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Lord Wendell, Ser Lange

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:18 pm
by Taelian Edevane

"Taelian, come," the woman said. Her voice called to him: not through lips, nor through the corridors of the estate, but through some chasm she had placed within his own mind; a rift through which she could channel these whispers whenever she so desired.

Before long, the man sat before her at a long table, an ornate wooden piece meant for dining with all manner of fine guests. The elite of society who he found himself increasingly belonging to, whose presence he'd become more and more acquainted with through each passing day. The grateful urchin had become a conspiring cynic, enthralled by the games of the bourgeois; games Eloise loved to play, so much so that the Customs -- her manuscript -- had become her way of life.

As the man settled and sat across from her, the two sipping at tea, the bronze-skinned half-Elf leaned over to peer at her progeny. "Wylen truly made you handsome," she said. "Not that you weren't a sight before -- but ever more so, you attract the eyes of suitors and refined Ladies alike. A tall man, a Thespian tied to the organization effectively commandeering this land -- what a prospect. You have met Wendell, yes?" she asked.

The mage shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Eloise," he replied.

"Ah," she nodded. "Lord Venger is a brilliant man -- an Artificer of ours, and a Celebrant. His estates are mostly in Breven; he is our one foothold in Lorien outside of Brandt. He was meant to be a point of contact for you when you first came here, but -- we settled for Konrad instead. A more muted approach, to allow you to seek out your own ambitions. Wendell would have overpowered you with his inquiries, his desires," she called them. "One such desire has come to me from the lips of the man himself. He came to visit us only last eve; he is still here, in fact. I would like you to meet him this eve."

"Alright," he replied. "And this 'desire' of his...?" Stephan inquired.

"That you and he marry," the Umpire replied. "It would be a mutually beneficial transaction. Of course -- you will have the chance to discuss it with him and decide whether you wish to commit to such a thing. He is a handsome young man, and a rising star in our organization, much like yourself. He is also as pragmatic as he is idealistic: a man who cares for others, one who wields a good heart. He wishes to pull Breven away from its path of zealotry and onto a path of peace, and growth. There is much to him you would admire," she declared.

"And what of Riven? I thought--"

"It won't affect your relationship with Riven," the woman sharply replied. "This is a different country; nothing will change in Atinaw, in Ard Sgiath. This is a political arrangement. If you two do take to fancying one another, then... that will be your concern to bear. But that is not an essential portion of this deal."

Re: Lord Wendell, Ser Lange

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:15 pm
by Taelian Edevane

The mage exhaled softly through his lips as he took his first bite of the biscuit, faintly glazed with a fine, creamy butter apparently produced in Brandt's north. Eloise and the Thespian had said their farewells, the woman stating that she would direct Wendell to the dining room so that they may eat together privately. It was a strange feeling -- he was effectively being met by his first Rien suitor, a Celebrant and member of his own faction. Despite his wishes to marry Riven to acquire his Celebrant role, the likelihood of his fiancé's House being reinstated had diminished day-by-day. If Stephan wished to be the man he wanted to be in this land, the game had changed. His fate was pulling him towards a transactional marriage, even if it meant losing some level of autonomy over his life.

He decided to consider it, but only if he liked the other man. If he were to have a Rien husband, he would at least need to fulfill some of his own expectations: he would be attractive, charming, smart. Cultured, and not xenophobic or overtly bigoted against the foreign or lower class. Not hateful or distrustful of other races than that of man, particularly not Elves. Stephan's expectations were high, but he found them equally reasonable. He would not marry and offer influence to a man with whom he had innumerable qualms.

As Wendell finally stepped into the dining hall, he immediately found that his first expectation was satisfied. He was not only attractive, but very much so, to the point where Stephan's gaze lingered on him over-long.

"Lord Venger," he greeted him. Stephan stood from his seat and approached him, offering the man a shake of the hand. The Celebrant faintly smiled and quickly met his hand with one in return, the two sharing a shake before parting ways, meeting one another on opposite ends of the table. Stephan appeared wildly nervous, while the other man appeared to bear a natural confidence to him, one seemingly native to the Nobility of the realm. One that he envied.

"Ser Lange," he greeted him back. "I trust that my countrymen have been treating you well?" the man asked. It appeared Eloise had told him that 'Stephan' was no native to this place, despite the official story. That was to be expected, though, given his membership of the Covenant.

"Ah... yes," Stephan replied. "As well as I could've hoped for. I have been given a great deal of respect; it is... surprising, to be honest."

"It is surprising to me as well," said Wendell. "We aren't known for our hospitality -- particularly not towards foreigners, those of the other races, or mages. And you occupy all three of those categories. A ridiculous standard that we operate from, though I'm glad it is one you have been undaunted by," he grinned. Stephan replied with a small grin of his own -- it appeared that Wendell perhaps fulfilled a few more criteria than he had expected initially. The Knight began to nervously dig into his food, the Celebrant's confidence digging into his composure.

Re: Lord Wendell, Ser Lange

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:48 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Nigh-stabbing at his salad with the tips of his fork, Stephan lowly hummed as he awaited the other man's next words, expecting him to strike up or a topic, or... do anything to avert their dinner from being an awkward disaster. Instead, Wendell merely looked at him -- examining him -- with a pleased, smug look plastered across his face. The Argent bit his lower lip, forcing himself to speak, if only to ascertain why he was being examined so forcefully.

"I must admit, I... am uncertain of your expectations of me," said the mage. "If your intention is to amass political power, I can't help but feel as if your eyes would be better directed elsewhere. Perhaps an actual Celebrant -- or a native Rien. Or... even just a woman; someone who would more easily be able to provide you with heirs," he said. Though Necromancy was always a possibility, he wasn't aware what the legality of that possibility was. And besides -- he wasn't a human. Any child made from him would be a mud-blood.

"Your Argent name -- real or fake -- originates from Brandt. I am seeking a foothold there, and what better way to impress the Duchess than by marrying a prominent member of the Covenant-Pact?" he asked, rhetorically. "If you wish for me to speak in purely practical terms: I have heard you are an incredibly powerful mage, on the same level as Regis and Eloise. That would make you one of the most powerful sorcerers in this Kingdom, a talent especially useful in a land that has not been very exposed to magic; a land so incapable of dealing with it, its applications, its consequences. The ease at which one might kill their political rivals with someone like you as their 'bride' -- it is tempting, alluring. But there is more to it than that," he began. Wendell straightened his posture and began to profess what appeared to be... deeper intentions.

"I am a man concerned with the well-being of this nation. From what I have heard, you hold honor and integrity, as well as a naturally kind spirit. I believe that you and I could accomplish great things with one another; our marriage would not simply be a transaction, but a partnership. Of course, the added benefit of that is that I get to marry a stunning young Knight, one who will never wither or age. I cannot deny the pull of that prospect, and you would find few Rien men so forward with their desires, yet many who would carry them in hiding. Your... exotic nature is something I am fascinated by; I have never had the chance to leave this realm. Few of us have."

The mage continued to nervously shift in his seat. Wendell was forward -- yet, flattering. He'd never considered himself particularly 'exotic', being that he had been raised in a grime-smothered slum. Yet a man born of an ivory tower saw him as something worth admiration, even if only as a piece of foreign art, like the ones kept in their many museums.

"And how do I seek to benefit?" he asked. It was a question with an obvious answer, but . . . he wondered what Wendell thought he might bring to the table. To see if that might change things.

"You would become a Celebrant, of course," the man replied. "And -- with our partnership -- as our House rose in station, so too would you. We would be equal partners in this; you and I would be Lord and Lord, you would fulfill no subservient or secondary role. Additionally... I am a bachelor not only legally. If you would be so inclined, I would not be opposed to courtship, romance, familial affection. It is rare in Lorien for Lords, nor Ladies, to marry others with whom they share more than practical need. Perhaps your foreignness appeals to me there as well: I have never sought a mere business partner. Though I will make do, if that is all you want," he said.

Stephan pressed his lips together, exhaling through his nostrils. He had barely spoken; he was filled with... contemplation.

"Your offer does tempt me, Lord Venger," he replied. "I will have to table it -- along with my forty-eight other offers of courtship," he teased. He did not intend his words as a form of mistruth, but rather a jest. No one had extended any such offers to him, in his time here. "Now... I cannot imagine what else we might be able to discuss that is nearly so consequential, but -- I still have an hour worth of food before me. Any stories?" he inquired, with a smirk.

"Few that I would be so inclined to share with a potential partner," the man laughed. "But yes -- many, indeed."

Re: Lord Wendell, Ser Lange

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:46 am
by Haldir
Oh Dear, you seem to have contracted a REVIEW!

  • 5 {No Magic}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Lores

    Politics: Political Marriage
    Etiquette: Courtship
    Etiquette: Meeting Suitors
    Etiquette: Private Dinners
    Investigation: Seeking out political motives
    Investigation: Gauging one's character
Loot: N/A

Injuries: N/A

  • If you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!