How to Build a Warrior Ⅱ

The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:40 am

☠ 54th of Ash, Year 120, Earth's Rest ☠
Company: Myself | Theme: | Thoughts: This is a nice sword| Mood: Determined

☠ I had been within the courtyard of the hospital, practicing my skill with this greatsword as a form of demonstration for some of the patients there. With my commander away I had nothing better to do than to hone my skill. I didn't want to lose any of the strength I had gained over the trials.

I was fairly used to the weapon now and had a good grasp of how to use it effectively in a fight. I could confidently say I was getting good with it now, having used it in training with Amir. Despite all that, I still saw myself needing more practice with the weapon itself.

If I was going to be an effective executioner of devils that lurked in the shadows of Lorien, I had to become stronger and far more proficient in my martial skill. And so I trained, as my diligent work ethic forced me to do so.

I happened to be among the many patients out with their nurses enjoying the garden. Using the large tree within the center of the garden as a practice dummy, I was littering them with slashes and stabs with my blade. I was getting rather used to the weight of the weapon with each swing, building up the endurance and strength it would take to wield as if it weighed nothing at all.

I actually found that using this weapon was far better. It had its advantages & disadvantages to me, but it felt right in my hands as I twirled it about. It had a higher percentage of damage compared to most other weapons I assumed. I could use it for blocking and it is just as useful as a shield. Overall it has a good range for a melee weapon.

The downside was its mobility, and it was apparent with every slash and every swing, though it wasn't as bad as I had first anticipated it to be. It was the one thing I was trying to work past. I didn't want the low mobility to slow me down in dire situations, being able to wield it just as if I was wielding a rapier or saber. I knew it would be impossible but if I could get anywhere near that it would be quite an improvement.

I figured if I couldnt get past this, I would return to my rapier, a weapon that could be used in close quarters instead of the greatsword I was becoming so accustomed to. Taking a break from my training, I found some cloth to wipe the sweat from brow and chest and sat down to take a break.

Not wanting to waste such precious time, my break was short-lived as I began to ponder different techniques to use and went back to work in my training. First came some easy moves, first swinging the blade from right to left, which would allow me to hit enemies from my left and right flanks. I was starting to fancy this weapon over the rapier I was used to wielding, granted the latter had far less reach than a greatsword would, but somehow the large blade felt right to me like it was meant to be in my hands.

Wiping some sweat I focused and got back to business with the weapon training. Next came a one-handed move, where I would slam the blade vertically down on the ground in a wheel-like motion, which would, in turn, cut enemies down. By putting a little bit of force into the weapon, I could bring the greatsword back in order to slam the blade down behind myself, effectively taking care of any enemy attacking from behind.

I was beginning to find my own unique rhythm, practicing different techniques from the weak left hand and right-hand attacks to stronger more reaching attacks with the blade. I played around with jumping and rolling techniques as well. "I see why Amir likes this weapon so damn much, this thing is amazing, a little weighted, but spectacular nonetheless." I whispered with a panted smile, sitting on a nearby seat to catch my breath once again.

That sword was no were near light in terms of its weight, and it was tiring after another short burst of constant training. Now that I had some moves I was comfortable with using down, I could focus on getting a set of stances for it. I took into account the type of prey I would be facing and decided that a Power, Fluid, and Control stance would work best with the greatsword.

In my mind, these styles would derive from traditional swordsmanship but have a few notable characteristics that set them apart from most sword styles. There would be no parries or ripostes, but be mainly steps, evasive moves, and other acrobatics. First I practiced with the Power stance.

The core facet of this stance is to hit as hard as one can, as this can dish out the most damage to an enemy. The downside is that this stance is slow in its delivery sometimes as it allows the enemy to strike at my exposed sides. But against knights and brutes, or even creatures with tough hides, this stance can help decrease the time a fight goes on. With this, I practiced some stronger strikes and swings.

After the power stance, the next to be practiced was the Fluid Stance. This stance is the most viable when dealing with agile opponents. Furthermore, it would prove useful when needing to carve an escape from dire situations. This entails that most fights I used this stance in would last longer than expected and become a battle of attrition. The overall goal is to tire the opponent out till the moment I could land the finishing blow.

For the final stance I came up with, the Control Stance, it was a marvelous blend of circular attacks and acrobatics, using it against easily felled targets. When facing mixed groups, I imagined it would be better suited to targeting the weakest of them, where the chances of not landing a blow are slim to none.

I came to stab the blade into the ground, exhausted from what I have accomplished, beads of sweat dripping off my form as I caught my breath. It was then that I felt a towel fall onto my face, my father coming to stand in front of me. "You seem to be hard at work. You truly like this weapon huh?" he asked, inspecting the blade with eyes of disapproval as he preferred his blades easy to wield and allow for agile strikes.

"Its actually rather effective....once you get the hang of it. It is heavy, but with enough training, I think I will build endurance for wielding it." I answered, taking measured breaths to steady my heart rate. he laughed at that notion and shrugged as he looked up to the sky.

"I wasn't sure if you would take Amir's training to heart. Then again you are rather persistent with anything you do so I'm not all too surprised." he said, tapping his finger on the hilt of the greatsword. "I would suggest you get rather adept with it, things will be shaking up rather soon. Between you and me war is in the air over Lorien, and many lives will no doubt be lost. Innocent lives, guilty ones, neutral ones, and the streets will turn red with blood." he began, his gaze turning back to me.

"It will be imperative for yourself and Die Schnitter to build your power. That is what will help shape the future to come, but you don't need me to tell you this, I'm sure you're smart enough to realize this." he noted. I nodded in acknowledgment removing the blade from the ground. Putting the blade within the sheath I sat on one of the benches, my father coming to join me.

"I see, well then I have some work to do then. If what you say is true then there is much to be done, much to be prepared for." I replied, not sure if I was truly ready for war. There was more I had to deal with, the dranoch being one of my more pressing concerns as well as dealing with the theft that occurred a while ago.

Though by the urgency in his tone, I didn't have the luxury of time. It seemed I had to get things in gear in order to stand a chance of surviving the war. Though on the upside, it meant that I would have many specimens to experiment on, and that excited me. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"
word count: 1543
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Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:22 pm



Blades {Great-sword}: Practicing different attack techniques
Blades {Great-sword}: Developing personal sword stances
Blades {Great-sword}: Weak one hand attacks
Blades {Great-sword}: Strong two handed attacks
Blades {Great-sword}: Can do more damage than my rapier
Bodybuilding: Using heavy weapons in training

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Training soreness

Points 5 not for magic

Comments: A very training training thread. You wrote it well.

word count: 95
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