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You And Me

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:33 pm
by Taelian Edevane
Night of the 69th of Frost, Year 4621

After the three men arrived at the Hotel Elfenbein, or the 'Ivory Hotel', the mid-afternoon proceeded in a systematic way, based on what appeared to be an almost militaristic sense of urgency. Latham checked the three in -- he and Thomas in one room, Maladan in the one beside it -- and shortly after checking into their individual rooms, the man went to see Maladan. His wounds were more numerous and generally more significant, while Thomas' were superficial and - while painful - far less prone to infection or permanent damage. As emotionally inclined as he was towards his lover, the man was concerned for Maladan's wellbeing, and the time spent mending him would at least give him the opportunity to sort through his own complex feelings.

What he expected to take an hour took three, the man returning from the other Sil'Norai's room absent a shirt, his lips still vaguely wet from the countless kisses they had shared, curved also into a satisfied grin. While the two had not fornicated, they had clearly spent quality time that went beyond the medicinal needs of the smaller Sil'Norai, a fact that Latham only took pleasure in until he remembered that he'd left Thomas' aching, damaged teeth untended.

His grin flipped into a small frown as he entered the room, the other man coming into view. "Sorry," he muttered beneath his breath. "Maladan had many more wounds than I expected, and--"

He gestured to his bare chest, waggling his brows. He doubted Thomas would be angry, so he was upfront near-immediately. "I quite like him, Thomas. Absent one Lord Wendell Venger, I will be lovers with Maladan. You are free to pursue such affections with him yourself, of course. In fact, I would prefer it."

Latham was well-aware that he was somewhat--business, about it, but he still felt some degree of tension and even apprehension. Recognizing this, he tried to lighten up and be more direct with his intentions, though within his words there was a faint but notable pause; a slow, winding hesitation that he built up to surpassing.

"I want to share a bed with the two of you, if you'll allow it -- beginning... whenever it is that we move into a new estate together. To be completely frank, I believe we will be forced to move from Ashvane Estate before long, so it is best that I begin to look for a new home; one adequate for us three."

The man stepped forward, closer to the other. He gestured for him to open his mouth, before leaning in to inspect it, eyeing the ridges and noting each fracture or deviation. His gums and teeth were bloody.

"Which brings me to my first question, I suppose -- why did you leave?"

Re: You And Me

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 8:36 pm
by Thomas

Thomas didn't regret getting punched in the face. Lord Weissen had been hurting Maladan so badly that it had made him feel something he hadn't felt in years: bravery in the face of cruelty. He'd started running at a young age and hadn't stopped for years, but something about the futility of the situation had made him remember he hadn't always been this way, and despite the trauma to his face, it was nice to remember that he hadn't always been a coward. He'd been brave at one time. Or stupid, at least, which was a proximate stand-in for bravery.

As Latham's absence started to make him wonder just how long this whole necromantic healing process took, his mood soured. He could feel his heartbeat in his jaw, an angry, buzzy rhythm, and he did not care for it one bit. He elected to take a bath, the sublime pleasure of being clean marred by his pain and his inability to do more than sip at water. Even doing that caused him to wince. If this were Grisic, he'd be medicated by now. His mind was only too happy to reflect on the last time Latham had shown up late. Rationally, he knew that it would be odd for Latham to rescue Thomas, pledge that he wished to divorce Wendall and remarry, and then change his mind in the span of eight hours. Despite himself, though, a part of him he couldn't shake insisted that's what would happen, and it was so awful to think about that he listened to it in horrified fascination.

It was a relief, then, when Latham showed up. The fact that he was shirtless and flushed with the sparkle of excitement that came from amorous activities, not medical ones, filled in a few blanks. As Latham filled Thomas in on his plans to be with both him and Maladan, divorce Wendall, and get a new estate, Thomas felt dizzy. The straightforward way Latham set out to upend his own life and those of countless others was something Thomas admired, but right now, his mouth hurt and he wanted to eat something that wasn't gruel that looked the same going in as it did going out. So he said nothing to any of what Latham brought up, only pointing at his mouth with a grimace until Latham tended to it.

As the whatever-it-was Latham was using did the whatever-it-did, Thomas had to admit that the cessation of pain was relatively quick. He didn't feel good, and he was still damnably hungry, but it was a big step up.

"I left for a few reasons, Latham. The first, and most important, is that I felt I would not be a good partner for you. You're an important man. I'm not. You're a good man. I'm -- well, I'm trying to be, now, but I haven't been for a long time. You're an ambitious man, and all I want from life is to see tomorrow. I haven't really felt like I could think of anything else for years. I felt like the gap between us was simply too great, so as I said before, I thought to flee, and to cause enough offense by stealing valuable but not personal property that you would see that Wendall was correct, stay with him, and not pursue me."

"The other, though this is more minor, is that I am unsure if this life suits me. I am uncomfortable with having servants. I enjoy sleeping on a soft bed, but after not even a month of being in one place without something to do, I felt the walls closing in around me. I know I promised you I won't do anything that could land me in prison for the time being, but if we are to make a go of this, I need to be able to do things with my time, things that I'm good at. And before you ask: learning magic is something that interests me, more than ever at this point, but it's still quite frustrating for me, and in no way feels natural or fun, so I cannot devote my time to just that."

"Also, I realize this is perhaps tangential to what you wish to discuss, but if we don't order some food I'm going to start chewing on your arm. Can we get some stew at a public house or something?"

Re: You And Me

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:54 am
by Taelian Edevane

He did to Thomas roughly what he had done with Maladan -- he filled in the wounds and gaps with Sinew Foam, this time doing so more generously while picking off excess Foam with a pick that would stop the fluid from morphing into proper enamel. Teeth were difficult; much moreso than superficial wounds, he believed, as they needed to be shaped correctly so that they did not aggravate one another. In that regard, he did his best, though he was certain he would recommend that Thomas see Wylen within the next several days for a full restoration of his teeth.

Still, after a while, he was satisfied with his own work and was certain that - at least - the vast majority of Thomas' pain and discomfort would go away. He pulled the instruments from his mouth, set them on the bed and relaxed, meeting his eyes as he was given the opportunity to speak. None of his words particularly surprised him, though to some degree they did disappoint him. Thomas clearly did not trust or believe him, and still doubted his intentions regardless of everything they had shared.

And that hurt.

"If you don't think you're worthy, then why not forge yourself into being a man of that worth?" he asked. "Your awareness that you could be better -- that perhaps you are not always good -- is what allows you to be able to become good. I believe you were a good man to Maladan; it's in you, in there, somewhere... you just need to follow that impulse, Thomas."

He stopped for a moment, allowing the other to finish speaking. To his satisfaction, the majority of his assertions were - at least - reasonable. Latham had felt the same way, at first. He hadn't enjoyed all of his surroundings, and while he held purpose within the Covenant, too much of his free time was occupied by what felt like pointless revelries and a level of decadence that seemed almost cruel. Thomas was not a trophy-wife, but a man who had formed his own destiny for years, surviving and adapting to his environment. He could not be a songbird, left in a cage to provide Latham pleasure whensoever he returned home. He was correct in that he needed more to do.

"I know," he replied, nodding and sighing out through his nostrils. "That's why moving out from Ashvane will be good for us. You can help manage our new estate, work the ins-and-outs, make decisions on our behalf. You can learn the administrative aspect of Nobility, and . . . while I'm pleased to know you wish to learn magic, you are correct in that there needs to be more than that. So there will be."

He looked down for a moment, peering back up at Thomas as he requested that they go out for food. "I don't want to leave right now," he said. "I'll order some food to our room, but... I want to stay here with you. There's -- so much more," he frowned. "I want to know, Thomas, if you truly love me. I keep convincing myself that you do... but you never say it. You never say anything, every time I tell you just how much I adore you; that I want to marry you. All I get in response is a weary smile, or a change of subject, or some comment that implies you might feel similarly but refuse to commit to it. If you want this to continue... then please tell me the truth. Do you love me, Thomas?"

Re: You And Me

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 11:47 am
by Thomas

Years of honed skill allowed Thomas' smile to stay smoothly in place, but internally, he felt like Latham had throttled him. It would have been easier to just be punched in the face again than to answer Latham's question. He had to think of each muscle in his jaw, each movement of tongue and teeth, to work through the paralysis Latham's question evinced:

"Yes, I do," he said, words coming out haltingly and barely above a whisper. He looked at Latham expectantly afterward, wondering if the other man would be struck dead that instant, or if it would come later. "More than I can bear, actually."

"There have been others since we parted ways, of course. Women I admired, men I became enamored with, people I needed something from, or who needed something from me. None of them have held a candle to you, my Latham. If my life with you is to be a virtuous one, or at least not a criminal one, consisting of running an estate, learning to master Mentalism, and being with you and perhaps Maladan, then that's what it shall be, but..." He sighed. Could he admit to this?

"It scares me, Latham. To pursue this new path, I will consign parts of my old self to death, and they are the parts that allowed me to survive my upbringing, and to get as far as I have. What if I need them again, but they're gone when I go to reach for them? I'm disused to depending on other people in the way that I will be dependent on you for some time to come, and it terrifies me. Is that truly so incomprehensible to you?"

Any moment, now. A bolt of lightning, an earthquake, a gunshot, and this would be all over. Thomas would be back to where he'd started yet again.

Re: You And Me

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:11 am
by Taelian Edevane

More than I can bear.

He frowned, the man's heart growing heavy for a moment. As good as it was to hear just how much Thomas loved him, he wished that love wasn't attached to such... fear.

None of them have held a candle to you.

"Then--you... should have known I'd not give up on you," he said. "Stealing things, leaving, that's not enough for me to give up on a man I love so dearly; who loves me the same. You already know I'm a depraved romantic; that I'm obsessed with you, that I breathe my affection for you like air. As ridiculous as my fanatical affections for you may seem, they are unfaltering, Thomas. And will continue to be."

Latham's features settled, a long sigh departing his lips. Thomas was right, in some ways; dependency was a burden, and something worth fearing. He would depend on Latham for some time, and there was no doubting that. He was at his will, whim and mercy, and for a man who had experienced so much pain in his life, that was a truly unsteadying thing.

"I can't provide a perfect resolution to you -- a world wherein you will experience no hesitation, and no fear. There is always uncertainty. If you continue to follow this path, though, you will never find fulfillment; you will always be a vagrant, traveling through places, risking life, limb, imprisonment and torture, without hope of a future. What will happen to you when your youth fades, or your legs stop working, or you get caught in a particularly bad blizzard out in this nation's frigid depths? This life you live right now is far more risky than any you could imagine with me. So -- to be entirely blunt, Thomas, your fears are irrational. I think you know that, too."

He looked down for a moment, before peering back up to meet his lover's eyes.

"...I think, also, that you know you'd miss me terribly; that you'd long for me. That you'd feel empty without me, physically and emotionally. Perhaps you love me more than you can bear, but you can't bear leaving me, either. So let me be here with you, Thomas. We can work through your fears together -- make you stronger, more able. Strong enough to leave me behind if you wanted to. I don't want you to be my bird in a cage; I want you to be happy, as you make me happy. That is all."

Letting out another long breath, he set down his Necromantic briefcase, settling himself beside the other. "I don't care that you stole from Wendell," he admitted. "I'm just glad that you're okay. I was so worried for you, my Thomas."

Re: You And Me

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:34 pm
by Thomas

Thomas didn't say anything, not at first, just say quietly and thought about everything Latham had said. It wasn't what he'd imagined when he was younger, then, the idea of a permanent life with a good person who loved him. When he'd dared to imagine anything like that, it had always been the idyllic fantasy world of a child: no conflicts, no struggles, no problems, and no flaws. The idea of someone actually wanting him in the imperfect world he knew Atharen to be had seemed preposterous. When he'd held fast to it as a boy, it had been pulled from his grasp by reality, and he had dismissed it as another fantasy, alongside dreams like being adopted, being rich, having friends, or being special.

He'd known that those things were not for him -- perhaps for other people, but not for him -- all his life, than he'd briefly hoped he was wrong, once. He'd allowed himself to have hopes and dreams beyond survival, allowed himself to trust the idea that someone would care for him, and he'd paid for it dearly. Latham was asking him to do so again.

"Everyone else gives up on me, Latham. The only person who has ever been -- been like this with me, well, he's dead. He was kind to me when he was alive, I believed in him, I tried to help him make his dreams a reality, I messed up, and he died. Now, since you're keen to have me by your side, you need to know that. I've already screwed up pretty badly, with you. In trying to get you to cut me off, I've precipitated the likely dissolution of your marriage. I feel like this is not the last time I've made a mess, either. If you're with me, I am probably going to mess things up for you, and with you."

"I suppose I can accept uncertainty, since, as you said, my day-to-day life was already rather precarious. I can also accept that by depending on you, I make myself vulnerable. I'm not sure, though, that I can accept a life without you again, my Latham. If you're with me, you'd best plan for it to be for the rest of my life, because if my heart breaks again, I'm not sure there will be any putting it back together. I'm also, ah, sorry that I worried you. Since I'm making promises today, I can promise to try to not worry you like that again. I can't promise I will succeed, but I can attempt it."

Now that the necromancy was over with, Thomas crossed to Latham and wrapped his arms around the man's broad shoulders in a hug. Perhaps, if words couldn't show his sincerity, actions could.

Re: You And Me

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:11 pm
by Taelian Edevane

With only a few words, he had begun to be able to piece things more closely together. Thomas had been hurt in the past -- he had fallen for a man, someone who loved him perhaps as much as Latham did, but one who died and whose death he felt personally - to some degree - responsible for. He almost wanted to assert just how unsurprised he was, given the almost fanatical way in which Thomas seemed to oppose closeness and commitment, but he would not sour his confession. His admittance of what came before was important, and as it had helped to sculpt their experiences in the past, that fear and worry's dismantling would help provide them better ones in the future.

"You should know I am not going to die," he said. "I am a Draedan, a powerful mage, and a noble. I am -- in essence -- nearly unkillable. The dangers you were surely subjected to as an orphan from Grisic are absent here, and you should know that. We can bear through some mistakes."

That wasn't to say, though, that something like this could happen again. Latham was expending a truly great amount of political and social capital in this situation -- he was losing his husband, originating a scandal, and roughing up another Celebrant who would likely do his best to oppose him going forward. He did not want Thomas to feel more ashamed or more guilty, but he also had to know that, too.

"...We need to limit mistakes like this one, though," he said, frowning. "This will cost me a lot, Thomas. I'm glad we managed to liberate Maladan from further suffering, so at least it didn't all end badly. But -- you know what I'm going to say. You need to trust me, my Thomas. If you can't trust me, then who can you trust? Ask yourself that, please."

His features warmed, a smooth smile crossing his lips as he returned the smaller man's embrace. "I've already told you I want it to be for the rest of our lives," he said, brushing the bridge of his nose against Thomas' hair. "I'd give it all up for you, Thomas. Wendell, this life of luxury, all of it. I don't want to, but I would. Because I love you, Thomas, enough so that I needn't even say it anymore. But you know I will."

The man picked Thomas up off of the floor, locking his legs around his waist and keeping him firm against his own frame. "Would you like to marry me, Thomas?" he asked. "And would you like for me to make love to you, as I'm sure you sorely missed in that dungeon of yours?"

Re: You And Me

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:24 am
by Thomas

Thomas was no stranger to marriage proposals in general. It wasn't even Latham's first marriage proposal to Thomas, for that matter. It did stand out, though: it was the first one Thomas felt positive about, without any uncertainty or ambiguity. Already in Latham's arms, he nodded enthusiastically.

"I will gladly marry you, Ser! Whenever you feel ready. I think I can make one more promise: To try to be a good husband to you. I can't say I know what that means, or how to do it, but I can promise to make an effort."

He gave Latham a kiss on the cheek, which was tame compared to much of what he desired to do, but even something this chaste gave him a thrill. The thought that he would be married to Latham was thrilling now that it didn't make him feel like the icy fingers of death were gripping him by the throat, and in the context of being attached to a man he loved so much, even simple acts of affection were taking on a greater depth.

"As for the idea of 'making love' -- normally, I'm more a fan of fucking, but if you wish to make love to your fiance, Latham, I will not oppose you," Thomas said with a grin. "I have heard my future husband is known for having quite an appetite, and as I've promised to make an effort to be a good husband for you, I should get used to satiating said appetite, should I not?"

Re: You And Me

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:05 pm
by Obsequies
You and Me

Points awarded:
  • +8 Taelian
  • +8 Thomas

  • Taelian:
    Necromancy: Applying Sinew Foam to dental regions
    Necromancy: Shaping teeth
    Necromancy: Necromantic Dentistry requires highly specific sculpting-work

  • Thomas:
    Appraisal: Determining what has worth
    Appraisal: Sentimental value vs Monetary Value
    Appraisal: Generic Lore x1
    Acting: Fine Muscle Control
    Rhetoric: Forcing oneself to Speak
    Rhetoric: Generic Lore x1
    Etiquette: Accepting a Proposal
    Etiquette: Generic Lore x1

  • N/A

  • N/A

This thread is super romantic and cute and I loved it. <3