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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:49 pm
by Thomas
52nd Frost, 4621

It was disconcerting to spend so much time in a high-end place simply as himself. Thomas found himself reflexively adopting the gait and mannerisms of Lord Ashley Ryan without meaning to, simply because being here felt wrong. He knew he didn't belong here. The comforts, the servants, the steady supply of food and soft bed, and the burning flame of Latham's love -- it felt okay to borrow these things, to waylay them and delay their terminus in the worthy hands of someone more deserving, while he held them close to himself and marveled at them. It would also have been okay to trick Latham into this -- or not Latham, as the guilt would be unbearable, but the average noble had done nothing of consequence to deserve their income or their status, and Thomas felt little compunction about defrauding them of their money while making the most of their hospitality.

Were it just Wendall, for instance, his main concern would be fear of getting caught. His favorite combination of traits in a Lorien Celebrant were handsome, selfish, and stupid, and Wendall was only two of those. In any case, it wouldn't be personal, if it were happening with Wendall or with another Lorien Lord or Lordling simply because everyone had to make a living.

It wasn't just Wendall, though, it was Latham, and Latham seemed determined to prove to Thomas that his love was genuine and unending. As if the problem was the quantity of it or its authenticity, and not its intended recipient. He was trying, though, to fit in here, to see a nice future for himself, but it just would not come into focus. So he'd been trying to aim lower, to envision a future at all. One that didn't end in being murdered or jailed. Sometimes, if he squinted, he could see it. The idea of Latham being with him in the long-term, though, seemed preposterous.

As if to illustrate his point, he met Latham in the study at the appointed time. He'd been expecting a quick fuck up against the built-in shelves and had prepared himself appropriately, but instead the man sat at a table far too small for him, laden with what looked like a Grisithian high tea. The one incongruous element was a thick, leatherbound book. Thomas' best guess is he wanted to discuss something serious, likely having to do with his status as a Draeden or similar, and had thought to bribe him into listening with snacks. Sometimes, he hated how much his heart ached for such a smart man; stupid men were much easier to stay ahead of.

"Good afternoon, Latham. You've been most mysterious about what we're to be doing here today." As Thomas had a seat at the table, he noted the tea had already been brewed and steeped to avoid a bitter aftertaste. Someone in this house knew what they were doing. Claudia, he suspected. "So, may I presume that the large tome you have brought with you will serve as our main point of discussion today?"

Re: Indelible

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:18 pm
by Taelian Edevane

"And mysterious I shall only remain a few trills longer, to your dismay," he said, a soft smirk etching across the corner of his lip. The leather-bound tome had a particularly long title, written not in Common but in Gentevarese: Les fondamentaux élémentaires d'un mentaliste moderne, or, 'The Elementary Fundamentals of a Modern Mentalist'. Many of the magic-books around the globe were written in Gentevarese, with a smaller prominence of Radenor Common and Raillen shuffled somewhere within that mass. Fortunately, this one in particular was a Common re-print of a Daravinic tome, and the Gentevarese did not expand beyond the title and the occasionally gaudy drawings littered within, which often appeared surprisingly stark and grim. The Daravain and their brutalism, and all.

Taking a sip of his own tea, the man eyed Thomas, and then the book. He smoothed his palm over the surface, which was littered with illustrations that seemed to carry physical depth, like the mountains on a well-made atlas. The front of the book was a picture of the Five Reveries, with the small, horn-like antennae of a Voice clinging near the corners. The Gentevarese affects of the title were embroidered, and written in an elegant sort of calligraphy. It was clear to anyone looking that the old book was a work of art: Mentalists were known for their aestheticism, after all.

"But yes - this is the focus of our conversation, Thomas. To be frank, I was made aware of... a certain element of your being at some point after we initially departed, and I am going to assume - based on everything I know of you - that somehow you are unaware of it. I've prepared the study for this conversation so that we may embark in your... growth, so that..."

He paused, curling his lips.

"...So that you may learn to properly harness and control your powers as a mage. This book, Thomas, is your key to moving forward as a Mentalist. As a Thespian of the Covenant, I will be glad to guide your journey through it."

Re: Indelible

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:46 am
by Thomas

Thomas' lips quirked and despite himself, he laughed. The jape itself would have fallen rather flat, but the prop was fantastic.

"You know, Latham, this book really sells the joke. Where did you get this thing?" He asked, leafing through the pages.

Fortunately they were written in Common even though the cover was in Gentian. The book itself, then, was real. Despite himself, he was interested in it. It seemed like it would sell for quite a sum to the right buyer, for one thing. For another, the pictures were beautiful in a brutal, disturbing sort of way. They had a richness that almost leapt out at him. A few of the diagrams even looked a bit familiar, like he'd seen them before, but he couldn't recall where.

"Well, regardless of its provenance, I enjoyed it immensely. The idea of me being party to that sort of primitive ritualistic occult nonsense" Then he thought about how that sounded, and had the good grace to feel ashamed. "I'm sorry for how that sounded -- I have been traveling a long time, I suppose, and I accept that magic is commonplace in many places outside of Grisic, and that many people use magic, and that some people, like you, are magical. The idea that I would be one of them, though, seems rather silly. If I were a mage, wouldn't I know? I'd have to have had a teacher, yes? And I'd need a glyph, like you have."

A question occurred to him, one that he'd meant to ask earlier but had felt too embarrassed about. "Wait -- glyphs are always visible, aren't they? Are you suggesting I have an invisible glyph? Or maybe one that's on the back of my head, or something, and I can't see it because it's under my hair?" If Thomas' tone was lighthearted, it was because, despite Latham's unchanging solemnity, this had to be a joke. The alternatives just didn't bear thinking about.

Re: Indelible

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:34 pm
by Taelian Edevane

While another Covenant mage might have scoffed or reflexively carried offense towards the man's degradation of their art, Latham appeared rather unbothered by his words. Mostly, he simply knew Thomas well enough to know that those prejudices were simply a part of his exterior; perhaps even a part of what he loved about him. Beyond that, he simply didn't really care. Magic was, in some ways, primitive, though that did not make it worthless. It served as a base through which the people of Atharen came to understand their world; it was the origin of atomic theory, medicine, engineering. It was difficult to be offended by words one knew, wholeheartedly, were wrong.

"Mhm," he hummed, eyeing the other man idly as he continue to turn the pages. Latham hoped to stop his idling, extending a hand to grasp his, interlacing their fingers together as he stroked along his knuckles, meeting his eyes. His stare was... somewhat intense, but deeply intimate. His look was one that cautiously demanded trust -- that Thomas listen well to what he meant to say, that he not allow himself any distractions. Then, when he knew the other man was focused, he spoke again.

"You do have a Glyph," he said, firming his grasp of the other man's hand. "Not an invisible one, but a real, tangible one. Your... 'disfigurement' -- it is a Mark of Control; more specifically, the Mark of Mentalism. Whatever 'accident' incurred it, it appeared it was - in fact - an arcane initiation. I ask that you listen to me, Thomas, closely and carefully. I am a leading expert in magic; I know what I am speaking of, and I am not wrong. You, my love, are a Mentalist."

Preemptively dismissing any of Thomas' objections, the man pulled one hand back, turning the page a few more times. Across the parchment was a series of images; the many shapes of a Mentalist's Mark, all like blotched ink that formed strange oddities, almost like clouds. Interpreted, based on imagination, based on one's state of mind.

"These are all Marks. Do they not look familiar to you?"

Re: Indelible

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:24 am
by Thomas

As Thomas looked at the horrifying squiggles in Latham's awful book, he wasn't laughing any more. In fact, the tea and sweets were no longer settling into his stomach as they had. He felt like had a bellyful of churning cement. The room felt too hot, his clothes felt too tight, his body too heavy. He tried focusing on his breathing but it kept feeling like it was both too fast and too slow. He tried squeezing Latham's hand, but that, too, no longer felt reassuring. It felt constricting: too warm, too dry, too strong. He broke the hold Latham had on his hand as his mouth began to feel portentously dry.

Still, he did not completely forget himself. "I'm sorry, my dear host, but I must beg that you excuse me, just a moment. I'll return as soon as I can."

Thomas managed to maintain a normal walking pace until he exited the study before sprinting for the nearest bathroom, mercifully unoccupied. He locked the door and didn't quite make it to the commode when everything he'd put in his body in the last few hours came up rather indecorously. Some of it, at least, made it to its intended target. He apologetically rang for the servants after doing his best to clean it up, and removed the shirt he'd soiled, handing it over with an contrite bob of his head.

Once he'd changed his outfit, he rejoined his lover.

"I must again beg your pardon, Latham. Just -- you likely already know it was no industrial accident that burned me so badly. It was, rather, a Grisithian cult. I was young, and in need of a place to stay. They seemed so nice, and so genuine. They never made me do anything I did not wish to do, they fed me, clothed me, and allowed me to sleep in their club. They only had three rules: I had to leave my gun in their safe, I had to drink this weird, bitter tea with them every morning, and I had to tell them if I was going to spend the night elsewhere. I never really had occasion to test the third rule, though, because I happily stayed there for a few weeks."

"Then we had our tea, as usual, and I woke up chained in a basement with that burn on my thigh, followed by one of the most harrowing evenings of my life. The next morning, I cleaned out he safe and left, and I try not to think about it, but... the burn, it's been there ever since. I guess I didn't do a good job of caring for it after I ran away from them. So, hang on for a moment. Are you telling me they weren't some kind of cult? That maybe they were just trying to make me a mage?"

Re: Indelible

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:43 pm
by Taelian Edevane

It would've taken the Draedan being an impossible fool to not notice Thomas' change in demeanor; the way his body heaved in response to the revelation that his 'burn' was, in fact, a magical Mark of Control. Years ago, the man might have found such a response curious or bizarre, though given what he had seen in his time among the people of Lorien, he understood that many of the people of the more industrialized nations had an intrinsic fear of magic; they abhorred its uncertainty, the way it could change the body, the way it could affect it. The radioisotopic ether that could mar the body, the affliction of mutations onto the soul... they were, reasonably, things worthy of fear. Latham himself had died, once, suffering the malediction of a mutation.

Still -- he did not view this response entirely rational. Thomas had survived his initiation, and now that he had, he wielded an opportunity to achieve far greater capabilities than he had carried access to before. He could defend himself against the arbitrary nature of violence, and wield true control over his own destiny. Being a mage meant holding some of the power of the Gods - even if just a sliver - and being allowed to utilize it to one's own ends, whatever those ends were.

Still, he decided to be patient. He allowed him, quietly, to excuse himself. He was quickly made aware of what appeared to be his retching, peeking out from the study for a time only to return, flipping the pages of the book as he anticipated the man's return. It took a while, but return he did, wearing different attire and yet still - despite his almost embarrassing exit - a face of confidence, even poise. He explained himself without much panic or disgrace, and the Noble kept his eyes trained on him as he did. He almost admired that about him; his ability to control the way he was perceived, regardless of how he felt internally. It was something he had never quite been able to master himself, nor did he truly want to. As Eloise said, Latham's charm was his authenticity. Thomas' charm was constructed, much of the time, though it did exist in there somewhere.

He wondered how he truly felt, often. Sometimes, that wonder scared him.

These thoughts, of course, were quickly dismissed as he learned of the strange and cruel way in which he received his Mark of Control: unwillingly, torturously. That did not rest well with him, nor bode well for their chances of success in making him a proper mage. He had acquired magic in a disheartening way, and Latham was sure that would follow him throughout their journey through the arcane.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you," the man replied, placing his hand back on Thomas', stroking along his palm's posterior. "Though I must simply inform you that -- yes -- you were given a Mark of Control. You are a mage, and that fact will not change. As far as I am aware, there is nothing that can be done to remove a magic from someone; that is why the Grisic simply burn mages at the stake, rather than seeking to cleanse their Mark. This magic -- Mentalism -- is a part of you, now. It is embedded into your soul, and always will be."

Latham looked down, curling his lip before running his fingertips over a large, circular, window-like structure. The Mural.

"If you decide you want to take advantage of that fact, I can help you in doing so. I will be to you what Eloise was to me; a mentor. You will be my Understudy, and I will guide you through the acquisition of your capabilities. Being a Mentalist can afford you much in your ability to influence the world and determine your own fate. Rather than always being at the mercy of others, you can take what you desire of your own might, or you can sway their minds with far greater precision, ease and sureness. I will not force you into magic if you do not wish for it, Thomas, but I advise you to consider this possibility well. It is a tool you may be remiss to simply pass over, and like all mages, I believe your passage through the process of initiation means you are owed some compensation. Too many initiates die; the ones who live should use that power to, at least, improve their own lives."

Re: Indelible

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 9:35 pm
by Thomas

Thomas grimaced and forced himself to listen to Latham. Logically, he knew the man was right: he'd already become a mage and just not known it, magic could be useful in some situations just like a wig or a forged letter of introduction or a calling card or a gun could, and he was not in the habit of throwing away other tools. To wit, this was one he could not throw away, either; if Latham were correct about this, which he had no reason to doubt, there was no getting rid of it. It was a bit like having a gun strapped to his thigh that he refused to learn how to aim. Guns were made to be used, and presumably, so too was the horrifying semi-sentient parasite grafted onto his soul.

"I -- I want to try something."

Thomas stood up, moving a bit so it was clear that what he was doing was not for Latham's benefit. He scrunched up his eyes as he unlaced his trousers and pulled everything down, revealing his thighs, his disfigurement. He closed his eyes and touched it. The Mark. His skin felt smooth, though -- not uneven, scarred, and pock-marked. Whatever it was, there was no texture to it, apparently. When he opened his eyes and looked down, he winced. It was like his mind couldn't decide what to show him: a burnt, almost charred thigh with angry red boils weeping yellow puss, or the twin of his perfectly mundane other thigh, but with some kind of odd cloud mark on it. The book had said something about them looking like something, but it didn't look like anything to him. Charitably, it looked like a child's drawing of a cloud, but worse.

"I guess we may as well work together," he said to it. "Um -- I'm Thomas. Maybe you know that."

If it understood him or even heard him, it made no confirmation.

"I guess you're the quiet sort, Cloud. Cloudy? No -- more of a Blob, I think. Blobby." He nodded.

He still wasn't sure about magic, but if he was stuck with Blobby, he would try to get along with it.

Then he put his trousers back on and rejoined Latham at the table. "While I can't say I enjoy this piece of news, Latham, I am nonetheless glad you told me. It is better for me to know this than to walk around in ignorance. With regards to your offer, it is kind, but for now, I will decline, I think. I think I need to get more comfortable with," he waved vaguely as his crotch, "you know. Maybe do a bit more reading, if I can stomach it. I just want to know -- Mentalism, that's the one that takes over mages' brains, right? Is it going to start controlling my mind and stuff, if I do this? Is there any way to fight it off?"

Re: Indelible

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:15 pm
by Taelian Edevane

It was one thing to expect Thomas to wish to see or interact with the Mark somehow, and another to have him simply disrobe in the middle of the study, examining it nonchalantly one mere coincidence away from Miss Claudia entering the room and dropping her kettle of tea in surprise. The Lord shook his head, bringing his tea - which was sorely in need of a refill - to his lips, sipping on it slowly as he glanced towards the Mark of Control. Cloudy.

No... Blobby.

"Blobby can't hear you, love," the Lord corrected him, eyeing Thomas with what appeared to be some form of judgmental bewilderment, the tea and its cup a mere few inches from his lips. "Marks aren't really conscious. On rare occasions, they can approximate something close to consciousness, but such examples are highly outside of the norm; they are the fringes of mutations, and from what I can discern, Blobby has developed no such mutations of those kinds." Yet was an important modifier to add to that, but he did not wish to scare the other man. It was unlikely that his Mark would ever seek to try to communicate with him, or anything like that. Marks were, really, keys given by the Gods to unlock the potential for atomic manipulation. It was rare that a key would simply develop a functional mind, even a magical one. Usually, it was more a component of the soul it was encased within that offered it some breath of consciousness, rather than the Mark itself.

As the other put his trousers back on, Latham set down his cup and the small, porcelain plate it was meant to sit upon, folding his hands before him and twiddling his thumbs as he listened. He understood why he would want to wait, and to consider. He would likely have done the same, were he in this same scenario, with Thomas' particular upbringing. As the man said, he needed to do some reading.

Latham reached into a sort of folder, filled with documents, rummaging through as he questioned whether Mentalism was the magic that 'took over mage's minds'. He chuckled.

"No -- only very rarely, in occurrences where one experiences Severe Magithermal Entropy. Those occurrences are almost unthinkable unless the mage in question has lost their mind already; to hubris, or the negligence of risk. Mentored by a proper teacher -- such as myself -- you needn't ever fear such a thing," said the man. "What you can do, as a Mentalist, is influence the mind of others. Pull on their emotions, tug at strings until they find their metaphorical knees feeling weak, making them pliable to your will. That is the psychological aspect of Mentalism: there is also another, the physical, the kinetic. It is a fairly complex magic, in truth."

Pulling out one particular group of papers, all connected to one another by a string that ran along their left span, the man slid the sheets forward and gestured for Thomas to take them. The title read: On Griscian Myths of Magic, by Professor Regis Heinrich Hans von Graditz and Lord Taelian-Latham Stephan Lange von Retzen.

"In truth, Thomas, all nations partake in magic, even while they castigate it as evil. Lorien has historically oppressed its use, and yet magic is in fact the backbone of this society, and the source of its prosperity. Without Artifice, it would be a poor and undeveloped land, with people weary and bereaved by the perpetual state of winter. Without Brand or Sundering, Grisic would not be able to hunt mages at all, and they too have wielded Artifice as the basis of their industrial engineering. Nations allege that magic caused the Bleeding, but it was not magic; it was men like me, Draedan, seeking to usurp the power of their fathers and mothers. While science and rationalism matter, Thomas, a world in which we integrate and allow for all pursuits - magical and rational - to intertwine and even build on one another, is a world where we will see the most human prosperity."

He stood, then, crossing his arms behind his back.

"I advise you read this article, written by Regis and I. It will dispel many of the claims Grisic tends to make around magic, using documented evidence. Much of that article was written employing this 'Scientific Theory' that Grisic believes us inable of cultivating. Magic is the most documented of all arts, with thousands of years of history to speak for it. There are few unknowns, and so much to refute the anti-mage narrative with. All one must do is cast their biases aside."

Re: Indelible

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:59 am
by Thomas

Thomas nodded as Latham talked about magic. The man hadn't been kidding when he said he was an expert. He was co-authoring papers on Thomas' home nation's ignorance and superstition now. One more impressive thing Latham had accomplished in the last two years, then. Unbidden, Latham's words from when they'd been reunited in Lorien came to him: " all of these years, I've changed a great deal. I've become a Celebrant of Lorien, an Officer within a group of powerful mages renowned throughout the continent. I've become stronger, thicker-skinned... and more jaded. You, though, appear to have changed none."

In two years' time, Latham had gone from a knight to a Lord. He'd become a Draeden. He'd been inducted into some kind of magician society. During that same time period, Thomas had traveled to some interesting places, met some interesting people, and done some interesting things to those people. While he'd always wondered what would have happened if he, or Lord Ashley, had followed Latham to Tyrclaid, he was getting a sense of it now: Latham would have grown, become more important, more knowledgeable, and more powerful, and he would have gone on daily walks, perhaps taken up some kind of gentleman's hobby like painting or servant abuse, and become a thing he despised, a thing he was becoming now: useless.

Well, maybe magic could be one way to be a little bit less of a dead end.

"Thank you for the paper, Sir," he said, meaning it. "I will read it, alongside any other books you recommend. I request that you hear my petition for a mentorship at a later date, once I have learned enough to be a proper student. At that time, you can make a determination if this sort of partnership between us will provide a mutual benefit."

The thought of it didn't sit well with him, though. He recognized that it was superstition, but he thought Latham was wrong: Blobby was listening, and had wants and needs independent of his own. It may not have sentience in a way that he or Latham did, but he could dimly feel its connection to his brain, and what were connections if not a means of sending messages back and forth? It was a tremendous step forward that he could even see Blobby, and a quick check showed that the false image of his burnt thigh seemed to be a thing of the past. Perhaps that would let him work out a way to live with it in mutual harmony.

He wondered if the same would be true for Latham. For now, he dutifully read the paper that skewered the beliefs of his nation as "little more than ignorant, nationalistic scientism masquerading as logical empiricism" and wondered if if that and phrases like it had been written by Latham or by his co-author. He wondered if Latham was happy now that he was getting his wish of getting to know the real Thomas and not one of his many altar egos. He also wondered if there was some kind of magical dictionary somewhere in the library, because large portions of the explanations for why the Grisithian claims were incorrect were dense thickets of impenetrable jargon. He looked up at Latham, briefly, and thought to ask, but then went back to reading the paper and pretending to understand it.

Latham already knew him to be close-minded and a criminal. He did not wish to reveal to the man that he was dull-witted, as well.

Re: Indelible

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:21 am
by Salen


Mentalism: Marks are not Alive and they will not Mind Control You
Mentalism: Two Main Branches of Mentalism
Mentalism: Magic can be a Tool
Running: Sprinting while Nauseated without Vomiting
Running: Appearing Unhurried when one Reaches One's Destination
Disguise: Freshening Up Quickly
Deception: Feigning Comprehension
Deception: Feigning Agreement

Loot: The Books Mentioned in the Thread
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8 Normal Exp

Thomas is so oblivious to the fact he had the mark, it's both tragedic and yet funny. I even howled with laughter. Great thread if you have any questions or anything I've missed let me know. PS. Extra comment: I believe Thomas may have wet himself to the sudden realisation of him being a mage.


No lores requested.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

Taelian seems like a really great mentor, he's patient and willing to teach, also the fact that Wendall and Taelian are nicknamed "Blobby and Cloudy" are super adorable. If I have missed anything let me know.