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The Flaneur & The Tailor

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:10 am
by Thomas
54th Frost, Year 4621

For the first time in his life, Thomas had nothing to do. He'd spent his childhood cleaning houses, including his own, and going to school, then his adolescence cleaning houses, going to school, and making medicine. Not much had changed after he'd quit school at 16; he didn't discover depths of theretofore unknown leisure, he just spent the extra time working more, and had never really stopped, until now.

He wasn't certain how much the Lords of House Venger brought in, or really even where the money came from, but he knew there was a lot of it. It wasn't readily accessible, and neither Latham nor Wendall tolerated too many questions about it from him for reasons that were insulting if understandable, but their creditworthiness to the locals was beyond reproach. Latham obligingly gave him generous sums of farthings whenever he asked for them, and his counterpart the other Lord Venger had once or twice, as well. It was nice, Thomas thought, to be kept. At least, it would be nice, for however long it lasted.

The gnawing anxiety of when the other shoe would drop led him to taking daily walks around Retzen. It was never bad to get to know a city, especially because if Latham wavered on his presence in House Venger, even for a moment, he would be back where he started. So he got to know the city, casing it as he would any other. Like other parts of Lorien, it had multiple emporia for curiosities that could be studied, analyzed, or tinkered with by intellectuals. He thought to unload his final crate of reagents, but likely by this point news had traveled from Westfalen and interest would be low. Still, getting to know how goods flowed through Retzen was a worthy goal. It did not have so much of a secondary market as areas in other countries, but they still flowed from the rich to the less fortunate in Lorien, just as they did elsewhere, and there were still shops that had little hidden areas, cordoned off from prying eyes of casual shoppers. Most just appeared to be items of particular interest for collectors, but some of the shopkeepers, when asked, looked fidgety enough that he had a sense that they would be willing to accept goods from him.

If he were selling anything. Which he wasn't, because he was, he realized with some horror, now a member of the idle classes of Lorien he so much despised.

With the eye of someone who has become a touch too acquainted in his short time in Retzen with what the main markets held, he spied a new vendor. A tall Hyr'Norai woman with a regal bearing to her seemed to be peddling fine clothes and fabrics. Thomas looked down at his old, much-patched coat that the wind seemed to blow right through. He mulled it over, drinking hot mulled wine he bought from a stall, before heading over to her.

"Such a pleasure to see a beautiful lady from so far away here in Retzen," he said, letting his Grisithian accent come to the fore so it was clear he was addressing her as a fellow Nameless foreigner. "If you have the time to take upon a major commission, I'm afraid I'm in dire need of a completely new wardrobe for the climate here. Perhaps we could discuss it in more detail?"

Re: The Flaneur & The Tailor

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:31 pm
by Thomas

As Thomas walked back to his lover's estate carrying a bill of sale, he found himself going over the interaction with the tailor in his head. She'd been nice, easy to talk to, and deferential. They'd worked together to come up with a winter wardrobe that would keep him warm in Retzen as well as some heavier pieces for parts of this blasted country that were somehow even colder. She'd assured him with the strained cheer of someone who needed money but had a lot of work ahead of her that everything would be done in a week or two. He'd told her to bill it directly to the Venger estate, securing himself a wardrobe he could use, exchange, or sell if things went south. Not that things would go south, of course, because Latham loved him. His place was secure.

With a start, he realized that he was secure. He never had to work again. He never had to earn dinner or a place to sleep. He could just stay with Latham indefinitely, be taken care of, and... "and what exactly?" he muttered.

It was a good question. He hadn't been brought up to be unemployed. It had been twelve days of being a kept man and he was already wandering around the city, looking for something to do, someone to talk to. He'd needed those clothes, sure, but mostly what he was looking forward to was explaining it to their Lordships later. Latham, he expected, would be okay with it, but Wendall would be mad, and the thought of that was exciting. Maybe he'd have to beg with the other man, or plead with him. Argue with him. Do something for him to make it up to him, something real, not just sex. It was something he liked about Wendall, actually, how mad he got, the fire in him.

Being with Latham felt like walking through an idyllic spring meadow dotted with wildflowers: beautiful, serene, boring if one did it forever. This was distinct from Latham himself, who Thomas felt like he could spend every minute of every hour of every day with and not get tired of. It wasn't the man, it was the life that came along with it. "Although at least it's life in a spring meadow with a man who fucks like he's dying and the only cure is my arse," he said aloud, chuckling to himself.

Not as quietly as he'd meant to, apparently, because a passerby, a Celebrant by her clothes, raised an eyebrow at him before turning up her nose and pointedly hurrying away. So now he was talking to himself and losing his ability to do even that with some degree of the stealth and cunning he'd casually deployed every day of his old life. It wasn't even that long ago, but he found himself hesitant to head back to the estate, hesitant to see Latham again and answer the question of "what did you do today" with "took a walk."

The alternatives were unbearable, though. He could read more books about the blob that lived on his thigh, but the thought made him queasy. He didn't want to know more about it. He didn't want it to be there at all. The abilities it allegedly had both scared and bored him. Thomas didn't feel like he needed eldritch assistance in making someone feel happy or sad, or in making someone interested in him. He'd gotten by just fine without it all these years despite it being a constant handicap in his self-confidence. The other stuff it could do sounded useful, but trying them out was equal parts scary and frustrating. He could see all sorts of uses for being able to move objects with his mind, for instance, if he got good enough at it, but his attempts thus far had yielded nothing. The texts insisted that Compelling and Impelling objects was basic stuff, easy stuff, but when he tried, he just made himself frustrated and gave himself a headache.

He'd spent an afternoon trying to move an apple toward himself. He'd thought to make an occasion of it, so he had the servants set up a tea service, placed the apple on the other end of the table, and tried to follow what the book said. He'd stared at the apple, imagining threads forming from his mind in the air around it, drawing it to him like a lodestone. He tried an alternate technique, pushing it away from him to see if he could it to roll off of the table. Also nothing. In two hours, he'd run out of tea, he felt sick from all the sweets he'd eaten, and the apple sat there like, well, an object that did not move about the room on its own. In a fit of pique, he hurled it as hard as he could out of the window, and then felt like an idiot for losing his temper and wasting food. At Lady Grey's, he would have pushed a kid down the stairs for that apple. Now, it was ammunition, a pointless way to vent his ire.

He slipped the bill of sale from the inner pocket of his coat and tried to remember that he was happy. He was stable and safe. This was what happiness felt like.

Smile in place as an armor against further internal inquiry, he set his course for the Venger estate. It was time to return home.

Re: The Flaneur & The Tailor

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:20 am
by Salen


Mentalism: Try to Impel
Mentalism: Try to Compel
Mentalism: Try to form a Weave
Negotiating: Making Someone Else Pay
Negotiating: No Down Payment
Negotiating: Social Status can be Collateral

Loot: A Winter Wardrobe Suitable for a Lorien Celebrant
Injuries: +1 Mageblight

Points: 3 Magic Exp, 2 Normal Exp

Its cute that he's trying to use magic but has no clue about it what so ever; it really brings out the Grisic upbringing he had. It's rustic and rough. If you have any questions about the thread, do give me a shout.