by a distinct sound. It was the sounds of fighting. Rushing outside his heart sank as he gazed upon the scene before him. Blood painted the walls as a horde of criminals invaded his home, slaughtering anyone they saw.

His mother and father were defending the hall to his room, coordinating their attacks in order to save their son. Etro offered to fight, but his father refused, telling him he had to live, that there was too much life left for him to live, just to give it up in a blaze of glory. Embracing his youngest son, Etro's father passed the family's symbol of power to him, the Guilded Light, a unique battle hammer that had been in his family for ages.

At that moment the hall was swarmed by assailants, and all they could do was defend themselves, Etro joining them in the fight. The house became engulfed in flames moments later and the fighting had no end in sight, his parents made a daring plan, knocking their son unconscious and tossing him down a secret passage that was built into the home.

As he awoke, he could see the aftermath, watching as the family home was devoured in a cloud of flame and flames. For several days Etro drifted slowly in the streets of Brandt, homeless and orphaned by degenerates of the county he called home. It took a moment for him to wrap his head around what happened, but after he came to terms with how he ended up in his current situation, he went into survival mode.

With what little money he had on hand he bought a small home to live in, to stave off being homeless. Doing so however has placed him in debt and after years of trying to find work, he lost all hope. For most of those four years, he did odd jobs just to keep himself alive, even down to working at a brothel for a time. He was treated well but he knew there was more to him than dirty jobs and selling his body just to make ends meet.

When he wasn't pleasuring those that came to see him at the brothel, or on an odd job, Etro was out fulfilling his passion.......killing criminals. Since he was 21 he had been stalking the streets of Straad County, taking down any criminal he could. Knowing full well if anyone were to figure him out, it would mean a lifetime in prison, and so he adopted the alter persona of the "Silver Herald". He would be a herald that brings forth light to purge his country of the evil that was growing and running rampant.
Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:11 pm, edited 54 times in total. word count: 1219
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Posts: 110
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:

Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:56 am

♅ Lore Aquisition ♅


??? ?/? ???


??? ?/? ???


??? ?/? ???


Bludgeons{Battlehammer} 25/100 4
Kinetics 33/100 10
Polearms{Halberd} 25/100 13


Acrobatics 20/100 1
Stealth 15/100 3
Tactics 15/100 4
Bodybuilding 15/100 0
Investigation 5/100 4
Socialization 5/100 2
Etiquette 5/100 1
Politics 5/100 6


Caregiving 0/100 1
Logistics 0/100 1


Saved XP 8/X XXX
Saved Magic XP 0/X XXX

Point Aquisition

ThreadPoints AwardedRunning Total
Combatant SP+1000
Character Approval+150
My Life for a Halberd Ⅰ+50
My Life for a Halberd Ⅱ+50
Take Me To Your Tavern+20
Sleeping Beauty+50
Joining the Pack+50
Into the Badlands+80
Beta Tester Reward+100
Belle of the Ball: Act 1+50
A wolf and a warrior+88

Point Expenditure

Starting Package:
100 Points
Bludgeons{Battlehammer} - 25
Bodybuilding - 15
Kinetics - 20
Stealth - 15
Tactics - 15
Acrobatics - 10
Character Approval: {NYX}
15 Points
Kinetics - 5
Acrobatics - 10
My Life for a Halberd Ⅰ
5 Points
Polearms{Halberd} - 5
My Life for a Halberd Ⅱ
5 Points
Kinetics - 3
Polearms{Halberd} - 2
8 Points
Polearms{Halberd} - 8
Take Me To Your Tavern
2 Points
Polearms{Halberd} - 2
Sleeping Beauty
5 Points
Polearms{Halberd} - 5
Joining the Pack
5 Points
Kinetics - 5
Into the Badlands
8 Points
Polearms{Halberd} - 3
Investigation - 5
Beta Tester Reward
10 Points
Socializarion - 5
Etiquette - 5
Belle of the Ball: Act 1
5 Points
Politics - 5
A wolf and a warrior
8 Points
Saved XP - 8
Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:33 pm, edited 25 times in total. word count: 267
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Posts: 110
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:

Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:00 am

♅ Knowledges ♅


Bludgeons{Battlehammer} - 4
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Polearms{Halberd} - 13
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Stealth - 3
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Acrobatics - 3
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Tactics - 4
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Logistics - 1
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Socialization - 2
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Investigation - 4
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Caregiving - 1
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Etiquette - 1
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Non-Skill Lores


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Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:41 pm, edited 40 times in total. word count: 545
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Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:

Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:10 am

♅ Arcane Efficiency ♅

Racial Ability


  • After being saturated in ethereal energy for so long, magic for the Siltori is volatile if the comely element. Siltori, due to the magic practically embedded into them by the Sundering, have learned to endure the effects of threshold sickness better than other races, garnering an inherent resistance to such backlash. This allows them to act as if they have more arcane stamina, giving them a small edge over other mages.



MOTIF: The Controller
  • ♅ The Rune of Kinetics that resides on Etro intermingles with his soul in a domineering way. It causes him to revel in controlling any and all things that enter the domain of his magic. This allows Etro to have constant control over the shifting flux around them. As it grows with Etro the two become what he feels to be a "controller", a surveyor of the flux in order to dominate the ebb and flow of the aether around him, akin to a spider dominating all within his web. ♅


Amethyst Web - Apprentice
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Aether Threading - Journeyman
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Knowledges: 10

  • Kinetics: The Aether around objects (SP)
    Kinetics: Understanding the flow of the Flux (SP)
    Kinetics: Threshold Sickness {NYX}
    Kinetics: Overstepping {NYX}
    Kinetics: Using Lift to lift enemies into the air {PARA}
    Kinetics: Using Push to force enemies back {PARA}
    Kinetics: Combining Push, Pull, & Lift in battle {PARA}
    Kinetics: Pushing back wolves {PARA}
    Kinetics: Lifting enemies away from you {PARA}
    Kinetics: Pulling enemies into the tip of your weapon {PARA}
    Kinetics: Using push to soften a fall
    Kinetics: Evading deadly blows with Push, Pull, & Lift


  • TBA



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Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:53 pm, edited 28 times in total. word count: 1108
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Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:

Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:27 am

♅ Inventory ♅

1. Combatant Starter Package
1 Set of Clothing
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel




Warhammer{Guilded Light}
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1 Set of Armor
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1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq. ft.) complete with a hearth (or heat source equivalent), bunk, chest, chair, small table and rug.

Starting Gold 15,000 df 15,000 df
Play Test Grant +45,500 df 60,500
Halberd -1,000 df 59,500
Dreadwolf Armor -21,000 df 38,500
Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:57 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 272
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Posts: 110
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:

Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:30 pm

♅ Cast of NPCs ♅


♅ Family NPC: Aerendyl El'Vashla ♅

♅ Details
♅ Age: 33
♅ Race: Siltori
♅ Height: 5'9"
♅ Weight: 130 lbs

♅ NPC Type: Family NPC
♅ Relation to Etro: Companion {Future Wife}

♅ Skills
  • Blades{Longsword}: Expert
  • Sigilic Pyromancy: Expert
  • Seduction: Expert
  • Tactics: Expert
  • Ranged{Longbow}: Journeyman
  • Acrobatics: Jourmeyman
  • Mounts{Horse}: Journeyman
  • Animal Husbandry: Journeyman
  • Medicine: Apprentice
  • Unarmed Combat: Apprentice

♅ Description: A true beauty in her own right, Aerendyl is genuinely kind & peaceful as she has been since she was a little girl. Though underneath that due to the past she is very cold & ruthless when it comes to those who threaten those close to her. She has an air strength & elegance about her and has a loving attitude which makes her very approachable. She also has a great hatred for those who forsake honor, no matter where they're from.

On the inside she is silent and vigilant, never hesitating to shield her spouse from harm. She is always faithful to her circle of friends and fellow Siltori. She is not openly talkative at first, and she prefers to analyze people and their actions. She is very protective of Constantine and willing to sacrifice herself for him willingly. She is very logical and she doesn't act out of anger or instinct.

♅ Personality: Aerendyl has three distinct facets to her personality. Her {Casual} demeanor when dealing with people outside of combat, her {Aggressive} nature when in combat, and her {Cunning} mindset when handling dire situations:

Casual: When not fighting and in a casual setting, Aerendyl is the epitome of poise and grace. Elegant and polite, she carries herself with an air of sophisticated refinement. She speaks in eloquent words and praises, and will often offer sound advice with tact and a hint of sass when needed.

Aggressive: Once a battle is certain the polite and proper Aerendyl vanishes, and something monstrous takes hold of her body. Aerendyl becomes a precise killing machine, able to read her enemy's body language and determine her best course of action. Her attacks are relentless and timed at the right moment, all while a smirk is painted on her face.

Cunning: Aerendyl is quite the cunning woman, able to adapt to many situations. Navigating the chaotic political struggle of this world comes with ease for her, just as breathing would be. She has been known to allow her enemies to take her captive in order to gain inside knowledge on their inner workings before dealing a crippling blow to them.


♅ Family NPC: Vehlaine Dal'Sharron ♅

♅ Details
♅ Age: 63
♅ Race: Siltori
♅ Height: 6'
♅ Weight: 150 lbs

♅ NPC Type: Family NPC
♅ Relation to Etro: Magical Mentor and Friend

♅ Skills
  • Kinetics: Master
  • Negation: Expert
  • Polearms{Spear}: Expert
  • Negotiation: Expert
  • Politics: Expert
  • Research: Journeyman
  • Teaching: Journeyman
  • Leadership: Journeyman
  • Artificing: Journeyman
  • Acrobatics: Apprentice
  • Seduction: Apprentice

♅ Description: Vehlaine is an elf with a checkered past. Turbulent and not without its ups and downs, the mage spent most of his early life in Sil-Elaine. Shrewd, yet charming and charismatic, Vehlaine can talk many in and out of trouble at the drop of a coin with his silver tongue.

He was born into a small family to two loving parents, who happen to dabble heavily in the art of magic and combat. He grew up in the home of the silver elves under the strict yet fair code of his father & mother. He, like his brother, was secretly trained in the ways of the blades, learning to eventually wield a shield with it, and the family business of magecraft at a very young age. He suffered from the years of training and the verbal, mental, and physical abuse of the oppressing rule of the city.

In time he was able to find his freedom from his homeland and escaped to Lorien, making a name for himself as a magical scholar and capable mercenary. Mixing his arcane knowledge in Kinetics and Elementalism and skill in martial combat, Vehlaine became a reputable force in the capital of Lorien. As such, he traveled the lands of Lorien for several years finally settling in Nivenhain and finding comradery among like-minded individuals and mages alike. He was content with the life he was living there and would use his remaining years to educate those willing to learn in the art of magic and other civilized fundamentals.

♅ Personality: Vehlaine is a placid and calculating man who is always thinking one step ahead. He often states that every turn in battle is a part of his effortless planning. He speaks in a polite and proper manner at all times, albeit terrifyingly so when he completely stumps his competition.

Though his intentions are sometimes questioned, he is indeed loyal to those close to him as he admires their qualities. Perhaps a bit too confident of his abilities, he only half acknowledges his rivals. While many are intent on befuddling him and proving their mental superiority, Vehlaine will haughtily denounce their efforts. When they succeed, he congratulates them with quaint words of praise.

As a mercenary for hire, he tends to have a passive-aggressive approach to his contracts. He believes that using an offensive form of defense saves many more lives than simply waiting it out, allowing more bodies to pile up.


♅ Gregorio Alvarez ♅

♅ Details
♅ Age: 33
♅ Race: Half Human/ Half Hytori
♅ Height: 6'3"
♅ Weight: 205 lbs

♅ NPC Type: Family NPC
♅ Relation to Etro: Comrade & Mentor

♅ Skills
  • Necromancy: Master
  • Politic{The Candor}: Expert
  • Etiquette{The Candor}: Journeyman
  • Blades{Rapier}: Journeyman
  • Animal Husbandry {Wolves}: Journeyman
  • Animal Handling {Wolves}: Journeyman
  • Torture: Apprentice
  • Negation: Apprentice
  • Gunslinging: Apprentice

♅ Description:
  • A Valran of Lord Phillip Valent, Gregorio Alvarez is nearly as ruthless as he is gentle, as passionate as he is harsh, and as sadistic as he is empathetic. He derives a demented form of amusement from the suffering of his enemies, apparently due to his unbearably harsh upbringing. He is often abrasive and not very approachable, rarely letting others in, giving a cold impression to others.

    His manner of speaking tends to be blunt and insulting, his comments are frequently coarse or otherwise inappropriate, and he is not above provoking or belittling those who oppose or irritate him. His sense of humor tends toward the vulgar, insulting, and dark. Despite this, however, his skill in playing the Candor within Lyonesse is impeccable.

    His loyalty to the Montese of Lyonesse is unquestioned, handling tasks with vicious efficiency. Although he rarely shows it, he does have a sense of morality and empathy. One of his most defining characteristics is his cunning. He is often whispered among the court to be the Wolf of Lyonesse, being that his intellect and execution of his plans are akin to a wolf.

    That being said, his style of candor is unique as it is akin to a predator stalking their prey. A mix of subtle violence, psychological warfare, and exploitation. If there is a weakness in a target, he will sniff it out or claw it out if the situation demands. Once he has them at his mercy he will bend them to his will till they no longer serve his purpose anymore, like a carcass with no meat left to pick off of.


♅ Elios Vandrau ♅

♅ Details
  • Age: 28
    Race: Human
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 175 lbs
    NPC Type: Companion NPC
    Relation to Etro: Aid, Subordinate

♅ Skills
  • Medicine: Journeyman| 60
    Animus: Journeyman| 50
    Persuasion: Apprentice| 25
    Spycraft: Apprentice| 30
    Blades{Rapier}: Apprentice| 30
    Stealth: Apprentice| 25
    Transposition: Apprentice| 30

♅ Personality:
  • Elios is a very blunt and straight-forward man. Known to be a highly logical individual who can come off as cold and despondent, although it is not intentional. Even so, he never lets his emotions muddle his judgment, and tries in earnest not to belittles those who are less knowledgeable than himself no matter how annoyed he becomes.

    Rather, he serves as a source of enlightenment and information to those he deems in need of it. Because of his logical and pragmatic nature, people tend to gather around him, allies, and supporters alike as they often feel he knows the best course of action. He is aloof the majority of the time to those around him but, that changes whenever he makes a breakthrough in whatever he researches.

    Elios has a fine-tuned logical mind, with an obsession for knowledge and invention, believing that societal evolution can be accelerated and propelled through discovery. Despite his aloofness, he can be extremely observant when not absorbed in his work, picking up on things others miss and retaining information casually gathered through conversation. This, however, is the secret to his albeit terrifying logical mind. Underneath all that obsession with knowledge and invention is a sharp cunning and intellect.
word count: 2010

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