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[Memory] A friend from the crowd

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:32 am
by Darius Alderset
Frost 25th, 107

Alderset family gatherings were never as simple as a couple of relatives coming and dropping in to visit. They were instead pointlessly large events that spent unfathomable amounts of money and normally had relatives so distant in attendance it was hard to say whether they could really even claim to be an Alderset anymore. Either way such gatherings were often an excuse for a Ball or Party and this gathering was no different. Hundreds were there, crowded into the Ballroom as music played and people danced.

Darius found it interesting to watch, even at the age of 13 he had learned the importance of observing who was where and doing what. Not that he knew the names of the majority of the people before him to make use of what he saw but he watched nontheless. A child in an adults world taking in the scene and learning from what he saw, though he was distracted for a moment from the adult figures that adressed his father who stood by his side as he noticed the movement of another pair of child sized figures within the crowds of people. It brough thim comfort to see that he was not the only child that had found themselves in this crowd of adults.

Seeing as his father was deeply engaged in some debate with a group of people before them Darius chose to approach. He was only around five feet and two inches at this age which meant he had to dodge a couple of arms from the more animated nobles there as he wormed his way through the crowd to try and track down the children he had seen. Looking between dancing partners and those locked in conversation he eventually spotted the pair again, accompanied by what he assumed to be their mother.

He briefly wondered where his own mother had gotten off too before continuing his pursuit across the ballroom, trying to remember what young relations he had, family trees had never been his strong suit in the lessons on his family. He was always more focused on the families history and how it related to Lorien as a whole.

It was at this point that he did happen to bump into his mother, the woman looking down at him with a cruious expression. "What are you rushing after Darius?" She questioned, following his gaze off to the pair of children he had been tracking. "Nothing Mother, I was just curious who they might be, I don't seem to be able to remember what relatives I have of a similar age." His mother smiled at him and looked more closely at them. "Well, let's go and find out shall we." She offered her arm to Darius and he took it as he had been taught in his Etiquette lessons as they approached them.

Re: [Memory] A friend from the crowd

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:32 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

A friend from the crowd
Frost 25 107

Elizana wasn’t sure exactly what to make of the ball. She thought it would be fun to dance, but as she watched the adults in there elegant movements around the room she began to question that. Some of them looked like they were having fun while others looked very serious about it. The wide eyed girl child of house Celamyrsa, and a distant cousin to the Alderset house stood by her mother at the edge of the crowd. She wasn’t alone with her mother, her twin Vincent stood next to her. The twins were both nervous and excited about the gathering, and kept grabbing each other’s hands. This comfort would only last as long their mother didn’t see it. Then there would be a gentle slap on their hands and the two would pull their hands back.

Elizana liked the beautiful dresses on the woman as they moved across the floor and wished she could wear something like that. Her mother had insisted that she still wear one of the girlish dresses she had always worn to this event, not that Elizana actually had either one of those fancy dress nor the body to actually wear one. Though she was beginning to notice development along those lines. She also for the first time found herself taller then her brother which pleases her and irritated her brother.

There mother regularly came to this gathering as a born Alderset, and given how many times the house of Celamyrsa and Alderset had married in there line she felt justified bring the two of them this year.

Elizana looked down at her outfit and with held a sigh. Not long ago Ella would have been very pleased and had to admire it was still cute. It was a lovely green with embroidered flowers that made her look like a little garden. While beautiful it was also a subtle reminder that the house of Celamyrsa governed the only lands not plagued by the ever frost. And also the bread basket of the kingdom. The only problem with the dress Ella felt was the high neckline and lack of shape. It was a girl’s dress.

Her brother was dressed just like a miniature version of their father in his clothing. Thought the actual decorations matched her own, again indicating he was a child of the seasons. Elizana was only slightly muliffied by the fact he was denied a man hand ware.

Elizana looked back out at the crowd to see what was going on. It was then that she noticed that a boy and his mother were approaching. Elizana’s eyes grew even wider with pleasure and curiosity as they came closer. Elizana recognizes the subtle indicators that announced that this boy and woman while not of the direct ducal line where a close connection.

Elizana could have told you who all of the noble children in Ludren, her father had made sure they meet them, but in the duchy and Alderset branch of her family she was far less informed.

Ella gentle elbowed her brother to get his attention. He grabbed at his side and opened his mouth to quirky protest when he noticed his sister subtle gestures to look at something. So it was that as the boy came closer the two twins were looking at him. Their expressions were friendly even welcoming but they were giving him their twin gaze.

There mother was slightly late to the approaching parent-child couple approaching but once she had her eyes took it all in an she gave them both a smile. Unlike her children whose expression open, her smile was beautiful and guarded. All three of the family bowed or curtsied as appropriate to their rank. Then came that awkward moment of greetings especially since exact ranks where a little unclear. Finally Elizana spoke up figuring she was the lowest rank her as a girl child.

“Greeting my Lord and Lady.” Elizana said with her broad smile. “I don’t believe we have meet. I am Lady Elizana Celamyrsa and this is my brother Lord Vincent Celamyrsa.” She then indicated to her mother her eyes dance with the fun of the situation. “This is my mother Baroness Nyvene of Skaven.” Anyone familiar with local genealogy would know she was an Alderset by birth. Elizana looked the young Darius in the eyes her own still filled with excitement. Vincent also meet Darius eyes and he did. Enter to hide his emotions but he also had hints of pleasure at meeting another child.