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What To Do With All The Little Birdies

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:12 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

Lady of Ludren


What To Do With All The Little Birdies
Searing 90, 120 Age of Steel

Rumors and gossip had first arrived about what had occurred in Brandt, carried as it were on wings of dread or elation. The great houses of Ludren had received the news all with different expression. Those of the main line of Celamyrsa had been sitting down to dinner when the news had been carried in on the whisper of their steward. The news had made it ways around the table. Elizana was quietly talking with her cousin who had joined them for dinner. It was one of the ways the main house kept the loyalty of the branch houses. The young woman had found a comment from her cousin amusing as it showed who truly ignorant the girl was about men. In a way she was grateful as her father suddenly laughed in such a way as to draw his immediate family’s attention.

“Apparently the Galbrecht claim to have made a weapon that could harm the Kindred.” His tone sounded mocking. Elizana recognized gave a very slight nodded that only her father saw as he looked intently at another cousin who was going off on how preposterous that was. She didn’t know anything about this weapon but she as the only mage in the family could believe it of the Galbrecht. Elizana turned her attention back to her cousin who was now talking about her trip to the capital.

Elizana knew that steps were being taken.

It was a day later when word came again, but this time by more subtle hands, and it was a short time later that the heart of the Celamyrsa family was gathered in Elizana’s little cottage on the grounds. The stated purpose was to view Elizana’s latest art attempt. Luckily for the family there was actually such a piece handy to be observed, admired or critiqued. Ordinarily when the family had important decisions the family meet in chambers designed specifically for this purpose but in recent times the Count had discovered the advantage of the cottage Elizana occupied. The first being that it wasn’t where people expected the family to meet for such critical meetings, and close beside that was that one couldn’t approach the place without being seen from one of the windows and the family could space themselves out well enough that someone had a view of each window.

The latest drawing attempt stood on an easel in the middle of the room and the family was sitting in the various chairs strategically placed to watch the previously mentioned windows. Elizana herself actually stood by the easel watching the main window, but at the same time pulling on her aether to watch the auras around her. She could easily see her family, and with out much effort could read her twin, but that came as more from being a twin as her skill. No her main purpose was to watch for any strange aura’s magical or creature that might show up. Even in a country that outlawed magic, its use was there as if one joined the Pact, like Elizana, you could legally use magic. Though her abilities in magic weren’t readily known.

“My dear I think you efforts at drawing the fortress as described in the record is admirable.” Her father the count was saying as Elizana only partially paid attention, her focus spent on sweeping around them for any aura’s that shouldn’t be there.

“Love I am glad that you are still practicing.” The countess said in her efforts to support her daughter.

“I think it is your best yet. Clearly your talent has improved.” Vincent said his eyes dancing with suppressed amusement.

“Clearly.” The countess said.

“And we clearly will need to frame this.” The count said.

Elizana released her magic and her eyes confirmed that no one was approaching outside of her window. “I am glad it is clear to my family that I have kept practicing and improving.” Elizana said, and with that her father and brother relaxed just a bit. Elizana wasn’t sure her mother ever actually relaxed. The young lady looked at the picture and made a mental not to make sure her father didn’t in fact frame the piece. It showed improvement from her last attempt but her shading was clearly all wrong, and the piece would need to be tried again. Her blue eyes turned and looked around as her father began to speak. What they talked about here was very dangerous and so must be guarded.

“I have received word that the Brandt has done what the rumors are saying.” The Count said his eyes flat and emotionless as he looked out towards the beautiful grounds of the Dawn Palace.

“But how?” Vincent asked as he kept an eye on the window while at the same time fiddled with one of Elizana’s pencils. Normally he would have been eloquent in his conversation but they really didn’t know how much time they would have.

“My sources have said that the Pacts have been straying more and more lately.” The countess said with a raised eyebrow as she glanced out the window and then back at her daughter’s bad art.

“And the Duchess was head of her branch of the Pact.” Elizana could have said much more about it but again you never knew where the Kindred were. Their saving grace was that here outside of the ever winter the Kindred were less prevalent. “She made no secret of her support for magic.”

“I suspect that the mages are the source of this answer.” The Count observed.

“I would agree.” Vincent and their mother said at the same time. Elizana was quiet for a moment before she spoke.

“The question here is what do we do about it?” Elizana asked looking each and every one of them in the eye. This was the dangerous part of the conversation and even Elizana’s normal light heartedness wasn’t apparent. Each and every one of them was aware of their assets and weakness. They were at the edge of the kingdom and less affected by the Kindred. They were also strong, while not one of the wealthiest, they were wealthy and that wealth was stable, their people were loyal to the Count and House Celamyrsa and that included many of the Argent as well. They had farms and food stores, and a population trained in arms despite the presence of the hollows. Memory taught them that it was a bad idea not to be able to use a weapon. They were a good ally how had stuff to offer.

“We will need to see what the Alderset’s do.” The Countess, an Alderset herself, said.

“No.” The Count said. “We have done that in the past but we are in an excellent position here.” He looked at his heir.

“Unrest is coming either way you look at it.” Vincent said. “The question is what either side can offer us.”

The Count nodded his head and smiled in approval. Even the Countess despite the rejection of her statement had an approving expression on her face at son’s response. Elizana spoke up at that point. “Though is it really in our best interest to keep the Iron hand of the Kindred around our throats.” There was pauses again and everyone looked at her for a long moment. Vincent turned back to his surveillance, but fiddled with the pencil more intently. Her mother sighed and just looked back out the window. Her father looked at her pensively. Elizana resisted the urge to start fidgeting, it had been an honest questions and one that she actually was worried about. There was much more to this than just the swaying political alliance. With the exception of Royal house most of the kingdom could only be benefit with the collapses of the Kindred’s power. Elizana after a moment meet her father’s gaze and raised an eyebrow. She had as much right to be here as did anyone and to say something.

Her father gave a quick smile before he spoke again. “That is a very valid point my dear. I am not sure if the Kindred can be toppled completely but even weakening their power will be to our advantage.” He paused and then raised an eyebrow. “We don’t have enough information to really make a decision yet.” He glanced at his window and then continued. “We will prepare at this end.” They were all well aware what that meant. A house didn’t survive well if they didn’t have a plan in place to secure up their assets against surprises. “While we are doing that we will see what Brandt has to offer.”

Vincent looked at his father with a blank expression and then understanding dawned and he glanced up at Elizana, and she understood and color drained from her face as she turned to look back at her father. “You want me to return to Brandt.”

“Yes my dear.” Her father said kindly.

“Don’t worry sister I will be with you.” Vincent said as he put the pencil down and reached over to grab her hand.

“No brother, you need to stay here. You need to help cement the loyalties of our family and the Argent.” Elizana said with a squeeze of his hand.

“Very smart daughter.” The Countess said, in a way complimenting her daughter.

“Elizana is right son.” The Count said, his expression showing the pleasure at his children. “Your charisma will be needed here. Elizana statues as a Dowager can get her in to see people in Brandt that your presence might inhibit.”

“Well what is it that we want?” the Countess said.

“I want to know how they kept the Kindred from discovering there weapon. I also want that safeguard if possible brought here to the Dawn Palace.” The impact of that wasn’t lost on any of the family. Everyone nodded and the Countess spoke up.

“What we also want is one of these weapons built here.” The countess added.

“That is a tall order.” Elizana said.

“Yes it is, but this is a dangerous game, but it is a good strategy.” The Count said. “Building a second weapon would be a good idea in general, and here helps cover this part of the kingdom.” Elizana could also see that such a move would also make them a huge powerhouse in the kingdom. The conversation didn’t last much longer, but other more realistic goals were present, and from both sides. At this point nothing was committed, but the family was on the same page.

Once everyone left Elizana picked up the crappy picture and set it on the ground. She sat at her easel and began to draw on a new canvas. This time instead of a building she began to draw from memory. Memory of people who had changed her life. The daughter of the Celamyrsa wasn’t sure why but drawing did help her mind loss its worries for a little while.


~Five feet and eight inches tall
~Brown Hair and Blue eyes

“The ancient world was fairly modern for its time.”
~ Anthony T.Hincks

Re: What To Do With All The Little Birdies

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:30 pm
by Ruin

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=4276#p4276

XP: 5

Magic Experience: 3 points may be spent on semblance.

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
Semblance - Looking for Aura's that shouldn't be there.
Semblance - Resisting looking at auras that are familiar
Politics - Meeting in Secret to discuss dangerous subjects
Politics - Confirm rumors before reacting.
Politics - Establishing what you are your strengths in the bargaining
Drawing - Being able to self critique your own work.

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

I'm not the best with political threads, but this was relatively easy to follow! House Celamyrsa sure is ambitious, and though I can't wait to see where that gets them, I also look forward to seeing Elizana's stance on things.

Build to last,