A Map to Ruin

The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:53 pm

☠ 55th of Ash, Year 120, Earth's Rest ☠
Company: Cultist, Cullen| Theme: | Thoughts: | Mood:

☠ It was time to bring this entire farce to a close. From what was written on that thief's information, the meeting spot for the map exchange was an abandoned farmhouse in the countryside of Essen. I could waste time as to who knew when the exchange would happen.

It was finally time, the days prior leading up to this moment, the hours spent preparing for this. So much had transpired to get me to where I was now. I had left the city that night, after delivering the child of the thief into my father's care and calling Cullen to my side. I knew I wouldn't be able to be too careless and having someone providing backup would be reassuring.

I informed Cullen to circle around the back and making sure there was no escape if things went sideways fast. We simply needed to retrieve the map and bring it back to the city for Die Schnitter to lock up in one of their safes. I knew the dangers of what this undertaking meant and was more so concerned as to who these "Enlightened Ones" could possibly be and what they could possibly want this map for.

In any case, I traversed the wilderness with Cullen till we made it to the outer perimeter of the farmhouse. Something about this setting was off to me, but all I could do was watch and wait for the middleman to arrive. We waited for a while, periodically looking over my shoulder, checking to make sure nothing was creeping up on me.

After waiting for several hours, the faint sounds of caravan wheels could be heard, watching as it pulled up to the farmhouse. I was glad they finally made it, the quicker this was done the quicker we could be in the safety of the Ravencrest walls. I didnt like venturing out into the unknown landscape unless I was being paid to. Signaling for Cullen to remain hidden, I slowly approached, making sure to wait for the Middleman to enter the home before following him inside.

Moving quickly I was behind the man, too focused on looking over the map himself to notice me, grabbing him and putting him in a chokehold. Seeing his hand going for the blade at his hip, I kicked the back of his left leg, using that dis-balancing to toss the man to the ground and putting my knee into his back. Grabbing both his hands, I pulled them back and up behind him. "I would advise from doing anything rash, so why don't you take a well deserved nap."

I whispered as I palmed the back of his head and slammed it into the ground, knocking the man out. With him out of the way, I quickly went to the map on the table and examined it. To think all this trouble was over an old-looking piece of paper. From what I could tell, the landmasses were not that of Lorien, but of a different nation.

I was so enthralled about the map, I never noticed Cullen walking in till he spoke. "Uh.....sir? we have company." he whispered taking my attention as he was slowly ushered into the room at sword point. The man holding the sword smiled at me, then his eyes shifted to the map and I could tell there was awe in reverence in them. This had to be the buyer.

"Its magnificent isn't it. It's marvelous, a piece of ancient knowledge that leads to more history." His grip tightening on Cullen as he crept closer to the table. I could see the fear in Cullen's eyes and reassured him with my own, trying to ease the tension. "Now be a good lackey, and give back what doesn't belong to you and you may keep your pitiable lives, refuse and your subordinate will die." he demanded, to which I had folded it and placed it in my pocket.

"This map was stolen from my family and is only fair to be placed back in our care." I retorted, placing a hand on the hilt of Manslayer The man scoffed "Fair, there was nothing fair about how that holy parchment was put into Die Schnitter's hands, now I will ask only one more time, return what doesn't belong to you, or die."

During all of this, I had been weighing my options, trying to figure out a way to get us both out of this with the map and our lives. "Clock is ticking, and it's ticking quite fast too." he encouraged, forcing me to sigh and reaching for the map. It didn't seem as though I had a choice in the matter and I didn't want to lose Cullen over this.

Pulling the map out I could see the gleam in the man's eyes and he went to move closer, but something stopped him. "Let the boy go, or you will watch your head fall from your shoulders." the voice came from behind the mystery figure. I could see a blade extending from the shadows and the one holding it.

My father came from out of nowhere and was holding the man hostage now, allowing Cullen to get from the man's grasp. Coming to my side I handed him the map. "Lets leave my father to this." I said ushering Cullen out. It wasn't going to be that easy, however, as the mystery man was not alone.

We were surrounded, and I didn't see a way for us to leave without a fight. Unsheathing Manslayer I got into my Control Stance, sizing up the group before me. "On the count of three, make a break for it, I'll cover your escape." I instructed with a whisper. "1.....2.......3!!!" I called, tapping into my beacon as Cullen made his escape.

I decided to try out a technique with my new magic, forming a javelin of sorts into my hand, and once within striking distance of them unleashed the flaming spear. I watched as the lead enemy was taken out by the speed of the lance, which caused me to form another, as they were closing the distance. Planting Manslayer into the ground, I let off the second one, finding that forming them was as easy as envisioning the lance in my mind.

One by one the numbers were dwindling into something more manageable for me. With their numbers shaved down a bit, I quickly took hold of my greatsword and enkindled it, moving to clash with the remaining warriors, the large blade whirling around in a display of careful control. This was the first time I used the control stance I had developed for my swordplay and was intrigued to see how it would work in live combat.

With each one engaged, I decided to take it up a notch, sidestepping one combatant as they lunged forward at me, allowing me to slice their sword arm by the wrist, the sound of flames searing through flesh and the screams of agony echoing. The enkindlement on the blade was a nice touch, adding extra damage to an already deadly weapon which compensated for my skill.

I continued to clash with the remaining few and soon I found that with each on I had cut down or dismembered another came to take the place of them. I continued to repeat a pattern of making distance, throwing the enflamed lances, and enkindled strikes with my sword. I soon came to realize this was a battle of attrition and I was losing. But as I fought I found that The numbers were not in my favor.

Looking at the situation before I knew that If I was to die here, I at least was to die aiding my father, as he was still inside the farmhouse with the mystery man. I stood firm in my resolve, as they came at me, only to be intercepted. Like shadows out of the fog, armed men and women dressed in black came swarming in, catching my aggressors off guard and allowing me a chance to fall back.

Once far enough away, Cullen signaled me to him. "Your father said to leave this to them, and to head back to the hospital. The mystery guy got away it seemed, but more importantly we were able to get this back." he informed, revealing the map that was tucked into his shirt. With a pat on his shoulder, I put him in front of me as we made our escape. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"
word count: 1535
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Alexander Cross
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Joined: Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:42 am
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Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:02 pm

XP: 2

Magical XP: 3 (Sigilic Pyromancy)

Pieces of Knowledge:
  • Sigilic Pyromancy: Flamelance is easy for picking enemies off
  • Sigilic Pyromancy: Enkindling adds flame to weapons
  • Stealth: Sneaking in behind someone
  • Unarmed Combat: Subduing a man by knockout
  • Blades {Greatsword}: Hacking off limbs
  • Tactics: Formulating a plan and sticking to it
Loot: + 1 Map

Injuries/Ailments: Exhaustion

Well, that was an intense and fast-paced thread. Looking forward to Haldir’s and Cullen’s encounter with the mysterious tick tock man with an equally mysterious mustache. Also regarding the mysterious map, what lies at the end of the rainbow? Ancient knowledge, secret societies, and sneaking around? Sign me up. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 124
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