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The Thickest of Blood

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:54 am
by Haldir
☠ 62nd of Ash, Year 120, Wither ☠
Company: My Father & Aunt?| Theme: Assembly | Thoughts: This cant be?| Mood: Conficted, Surprised

☠ I was within the halls of Ravencrest Hospital today when a messenger came to me, as it seemed my father wished to see me, immediately. I was uncertain as to what was so important he needed this level of urgency, but whatever it was I sure to find out. Upon making my way to his office I was met by a man, large in stature, abnormally so in fact.

His skin was a rich brown, like mahogany wood, clear of any imperfection one could see. His eyes bore into me as I passed him and entered the room. There I was met by my father, the look in his eyes was that of curiosity. I wondered what could be the cause of it. To send me an urgent summons and then to be so intrigued by my arrival. Then I realized that he was waiting for me to notice.

In the chair in front of me, a woman rose from it. She was beautiful, to say the least, a pristine vision of nobility. An aura of elegance and grace flowed from the woman as she faced me, but it was the expression of her face that cause my brow to rise. She had tears running down her face as she looked upon me. I was confused as to why, but it was apparent to me that she looked as though she had seen a ghost.

"It's unreal how much he favors them, Sir Faust." she whispered. Her eyes were glued to me, I could feel them washing over my form as her words began to sink in. "I'm sorry have we met before?" I asked the confusion evident in my tone.

My father took that as his cue to clear up any confusion I had and to move things along. "Allow me to introduce our guest. This is Lady Cereza Monteliyet. She is well known in the West End and is an advocate of change within our country." he began with a look of anticipation on his face. "And she is also your aunt Cyrus." he added, gauging my reaction.

A look of shock and confusion washed over my face, as I looked between them both, baffled by what I was hearing. My eyes finally settled on her. "I don't seem to understand what you mean father, surely this is a joke?" I replied, looking at him briefly before setting my gaze back onto the tearful woman. "You should know I don't deal in telling jokes Cyrus. This woman is indeed your aunt, the proof is undeniable." he shot back taking his seat, encouraging me to do the same.

Once seated he slid me a portrait, and my eyes scanned over it. The woman, Cereza, came to stand next to me, pointing at the people in the portrait. "Allow me to explain. This person you see here is your mother, my sister, Annette. The Sil'norai man next to her is your father, Therodon Sil'Feleron. The infant within Annette's arms is you Haldir." she spoke.

"Haldir?" I questioned, unsure if that was suppose to mean something to me or not. "My apologies, Haldir is the name your birth parents had given you, though Cyrus is as equally lovely." she explained.

"You'll have to forgive my reluctance in believing you, as this is a rather hard pill to swallow Lady Monteliyet." I replied, as it was hard to understand completely. More so I was struggling with the fact after so many years, someone claiming to be connected to my parents appears now.

"I completely understand, it's not an easy thing to come to terms with. However, given my position in life, I find no need to lie about this. Is there something I can provide or share that would assure you my claim is true?" she asked, looking at me with hopeful yet determined eyes. At that, there was only one thing I could request.

"On the day my parents were killed, my mother sang me a song, a lullaby. She sang me to sleep in order to hide me from their killers. If you are who you claim to be, then I'm sure you know the song." I requested, looking to her with some skepticism.

With a clear throat, she began to sing and to my surprise, it was in fact the song. It sounded beautiful, and after the first chorus of the song, I realized I was in tears. Not from sadness, but the fact that I finally found some semblance of my past, something that connected me to the parents I never got to know. When she realized I was crying she stopped, thinking it was because of her. "I apologize if it brought back bad memories." she empathized, placing an apprehensive hand on my own.

"No no, its not that. These are tears of joy, I have spent my entire life not knowing who I was, or where I came from. Now, now I have a way to learn of who I am, who my parents were." i reassured her, my father coming over to hand me the handkerchief from his pocket.

"Im glad that you believe me, and I'm sure you have a plethora of questions. Please ask anything and I shall do my best to answer you." she prompted, giving me a moment to compose myself. "Where to begin? Where am I from? How did you learn of me? Who told you I was here in Lorien?" I began, pelt her with several questions.

For a moment she was silent, I assume contemplating how best to answer me. "You were originally born in Daravin, Ostigen to be exact. Our house, the Monteliyet House, were notable nobles within the kingdom. The marriage to your father was one that was arranged, but they too soon fell in love. Like me, she was married off to ensure our family held strong family ties. It was an arrangement that started as a business transaction but ultimately ended in love for us." she began taking a sip of tea before continuing.

"In all honesty, I never stopped looking for you after I learned of the death of Therodon & Annette. I knew you had to be out there somewhere, and even after so many years I never lost hope that you were alive. I happened to hear about a doctor from a servant of mine. I paid it no mind at first, but the way she was swooning over his handsome looks, and long golden hair. The descriptors they were giving you was undeniable. I had my attendant seek you out, keep an eye on your movements. It was only when I was certain it was you that I decided to reach out to Sir Faust." she continued

My father was silent the entire time, simply sitting there and simply listening to her speak. I think he was just as curious about my past so I couldn't blame him for his reluctance to speak. "I see. And my name, you said it was Haldir? What does Haldir mean exactly? I don't think I've come across the name before now." I inquired.

"Roughly it translates into The Hero hidden within the darkness, or Shrouded Knight if you prefer. It is a beautiful name for sure. You don't have to go by if you dont feel comfortable." she encouraged, looking at me with hopeful eyes. I could tell she didn't want to seem like she was pushing it on me but I didn't mind at all, I actually like the sound of it, to be honest.

"No it's fine, I think it fits me rather well, and it's the only thing I have that my parents gave me." I whispered as I looked at her. She seemed glad to hear that, calling for her attendant, the large male from earlier. In his hands, he held two books. He came to put them before me. The detail and embroidery of the books were beautiful, stunning for mere books.

"And just what are these?" I asked, taking the one on top into my hands, feeling over the worn leather bindings of it. It was a weird feeling, a shockwave of sensation washing over me upon touching it. "They seem like journals of some sort." I inquired looking over the one in my hands.

"You are correct in a sense. They are your mother's diaries, I had them retrieved after I found out about their death. I hope it will shed some light for you.......Haldir." she explained, standing as she came to put a piece of paper in my hands as well. "If you wish to contact me, this is the address I am at here in Essen." she added, giving me a hug then proceeding to exit the room.

It was odd, going by Haldir, learning I'm part elf, among other things. These diaries however may hold the key in clearing up some answers. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: The Thickest of Blood

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:57 pm
by Fortuna


Etiquette: Meeting new people
Etiquette: Having a meaningful conversation
Psychology: Revelations can be traumatic
Investigation: Asking for proof of someone's claim
Investigation: Asking about key figures
Investigation: Learning details of the past

Loot: +2 of his mother's Diaries
Injuries: N/A

Points 5 not to be used for magic

ERHMERGERD I am so happy I got to read and review this. This was beautiful. When he said they were tears of joy my heart soared and I felt for him. Oh how sweet! I can't imagine going through something like that.
Gwen Stafani's "Rich Girl" plays in the background.