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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2835

Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:02 pm

Kiyomizu Ronin

“When in a fight to the death, one wants to employ all one's weapons to the utmost. I must say that to die with one's sword still sheathed is most regrettable.” - Miyamoto Musashi

Full Name: Darshan

Race:Dunash( Formerly Druskai (50%) - Human (50%)

Gender: Male

Age: 170


Weight: 185

Birthdate:15th of Frost , 4453


Location:The Badlands

Raw Magic:Summoning, Bane

Profession(S):Artificer, Engineer, Warrior

Titles:Ferrier, Ronin, Bushi, Samurai


Enemies:None yet


Partners: None Yet


Fluent: Common
Fluent: Runic Script
inept: Valgoth



Darshan possesses a rather idiosyncratic appearance; a lean-frame with dense-compact muscle structure. He is more often than not mistaken for a Druskai-human rather than recognized as a Dunash. His flesh as opposed to some “Living-dead” is not dry or gaunt. He sports a full head of lengthy jet black hair; silky and composed of gossamer thin strands. His visage is adorned with a strange combination of flesh, and the scales of fish. A result of his Druskai-blood in tandem with the mutations associated with his preferred Summoning archetype.

His typical garment focuses on function rather than being fashionable. He is often draped in a traditional Hitatare. The color schemes lean toward the darker-scale of the spectrum; often deep crimson, onyx, azure, and amber hues. When he is preparing for extended journeys, or combat his choice of clothing is limited to Gusoku, Tatami or the lighter variety Do-maru. His feet are often covered with Kogake, or Wooden Sandals. Under normal circumstances he carries a Katana on his right hip, always restrained within the confides of it’s scabbard.

Marks of Control

Mark of Summoning - There exists series of marks and symbols depicting the twelve patrons on Darshans' left hand. There are several intricacies which exist within the idiosyncratic symbols representative of each patron. However there are at the moment three which stand out among the other nine. Being a structure that at first glance remains in constant motion despite said symbol being etched into his flesh. It represents the first Patron that chose Darshan; Veravend, a Patron he has always given praise as he was born a mixed-blood Korkann Druskai. The strange symbol appears as two colliding waves, yet upon closer inspection they have a ghastly, unnatural appearance; rather than remain the hue associated with water, often blue these waves shimmer with an iridescent midnight-blue black hue; reminiscent of the void. While the others appear in comparison rather subtle; two more shapes such as a small flame, and two lines with deep "u" shaped curves one atop another are equally distinct. The remaining nine have indistinguishable shape in his opinion. As the Artificer is only aware of the other two Patrons who chose him, Lotheric and Tyrnac.
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Mark of Bane - Darshan lacks a visible marking on his flesh from Bane. However, following the initiation he experiences far more "Paranormal" encounters. Spirits are attracted to the Ethos wrapped around him. He always finds himself speaking to them; even if it is aloud, or in the middle of a conversation with another individual.
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Likes:Water, Research, Technology, Combat, Women
Dislikes:Large social gatherings, Antimagic, Brand, Bandits
Merits: Tactful, Strategic, Analytical, Kind-hearted
Flaws: Greed, Vengeful, Antisocial
Alignment:Chaotic Neutral


Alexithymia - Darshan has the difficulty with the recognition, expression of, or identification of emotions.

- Darshan when he has made a commitment is compelled to do all that he is capable of, to ensure that he achieves results. Which in turn can be a double-edged sword, as he has a tendency to be overzealous and loyal to causes that may or may not benefit him, or the person/duty/people he is so unconditionally loyal to.

Methodical - Darshan pays attention to every single detail, and always prefers to think with tact. He approaches virtually everything with a strategy in mind, and diligently studies every-thing that may be of interest to him. He carefully plans, and then takes action.


A child chiseled by the tides; Darshan was born in Kisei a stalwart young man. Molded by both parents, to be cold, calculative and tactful. His father was a fisherman who sailed from Kisei to Lukhan consistently. He always traded with the Druskai as they were seafarers. One that he both respected and feared as he often encountered pirates while at sea. He was no warrior, and often paid for safe passage back and forth into Lukhan. In one such instance he encountered a woman named Alathea; a pirate, and a well-known woman who took part in several raids.

His Mother was a highly intelligent woman gifted at Artificing, and a devout servant of Veravend . She spent most of her son's childhood at sea. Darshan would be brought along for many raids, and experienced Druskai culture first hand in his youth. The young man had a knack for research, and a naturally strong physique. He underwent initiation for 'Summoning' early in the year 4466, and continued to study the Runic script throughout the rest of his life. Consequently, he was forced to fight alongside his mother until she died in 4471 53rd of Frost. Darshan watched, as an adversary opened his mother's chest cavity with a scimitar. While his father had been away for an extended period of time trading fish.

The loss of Alathea; his mother had a dramatic effect on his life. For several years he hadn’t heard a word from his father. Darshan continued to live a violent life from then on. All he knew was to remain a pirate much like his Mother. He aspired to be respected and feared. He became exactly what his Father hated. One who stole from others, destroyed homes, and took parents away from their children.

Which is why it didn't take him long to understand that his father hadn’t simply “disappeared”. Darshan was abandoned for fear that without his mother, he would join the brutish, barbaric behavior of her Kin. The assumption made by his Father was absolutely correct. On the 31st day of Glade, 4603, Darshan faced the same fate as Alathea; felled by a superior swordsman during a raid. His corpse was taken from the battlefield, and he was raised from the dead by a mage. One that called himself a “blacksworn” greeted him, and helped him stand again. How was this possible? Darshan had no clue, but he was thankful. He could breathe again, but became immortal; a gift and a curse. In the years that followed the pursuit of knowledge became an obsession for him.

The second initiation took place in 4610, for another form of raw magic called 'Bane'. One he has deep regret for undertaking; as he received a chronic-illness despite being undead. Over time he learned to dampen all of his emotions. After being reanimated he understood that immortality was not a pleasant state of existence. Darshan accepted that he would forever remain alive; only to watch everything and everyone else wither away. Eventually he moved to ‘The Badlands’; a lawless place filled to the brim with opportunity. Where he could openly display his magical prowess, and worry not about consequences from a ‘ruling class’.
Darshan still has a large scar across his chest. It is the very same sort of wound his mother passed away from in 4471, and has remained there since his reanimation in 4603. A ghastly reminder of the fact that he truly isn't supposed to be "Unalive".
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2835

Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:54 am

Racial Ability - True Undeath: Unlike all other races on Atharen, the Dunash are truly immunized from the consequences of death and aging. They may have their organs cut through, their arms and legs dismembered, and may live for a thousand years; in all cases, they continue to survive. The two reliable ways to kill a Dunash are to decapitate them, or to set them on fire. Few other things can truly kill them, and many have learned to repair their bodies with Necromancy.



Due to contracting with his primary Archetype, Vesj'vakar and perhaps because he was chosen by Veravend. Darshan has patches of his skin replaced with scale akin to a creature of the depths. His skin has a strange azure tint; only noticeable either at a distance or very close. Not only is this scale heavy, but it is dense much like armor composed of steel and pulls taught the surrounding flesh. it constantly akin to the way hair grows gathers layers over short periods of time(1-3 days). Which will require consistent care and shaving leaving large amounts of scale scattered wherever it is he so chooses to maintenance his flesh. Though the scale is useful to a degree, much like chain or scale-mail it is resistant to cutting; however blunt force trauma can easily break the bones beneath the hard-scale on his forearms. If he does not maintain care of his scales within three days, they will become cumbersome and far too heavy for him to maintain mobility, or so much as walk.

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Darshan has horns made of what appears to be Coral that protrude from just above his forehead, hidden within his long jet black satin hair. The coral can reach lengths between four to six inches depending on the length of time they have remained unscathed. If broken, or removed the Coral over a period of seven to ten days will regenerate, and change color; needless to say the process of having them disturbed to begin with causes severe pain for him. Despite him being living-dead, and experiencing pain in a different fashion than most mortal-born.

Following his initiation into bane and becoming an apprentice; Darshan has a subtle illness that seems to never go away. The symptoms are physical exhaustion, and he experiences increased fatigue after having expended too much physical energy. His physical stamina is effectively halved in comparison to the average human male, and he has a persistent cough.
World Mage Addendum
Artificer's Kit: 2500 df (SP)
Author's Crucible Writer's Quill Socket Binder
Borer Mapper The Lapidarist
Coater The Skimmer Strainer
The Maker's Mold
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Last edited by Darshan on Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:34 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 694
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2835

Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:59 am

Skill List

Skill List

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Blades 75/100 Expert
Artificing 50/100 Journeyman
Summoning 50/100 Journeyman
Bane 25/100 Apprentice
Writing 25/100 Apprentice
Unarmed Combat 25/100 Apprentice
Engineering 25/100 Apprentice
Stealth 25/100 Apprentice
Linguistics 25/100 Apprentice

Skill Ledger

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Skills+150(SP)(50 Blades , 50 Summoning , 25 Bane, 25 Stealth) 0
Skill Debt+200(SP) (Artificing 50, Blades 25, Writing 25, Unarmed combat 25, Engineering 25, Linguistics 25, Acrobatics 25 ) -200

Starting Package:
150 Points
Summoning - 50
Blades - 50
Bane - 25
Stealth - 25

Skill Debt
-200 Points
Artificing - 50
Blades - 25
Writing - 25
Unarmed combat - 25
Engineering - 25
Linguistics -25
Acrobatics - 25

Approval Rewards
Last edited by Darshan on Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:01 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 135
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2835

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:00 am

Skill Lores
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Non-Skill Lores
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Last edited by Darshan on Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 142
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2835

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:06 am

1 Set of Clothing (Traditional Hitatare)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Set of Armor (Tosei-gusoku)
1 Longsword: Katana(SP) - (Iron)
1 Shield: Tate (SP)
All of Darshans armor and weaponry were obtained in Kisei. Including the Kusarigama purchased in the ledger(Priced myself being that it does not exist on price list, willing to adjust)



(SP)1 basic 20x30 single room cottage (600 sq. ft.) complete with a hearth (or heat source equivalent), bed, chest, chair, small table and rug.

Description: Darshan resides in 'The Badlands', and enjoys simple living conditions. He cares not for the extravagant; all of the 'exquisite' things in his opinion are only temporary. He would very simply outlive them anyway he is isolated far from any 'neighbors'. He has to travel quite far to do simple things in the area. Simply because there is a large distance between himself, and anything but sand dunes.

Currency Ledger
1.)Starting Gold, +1000 df. | 1000 Total
2.) Starting Package( Combatant ) -750 df.| 250 Total
3.) Kusarigama( Priced as Flail) - 200 df| 50 df total

Last edited by Darshan on Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:49 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 297
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