Thomas Worth

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Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:40 am

T H O M A S - W O R T H

Full Name: Thomas Starkwayte
Known Aliases: Thomas Worth (more used than his real name), Lord Ashley Ryan, Altair the Clairvoyant, Zacharias Loftus, Isidro Orguillo, Johan Buchman, presumed to have many more
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 26 plus or minus 2
Height: 5'7" / 171 cm
Weight: 160 lbs / 72 kg

Birthdate: Exact date unknown; circa late Searing to early Ash, 4596ish
Birthplace: Grisic, maybe? That's where he ended up, anyhow

Profession: Peddler, Apothecary, Fortune Teller, Actor, Opportunist
Housing: Wagon
Partners: No current partners. 4 or 5 ex-lovers who still tolerate him. As of Frost 4621, married to Taelian and also Wendall (NPC).
Sexuality: Bisexual

Titles: as of Frost 4621, he's married into being Lorien nobility.
Factions: n/a

Fluencies: Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Thomas is appealing looking but not overly memorable. Customers, acquaintances, and dear friends alike are more likely to remember impressions of his appearance rather than anything approaching a forensic description: a brilliant smile, animated hands, perfect posture, and hints of a Grisic accent at times. If one managed to get a good look, however, more details would emerge: mid-length brown hair that's tied up if it gets too long, brown eyes that could be described as soulful, and the impression that he's growing a beard but not following through. Thomas is muscular but not particularly strong; he's no stranger to manual labor but isn't much for combat. When things get dicey, he'd much rather run away than fight. He has an odd scar on his inner thigh that few people have managed to see; his explanation is it was the result of being burnt while working in a factory as a teen.

Thomas is a consummate people person. He enjoys getting to know people, learning their troubles, and trying to help them. He's industrious, not afraid of a challenge, and loves the thrills that come along with sales, persuasion, and acquiring large sums of money. Once he has it, however, he tends to piss it away. When money is plentiful, he enjoys giving it away to the poor, gambling, and boozing. Strangely, despite seeming to enjoy patronizing brothels, he usually stays in the common area and is rarely seen to go upstairs.

People who get to know Thomas discover that under the charming facade is someone who is not overly emotional, likes other people's company but is awkward to spend long amounts of time with, and enjoys intimacy but struggles with letting people in. There's one glaring exception to this rule: he is a bit of a romantic, and tends to develop ferocious crushes. With those people, he can be a bit more forthcoming, although many exes have accused him of being oddly blank once you get to know him. It doesn't help that when things go south, he tends to just bail; many lovers have wondered what became of him as he has a bad habit of departing without so much as a note.



Thomas was born in Grisic and was brought to one of the state-run orphanages when he was approximately four years old. Curiously, he doesn't remember anything at all about his mother, or whoever was caring for him prior to the orphanage. He grew up in the orphanage where he did work release in return for his room, board, possessions, and education alongside the other orphans. In the orphanage, he was quiet, withdrawn, and shy; the kind of child who seems determined to fade into the background.

As a teenager, the employment opportunities for a middling student with no money, no family connections, and no apparent talents looked bleak. At fifteen he either run away or struck out on his own, depending on who he's talking to when he tells the story. He performed various odd jobs for the next few years within the empire: in particular, he learned compounding, distillation, and other basic apothecary skills from a pharmacist who required seasonal help making nostrums for colds, fevers, and flus. When things got bad and work dried up, he told fortunes, stole or sold himself, as necessary, until economic conditions improved.

At the tender age of seventeen, he was approached by some form of Griscian secret society, who seemed interested in him joining up. While he had no real interest in their ultimate goal or agenda, the idea of a group of people who were willing to take him in and let them sleep in the lounge of their gentleman's club was appealing, so he said yes. After an extensive and terrible initiation procedure, however, that included being drugged and branded on the inner thigh with some kind of hot poker, he got too scared to go beyond his novitiate. He stayed for a few more weeks, until his odd scar healed, and then he cleaned out their safe and fled the country. Unbeknownst to him, the secret society wasn't so much a collection of rich weird perverts as it was a collection of underground Mentalists who had recognized his potential and sought to train him as one of their own. Their oath forbade explaining any of this to him during his novitiate, and they did not expect him to steal a large sum of money and run away.

As a result, Thomas is a Mentalist, but has no earthly idea of this fact. Due to his chosen profession, he unconsciously uses his abilities to his advantage quite often, but due to a lack of training and knowledge, is currently unable to progress beyond the Apprentice abilities opened to Mentalists. His Rorschach is a brand on his inner thigh that to his eyes looks like a horrifying mistake and a consequence of trusting others. He makes sure that no one else sees it either. He refuses to be naked around others unless in total darkness because he doesn't want anyone to know that he's disfigured, and he's terrified that some kind of central authority will find out that he has an identifying mark on his body and make him easier to track down for his numerous crimes committed in almost every jurisdiction on the continent.

Over the course of the last seven years, Thomas has traveled far and wide across the continent. He has never returned home to Grisic, and in fact goes out of his way to hide that he's ever been there, let alone that it's his country of origin. His main business is selling miracle cures, but he's capable of doing just about anything for some sweet coin: fortune telling, acting, and conning the gullible are some of his other notable professions. He is a remarkable conman, and usually targets nobles or rich merchants with any scam that makes the most sense: honey pots, fake heirs, long lost royalty, blessing scams, and whatever else. For his troubles, he's racked up a small number of lovers, some of whom even let him stay in their houses when he's in town, a larger ring of acquaintances and associates, and a dedicated, growing list of enemies in high places.


As Thomas is itinerant for much of his past, a timeline of his approximate locations at various times seems helpful. He has popped up just about everywhere, but below are some confirmed locations at specific times:
  • 4494-4499: ???
  • 4499-4514: Starkwayte, Grisic
  • 4515-4618: All over
  • 4618, Searing: Valtoria, Daravin & Verant, Daravin
  • 4618, Ash: The Badlands, Daravin
  • 4619, Glade: Leiden, Radenor
  • 4619, Ash: Sheorlund, Radenor
  • 4620, Glade: Nothern Marches, Daravin
  • 4621, Frost: Westfalen and Retzen, Lorien

Frost 4621

Frost 4621 saw Thomas up to his usual tricks, mainly selling fake curious and artifacts to various Savants and Celebrants. Unbeknownst to him, an old flame was hot on his trail, and caught up to him while he was in disguise as a nobleman. Taelian was in a disguise of his own: having become an Argent Knight since the last time they'd seen one another, Thomas did not recognize him at first. After a heated exchange of words and a passionate reunion in Thomas' wagon, Taelian invited Thomas back to discover a bit more of the man he'd become. Thomas discovered that he was rich, a nobleman, and married. He and Taelian's husband didn't like one another initially, but grew to hate each other less, at least in Thomas' case. Wendall's feelings toward Thomas remained a bit less positive. While Thomas stayed at Taelian's estate, he learned more about who his lover really was beneath the titles and riches, learned that he was a Mentalist and that Taelian is a Dreaden, and learned that he can't stand being a kept man.

So, when Taelian and Wendall were away on state business, Thomas fled the estate with a generous helping of valuables. He was caught while trying to sell them off and hauled to a private prison run by another Celebrant, Lord Weissen, who made a habit of imprisoning Nameless and torturing them to satisfy his sadistic appetites. He was sharing a cell with a fellow prisoners and something of a kindred spirit: Maladan. They were housed together, and Thomas had his first experience of using Mentalism for something positive, changing his mind that magic is necessarily a tool used only to inflict pain and suffering. The two bonded while sharing a cell, and grew close. When Taelian came to rescue Thomas in the middle of the first time his personal first time in Lord Weissen's torture chamber, he rescued Maladan too. He likely would have done so anyhow, but Thomas insisted.

The denoument of Frost for Thomas was explaining to Taelian why he'd betrayed his trust, and forging the beginnings of a strong bond with Maladan. Once these matters had been resolved, they returned to Taelian's estate, only to find that Wendall was kicking them all out, precipitating a divorce between Taelian and his husband. They returned to a hotel as a trio and began making plans to find some more permanent lodgings come Glade.

Last edited by Thomas on Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:14 pm, edited 34 times in total. word count: 1980
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Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:56 am


STR = 10

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Running 10/100 Novice

DEX = 100

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Disguise 25/100Apprentice
Larceny 25/100Apprentice
Gunslinging 50/100Journeyman

INT = 25

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Psychology 25/100 Apprentice

PER = 50

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Deception 25/100Apprentice

CRA = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
None Yet 0/100 Novice

SCI = 5

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Apothecary 5/100 Novice

CHA = 150

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Acting 50/100Journeyman
Etiquette 25/100 Apprentice
Persuasion 25/100 Apprentice
Rhetoric 25/100 Apprentice

MER = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
None Yet 0/100 Novice

ART = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
None Yet 0/100 Novice

ARC = 33

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Mentalism 33/100 Apprentice
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Last edited by Thomas on Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:33 pm, edited 61 times in total. word count: 403
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Tue Jan 11, 2022 11:28 am




RunningSprinting From Danger
RunningDistance Running for the Man Evading Pursuit
RunningSprinting while Nauseated without Vomiting
RunningAppearing Unhurried when one Reaches One's Destination
RunningGetting a Head Start
RunningBeing Ready to Run
RunningDistracting Pursuers While in Motion
RunningTracking Pursuers While Running


DisguiseAccessorize to Disguise: Wigs, Glasses, Clothes, and You!
DisguiseCloth Armor: Choosing a Suitable Outfit for a Grift
DisguiseWearing Odd Clothes to Look Exotic
DisguiseFreshening Up Quickly
DisguiseGeneric Lore x3
LarcenyRemoving Items From the Unaware
LarcenyStealing Small Items from the Inebriated
LarcenyStealing Knickknacks No One Will Miss
LarcenyPurloining Important Items like Keys, then Returning Them
StealthOpening a Door Quietly
StealthUsing Shadows to Hide
StealthWalking Quietly In a Building
Thrown WeaponBasic Improvised Projectiles
Thrown WeaponAim for the Torso
GunslingingGeneric Lore x 45


LinguisticsBasics of Language Learning
LinguisticsRaellian Vowels
PoliticsGeneric Lore x3
PsychologyMeal Ticket Detection: How to Spot an Easy Mark
PsychologyBasic Knowledge of Abandonment and Trauma
PsychologyRathor characteristics and cultural values (basic)
PsychologySil'Elaine characteristics and cultural values (basic)
PsychologyDraeden characteristics (basic)
PsychologyMaximizing the Pleasure of One's Partner
PsychologyCold-Reading (intermediate)
PsychologyAdvanced Self-Sabotage
PsychologyGeneric Lore x2
SpycraftGathering Information From a Source
SpycraftGathering Information Discreetly
SpycraftCommitting Information to Memory
SpycraftSorting through Correspondence
SpycraftGaining Access to Privileged Areas
SpycraftTriaging Information when Given Limited Access


AppraisalDetermining what has worth
AppraisalSentimental value vs Monetary Value
AppraisalGeneric Lore x8
DeceptionSpinning Convincing Yarns
DeceptionFaking a Convincing Smile
DeceptionMaintaining a Fake Expression
DeceptionPassing Off Counterfeit Currency as Real
DeceptionConcealing Disgust
DeceptionLying by Omission
DeceptionConcealing Disgust
DeceptionFeigning Comprehension
DeceptionFeigning Agreement
DeceptionLetting Someone Win
DeceptionThe Basics of Double Bluffing
Deception4 Generic Lores
SurvivalTaking a Punch
SurvivalBreath Control
SurvivalEnduring Pain (Basic)
TortureDunking Chamber
TortureBeing Punched in the Jaw


ApothecaryThe Fine Art and Noble Science of Placebos, Patents, and Nostrums
ApothecaryMaking Perfumes
ApothecaryCreating Brightly Colored Tinctures
ApothecaryGathering Medicinal Materials
ApothecarySpotting Botanicals for Medical Use
MedicineMaking Bandages
MedicineSterilizing Wounds
MedicineBedside Manner
EngineeringBasic Light Manipulation Using a Lens
EngineeringAn Idea For an Improvised Incendiary


ActingDon't Oversell It: The Art of Nuance
ActingStaying in Character: Maintaining the act when drunk, tired, etc
ActingPretending to be a Man of Humble Means
ActingFading into the Background
ActingProjecting a Presence
ActingTelling an Engaging Story
ActingPretending to be a Doctor
ActingFeigning Sleep
ActingFeigning Interest
ActingIgnoring Hunger
ActingBeing who you Need to be in the Moment
ActingBecoming Interested in Someone
ActingFine Muscle Control
Acting3 Generic Lores
EtiquetteThe Mannerisms of Grisic Nobility
EtiquetteServants in Noble Houses
EtiquetteBasic Knowledge of Argent Knights (Lorien)
EtiquetteBasic Knowledge of High Society (Lorien)
EtiquetteIn-depth Knowledge of the customs of Radenor Nobility)
EtiquetteBeing a Guest in a Noble House
EtiquetteNavigating a Fraught Marriage as the Person Making it Fraught (Intermediate)
EtiquetteCustoms of Being a Guest on a Lorien Estate (Basic)
EtiquetteTable Manners
EtiquetteDiscussing Delicate Matters
EtiquetteApologizing to a Celebrant
EtiquetteClearing Debts
EtiquetteAccepting a Proposal
EtiquetteGeneric Lore x2
NegotiationMaking Someone Else Pay
NegotiationNo Down Payment
NegotiationSocial Status can be Collateral
NegotiationRevealing Information Asymmetrically
NegotiationReturning Liberated Property
NegotiationPromises to Those who Don't Trust You Don't Work
NegotiationAttempting to Salvage Relationships
NegotiationTrial Runs
NegotiationSharing Work to Save Cost
NegotiationGeneric Lore x1
PersuasionGetting To Yes: Finding Out What Someone Wants and Giving It To Them
PersuasionWinning Friends + Influencing People
PersuasionUsing Unasked for Favors to Increase Intimacy
PersuasionCharming Someone to Make Them Happier
PersuasionConvincing Someone Not to Kill You
PersuasionConvincing Someone to Teach You
PersuasionInvoking the Names of Authority Figures to Induce Compliance
PersuasionEncouraging Someone to be Genuine
PersuasionGiving People What they Want... on Your Terms
PersuasionReassuring Hesitant People
PersuasionGeneric Lore x6
RhetoricSpeaking Eloquently (Basic)
RhetoricDiscussing Hard Truths
RhetoricThe Basics of a Sales Pitch
RhetoricInciting Anger
RhetoricSpeaking eloquently under stress
RhetoricUsing Alliteration for Effect
RhetoricUsing Words to Distract From Pain
RhetoricPoking Holes in Fallacies
RhetoricConstructing Logical Arguments
RhetoricTelling the Truth
RhetoricProvoking an Assailant
RhetoricSpeaking from the Heart
RhetoricForcing Oneself to Speak
RhetoricGeneric Lore x3


None YetNone Yet


CosmetologyExotic Makeup and Costuming
DesignMaking new items appear old


Mentalism Reading the Murals of Others
MentalismThe Facade: Projecting A Fake Mural
MentalismEvincing Happiness and Sadness via subconscious use of powers
MentalismInterpreting a Mural
MentalismApplying a tether
MentalismUsing the Minstrel ability
MentalismMaintaining Concentration
MentalismMagic is Tiring
MentalismTry to Impel
MentalismTry to Compel
MentalismTry to Form a Weave
MentalismMarks are not Alive and they will not Mind Control You
MentalismTwo Main Branches of Mentalism
MentalismMagic Can be a Tool
20 Generic Lore, unassigned
Last edited by Thomas on Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:27 pm, edited 23 times in total. word count: 753
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Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:38 pm


1. Starting Package: 6 sets of clothing: 2 sets for a Merchant, 1 set of fine but torn and bedraggled clothing as for a noble who has gotten into a fight, 1 set of fine but slightly threadbare clothing as for a noble who has fallen on hard times, 1 odd costume for fortune telling, and 1 workman's outfit for preparing nostrums.[/list]6 sets of clothing: 2 sets for a Merchant, 1 set of fine but torn and bedraggled clothing as for a noble who has gotten into a fight, 1 set of fine but slightly threadbare clothing as for a noble who has fallen on hard times, 1 odd costume for fortune telling, and 1 workman's outfit for preparing nostrums.
1 Waterskin (full of Curative Water, which is remarkably like water that's been sweetened slightly and has some herbs in it)
1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries, 10 days of rations, 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife), Flint & Steel

2. Dyes, mordants, reagents, and aromatics for making nostrums, as well as a few cartons of nostrums ready for sale
3. A small collection of jewelry. Much of it is costume jewelry. Includes one ornate pocketwatch stolen from a member of the upper crust of Radenor.
4. A small collection of counterfeit bank notes.
5. A clothbound livre de mémoire
6. A collection of items used to disguise appearance: wigs, facial hair, hair dye, orthotics for altering height and stance,

A horse-drawn covered wagon, complete with two horses. One is black, notably older, and of better quality than the other, which is grey and clearly has a poor constitution. Their names are Horse (grey) and Carrot (black). Inside the wagon's intricately locked doors are all of Thomas' earthly possessions and most of his money. There's a very small bed that folds down from the back and goes overtop the built-in storage to produce a double bed for night-time, the aforementioned storage, and one comfortable chair.

1. About 47 df plus a truly incomprehensible map of where other caches of df are hidden around the continent.
word count: 429
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Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:43 am



TitleWarningsPCs PresentDate
The Sun Will Come OutBad ChildhoodSolo3rd Frost, 4614
Instead of Kisses...AssaultSolo63rd Ash, 4616
...We Get Kickedn/aSolo63rd Ash, 4616
Instead of Treated...Sexual HarassmentSolo23rd Frost, 4616
Small Wagon, Big Questionn/aAsphodel20th Searing, 4618
Mountebank MuggingAssaultAsphodel22nd Searing, 4618
An Unusual Customern/aElasir24th Searing, 4618
Carry On or Carrionn/aVelx27th Searing, 4618
Carry On or Carrion pt 2n/aVelx27th Searing, 4618
First Loves, Easy MarksAssault, SexTaelian16th Glade, 4619
Closer To Youn/aTaelian41st Glade, 4619
The Days Go Byn/aTaelian52nd Glade, 4619
Classical Literaturen/aArnos22nd Ash, 4219

4621 FROST

TitleWarningsPCs PresentDate
Futuren/aTaelian41st Frost
...Make Your DaySexTaelian41st Frost
The Longest Journeyn/aTaelian47th Frost
It's a Shame to be Polite NowSex, DubconTaelian48th Frost
Progenyn/aTaelian48th Frost
IndelibleVomitingTaelian52nd Frost
The Flaneur & The Tailorn/aSolo54th Frost
You Know I'm No Goodn/aSolo61st Frost
AloneAssault, GoreMaladan62nd Frost
TogetherAssault, GoreMaladan62nd Frost
PossessionAssault, Torture, ViolenceMaladan, Taelian69th Frost
You & MeSex mentionTaelian69th Frost
You & Me ConvergeSexTaelian69th Frost
Marriagen/aMaladan, Taelian71st Frost

4622 FROST

TitleWarningsPCs PresentDate
word count: 175
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