Degare Coeur Socorro

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:49 pm

Degare Coeur Socorro



17th of Rime, 4519
Boghadar, Verant, The Southern Marches, Daravin

Raw Magic:
Bane, Ferrier
Blood Magic, Vandikar
Mentalism, Mentalist
Remnant, Remnomancer

Doll Maker

Socorro Estate

Veir (Head of House Socorro)

Daravin, Entente, House Socorro

Common, Raillen
Silvain, Gentevarese


Averre Reyes-Socorro †

Enemies: -


He possesses short, tousled curly silver hair with an almost pearlescent sheen in direct light, eyes of bright, reddened amber, and a devious smile that adorns plush lips. His pale skin is lined with the early signs of aging alongside the visually distinct marks of leaden veins and pale, silvery tattoos on the sides of his face and neck, only visible when the light shines just so. High, prominent cheekbones and a strong jaw in addition to his long, pointed ears give him a distinctive, aristocratic appearance.

His stature is tall and imposing among his people, though he is quite thin, almost deathly so. His thinness is somewhat hidden under layers of clothing, particularly fond of capes that accent his naturally broad shoulders. Typically, he dresses in black, accent colors he’s fond of include gold along with deep purples and reds. When not inside, he is often seen wearing a hood that hides his face, both to move around unrecognized as well as keep the sun from his sensitive eyes.

Note on leaden veins: as for their visibility, on Degare they can only be seen on places where the flesh is thinnest. Examples being his hands, wrists, feet, ankles and other joints. There are also traces visible on his neck and jaw. Upon becoming a Corvo, these faded greatly.

Corvo Addendum: His eyes are brighter, there's more vibrancy to his skin, some of his features are sharper, some more smooth, the proportions of his musculature rests more flatteringly on his crane-like frame, and any blemish he’d had is gone. Additionally, there are modifications to his Sil’Noraian features– the luminous tattoos have more color and shine to them, almost otherworldly in their beauty now, his ears are sharper, longer, more elegant and his leaden veins have faded quite a bit, though aren't quite gone.


Likes: Magic, Beauty, Music, Art, Pain, Drama, Theatrics
Dislikes: Crowds, Pressure, Hot Weather, Harsh Sunlight, High Pitched Sounds
Attributes: Curious, Intelligent, Passionate, Loyal, Callous, Cruel, Distant, Obsessive, Hedonistic

To those who do not know him, the man appears as cold, intelligent, aloof and mysterious. A complete stranger would assume he is Entente, though this is likely because of how much of himself is often covered. Face revealed, one is likely to think of him as imposing, intimidating, or macabre in his expressions. In settings amongst fellow Entente, his body language and movements come across as dramatic and theatrical, telling stories as much with his hands and face as his words. He deliberately chooses to come across as distinctly distant, keeping well over an arm’s length between him and others. He will come across as flirtatious in some instances, though his tastes are widely considered unknown since his flirtations are often disingenuous.

If one were to find themselves stepping over his initial boundaries, he is passionate, curious, and his flare for the dramatic is much, much louder. It would be revealed that he is naturally a pleasure seeker, one who lives simply for being alive and experiencing the highs and lows all of existence has to offer. Not a goal oriented person, he is around for the journey– often getting upset if people insist upon mentioning its end. When genuinely excited about something, he will go after it like a hound catching the scent of its prey. What piques his particular interests, however, is hard to pin down.

Going deeper, his closer bonds experience his unwavering, steel-clad loyalty. This is rare, since he is loath to allow himself to connect to others as he believes that relationships are a weakness easily exploited. Possessing few firm bonds, to those who have earned this privilege he is rather affectionate and saccharine with his expressions and general demeanor. He will typically act as if a gracious host towards those he genuinely appreciates, tending to their needs in a doting fashion with the goal of keeping them appeased in whatever manner they see fit.

Finally, if one were to become romantically acquainted with him, his passion ignites in flames that burn hot like a thousand suns. He will exhibit similar behaviors to how he would treat a close friend but emboldened tenfold, his affections become akin to fanaticism in this regard. Loyal to a fault, defensive to a fault, nearly obsessive in nature. A natural caretaker, this can unfortunately overflow into some more controlling traits. In all his life, only one has truly discovered this side of him. Despite myriad sexual relationships over the years, he struggles to trust those who express interest in romancing him still. He will also express extreme bitterness to any mention of the Arlaed.


Origins to Age 30
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Ages 30 to 100
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Recent History
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Marks of Control



The Black Seed

Appearing as an opaque, inward-curving triskelion emanating dark vines twisting across the skin, the Black Seed germinates steadily as one progresses with Bane. His is placed at the top of his sternum, directly below his throat.
Granted to him by Ferrier Averre, his lover at the time, as a gift.



Vandikar's Mark

Appears like a circle with barbs along its edges, and sharp arrow-head like shapes emerging from it. His is placed directly below the bane mark on his sternum, but this one is drawn on the bone itself.
Granted to him by Arkash because he wanted to try initiating someone.


Mark of the Mentalist

To many, his mark likely resembles a phantom lit by ghostly flames, or nothing like that-- it is in the eyes of the beholder, after all. His adorns the palm of his dominant hand.
Granted to him by his mother and father as a rite of passage in his youth.


Mark of the Remnomancer

For Degare, his mark manifested as two pyramidal neurons on the back of his neck, at the base of his scalp. The soma of the neurons rest directly below his hairline while the dendrites extend upwards onto his the back of his head and creep down just a little onto his neck.
Granted to him by Salen Auclair.
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Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:06 pm


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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:43 pm





Motif: Maledictus Corpus

Initially, Degare found himself enraptured with Ashes and Pathos-- fascinated with their myriad potential effects on the body. He's spent most of his time as a Ferrier learning ways to carefully weave the two to slow function, to enervate the body. As he learned and developed, his skills mirrored this desire. Favoring extended suffering, his casts are not to cause catastrophic or fatal damage, no; they are to make the victim suffer, to lament in their pain for the last excruciating moments of their lives. Degare is not a traditional combatant, rather a pampered noble...his spells are for his own pleasure, not necessity.

Suffocating Cinders: (affecting Bane skill: ‘Spectrify’) Apprentice
Though with lesser range and area of effect, the Ferrier can exhale a much denser cloud of ashes. The result is that anyone living caught in the area will struggle to breathe through the ashes clogging their airways and lungs. Those who inhale large quantities of ash will begin to hallucinate the memories and voices of the recently departed. This has no effect on other Ferriers.
The Ferrier with this mutation will always have ashes in their respiratory system. The ashes will constantly form and pollute the longs, requiring the mage to exhale or cough them out periodically.

Coruscating Ashes: (affecting Bane skill: ‘Ashes’) Journeyman
Ashes exhaled by the caster vividly reflect light. In bright light it can be almost disorienting or blinding. In dim light, the ashes are beautiful, almost pearlescent in their glimmer. They often fade with leaving an otherworldly shimmer in their wake.
This is purely aesthetic and has no purpose other than a visual modifier.

Exosso: (affecting Bane skill: ‘Rot’) Expert
Unlike standard Rot, this Bane exclusively affects bone tissue. Seeping in slowly through the skin, quickened if slung into an open wound, it will cause the collagen in a victim’s bones to rapidly degenerate or deplete, resulting in much softer, fragile bones. If a victim is careful, the collagen will be restored over time, especially if one finds a way to supplement their collagen intake.
Developing this skill will cause the caster’s own bones to weaken, if only by about 20% at first. This effect is worsened with increased exposure from how frequently the ability is used, but will regenerate back to that initial 20% loss over time.

Doll's Limbs: (affecting Bane skill: ‘Pathos’) Master
The caster can freely detach his head and limbs at will at shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle joints. He can then do whatever he wants with his body parts.
Ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues at these joints of the caster are naturally weaker, allowing for them to pop right off with sufficient use of force.



Motif: Danse Macabre

Ever and always inquisitive and prying, Degare uses his mentalism for both the purposes of manipulating others as well as learning more about those around him. For what purpose, pray tell? His own entertainment-- his is a life led by his curiosity, thirst for knowledge and personal enrichment. The lives of others are nothing to him other than shows for his own amusement-- facets of fascination. Mentalism allows him to delve a few layers deeper than one normally would as well as granting him yet more methods to keep others at arm's length, manipulate them, or break them.

Dernière Danse: (affecting Mentalist skill: ‘Minstrel’) Apprentice
Fills a target’s mind with euphoria, bliss, joy, or another combination(s) of positive emotions that would compel one’s body to move– typically to dance. This effect is heightened especially in the presence of music. The intensity of these emotions will twist for a unique effect: a partial override of negative physical stimuli, meaning the target will continue even if they are injured, starving, or otherwise impaired. Total override can be achieved with multiple tethers.
Upon developing this mutation, the mage's own hunger pangs and thirst are felt less. Degare will likely not remember to eat or drink with any regularity, frequently finding himself weak from hunger or dehydration. Additionally, one will find that some of the wires regarding pleasure and pain are henceforth crossed. These effects are exaggerated upon frequent use of the ability.

Consummate Cognition: (affecting Mentalist skill: ‘Neurocrux’) Journeyman
Provides more advanced cognitive function for Degare, typically biased towards his ability to perceive and understand the emotions of others. His problem solving skills and abilities related to mental processing will also be enhanced. This also further complicates his Mindscape and consequently, it will be much more difficult to navigate regardless of method or skill in doing so.
The glow of his Neurocrux will be brighter and more radiant behind his eyes, thus more visible. If somebody got close enough to get a good look, it might resemble something akin to neon-lit pathways or constellations in vibrant, shifting purples, pinks and reds. His own emotional highs and lows will be significantly more overwhelming. This is a double edged sword, especially for somebody as troubled as Degare.

Paranoia Agent: (affecting Mentalist skill: ‘Scarecrow’) Expert
In addition to fear, Scarecrow can now be used to induce paranoia in the minds of the afflicted.
Degare’s perception of his own paranoia is amplified.

Bête Noire: (affecting Mentalist skill: ‘Scarecrow’) Master
The intensity of Scarecrow is increased significantly. As a result, the emotion evoked will cause permanent damage to the hippocampus of those afflicted by it every time this skill is used. This can make it so that the afflicted will have permanent issues regulating fear and will end up anxious the majority of their time spent conscious. Continued use, or use of multiple tethers at once, can cause further damage to the brains of the afflicted– inducing long term effects such as PTSD, clinical depression, fatigue, cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems, decreased fertility, accelerated aging and even premature death.
As a sadistic archon of terror, Degare’s empathy is significantly reduced. His ability to relate or care about others’ plights will also drop. Frequent use of this skill will spike his own anxieties, cause emotional instability, and potentially even cardiovascular issues.



Motif: Crimson Tide

Growing up in a city surrounded by beautiful rivers and luminous falls, Degare has always been enamored with the flow of water. It can be as gentle as a dewdrop or as destructive and tumultuous as the tidal waves resulting from underwater quakes. This affection for water was twisted and warped into a fondness and then further into a lust for blood– rivers of it, oceans of it. Such a fascination has impacted his life in myriad ways over the years and as a consequence, it is what drives the unique traits of his Blood Magic.

Incarnadine Eye: (affecting Blood skill: ‘Sway’) Apprentice
Doubles the range of Sway as a result of permanent, crystalized Blight in his eyes and on his veins being used as a conduit; this has become as much a part of his anatomy as anything else.
Degare will gain bright, carmine red limbal rings around his irises. Additionally, the color of his Sil’Noraian leaden veins will be shifted from black to an unnaturally deep, purplish crimson. Both of these odd traits combined could out him as a Vandikar if he’s not careful in how he conducts himself.

Blood Font: (affecting Blood skill: ‘Degare’s Blood’) Journeyman
Allows for rapid regeneration of his blood to facilitate continuous casting and to reduce strain from blood loss as a whole. Overall, he’ll regenerate his blood to full capacity in a couple of hours.
When his body is regenerating blood, especially larger losses, his heart rate increases to over 120 BPM and a marked increase in internal body temperature is also present. Increased sweating, skin will be flushed, etc. while this is happening.

Ruby Drift: (affecting Blood skill: ‘Hemorrhage’) Expert
In the simplest of terms, Hemorrhage will be able to be manipulated remotely by the Blood Mage as if being affected by Sway. Degare can craft it in the palms of his hands, it will draw from blood all around him and he can levitate the orb of life essence, omnidirectionally move it, and project it forth with significant force in whatever direction he pleases in order to reposition this skill to create effective artillery bombs that will burst to unleash a forceful torrent of the sanguine essence within. The range at which he can manipulate it is determined by the range of his Sway.
This skill requires a not insignificant amount of Blight created by his own blood, most likely will be pulled from small self inflicted cuts on his palms. Additionally, overuse of this ability can run the risk of blood vessels collapsing entirely and having no static pressure to flow again.

Sanguinous Waters: (affecting Blood skill: ‘Blood Torrent’) Master
Extends the width to roughly 6ft and allows Degare to perform much sharper turns when redirecting the torrent’s flow.
His blood is thinner, brighter and more vibrant in color, as well as flowing more freely. As a result, it doesn’t coagulate properly, if at all. His wounds must be closed by means other than natural or he will bleed continuously until he falls.

Blight: Corvo
Corvo are sometimes called 'Nightcrawlers', as their name roughly translates to such in the old Icherranian tongue they were first named in. Though they originate in the hills of Caena, the advent of the Dunash across Icheron and the domination of the Unbreathing Horde has forced them entirely astray of their original homes, clinging to old Covens and roots burrowed deep within Atharen's soil.

The Corvo, who all belong to a faction known as the Brotherhood of Scaeva, are a collective of men and women chosen by Brazim, securing information, culling threats and serving the whims and will of whichever merchant, Lord or King offers them coin. Though the Corvo offer Brazim information through their duties, it is largely believed that they are more a product of his vanity than practicality, a simple desire to leave his imprint upon the world.

Like most Blights, Corvo are rare in the world, perhaps the rarest save for the Wohlricht. If they were common, it would be impossible to know. They are secretive, and most of their changes are subtle enough to be imperceptible to those other than the most vigilant of eyes, or experts in the field of Blights. Some may speculate that a particularly handsome man in their village, known for bedding loosely, may be a Nightcrawler; the same may be said of a courtesan of legendary beauty and grace, a woman privy to the ears of great Lords and Ladies. These speculations are scant proven, and the trademark of any proper Nightcrawler - in the face of great speculation - is to disappear.

For now, 02.

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Last edited by Degare on Fri Jun 03, 2022 7:03 pm, edited 30 times in total. word count: 2265
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Sun Feb 20, 2022 11:12 pm

Up to 6 Sets of Clothing befitting your Class (Noble)
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1. Daravinic Entente (SP)
Signet Ring of Socorro
1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Set of Toiletries
  • 10 days of rations
  • 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
  • Flint & Steel

2. General Items
1 Peacock Tarantula Marionette - Thread

3. Fauna
1 Thing - Thread

Socorro String Co.: The family's longstanding business selling stringed musical instruments.

Socorro Estate: his chambers are an old tower, consisting of a large, multi-floored study, bathroom, and bedchamber.
Off Topic
*image is a "final/idealized" version-- at the moment, the primary estate is smaller and the building on the left is unbuilt.

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----1000 df
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