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Who Let that Raven In?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:09 pm
by Haldir
☠ 52nd of Ash, Year 120, Earth's Rest ☠
Company: Thief and his family| Theme: Zakuro| Thoughts: Dont make me hurt your family| Mood: Indifferent

☠ The tension in the room was thick enough that if I wanted to serve a slice of it on a plate I could. I was waiting for my prey to return home after a long day of work, though I wasn't sure how much work one could do with an injured arm. Sneaking into the home was rather easy, too easy for my taste, as all it took was for me to wait for the wife to go out and run errands and sneak in through the back of the home. It was a good thing they lived a little out of the way as if someone were to scream, the neighbors would be hard-pressed to hear them.

I could see the wife, sitting nervously across from me, looking at me as I held the infant in my arms. Yes, they had a healthy and beautiful baby boy, and it was a shame I would have to make him an orphan after this. "You know, your father stole something from my organization and we want it back, hopefully, he plays nice with me." I whispered as the infant giggled and grabbed at the beak of my mask.

The mother was on edge, pleading to me that whatever I wanted, to leave the infant out of this. "Unfortunately I can't do that, he is as much a part of this as you are my dear. You both are tools who will allow me to get what was stolen from me back. If you play your cards right, you all will come out with your lives." I explained, my eyes glowing as I began to form a weave around something behind her.

"But hear me clearly when I say this. You make any attempt to thwart me and I will kill you and your baby." I added, compelling a kitchen knife from behind her and hanging it over her head. The sound of the door to the home slammed as the sound of shoes shuffling could be heard. They stopped, seeing as I had killed their dog, compelling it into the ground till its neck snapped.

After seeing that, he would come running into the kitchen where we were and stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes flickered between me, his wife, and the infant, and then back at me. "Who are you!?" he asked, a crack in his voice as the situation was starting to settle in.

I watched as he looked to his wife, who could only look and weep at me as I held onto their baby. Cradling the adorable little bundle of joy, I let go of the weave that held the knife, and covering the baby's ears as his mother let out a scream. The thief went to move to her side but I stopped him with a single action.

Moving towards their lit fireplace I knelt in front of the flames. "Let's focus you two, or your son will have an unfortunate accidents." i commanded, garnering their attention. The mother, amidst her pain and anguish, screamed for me not to hurt their baby. She began to feed me a sob story that this baby was their very first, after several miscarriages, the couple beginning to lose hope in having children.

As sad of a story it was, and as much as it pulled at my heartstrings, my emotions were shut off at this very moment. I could have flung the child into the flames and compelled the wife into a bloody mess in my current mental state if I wanted to. But I needed to get the map back now.

"Your son can easily be spared as long as his father gives back what he stole from us." I explained, looking to him. "What the hell are you talking about? Give what back?!" he exclaimed, a look of fear and confusion on his face.

"Oh come now, playing coy doesn't suit you, you should stick to playing the role of a harlequin." I mused, hoping those words would refresh his memory, and it did. His eyes widened at the recollection and then narrowed them at me.

"So this is how a bunch a doctors act?!" he questioned, helping his wife. I chuckled at that and then began to form a weave around the woman. The prismatic distortion wrapped around her and with the use of compel, pulled her into my grasp. Her neck was clamped by my free hand as I held her face next to the crackling flames.

The room was filled with fear, pleas of mercy, and begging for forgiveness. "SIlence!" I demanded, regaining the focus of the parents, and startling the poor child being held in my good arm. "Now listen to me well scoundrel, you stole a map, I know you have because I overheard your conversation with your cloaked friend at that bar last night. Now, where is the map? I implore you to choose your answer carefully as it could determine whether or not your wife will be burned alive." I warned, slowly inching her face towards the flames.

"Ok! Ok! I'll tell you, please!!!! Dont......dont hurt my wife and son, I'll tell you the truth, just dont hurt her or my only child." he said caving from the pressure, hanging his head, before looking at me with those desperate eyes of his. I was delighted and I pulled the wife's face from the flames. "Good, now tell me all you know." I commanded.

"I don't have the map, I already took it to where it's to be sold to the man who wanted it. From what I know, its group known as the Enlightened Ones. It's a secret society dedicated to unlocking the hidden knowledge of this world and obtaining godhood. That map is supposed to lead them to the archive hidden somewhere in Mornoth." he began, his voice cracking as he wasn't sure if what he knew would satisfy me, and result in the death of his family.

"When I was approached to steal it for the fence selling it to them, they promised me a place once they overturned the old hierarchies of the world and ushered in a new age. I had no choice but to comply, I'm just a petty thief who barely gets by and provide for my family." he concluded, continuing to beg for mercy.

I couldn't say I wasn't touched by that, but I had a job to do, and the hard part of that job was coming rather quickly. "On that table is a pen and paper, I want directions to this meeting spot. Once you given me that we can discuss how this ends for you." I explained, watching as he frantically got to work on the paper. I wasn't very proud of what came next but it had to be done, my father made that very clear.

"Allow me to be very clear when I say this Cyrus....once you gain the whereabouts of the map, you are to eliminate him and his family. We can't have any loose ends, anyone who could expose who we truly are, for the good of the family."

It was clear what I had to do, but I would get the information I came for first. Once the thief was done he slid the paper. He begged me to let his wife and son go. With a sigh, I did what he asked and let her go........into the fireplace. Of all the noise in that house, I only could hear the baby's cry.

His was my only focus as the wife wailed in agony as her face was flame, and the thief yelled as he rushed to her side. In that time I had come to pick the paper with my directions up and tuck it into my coat. Setting the baby down I went to turn and finish the job when the thief tackled me to the ground. We tussled for a bit, the distraught man cursing and beating on my body as he pinned me under him.

Luckily for me, He wasn't all too heavy, and I could force him off me. The roar of fire began to echo in my ear as the wife's body was fully engulfed, allowing the flames to spread within the home. The cry of the baby rang in unison with the growing fire. Not wasting any time, as the flames were eating away at the home, I built a weave around the thief. Not realizing he was caught in my magic he came to charge at me, and when the weave was secure, I compelled him into the wall.

Then impelled back to me, then slamming him back into the wall again with compel. I repeated this several times until the wall was coated in his blood. He was done, and even if being slammed against a wall several times didn't kill him, the devouring maw of the encroaching flames would. I was getting ready to leave, but the cry of the baby was too loud to ignore, and I couldn't in good conscious let the infant die like this.

Going back to the table, I scooped him up into my arms and quickly exited the home. "Come now little one, I will ensure you are well taken care of. I'm sure there's a good home out there for you."

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: Who Let that Raven In?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:16 am
by Alexander Cross

  • 5 (Mentalism)
Pieces of Knowledge:
  • Mentalism: Manipulating physical space with a weave
  • Mentalism: Compelling & Impelling a person
  • Mentalism: Moving objects from one side of the room to the other
  • Intimidation: Raising your voice to command attention
  • Intimidation: Using an infant as a hostage
  • Investigation: Gaining details about the seller
Loot: N/A

Injuries/Ailments: Light bruises

Note to self, don’t mess with the doctor. That was a very gruesome scene. But through and through, great thread! Looking forward to Haldir’s encounter with the Enlightened Ones and unlocking the mysteries of godhood, and the archive hidden in Mornoth. Skill levels are played appropriately by Haldir. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!