Welcome welcome! You're presence here is clearly a sign that you, sir or madame, require something of a particular design. Dare I say it?.... Templates! Yeeeeees, templates. As you can tell by the design of this exact template, the possibility of designs are endless and bountiful! Each and every layout catered to the very sooooul of your character!
And now with that lovely bs out of the way, hi there and thanks for peeking into this lovely thread. Please feel free to resort to this thread here to browse my layouts, where you will find customizable base templates that you're more than welcome to tinker with. It also helps you pick out what sort of style you would like for your template, as each styled design has set dimensions for the images used in their format.
Got a specific design or theme you're invested in? Wanting a particular avatar or a customized image for your signature? Something nice even?! Whichever you need I can, and will, do my best to make something special for your character. Please just remember to fill out a form below and post it in here! Something to bear in mind also is that template making, sometimes, happens to be a general mood for me; so wait times can vary depending on demand/those in queue and on whether or not the mood is just right!
The following people are currently queued for template designs:
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[style=width: 560px; background-color: #171717; padding:30px; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px #000000; font-size: 14px; color: #bababa;][align=center][size=130][b]Workshop Request[/b][/size][/align]
[b]Character Name:[/b] This helps me spell your name when I'm adding text designs!
[b]Race:[/b] Certain races have very different looks!
[b]Model/Face Claim Name:[/b] The name of whatever model your PC is based off (If you would please)
[b]Interested In:[/b] Avatar, Template, or Signature?
[b]Font:[/b] Is there a particular font style you like or want?
[b]Theme:[/b] What sort of vibe or trend do you want for your design?
[b]Style:[/b] Have you found a particular style you like? Use the designs found here to help:
[b]Quotes:[/b] Any lingos or here says from your PC?
[b]Favorite Pictures:[/b] If you have any, share links to the images here please.
[b]Important Details:[/b] Anything I should be aware of? Different color eyes? Textures on the skin? Every little bit helps![/style]