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You Poor Unfortunate Soul

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:48 am
by Haldir
☠ 64th of Ash, Year 120, Wither ☠
Company: Employer & Victim| Theme: | Thoughts: Let's get through this shall we?| Mood: Indifferent

The last few days had been rough as a lot was thrown in my lap,

and it all weighed heavily on my mind at the time. Learning of my elven heritage, who my parents were, that I still had family in the city that never stopped looking for me, it was all quite the load to carry for sure. Though despite everything I had been handed, there was one thing that remained the same, and that was the need to survive.

I had to make a living, either by helping the sick as a doctor or by inflicting pain to those I was paid to harm as a torturer. Tonight was such a night that my sadistic nature got to flourish a bit. Dressed in my crow disguise I made my way to the meeting spot. For what seemed like hours on end, I waited for my contact to arrive, which only served to frustrate me.

"The lack of punctuality is rather irksome, you would think they would be here already waiting for my arrival." I criticized, crossing my arms behind my back as I kept an eye out for whoever was supposed to meet me. After a few more hours, well into the early morning, a man finally showed himself, waving me over to where he stood. "You the torturer?" he asked raising an eyebrow to the sight of my disguise before him. "That would be me, and you must be..... Skulls?" I inquired back, sizing the man up through my mask.

He nodded, reaching into his coat pocket, to which I tensed myself, preparing for his next action. He pulled out a pillowcase and tossed it over to her, to which she gave him a look of confusion. "The boss said you have to wear this, he's a little paranoid as he doesn't want this traced back to him." he said taking the bag and putting it over my head. "I see, understandable" I complied as the bag was secured enough to where it didn't restrict my breathing.

"If I may ask, who is the recipient of my skills tonight?" I inquired, not knowing where the man was leading me to. I could sense hesitation in him when I asked, as if he was afraid or unsure of telling any details. With a reluctant sigh, he finally divulged what little information he had. "Apparently it's the brother in law of my boss. The guy's been ruffing up my boss' sister something serious and he has had enough. That's where you come into play. You are to inflict as much pain on him as possible, make him think twice about doing it again. " he explained

"I see." with cough Skulls continued "Guy's a real piece of work ya know. Ruffin her up and all that just cause he feels like it, and the fact she won't run away from him. My boss thinks it cause she's ashamed. Between you an me I think we should've just killed him an been done with it, but the boss wanted to send a message ya know, make sure he doesn't do it 'gain." he added, which piqued my curiosity a bit.

Domestic violence was always a sore spot to me, I could never really figure out why either. My foster parents never fought and if they did they had the common courtesy not to do so in front of me. There was just something about a husband beating his wife that truly set my blood to boil. I was now very eager to get my hands on the victim.

I was lead to where the torturing was to take place, taking in the sounds of the path we took, notating the turns and distance I believed I was from the initial meeting spot. My senses were keen enough to pick up the little things along the path. Once there I could hear the sounds of voices of a few people, getting louder and louder until my covering came off and I was standing in an underground hallway.

Looking around I came to the conclusion that we were in an abandoned storehouse of some sort, something similar to where Fayeth and Asmodei had me treat Arkash. Regardless of where I was I was more so pressed to get started on my job. Skulls escorted me to the room in which the man was held, and to my surprise, I didn't expect it to be him.

My eyes widened behind my mask as tied to the chair was the husband of Lady Gartchet. Like a storm amidst the sea, thoughts and questions began to swarm within my head. I was thinking of the many ways I could make him suffer. This is quite the opportunity and I refused to allow this chance to slip by.

"Who......who the hell are ya? What's wit that god awful get'up?" he inquired, his body tensing up as fear seemed to be setting in. "I am someone you know very well.......after all, I delivered your son." I spoke, removing my bird mask and watching as the look of dread filled his face.

"Good evening Lord Author Gartchet, we have some catching up to do." I whispered, setting my case down and popping it open. "Cyrus is that gotta help me, talk them out of this, I don't even know why I'm here." he pleaded, a look of desperation now filling his face.

If he had no idea why he was here, why they beat him up, then I would be the one to educate him. "I can't do that unfortunately. Allow me to clear that up why exactly you are here for you then. I've been hired to send a message. You have been beating your wife, and someone is not happy about that." I began, setting out various tools, taking up a pair of vices from the pack.

With a wicked smile on my face, I began. "Tell me Author, do you know how much pressure it takes to break a mortal finger?" I ask, not waiting for an answer as I took hold of his index finger with the clamping device. "They say it takes up to 25lbs of pressure to break the bone in the finger."

Clamping down, I stuffed a ragged into his mouth and applied my full weight into snapping his finger. The crack of the bone snapping clapped like one would be if I had done so with my own hands, but the release of pressure was gratifying. What made it even better was Author's muffled scream. He was screaming with every bit of air in his lungs, whimpering and sobbing.

"Good, that pain is good. Imagine this to be the pain your wife endured for years. Broken bones, swollen lips, black eyes, and the constant fear of not knowing if you're gonna die during the next assault. Etch this pain into your soul and remember it well. Now onto the next finger." I warned, watching the fear build up in his eyes as I went to break more of his fingers.

With each snap, as loud and audible as it was, he wailed and cried. Tears flowed like rain as I broke his fingers, and that was a warm-up. Once I had my fill of breaking his fingers, I retrieved a blade from the tools and glided it against his wrist. Taking his hand, I began to carve into where the flexor tendons were in his hands, his muffled screams making me smile.

"Can you believe that it takes three to six months for your tendons in your hand to heal. Maybe in that time, you will come to learn to keep these naughty little hands to yourself and not beat your wife. There no need to deny it either, I've treated her injuries and It's quite sad how she tries to protect you. You should appreciate her loyalty more, it's wasted on you that's for sure."

After careful cutting, I was able to sever the tendons in both his hands. I was going to grab another tool and break some more of him when Skulls came and patted my shoulder. "Ok that's enough I think you've made ya point." he said, to which I looked to Author with a smile. "It seems we are out of time sir, I guess I was having too much fun."

I apologize as I came to stand in front of him, giving him a look of complete disdain and utter disgust on his face. "Though our time is up, I want to leave you with some parting words of wisdom. If I hear that you have touched your wife or son in a violent manner again, I can assure you that whatever these good men will do to you will pale in comparison to what I can do. I am a doctor after all, which means I can break you, repair you, and then break you even more."

With those parting words, I picked up my mask and placed it back on my face. "You not worried he gonna turn you into the Agrent Knights?" Skulls asked, coming to place the pillowcase over my head again. "Not in the slightest, he knows better, I've made my point very clear." I clarified with a chuckle. With that we both laughed as Skulls escorted me out and back to the rendevous point, getting a pouch filled with my payment for the job.

If you ask me, it was money well earned.

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: You Poor Unfortunate Soul

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:07 am
by Alexander Cross

  • 5 (No magic)
Pieces of Knowledge:
  • Torture: Breaking fingers
  • Torture: Cutting tendons in the hand
  • Torture: Inflicting pain to make a point
  • Intimidation: It's not a threat, but a promise
  • Biology: The amount of pressure needed to breaking finger bones
  • Medicine: Finding and severing tendons in the hands
Loot: +2500 df

Injuries/Ailments: N/A

Goodness, what a thread. Loving the details. That's gonna be a good wake up call for the man. Truly money well earned. Skill levels are played appropriately by Haldir. Don’t forget to make the appropriate changes to the CS (ledgers, etc.) If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!