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A Vengeful Requiem

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:25 am
by Arkash

The 33rd of Frost, 120

It was wonderful. Gods did he need it, more than anything in those moments. The feeling of the morbid warmth running down his throat and neck scales with every press of his teeth ran shivers down his spine, it promised relief with just a few more bites. Always within reach, always so far. The taste, the texture, the smell, it all put him at such ease despite the circumstances.
Like an animal, he fed on the carrion of Lorien's dead. Tucked away in the darkness of a littered alleyway, he continued to bite, gnash, and rip away at the flesh of the... Human? He hadn't thought to take notice. He couldn't recall if they were a man or a woman before he ate away their features, what their race was, or even the color of their eyes. Ultimately, he didn't care for who they'd once been. As a Botchling, all he knew was the endless hunger; the pit in his stomach, the abyss in his core. It longed to be filled with a token of flesh, though no matter how much he ate, it would not be so.
It was the third body he'd dragged into the dark of the alley, hidden away from the screams and cries of the broken. All the sounds of pain and grief fell on deaf ears, as the blasts of horrified, blood-curdling screams in the initial attack had rendered him deaf. Deep, distant muffled rumbles shook above the constant ringing that filled the space around him, and he paid them no mind.
The only sense he could muster was to drag the bodies out of sight before feasting on them, away from the eyes of the public. It was oh-so-hard to pull away when the grim reality of the world was on his doorstep, but the feast offered such comfort and wellness. That was until he was taken by the scruff, and was lifted clean off the floor with incredible ease.
The rathor's misty yellow eyes widened at the feeling, and his whole body squirmed in an effort to break the hold on his neck. His back was pushed to the wall and his claws wrapped the arm of his attacker while he swallowed the remaining gore in his throat. A voice spoke at him, trying desperately to pierce the senseless veil of euphoria he'd slipped beneath, and his eyes steadily returned their focus as his hunger ramped up drastically. It was Fayeth's eyes that he first set his gaze on, and lingered over the bloodstains on her pale skin as he traced the length of her arm to his neck.
"...You doing?" he caught the tail end of her inquiry, then blinked quickly before he shut his eyes and swallowed hard. His claws tensed around her wrist. "How many, Ark?!" She called again and jostled him against the wall.
"...I dunno," he choked back, and strained his throat to draw breath as he pulled air through his nostrils. "Not enough, am shore..." He grinned with a flash of his serrated, hyper-sharp teeth before her arm released his neck and allowed him to fall to his feet. His knees locked and straightened his form as he leaned back on the wall, and his gaze directed straight to the mangled mess of blesh and broken bone behind his progenitor before she snatched his scalie muzzle and forced his eyes to look up at hers.
"This isn't funny, Ark," she scolded. "There are people dying out there, bleeding out from wounds caused by the tyrannical Celebrant."
His misty eyes squinted uncomfortably while he looked at her, and he strained his jaw to open a tad before he flicked his forked tongue at her from his gore-splattered lips, then withdrew the darkened organ to its hiding place once more. "Am sorry," he spoke with difficulty.
With a scoff, she let him go and produced a rag before she began to wipe the fresh and dried blood from his lips and neck. "You're unbelievable," she continued her angry rant. "But I'm glad you're okay; Asmodei and I were worried sick."
"...Sorry," he returned again, and shut his eyes while she cleaned him off. "'Ow bad is i'?" he asked with his usual lowborn common.
"Don't drop your H's," she warned. "...And it's ...well, it's quite bad. The argent let the hollows loose on Savant, Lustrians, and nameless alike. They killed and wounded indiscriminately."
Arkash blinked while he watched her, then tilted his head as she finished wiping him off. "Relly? Isn' 'at good fer uz-?"
A light whap of her hand on his muzzle directed his gaze to the floor, and he squinted at the stinging pain. "Those are people out there Ark, victims of Lorien's injustice!"
His nose curled a little as he lifted his gaze to hers, and the round black pupils of his eyes narrowed a touch. "I's a weak up call," he clarified, then pushed out of the space she trapped him in with a grunt. As he pushed his way to the end of the alley and stepped over his previous meal. "Fink abou' wot i' did for me," he turned to face her and held his arms open to behold himself, for he'd been subject to execution via hollow not too long ago.
Fayeth held in silence for a moment or two but maintained her gaze on the rath while he walked back into the open street, then lowered his arms before he turned to smell the ashes.
Her words weren't without merit, he recognized. Any one of the broken bodies he saw laid out on the road could have been him in the summer gone. If it weren't for Fayeth and Asmodei both, he would have been a pile of broken meat and broken bones, just like the ex-people he stepped over as he made his way through the snowy, cobbled street.
A claw rested on his flat, growling stomach while he scanned the grounds for survivors. His refined hearing listened for the shuffle of fabric, distant heartbeats, and wailing. He scoffed then as he walked over the body of an elven man, and looked back to where he'd left Fayeth. Though she was right to criticize his morals, he'd not have been able to focus his efforts on helping people if he hadn't gorged himself a little. Yes, his feeding wasn't for selfish reasons, he convinced himself. He was just doing what was necessary to help the wasters caught in the hollow attack.
He continued walking that way, away from the Florent estate.

Image source.

Re: A Vengeful Requiem

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:56 pm
by Cynistre

<33 Frost, 120>

Hefty paws press to snow and stone alike. Trudging through the streets at a seemingly cautious pace, the towering, monster-shaped beastalt was fairly hard to miss, and his dark coat and clothes didn't help him at all. Face twisted into a grimace as he tried to keep some sense of willed blinders on to his surroundings, going so far as to avoid buildup of snow any higher than his own paws for the sake of not finding something beneath. Pale golden eyes glance repeatedly to the parchment in hand, grumbling something between those unsettling gnashers to himself as he walk, looking up from time to time to inspect the buildings rather than the path-- was he... lost?

It had been a few days now since he'd left home, traveling-- woefully by foot and by train-- on this gods forsaken errand to retrieve goods that failed to be shipped. 'Riots and chaos have gotten in the way', the words echo in his mind as he take pause to look around him, ears flick and twitch at even the slightest sound. This? This was far more than what he was told, then again, what more could one expect of business? People aren't people, and the goods have to arrive where they are needed, on time, no matter what. It made his stomach turn, but lo and behold, he was the big bad wolf sent to see it through.

A heavy sigh slump his shoulders. First the harassment from knights every stop along the way and having to cling to his written orders like they were his only lifeline or shield out here, and now not a single soul to direct him to where this shipment was being held! "Just one break. Just one little break, is that so much to ask?" Even muffled with muttering his voice resemble a growl, deep and low. Moving cautiously to a... what he hoped was actually a bench to sit, he brush away the snow and ease himself down, grumbling that it was absolutely not made for anything over five feet tall to sit comfortably. He focus more clearly on the parchment, glaring at the crudely scrawled map and remembering that his calling most certainly was not for the arts. "All this for one shipment... lets see.... Got off the train here.... walked.... here?" Resigning to mumbling to himself as he try to mentally retrace his steps, his nose scrunched at the potent copper and ash smell wafting through the bitter cold air, he couldn't help but silently curse his superior for such work. The surrounding carnage weighing on him, yet he knew he had to focus on the task at hand, or lose the bit of work he'd finally managed to get.


Re: A Vengeful Requiem

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:17 am
by Arkash

Just hours ago, the snowy Astorian streets were filled with rioters and protests from all walks of life. It was the first time Arkash had seen true equality between multiple castes, as nameless and lustrian alike stood shoulder to shoulder, only to be thrown into the crucible together. Though the effort was admirable, and Arkash might have been impressed, even inspired some year ago, he'd grown far too cold to appreciate such efforts.
Why not? Was equality not what he'd wanted for Lorien? Arkash had been through the crucible time and time again, hammered into shape by the fists and blades of knights and peasants alike. Something as soft as peace and equality seemed to roll off him without effect. He recognized such as he stepped over and pushed the frozen carrion aside. Nothing would heal him; even Fayeth couldn't touch him in the darkness he'd descended to. Only one thing permeated his internal reflection while he wandered; that was a longing for justice.
Arkash wasn't one for rules, especially not those set by leaders he'd never met or cared to learn the names of. But as long as society existed, he was more than happy to show such leaders the consequences for failing to adhere to their own oppressive systems of law and order.
The Rathor lifted his gaze skyward and parted his lips at the strain in his neck. A deep breath filled his lungs with sore, frozen air, and let it go within seconds. His body temperature had dropped to a point that he didn't even breathe condensation anymore. He couldn't waste time thinking and reflecting any further.
With a sigh, he lowered his gaze to the blood-soaked snow again, then began to pick the frozen remains from his black leather tabard. That was when it sounded, and Arkash's eyes narrowed to pinpricks in wake of the call. His muzzle snapped to the right, as directed by his eyes, and he stared down the alleyway that led into pitch darkness. His eyes rendered the darkness perfectly, but only his human eye could see far enough to identify the crying child that sat huddled up in the snow.
Children seemed immune to his dranoch hunger; they were weaklings that would barely count toward his thirst for strength; not even worth the time it took to chew. His reptilian gaze lingered over the child for a moment or two before he abandoned the frozen streets to make his approach. He'd found a survivor, at last.
When he entered the alley, he asked a quiet "'aya?" His claws were held out to show that he meant no harm. Even so, the child stumbled and scrambled back into the alley. Arkash tactfully took a step back. "Easy, I'm no' a mean liza'd," he lied. The child; a young girl, seemed to hesitate, and she stared down his misty yellow eyes. Arkash held his gaze for a moment or two, then flicked his forked tongue at the small human. Her small hands lifted to her eyes, and wiped at her tears with her snow-peppered sleeves.
"I can't find my d-daddy," she spoke mid-shiver.
Immediately, Arkash formed the image that her father had been killed in the attack, that she was orphaned. He lowered to one knee as he nodded. "I can 'elp 'ew fine 'im," he offered with a motion of his claws. "C'mon, aren'ew cold?"
The girl shook her head after a moment's pause, then wiped the running snot from her nose with her tear-stained sleeve with a sniffle. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers..." She explained.
Arkash hummed, then nodded his head carefully. "Well, m'naem's Arkash. 'Ew can call me Ark if 'ew wan'," he introduced himself with a claw to his chest. "Wot's 'ew naem?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
"...Lotte," she replied.
Arkash smiled at the offered trust, then nodded his head again. "Well, Lotte, we's no' straenga's now, is we?" He smiled with an oddly warm curl of his reptilian lips.
The girl pulled her lips in a sad smile, then got up off the floor to walk toward him. Arkash held fast, patiently awaiting the small human. Then, she wrapped her coat-veiled arms around his neck in a hug, and Arkash paused at the momentary warmth she shared. Carefully, he wrapped his arms around her, squeezed, then lifted her off the ground with both hands. He dug his footclaws in to avoid slipping on the ice, then carried the girl from the alley, and stalled before he entered the main body of the street. Her head was over his shoulder, he could feel where her warm chin rested. "Lotte," he asked.
"Mm?" She asked in turn.
"I need 'ew t' close 'ew eyes, orite? Dun' open 'em 'til I say."
A moment's pause saw Arkash wait, and looked to the girl's shoulder while he held her. "They closed?"
The girl nodded with a hum, and Arkash grinned a little. She didn't need more trauma and seeing the streets of her home wouldn't have helped her in the slightest. He believed her when she said her eyes were closed, so he stepped out onto the street, and carried her along on his path to search for survivors. He had no hope to find her father, but he at least believed he could find a nice human to drop her off with. If not, she'd be safe at an orphanage.

"How old is 'ew, Lotte?" He asked while they walked. "Twelve, rite?"
"I'm seven," she replied.
"Whaaaaaat?" The lizard asked, feigning surprise. "'Ew look so much maw grown-up th'n seven, are 'ew shu'a?"
The girl laughed a little, and he felt her nod on his warm shoulder again. "Why do you look so funny, mister?" She asked in turn.
Arkash paused at that, then shrugged. "I'm a diff'ren' raece, rare in 'ese par's," he explained, but didn't expect her to understand.
"Race?" She asked, unsure.
"...Think 'a ...humans, elves. Like one of 'ose, but i'ss own fing. Rathor's like i'ss own type o' person." He'd not seen many rathor in Lorien at all, and he doubted she'd ever seen one before him with how uncommon they were. What was more? She was obviously not nameless. He doubted she'd ever even looked at Lower Nivenhain, which was the only place he'd seen another rathor.
The walk continued, and he drank her warmth like some sort of parasite - or was their company symbiotic? She'd have been lost if not for him, after all. He couldn't continue such thoughts as his eyes fell upon something curious. Just moments after the talk of rathor, he saw one peering at a map amidst the broken bodies in the frozen street.
He paused at the sight... What were they? Some sort of crocodile dog? They had horns like Alphonse, were they some sort of Rakura? No, Alphonse wasn't blue. "'Ang on, Lotte, I gotta talk t' some'un. Keep 'ew eyes shut, orite?" Again, the girl nodded. With her affirmation, he began his approach.
"Are you lost, friend?" He asked first in ithmi, then again in common: "'Ew los', maet?"

Image source.

Re: A Vengeful Requiem

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:43 pm
by Cynistre

Both ears flicked forward near comically at the voice. He'd been so focused on figuring out where abouts he was on his crude little map that he hadn't even heard anyone sneaking up on him. His body at once tensed ready to explain once again to some overly selfrighteous knight that he was, in fact, supposed to bloody be there for the uhm-teenth time today alone before realizing the words were first spoken in his own native tongue, and then in common... both weighted and broken with a thick accent of some sort. Lifting his eyes only to be met with-- a lizard... a small lizard carrying a smaller child... Brow knitted he watch them for the briefest pause, uncertain what to make of it before his thoughts settle that the lizard was perhaps a nanny figure. "Ah, aye... regretfully new to the area. Was sent to pick up some things that failed to ship... You wouldn't happen to know where the warehouses might be?" He asked as politely as he could, choosing common out of pure habit as... well... he tended to avoid his own kind when he could.

A glance was spared to the child, she was bundled in a coat and all, so the cold wasn't completely awful for her assumedly, though the state of the streets he couldn't help but feel a low sinking pit in his stomach, glancing back to the lizard as he did his best to fight off the worst assumptions... "Forgive me but.... Its a bit of a... dreary day for a stroll, isn't it..?" He chose his words carefully as he could, speaking softly- or as much as his voice allow- as not to disturb the child or call attention to the state of the street directly. Despite every fiber of his being damning him for his concern he could not seem to hold back that uneasy swell in his throat... Sure, Rathari were friendly to each other typically, but... The surroundings, the situation, certainly made this meeting far from warm. Perhaps most comical of all was his formal apologies being formed in the back of his mind; to his boss for being late on returning, for having wounds that may keep him from working his fullest- but also those aimed to the rath in question; for assuming poorly.

While waiting for response he found himself unknowingly sizing the reptile up; his eyes were a bit strange... heavens know there were bound to be teeth in that maw to rival his own. Hooked claws on both hands and feet... and worst of all was the smell that waft from him when he spoke, making it a bit difficult to control his expression, had this man been eating something foul? Nevertheless, Cyn knew he'd have size on his side and likely strength, but that only made him more nervous... the small ones tended to be harder to land a hit on... A brief twitch of his head to shake those thoughts-- this was a man, after all, not some beast to hunt! If something dubious were occurring then those pompous overinflated knights could handle it and actually do something good rather than harass people who were just trying to do their damn job!


Re: A Vengeful Requiem

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:32 am
by Arkash

To say that he was surprised to meet a member of his own race somewhere that wasn't the country's most expansive shithole would have been an understatement. In all his years, he'd never thought that he might one day casually approach another rathor on the street, and his meeting with Alphonse only further enforced that idea, as they'd met in the wake of a fiery explosion. This one, however, was different. They struck up a normal conversation on the matter of being new to an area with all the nuances that accompanied it.
Evidently, the man was new to the area. How new, exactly? Had he arrived in the aftermath? Seen all the mayhem left in wake of the hollows and thought it normal by Arkash's extended inquiry? Arkash's brow furrowed a little when the man returned in common, rather than their native tongue. Could the crocodile-dog be like him? Hopelessly separated from the nearest tribe of rathor? Had the crocodile-dog been raised there in Lorien? Was that why he didn't know their native tongue?
Just as Cynistre gauged him, Arkash measured the rathor in turn. Though his prodding thoughts were of a different level to Cyn's entirely, as Arkash had fell giants taller and better armed than the crocodile dog. No, he sought understanding as he often did in all things. He wished to know everything about the stranger, pick them apart like clockwork and discover what made them tick, similar to what he'd done with Podvrak.
"Yeh," he replied with a nod of his head. "I seen the ware'ouse," he spoke, then a sudden grin pulled at his lips as a stray thought crossed behind those misty yellow eyes. He laughed a breath then shook his head. "Guess 'ew could say where-house, innit?" He laughed a little, then trailed off with an awkward 'Ahhh' afterward. Somehow, he doubted his terrible jokes would at all lighten the Croco-dog's mood.
"Stro'l?" he asked with a furrow to his brow. A squint saw him think before he looked to the girl in his hold, then widened his eyes. "O-! Nah, maet. She's no' me kid or anyfink'," he figured such an assumption was obvious considering his age, and well... race. Was the croco-dog really that clueless on his own kind? But then, he didn't seem all too surprised that he'd met another rathor. How curious; he had to know more about the croco-dog.
"Nah, Lotte 'ere was sep'rated from 'er dad in th' attack," he explained with a gesture of his free claws. "I'm hopin' to fine th' fella some'er 'roun' 'ere."
At the first break of silence, the girl asked a quiet "Can I open my eyes, mister?" To which, the rathor looked up and down the corpse-peppered street, bared his sixty ultra-sharp, serrated teeth, and shook his head.
"No' yet," he answered with a shake of his head. "We's almos' outta 'ere," he explained then and pulled on her weight a little to adjust his grip. She didn't weigh much, but man was she heavy after holding her for a while.
He breathed a moment, further polluting the air with the fetid scent of his lungs before he raised a brow. "Say, if 'ew carry 'er 'til we fine 'er Dad, I'll taek 'ew to th' ware'ouses," he offered with a gesture of his claws. "Soun' Fair?"
Despite his offer, Arkash wasn't one to trust a stranger without reservations. Should the hound make a move or try to run off with the girl, he wouldn't make it far. "That orite wiv 'ew, Lotte? We'll be outta 'ere soona'," he offered with a glance to the girl's back where it rested.
The tyke nodded on his shoulder again, and Arkash smiled in turn. If Cyn accepted, he'd offer the girl to the hound, then take the lead down the street.

Image source.

Re: A Vengeful Requiem

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:59 am
by Cynistre

The lizard's words did little to ease his mind, though at least he was making an effort to find the child's father rather than just-- he shook the thought from his head. Despite the absolute horridness of what could have been perhaps one of the most dreadful puns he'd ever heard butchered in his life, he gave a small chuckle and shook his head. At least humor meant the lizard was, perhaps, as amiable as he seemed... despite his horrid halitosis. "Aye, anything is better than wandering aimlessly." Tucking the paper into his pocket he push himself up to his feet, straightening his back before all but kneeling to take the child from the lizard. "My name is Cynistre, by the way. What can I call you?" He tilt his head, taking the child gingerly in his arms when offered, cradling her gently against himself with ease.

Glancing to the street he felt his stomach turn again, following step behind the lizard as not to get lost again. "I heard about rioting here... Honestly wasn't sure what to expect, but..." He let his words trail, trying to be mindful of the child while still keeping conversation. He wasn't entirely oblivious, he'd known there was an uprising of some sort, but to be met with this kind of force? He could only wonder what provoked such violence... Even with nameless being virtually unprotected, this was pure wholesale slaughter... Made him sorely miss the shelter and comfort of his little home. Even still, he found his ears were flicking about, listening cautiously for voices, footsteps, any sound of other survivors.

It dawned on him, then, in that moment... the lizard had found the poor girl separated from her father in the aftermath-- had he also arrived when all was clear? Maybe this rathor was smart and kept hidden or out of the way of it... and, well, given he seemed to know the place well enough to direct him to the warehouse in question, it was safe to assume he likely lived here... seemed awfully calm, though, if he did, even if it was to save face for little Lotte's sake...


Re: A Vengeful Requiem

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:59 pm
by Arkash

Arkash could at least make the croco-dog laugh with his poor excuse of a pun, though he couldn't be sure if the laugh was genuine or if the dog just wanted to make the smaller rath feel better. Either way, he smiled at the hound.
Ultimately, the stranger accepted, and Arkash turned over custody of Lotte willingly. He made sure the taller rath had her weight under control before he let her go, then straightened his back and shook off his arms. "Phew... cheers," he offered, feigning fatigue while he stretched up a display.
Cynistre, his name was. "Ark," he replied as he stretched his back with a throaty groan. "Mos' mucka's call me Arkash, but m'frien's call me Ark." With incredible ease, he slid his foot in the door of friendship. Being open and friendly with the other rath would hopefully loosen their tooth-locked lips. To his dismay, Cyn's lips did loosen, but they steered to talk of the riots while they walked.
His misty eyes glanced over the child the taller rath carried, then furrowed their brows on the dog with a brief, disapproving shake of his head. "Yeah, glad i'ss ova' now," he spoke with another look at the girl. She didn't need to hear about how chaotic her surroundings were. She was safe, at peace: Or so Arkash enforced. He of all lizards should have known not to give a child false hope, but it was ultimately easier than telling her the truth. Her father was dead; a life in the nearest orphanage was what awaited her - he just had to find the appropriate facility.
Lotte served her purpose; made him appear trustworthy and gentle despite his scars and scuffed edges. It was because of her that he had the opportunity to learn more about the hound. "Wha's 'ew da' look liek 'en, Lotte?" He called to break the momentary silence.
She hummed quietly in the hounds hold, and kept her eyes shut as she said she would. "He's tall, like you, but less scalie." Arkash smirked. "And he's got a big belly and a bushy beard..." She lifted her hand to her chin to pull on the imaginary beard she envisioned.
"Wot culla' bea'd's 'e go'?" The rath asked with a tilt of his head.
"Orange," she replied promptly. "And his hair is brown, like dark dark brown," she emphasized with a gesture of her tiny hands.
"Soun's like a proppa' strappin' bloke," Arkash returned with a grin. "Wot's he like t' wear?" Arkash knew the man had perished in the riot, but he had to leave the impression on Cyn that he really was looking. Doing so was difficult while jumping around how one might typically treat a tot.
Again, the girl hummed in thought. "Uhmm... He likes his big brown overcoat, but he he had to wear his grey one today."
Arkash nodded while thought quietly to himself and spoke a quiet "Gotchya," before he breathed out and looked to Cyn. "Le's keep an eye ou' fer ginga bea'ds an' gray ova'coats, 'en!"
He fully intended to speak more fully to the hound, but only after they found Lotte's dad's corpse or somewhere to drop her off. His misty eyes lingered on the hound while they walked, and the unseen gears in his head turned. "How long 'ew lived in Lorien, Cynistre? Where about's 'ew from?" He asked suddenly.

Image source.