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Nearest The Abyss: Erstwhile Ermine

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:08 pm
by Nuraku

Ash 70th

Dew drops dripped from the trees above, the sun a foggy white orb behind the misty clouds hanging over the valley. "We've crossed," said a short, stout and elderly feline. "We are within Daravin. Be weary of patrols of either side; we are Rathor mages, so Argent Knights are more likely to give us trouble than the Halamire of Daravin."

"Aren't there only, y'know, scouts who can keep up with us?" blathered Alphonse.

"Patrols," clarified Vesta. "I think even with your current skillset, you would not fare well against a knight of Lorien. They are quick, and work well with their Hollows. Some of them wield Artificed weaponry, and they would make short work of you." The cat looked to her. "We would be better off running or hiding until they pass. Do not worry, between you and I, with our illusions, even a Hollow would not be able to sniff us out in this forest."

"Huh." Alphonse gripped her sword scabbard tighter. "Those 'artificed' weapons are scary. The Hollows don't scare me much, though one got me in the belly with uh knife."

"I've always told you Alphonse, 'don't go around picking fights you don't need to' and yet you rarely listen," said Vesta. "It would be a shame were you to die now before you blossomed into a mage after beating the odds with your many initiations."

"And the Halamire?" asked Alphonse.

"They will be suspicious, but will not attack as we do not look like Lorien nationals," said Vesta. "Our magic also lends us more reason for us to be trusted, but only slight. Do not reach for your sword when you see them."

Alphonse nodded. "Seems wise."

"Alphonse, look." Vesta pointed up the trail, and Alphonse focused her gaze ahead immediately.

"What's it--I don't see any trouble."

"Look closer. The bit of white, there."

"Ah, is that a cat?" asked Alphonse. "Why's it starin' at us?"

"It's a stoat. They're a brave little animal, and rather curious. I've seen one hunt a rabbit four times its size before. They are popular pets in Daravin, so it would be worth following this one and earning its Template," said Vesta. "Go on, then. Be silent, and maintain eye contact."

Alphonse pursed her lips and stepped forward. Her eyes focused intensely on the little rodent-like thing standing stalwart behind some withered, snow-covered branches. Immediately, she felt a connection, and seized upon it to begin the process of Imprinting. What began was a staring match between two wide, tigrine eyes and the beady, black eyes of the ferret-like ermine standing over yonder.

Minutes passed. Was it waiting for her to make a move? Was it curious? Alphonse felt her magic abate, the essence of what the creature was flowing into her. The woman's tail lashed, and she lifted her nose. "I've got the template," she remarked. "It's just gonna run if we get closer," said Alphonse. "How am I gonna Immerse with it?"

Vesta sighed. "I'll get you your 'immersive experience'" said the woman, curling forward into a twisting pop-and-snap of a transformation. Moments later, a black raven soared forth from where she once stood, flapping wildly towards the white-furred creature, which dipped behind the branches. Alphonse caught on quickly, and stumbled forward with a grunt, giving chase.

The raven dove down towards the Ermine as soon as it was close, landing at its back as it hopped through the brush. Alphonse heard a screech, and a series of angered squeaks as Vesta bit and tore at the little creature. "Wait, don't kill the bastard!" hollered Alphonse. She got there just in time to see the little critter flopping around as a very persistent raven bit and flapped atop it. She could tell the little white stoat didn't want to fight--it was opportunistic, and a direct confrontation was not typical.

Still, Alphonse paused several feet away as the two critters tumbled in the grass, watching the white ermine intently. She studied how it moved, how it flexed in a frenzy of survival. Moments later, Vesta hopped up and off the creature and it coiled, before springing off. Alphonse payed close attention to how its little legs reached for the ground several inches in front of it. To her, it looked much like a galloping horse with the way it bounded over the grass in fright. Reaching a tree, it scurried up the rough bark, its paws wide as it pulled and hopped up a few inches at a time until it met the lowest branches.

Having treed the little beast, Vesta began to shift back to her usual feline self as Alphonse stared up at the creature, further prying apart its mannerisms. She could almost feel the way its little heart pounded, its short attention span splitting its gaze between them in little tics. "It's kinda long, and ropey. Flexible spine, like a cat," said Alphonse. "Funny little creature."

"You saw the way it ran, and how it fought by throwing its weight?" questioned Vesta.

Alphonse gave a nod. "Yeah."

"That should be enough Immersion to understand it," said Vesta.

"Alright, I'll give it a try--what do I do, again?" Alphonse hadn't Integrated a single thing yet.

"To Integrate a Template over your body, shut your eyes, and feel the Template within your mind. Imagine which features and aspects you wish to impart upon yourself--start small at first," said Vesta. "Then imagine where you would like to apply them. Layer the change over the top of your body; if you perform too much, too fast, you will burn yourself out like a candle light."

"I'll keep that in mind," said Alphonse, flicking her fingers and wrists. "Maybe I should just use its color, at first?" asked Alphonse.

"That would be very suitable, yes," said Vesta. "But dig deeper into the detail. Fur texture."

"The strands are kinda closer together, since it's small. Looks soft," said Alphonse as she peered up at the tree where the terrified, recently assaulted stoat clung to a branch for dear life, confused and scraped up from Vesta's roughing. It'd live, though.

Rolling over her wrist, Alphonse bared the underside of her forearm skyward, peering down at it. As she focused, she imagined the white, thick fur of the ermine in place of her coarse, rough and shaggy hide. Through concentration, she could feel a tingle down her arm as the magic pooled through her limb. The color was what she focused on first, a certain familiarity giving rise to the changes. Traditionally black fur was soon swept over by a wave of snow white, but the texture remained rough and coarse. Alphonse marveled over the patch she created, running her big mitt over it. "That's... actually kinda fun," she admitted. "So, the texture now...? Hum."

Resuming focus, Alphonse let her mind wander across the Template, drawing forth the soft and thick texture of the small mustelids hide. As she did, her fur shrank in places, becoming less matted and more 'fluffy' in time. Smirking, she spread the effect across her arm, then followed suit with the color until her arm was white with soft fur from her shoulder down to the backs of her hands. "I think I've got enough in me for a little more," she said, peering up at the ermine who looked back down at her, annoyed the pair were lingering there at the base of the tree.

Noting how the ermine paw was small, the toes wide. She couldn't see the claws from up on high, but her Template gave her enough feedback as she mentally probed the idea of what this creature was and what it did to survive. As she held her focus, she drew in her fingers through a wave of Aether, adjusting her humanoid hands into obvious animal-like paws, sparing no detail. Even the little black pads were repeated across her limb. With a sigh of relief, she finished Integrating the whole limb of an Ermine.

"Use the rest of your Aether to undo the transformation," said Vesta. "Just think back to your original form as if it too were a Template. Receding your changes should be much more simple and less taxing."

Giving a nod, Alphonse felt around for her original self, seizing the sensation as she found it. Drawing upon her power, she erased the changes she'd made steadily across her arm. Bit by bit, the fur disappeared, and her fingers tickled as they unfurled and lengthened to their proper size once more. "How long until I can become a whole bird or somethin'?" asked Alphonse.

"Maybe a few weeks?" muttered Vesta. "Sooner, if you take to this quickly--you're progressing fast, so I can't say for certain. You should be careful, in either case."

Alphonse gave a nod. "Alright, I'll take it easy," she said, rubbing over her arm as the transformation finished. "I wonder how it'll feel? It always looks kinda funny and painful to me."

"It is painful," confirmed Vesta, "but the pain is short-lived."

"Well, then let's keep going. I want to get to Daravin for a drink," said Alphonse.

"Aye, me too," said the old crone. "I can only stomach so much of you for so long."

"Same here," replied Alphonse.

Re: Nearest The Abyss: Erstwhile Ermine

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:02 am
by Alexander Cross

  • 5 (Animus)
Pieces of Knowledge:
  • Animus: Ermine Template
  • Animus: Ermine Immersion
  • Animus: Integrating Fur Color
  • Animus: Integrating Fur Texture
  • Animus: Integrating a Limb
  • Animus: Reverting Integration Changes
Loot: Ermine Template

Injuries/Ailments: N/A

That’s quite the thread. Interesting read on the detailed process of gaining the Ermine template, and the challenges of it. As they say, the best way of learning is by experiencing it. Looking forward to Nuraku’s progress in Animus magic and what other interesting stuff she’ll come up with using the magic. Skill levels are played appropriately by Nuraku. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!