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Tales from Verden: The Black Apple, Part I

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 7:23 am
by Nathan Wolfgang
5th of Ash, 120

Nathan groggily made his way to the kitchen. He lit the stove and put the kettle on top of it. The cold morning air gives him chills. He opened carefully studied the jar located at the nearby shelves. Squinting his eyes to see better, he took a half-filled jar and opened it. The aroma of grind coffee filled the air. He brought his nose closer to it and took a deep breath. A smile formed on his face. He took a mug and put three spoons of those delicious powder. After putting the mug close to the stove he leans back at the kitchen counter opposite of the stove. He took a piece of cigar and put it in his mouth. He took his gun and placed it on the counter beside him. He lit his cigar and took a puff of it. Using his free hand, he grabbed his gun and inspect it. He remembers Arronax's advice of keeping regular maintenance on his gun. He opens the chamber and blows it. Then he closes the chamber of the gun. After making sure nothing is jamming the chamber he put the gun back at the counter. He took another puff of his cigar. He heard the door to the storage opened behind him and saw someone moving out of the peripheral of his eyes. He quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it at where the figure is.

“My Lord!” The kitchen hand exclaimed.

“You could've lost your head. Don’t sneak up on people like that.” Nathan replied as he put the gun down

“I...I’m sorry my Lord. I don’t want to disturb you.” The kitchen hand slowly turned around to make his way to the food storage to begin preparation for breakfast.

“Wait, did you just came back from the market?”

“Y...Yes my Lord and yes my Lord, old Joe’s shop is open”

Nathan nodded in approval. The kettle whistled signaling the water’s ready. Nathan made his way to the stove and turn it off. He gently poured the boiling water into the glass. The chemistry that happened further enhance the aroma of the coffee and it filled the whole room.

“Who’s available?” Nathan said as he takes a careful sip from the mug.

“One driver and the two footmen that came in with me and I also saw Rachelle fetching water for the stable.”

“And Arranox?”

“No my Lord. I did not see him on my way in, just the guards finishing their morning patrol.”

“Call for Rachelle and the driver to get the carriage ready.”

“Yes my Lord.”

Nathan took another sip from the mug, letting the flavors hit his palate and mingle a bit there before swallowing it.

“The carriage is ready my Lord,” Rachelle said while brushing her hair after a horse tried to bite it mistaking it for the bale of hay she was carrying on her shoulder.

“You should wear white hair cover when going to the stables,” Nathan said, taking another sip from his mug.

“Y..yes my Lord. Do you want me to bring the pot along my Lord?”

Nathan put his mug down, he grabs another mug and put one spoon of the ground coffee in it. He poured the water from the kettle, filling it halfway before stopping. After giving it a stir he handed it to Rachelle. “Tell me what you think about it.”

Rachelle took a sip, her facial expression changed immediately.

“I’m sorry my Lord. It’s a bit too bitter for me.”

“First time? Leave the cup. Bring the jar only.” Nathan said as he walked out of the kitchen toward the front door of the house. Rachelle nodded and followed after Nathan. As Nathan exits the building he could see the black carriage waiting for him, with the driver at the seat, the two footmen at the back of the carriage. As he descended the stair, it was only for a moment but he caught a glimpse of blue light emitting from beneath the driver's cloak. Nathan smiled, he took another sip from his mug before handing it to Rachelle. He made his way to the carriage. The driver suddenly jumped at him from his seat. They both tumbled to the ground, Nathan pulled his gun but Arronax was quicker than him, and having the weight advantage he managed to redirect Nathan’s hand causing the gun to fire into the air. They wrestle a bit more on the ground, before Nathan after managing to free his hand, he uses the butt of his gun and smacks Arronax in the head.

“Checkmate” Nathan grinned.

“Well that’s unconventional, but you manage to disarm your assailant that way. If your assailant is human.” Arronax replied as he stood up and then help Nathan up.

“You’re getting rusty”

“Well, I don’t want you to waste that mug of coffee. I have your spare change of shirt and jacket in the carriage.”

“Thanks, good thing I didn’t have to shoot you over a cup of coffee.” Nathan motioned for the footmen and the driver to get ready.
Then the carriage made its way slowly out of the family estate and toward the city of Verden. As they neared the city, Nathan pulled the curtains of the window of the carriage close. After several turns, the carriage came to a halt. Arronax pulled out his guns and aim it at the left and right door of the carriage. Nathan pulled out his gun and aim it at the left door.

“Hold it, where you off too?” the voice could be heard outside.

“To the market.” The driver replied.

“Who’s there?” the voice asked

“Just the maid” the driver replied.

The sound of footsteps circling the carriage could be heard. A knock on the left door could be heard. Another knock could be heard, it is louder this time. Nathan motioned for Rachelle to switch seats with him and unlock the door.

“Well hello there beautifu…” the man stops mid-sentence when he saw the two guns facing his face. The man backed away and close the door of the carriage.

“What is it?” His friend asked

“Nothing, just the old and ugly maid. Let them through”

The three of them sigh a breath of relief collectively as the carriage resumed its journey.

“Well, another thing to love about this city,” Nathan exclaimed.

After another several winding turns Nathan could hear the hustle and bustle of the morning market. The carriage came to a halt. Arronax, Nathan, and Rachelle get off the carriage and made their way inside the market center. The driver and the two footmen parked at a nearby alleyway. After passing several stalls, Nathan took a different path rather than the straight path to their intended destination.

“That is old Willard’s territory. They’re old school. Over here we’ll be passing Billy’s territory. Billy and the boys are the more progressive ones.”

“The cheaper one you mean?” Arronax replied

Nathan fished out 100 df from his pocket. He stopped in front of a meat stall. “Morning Roy, Billy's here?”

“You missing 50 df.” Roy replied while bringing his butcher’s knife down, cleanly severing the pig’s leg.

“You guys got into another scuffle?” Nathan replied, fishing another 50 df from his pocket.

“With great power comes great responsibility,” Roy replied. Nathan drew his gun instead and pointed it at Roy’s head. Roy’s henchmen drew their sword, but Roy motioned them to stop. “That’s what your father use to say.” He continued. Roy began chopping and dicing the meat. When he’s finished, he placed it on a plate and handed it to Nathan. “Today would have been the hundredth plate he ordered, go on old Joe and Billy’s waiting for you.” Roy motioned for Nathan to go.

Nathan holstered his gun. He took the plate and place the 50 df on the glass jar beside Roy. The three continued their walk along the street of the market center. Nearing the shop a group of street kids rushed past them. As if by instinct Nathan grabbed the collar of a kid.

“Hey! Let go of me, you old pervert!” the little girl shouted.

“Give it back Alice, I’m not in the mood to play nice,” Nathan said in a stern voice.

“I don’t know what you are talking about! Hey, watch where you’re touching!” Alice being the great actor she was began shouting.
Nathan kneels close enough and whispered in her ear, “I’ll slam your head to that wall if you don’t give it back you little shit.”

“Meanie,” Alice pouted while handing Nathan back his gun. Nathan let go of his grip.

“Hey Nathan!” a familiar voice could be heard. It was old Joe. He was waving from the front of his shop.

“Hey, Joe. Finally back in town huh? I thought you close up shop for good.”

Old Joe laughed heartedly. After catching his breath he hugged Nathan. “If I close up shop what would happen to Billy?”

“When are you gonna stop treating him like a kid?”

“He’s still a kid”

“He misses me very much, that’s why,” Billy said coming out of the shop with a cup of coffee.

The three of them entered the shop followed by Arronax and Rachelle. Nathan pointed to a table by the window at the entrance. He told Arronax and Rachelle to wait for him there. He, Old Joe, and Billy went to the second floor of the building. The smell of coffee filled the air. Nathan sat by his favorite spot on the second floor, overlooking the street below. Old Joe sat opposite of him. Billy came and brought a hot pot of coffee.

“Try it, it’s one of the best that I’d ever had.”

Nathan poured himself a glass and take a deep breath. “It sure smells better” Then he proceeds to take a sip from it. Letting the flavor hit his palate and lingers there for a while. He smiled.

“So?” Joe asked

“It has a bright acidity to it, and with that full juicy syrup taste. It tasted like the first time I tasted coffee.” Nathan paused for a moment. Reliving the first time he went with his father to the market center and met Old Joe.

“Deepest condolences. He was a good man and a good friend.” Joe said. Billy nodded in approval. Billy went back to the kitchen. After a while, he came out with four bowls of rice with meat-topping. He placed one bowl for himself, his dad, Nathan, and the empty seat beside Nathan. Old Joe pours himself a cup of coffee and raise the glass. “To a great man, may he rest in peace. Gone but never forgotten”.

After having a few moments of silence, the three of them began to eat their meal.

“Now I know why father never allowed me to eat here. He knows that it’ll be the death of me. It’s as addicting as those white powders.” Nathan exclaimed.

Billy laughed. Old Joe slapped Billy on the head, “I thought you quit”. Billy grinned.

“Anyway, Joe, what are you doing out of town for so long? You’re the best coffee brewer in the city. I can’t get my daily dose of proper caffeine since you’re gone.”

“No, don’t get him started,” Billy said. Old Joe slapped Billy on the head again.

“I’ve been looking for apples.” Old Joe said with a serious facial expression.

“What the? We’ve got a lot of orchards in this County.”

“No, no. This is no ordinary apple. It’s a black apple.”

“What the fuck? You’re not serious are you?” Nathan looked at Billy. Billy shook his head.

“He is serious”

“Nah you got duped Joe, there’s no such thing as…” Nathan was cut mid-sentence as Joe pulled out a black apple from his pocket.
“What the fuck?” Nathan grabbed the black apple. He looked at it, then he took a bite. “It’s sweet, not like honey, but a different kind of sweet, it’s also crunchier.” Old Joe grinned.

“That’s what I said the first time I tasted it,” Billy replied, taking the apple from Joe’s hand then eating it.

Nathan was about to open his mouth when Joe stopped him. “I only have five left that’s the third, the rest should be arriving here within the week.”

“Hey Joe, I’ll buy ten percent of your total stock,” Nathan replied.

“I will send it to the estate when it arrives here.”

“Thanks, Joe. By the way, Billy do you still have that sweets you brought from the East End?”

“Yup, I still have a few left? Why?”


“Ah, that little shit and her gang of thieves. Sure and the usual too right?”

“Make it four pounds.”

“Alright, I’ll have the boys bring it over to your carriage.”

“Thanks, Billy. Joe, thanks again for the meal.” Nathan said as he handed Billy 300 df. As Nathan exits the shop he saw Alice waiting in front of the door.

“You little shit,” Nathan exclaimed. He patted Alice on the head. Then he took out the sweets that Billy gave him. Nathan made the pinkie gesture “Sorry kiddo, truce?”

Alice grabbed the bag of sweets then began to run back to her friends. Nathan, Arronax, and Rachelle continued their walk back to the carriage. Nathan felt somebody hugged him from the back. He turned around and look down. It was from Alice.

“Truce,” Alice said, smiling the sweetest smile she could muster and holding out her pinkie. Nathan gestured back. Then he continued walking toward his carriage. As Roy and his men finished loading the goods inside the carriage, Nathan and his group continued their journey back to the estate.

Nathan felt something in his coat’s pocket. It was another black apple. As he began counting the change in his pocket he realizes that his pouch is a bit light. He counted his remaining df and he has lost half of his one thousand df that he brought. Nathan frowned. He began counting back the expenses earlier.

“One hundred fifty to Roy, three hundred to Billy. Five hundred is left. What the fuck?” Nathan said out loud. As if struck by lightning, “That scheming little fucker!”

Re: Tales from Verden: The Black Apple, Part I

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:30 am
by Haldir
Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

  • 5 {No Magic}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Lores

    Gunslinging: Could be used in melee situation
    Gunslinging: Good for shock and awe tactics
Loot: Lost 500 df, gained four pounds of coffee

Injuries: N/A

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!