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Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:42 am
by Haldir
☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120 ☠
Company: Nicoli/Ellisan/Corpse| Theme: Si Deus Me Relinquit| Thoughts: Time to learn her secrets| Mood: Intrigued

☠ Ravencrest was a whole different beast to what I was used to in terms of hospitals. Staff members bustling about, busy with tasks and treatments for the new patients that were being admitted in. They had no idea the danger that lurked up on the third floor.

I shouldn't have been moving, but I had to be here for the autopsy of Lynora. I had to know what exactly was done to her, what she had become. I was greeted by the staff, as my father ran this place so they knew me by association. "I see someone refuses to listen to their physician and is moving when he should be resting." a chastising voice came from the staircase that led to the second floor.

Looking at him I smiled, knowing he was right but I wasnt going to allow myself to miss this opportunity. "Dont make laugh, my wounds are still healing." I said with a smile. Meeting him on the steps we ascended the stairs. "So care to tell me why it's so important for you to be here? Is this autopsy that important to you? You know I take detailed notes right? I'm positive you wouldnt miss anything important son."

His questions were typical, trying to delve into my way of thinking like he always did when he couldnt figure out my actions. "I need to see it with my own eyes, to see the results for myself. I hate to say it but I'm invested in this. She could be the key to helping a friend of mine, and hunting down the man that did this to her." I responded, my eyes meeting his.

He seemed to be curious as well, but not in the girl, but with why I was invested in this. As someone who kills, who has no qualms in spilling the blood of others at the drop of farthering. It was weird for me too, but as I said before I was invested. I had given my word, twice for that matter, I refused to turn my back. Even on the dead.

At the top of the stairwell, we were met by a woman, a striking female with bright icy blue eyes and silver hair was done in a neat bun. She had a quaint smile on her face but a gaze so discerning I felt like I was the one who had been autopsied. From the looks of her, she was definitely Sil'norai, her pale skin was a dead give away. She was beautiful in sombering way"Cyrus this is the cheif of medicine and head doctor here at Ravencrest, Ellisan Savenstine" he introduced, me reaching my hand to shake hers.

Her eyes lingered at it, but she took hold of it in a firm grip. "How nice to finally meet you. Your father speaks highly of your talent. I look forward to working alongside you here at Ravencrest. Now I hear we have a special specimen to examine today, shall we get started?"

With that, she led us to her office, two armed women standing outside her doors. This floor seemed to be protected more so than the first two below. I wonder what they had to hide, but knowing my father, there was bound to be a plethora of secrets hidden here.

Once within the room, my eyes fell to a table, on it was Lynora's bare corpse. Attendants were prepping and cleaning her for the autopsy. which gave us some time to converse before getting down to business. "I hear you took quite a beating from our autopsy specimen. Did this 17-year-old really put you through your paces?

"You would be surprised. She was far stronger than I expected. It's part of the reason I wish to cut her open and find out what makes her tick." I explained, looking past the Sil'norai to Lynora. "How long before this begins? The longer we wait the longer it takes for me to hunt down the man that did this to her." I urged, hints of urgency in my voice.

”Well as they are finishing up prepping our specimen, we can perform a preliminary inspection of her." she agreed, moving to the table alongside us. "While we give her a pre-examination, be aware that I am waiting on someone from the Pact-Covenant. Apparently you are not the only ones interested in this corpse as well." she added, the eyes of my father and Ellisan meeting, and a look of concern filled his face that read "You must be joking!?" Ellisan simply shrugged a bit as if she didnt have a choice in this.

Was this Pact-Covenant really cause for concern? "Do we have a cause of death?" she inquired as she tilted Lynora's head to the left and to the right. "I stabbed her through her mouth as she was trying to maul me and my subordinate to death." I replied nonchalantly coming to stand next to her. She gave me a look of disbelief but could the seriousness on my face about Lynora's demise at my hands. For a moment or so I watched as Ellisan intently examined her body.

I couldnt help but noticed that she held a hint of recognition in her eyes. She knew something. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:35 am
by Taelian Edevane

"Ser Lange," called the man. A young servant to the Lady Galbrecht, Heinrich, was his name. The Argent had seen him skittering about the Lodge halls on end, the last few days -- Claudia's last manservant had been executed for treason, colluding against the Omen, or so she claimed. As excited as the young man appeared to hold such a prestigious role, he appeared equally as desperate to stay his neck above the Duchess' blade.

"Yes, Heinrich?" Stephan inquired.

"You... ah, I was told to pass a letter onto you. From the Lady Lyonesse. You might wish to be discreet about the given information -- she even went as far as to seal it, Ser Knight," he said, nodding his head.

The mage nodded once, dismissing him as he looked down to the sealed envelope. Moving towards his vanity, he grabbed a small knife and Enkindled it, cutting quickly through the seal before tossing the knife aside. It clattered against the wooden surface of the vanity, as the Sil'norai eyed the contents of the letter.

My Dear Thespian,

I have received word of a matter that interests us mutually. A little bird -- though I shouldn't refer to any sources as such, given the war and all -- informed me of something they or someone adjacent to them witnessed and uncovered: the body of a Dranoch being moved, secretly, from one corner of Essen to another. There appears to be a hospital in West Borough where this cadaver was brought to, though for what reason I cannot be sure.

I am aware that the threat of Miss Flowers still exists in Kamdin -- the worry haunts me, knowing what a beast dwells upon our borders. Yet I fear the danger of another Dranoch scourge, particularly now, in this ever-vulnerable front to our war. If you would, I would enjoy it if you would investigate this matter for me. Use your authority as an Argent as you must: it should allow you to force your way through most doors, with your blade allowing you through the rest.

Though I know I have asked many favors of you, of late, I believe this is a concern that we might both share.

Ever A Companion,
Lady Eloise Arrosa de Lyonesse

The man set the letter upon the table, and frowned. "I can't deal with every Dranoch infestation across the continent..." he muttered to himself. The Remedy was stretched thin, but -- so was he. Dealing with one war after another, the one hidden and the one seen.

Still, as the Lady Lyonesse surely expected, Stephan did in fact make his way through the door, and the Lodge, onto Essen's streets and into its West Borough. He wore furred green satin, with the fur trim spreading across his somewhat open torso-cut, which only closed near the center of his abdomen, revealing much of the shape and contents of his chest. Around his neck was a familiar collar of furs as well, and the same at the end of his sleeves. His pants were a proper court blend of satin and furs, bleeding into leather derby shoes. On his back were mounted two long blades, running across his backside diagonally in the same direction, one atop the other. The man's waist had a regular array of things: a belt attached to a satchel, some tools, and a rolled and leather-bound parchment.

Upon arriving at the door, the man knocked, his brows lowered and tensed against the creases of his eyes. He almost appeared... upset, though this was merely one facet of his typically harsh demeanor. An attempt to intimidate; one that appeared relatively successful, in most cases.

He was met with a wide-eyed greeting, from a man wearing ridiculous, circle-shaped frames. "Ah, Ser Lange," said the member of staff. "You are expected. Right this way," he added, beckoning him in. Stephan's brow rose as he quickly surveilled the foyer of the hospital, wondering how exactly his coming had been known. A detail Eloise left out?

"Erm... okay," he flatly replied. The Argent stepped through the hospital door and followed the goofy-looking man through the halls.

"You are here for the flesh-leech, yes?" he asked.

"...If that's what you call them, sure."

He was led into a room. Within, his eyes immediately caught attention of a number of people -- one of whom was his kin, a Sil'norai woman with typically bright, brilliant ivory hair and glossy, shimmering skin. Stephan eased, though he'd been advised by Konrad not to speak Sil'norai fluently in public, given he was pretending he wasn't a full-blood, or from Sil-Elaine.

"Hello," he greeted them all. The tall man bowed slightly as he stepped deeper into the room, eyeing Cyrus as he passed. "I'm from the Pact-Covenant," he said. It was odd, calling it that -- though the name had picked up more and more as the days went. "Ser Stephan Lange. Also of the Argent Knighthood," he added. The man immediately stepped forward and began to examine the beast, opening its mouth and running his fingers along the pearly shape of its fangs. It was a young Botchling -- no wielder of a savage, unhinged maw. Not yet.

"Hm. If she was a stronger Dranoch, she might have survived these wounds. These things are typically a bit harder to kill than that. Do we know how she died?"

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:49 am
by Haldir
☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120 ☠
Company: Nicoli/Ellisan/Corpse, Stephan| Theme: Si Deus Me Relinquit| Thoughts: Time to learn her secrets| Mood: Intrigued

☠ With the preliminary examination over we could finally begin the autopsy. Ellisan handed me one of the extra scalpels and we were about to dive into the mysteries Lynora held. The sound of approaching footsteps and the swift turn of my father signaled the arrival of our guest.

My first impression of the man upon his entrance was the command of his presence. With a slight bow from myself and Ellisan, we watched as he glided through towards the table. Our eyes made contact, his gaze causing an unease to stir in me as the doors to the medical room closed, an audible click of the lock sounding behind the man as he sauntered in.

He confirmed his affiliation with the Pact-Covenant and then revealed his affiliation with the Argent Knighthood. It was of no consequence to me that he was a knight, but my father and Ellisan seemed to be ruffled by that revelation. "Seriously Ellisan, an Argent Knight of all things in our midst?" my father hissed in Silvain, to which Ellisan shrugged again, watching as the man looked over the corpse alongside her.

"I am Ellisan Sevestine, the chief medical officer here at Ravencrest, and the auburn-haired fellow behind you is the owner and chairman of the medicinal science and necromancy guild on Brandt, Nicoli Von Faust. The golden-maned one to your left is his son, Cyrus Von Faust." the pale woman introduced in common after his own, to which we each bowed as such and continued on, though the two continued their conversation in Silvain.

"I am just as surprised as you are. If you want to throw your anger at someone throw it at the Pale Shadow, he was the one who alerted us that this man's superior would send him to us." she retorted, her eyes widening a bit upon seeing Ser Stephen, as he introduced, open Lynora's mouth and fiddle with her teeth.

"What would be the point? Knowing him he probably withheld that information simply to infuriate me." he shot back, moving in closer to hear Stephan inspect the corpse with the rest of us. We all watched him intently, noting his every mannerism to memory. Think it a precaution when in the presence of an Argent Knight, though I wasnt as serious about his presence as the other two that was certain.

I had met an argent knight before, and I know they are all not to be feared, at least Asmodei didnt give me a reason to fear him...yet I suppose. Sir Stephen then divulged that this girl, this young girl was something called a a.......Dranoch and the moment he uttered those words the scalpal in Ellisan fell to the floor. Taking a step back she clutched at her chest and recoiled as if in the face of a blazing fire.

She took a moment to collect herself, then proceeded to pick up her scalpel. "I didnt want to believe what my eyes were seeing, but as you have confirmed, what we are looking at here is a young dranoch. She must have just recently turned it seems." she explained.

I couldnt help myself, leaning into the deceased creature, as it was very evident she was no longer human. Sir Stephen inquired as to her cause of death and without looking his way, I raised my hand. "I was her cause of death Ser Stephen. She was trying to maul me and my subordinate to death, and during the struggle, I was able to stab her through the mouth" I answered, my curiosity focused on Lynora instead of him.

"You said she was not as strong as others like her, and that she would have been much harder to kill correct? What do you mean by this? She surely seemed strong enough to hurl me around that alley like some ragdoll. Also.." I shot off, question one after another, my focus on the guest now.

"How do I go about killing them? If what you say is true, if they are indeed strong enough to survive a stab through the mouth, I want to know how to kill them and they remain dead?" I asked, my eyes filled with a determination.

"I was asked to find this girl as she had been missing for four days up till the 43rd when I found her in this state. because I wanted to learn what exactly happened to this girl to make her like this I told the family that there was nothing left that was recognizable of their daughter."

I took a breath, adjusting my arm that sat in a sling and in bandages, along with most of my torso for that matter. "Because I couldnt bring them their daughter, they asked for the head of the one responsible. A man who for the first time stoke the fire of fear in me." I said with a chuckle gripping the scalpel in my hand.

All eyes seemed to be on Stephen now. I was looking to him for answers, hoping that he would give me something to go on, a start maybe or some form of direction. My father, on the other hand, held his gaze on the man out of caution gauging his every move and reaction. He was no doubt formulating some sort of plan to deal with him or benefit from his presence here.

Ellisan however was abosrbed in the girl to truly care anymore as she began the autopsy, as one could hear slight giggles and muttering as she worked. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:14 am
by Taelian Edevane

Being that Stephan's native tongue was Silvain, he understood the others around him perfectly -- each and every one of their words, bringing a small smirk onto his lips as he unintentionally eavesdropped, though one that quickly dropped so as to not betray his 'professionalism'. He supposed that being an Argent Knight, he was seen as being roughly equivalent to the law; its enforcement, at least, which was something these 'doctors' appeared resistant of. Likely, they were engaging in illegal or otherwise illicit activities, and an Argent Knight could easily provide a tip to local Chevaliers and get them shut down -- or worse.

He had no intention of doing so, however. There were only a few taboos great enough for him to be so concerned, and if any of those cases arose, he would deal with them personally. For now, the man continued to pretend that he had no idea what any of them were saying, even though he spoke the tongue better than he did in Common.

"Ellisan, Nicoli, Cyrus... my pleasure," he greeted them all with a slight bow. Not long after, Cyrus began to speak to him -- he informed the Knight that he was the killer, and asked of how one might kill others, considering a stab through the mouth might have not sufficed against a stronger one of their breed. The rest of his story was mostly his personal... burdens, though some of it was illuminating. She had gone missing, and suddenly she was a Botchling -- strong and violent. Stephan could very much relate to his story; it was a common experience in Sil-Elaine, and he had seen it in Atinaw as well, with the Joseph's.

"The man responsible?" he asked, for clarification. It appeared Cyrus might have known who the culprit was: likely a Cardinal who had been proliferating that Blight, spreading it among small corners of the populace, enough not to cause an incredible stir. Dranoch were horrendous in that they grew exponentially; one became five, five became twenty-five, and before one knew it, they had a city under siege with a virulent plague of murderers, all people likely once upstanding; people that were known, who others were reluctant to surrender or harm. It appeared the process had begun in Essen, which -- indeed -- drew Ser Lange's interest.

"I use a magic called Sigilic Pyromancy," he said. "It is rare in this country, but -- it is the most effective way to kill a Dranoch. Any wounds inflicted by it, they cannot regenerate. The issue with brain trauma for them is that if it does not instantly kill them, they can recover from it, often within seconds. But fire -- and particularly my fire -- cannot be recovered from. For most lesser Dranoch, I would recommend decapitation, if you don't have access to fire. Sever the brain from the body; only a Huntsman would survive that. As for Huntsmen -- well, you don't have any hope of dealing with one of those, so recommendations are useless there."

Even he didn't imagine he would have a chance against one. If Aldrin feared them, then so too did Stephan.

"Cyrus, you said?" he questioned. "Good job on defeating the Botchling. Most people tend to be overcome by them in encounters; it is why word fails to flow, as their victims die before they can share their horrors. You have opened a door to cleansing this corruption from the city, so I commend you. From now on," he looked to everyone in the room, "...I will be personally taking on this case. You said you have some idea as to who the progenitor of this disease was?" he asked, looking to the younger von Faust.

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:16 pm
by Haldir
☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120 ☠
Company: Nicoli/Ellisan/Corpse, Stephan| Theme: Si Deus Me Relinquit| Thoughts: Time to learn her secrets| Mood: Intrigued

"Yes I believe I may have a lead on who may have done this to her, the last person supposedly seen with her." I explained as Ellisan and her staff examined Lynora.....the dranoch's body. Though as far as I was concerned it wasnt enough, I needed to do my research and gather my facts before I could truly accuse my suspect of anything.

The Argent began to tell of the magic used to kill these things, that fire and the removal of their heads would effectively kill them, keep them from regenerating. From a medical aspect, I was fascinated by that. To think there were being that appeared mortal yet did not function as such. Was this evolution or some sick joke? Looking to the girl on the table I continued to listen as Stephan spoke.

The fact these things could survive brain damage made my body shiver with excitement. I found it interesting that these dranoch were that advanced in their physiology to be able to withstand such trauma. I was also glad Lynora was still weak and young as Stephan explained, otherwise I would be a rotting corpse in that alley.

"Fire you say?" I mused remembering if she acted weirdly in the face of flames during the fight, but as I recalled there was no flame present. More so he emphasized that his fire was irrecoverable by these things. This Sigilic Pyromancy as he called it piqued my interest, seeming to be tailored in dispatching these creatures.

His praise for killing the botchling gained a nod of acknowledgment from me, though his next words caused a slight scowl to form on my face. Before I could respond and answer his next question, Ellisan took hold of my arm and pulled me aside. "Be careful not to show your full hand just yet. she began in a hushed whisper, her eyes looking to the Argent Knight than to a piece of paper and began to write something.

Once done she handed it to me and the contents of it caused my brow to raise, as my eyes fell on him as well.

This man is not what he appears to be. He knows of the Dranoch, he wields magic that comes from the homeland of the Sil'norai, and he holds the knowledge of exterminating them. It could also mean that he is of Sil'norai descent or knows our tongue.

With a nod, I returned to the knight and leaned on the examination table. "I will gladly share what I know but I must accompany you on this case, as it is just as much mine as it is yours. I owe Lynora that much, especially as my involvement may have resulted in my suspect slaughtering her parents as well. He was there...." I began, the image of the red figure in the distance that day, the sway of his ivory hair, the gleam of his glowing eyes flashing in my head.

"As you said, this is a disease and as a member of the medical professions who better to cure this wretched plague than a doctor. I cant share what I know otherwise, Argent Knight or not." I proposed, not knowing whether or not he would just simply assert his authority as a knight over me to learn what I know. By this time my father had come to read the note Ellisan had written, and his eyes filled with frustration, though his facial features never showed his dismay as he came to stand at my right. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:09 pm
by Taelian Edevane

Stephan pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes, as the two exchanged a note -- he even noticed the shift in Cyrus' demeanor as he read it, and the way his father, also, appeared quite impacted by those words inscribed. He was almost tempted to use his lawful authority to confiscate the paper, and read it, though he had some idea of what the contents might have been. A warning, a suggestion of what not to say, an observation about him...

They spoke in Silvain, and now they spoke in letters. They were trying to be covert; perhaps they recognized his faint facial patterns, the sharp tips of his ears. They worried that he was onto them, and in a way, he was.

The other man spoke of a suspect, and the slaughter of this 'Lynora's' parents. Deaths he felt responsible for, that -- or a reason to become entangled in what Stephan felt had rightfully become his affair. He was likely the only Ebon Knight on this entire island, a fact that made him feel entitled to this investigation. He supposed, though, it was something he was willing to share.

"You cannot cure the Dranoch blight," he said. "You would be foolish to try -- all of them must be given a clean blade through their necks. This is not a plague, it is an incursion. Do not look at it like a disease: it is a curse crafted by the Imprisoned One, Valteran, to emit his vile will through the corners of our civilizations. It must be expunged wherever it is found."

The Knight, however, slightly nodded his head as he regarded the younger von Faust. He eyed him -- sizing him up -- and sounded a quiet 'hm' as the corner of his lip curled, curiously. "You may come with me on my investigations, but I am already an expert on this matter, and I expect your compliance to me and subordinance to my knowledge. If I see this 'progenitor' - who is likely a Cardinal - I will be forced by Malek to kill him." It was no exaggeration: Stephan's Rune of Sigilic Pyromancy forced him to cull all Dranoch, so long as they were known to him. He had no choice.

Knowing that, he expected some level of resistance from the other man, but he also imagined that he was their only hope for killing the beast. And perhaps producing another, more valuable specimen. "Now -- I would like for you to give me further information, so that we can get this underway. In private," he added. Stephan did not like the rumblings of the others around him. None of them appeared to be very well worth his trust.

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 7:58 pm
by Haldir
☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120 ☠
Company: Stephan| Theme: Si Deus Me Relinquit| Thoughts: Damn Dranoch| Mood: Compliant/Emotional

"Duly noted." I responded, as he corrected me on my word choice and phrasing. I could understand the confusion as only myself and my father were privy to what I meant when I spoke of curing them. "Though if I may, an incursion is still a disease in a way, be it of the body or of the lands of your people. I am a doctor that is fervent in cleansing such a disease when it rears its ugly head if you understand what it is I'm saying." I added, taking one last look at Lynora.

She would have matured into quite the beauty, she shouldn't have had such a fate as this handed to her, but who was I to question the will of the gods. To think a curse could be this cruel, yet at that moment all I could think about was Fayeth, and how she reacted to my bleeding arm some time ago when myself and Arkash sparred. Was she to suffer the same fate as this girl, especially if this Knight caught wind of her?

His words snapped me out of my own thoughts, nodding in his request that I yield to his lead on the matter. That was fine as I didnt want to be shut out of such an important endeavor. "That works fine for me, and of course, I have an office on the 2nd floor." I insisted, gesturing that we make our way towards the door.

"That works fine for me as well, as I can't concentrate on dissecting her with so many distractions, now if you all would be so kind." Ellisan chimed, her polite way of saying get out. My father nodded and made his exit alongside us, though he made his way to a large set of doors, ones that lead to his office within the tower.

"I apologize for them, they can be rather reluctant around unfamiliar individuals." I explained, hoping that would soothe a little of the tension I sure my father and Ellisan may have accumulated with the Argent. To my surprise, Cullen was waiting for me outside my office, bandaged up just as much as I was.

"You should be resting Cullen, you are of no use to me if your wounds can not heal." I reprimanded, knowing full well I had no room to talk as I was given the same speech as from my father as well. "He killed them boss, Lynora's parents were torn to shreds, it was a mess." he whispered, his head hanging low and the sound of sniffling coming from him.

"I expected as much, I told you it would happen. There is no use in wasting your tears on them. As much as it pains me to say, they were a necessary sacrifice. Had we stayed for the entirety of the ceremony, he would have killed us too." I explained, taking Cullen by the face and lightly kissing the crown of his head. "Now return home and rest, I will send for you at a later time."

I called two of the guards to escort Cullen back to his home and to have them keep an eye on him just in case. Opening the doors to my office I allowed Stephan to enter and once inside I closed them behind us. "I apologize for that, he wears his emotions on his sleeve, I'm trying to break him out of that habit." I explained with a light chuckle.

"The information I have on the suspect is this. His name is Johnathan Bathory. His family are savants who play patron to the arts and magic, and have quite the flourishing wine business here in Brandt. From what we gathered the night of the attack, Johnathan was the last person seen with her. He is also known as the Man in Red as he sports blood red attire no matter where he goes and is accompanied by a man with a scar on his left eye."

Taking a moment to catch my breath I looked to the knight, my eyes locking onto his. "If I may be so bold to ask, but earlier you explained that your magic....Sigilic Pyromancy I believe you called it, is the only way to kill these....dranoch. That and a clean-cut through their necks. How would one go about gaining that magic? Is it like other runes of magic where it can be inscribed by a willing practitioner? Or is it lost to the public and only a select few are able to wield its power?" I inquired moving to stand by the window that overlooked the city.

"I ask simply because this is my home, these are my people. I was not born here, my parents died upon reaching Lorien borders as they escaped from Daravin. I was taken in by the Von Faust family at a young age, and these people and this country have become the home and family I always wanted. And now it seems that these abominations are slithering amongst us, turning my fellow Lorien citizens into monsters." I spoke, fighting back emotions I once believed to be held down under lock and key.

"How I would sacrifice my very soul if it meant I was able to rid this place of these vulgar creatures." I said in a low tone, though it was full of conviction with each word. "Please forgive my rambling, I tend to do that when im passionate or enthralled by something." I apologized, hoping he would not think of me as obliviously long winded. ☠

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:57 pm
by Taelian Edevane

As they left the 'dissection' room and headed towards Cyrus' office, Stephan looked on towards the exchange between this 'Cullen' and his new peer, albeit with concern at the dismissive way in which his emotions were addressed. As the man left and Cyrus spoke to him of his emotions being upon his sleeve, the Argent narrowed his eyes with judgment. "Not all of us can be such unfeeling specimen," he responded. "The Dranoch bring with them a great deal of misfortune and strife. You will find in dealing with them that they are the epicenter of such... 'emotion', as you call it. Grief, I like to say. Even to not know a man, but to know he died in pain while being devoured -- it is a tragic thing for the mind to bear, do you not think?" he asked.

Stephan followed him into the office, glancing around before sticking his hands into his pockets. The Argent listened closely to the other man as he spoke, his supposedly 'half-Elf' ears perking up. Johnathan Bathory. Savants -- yet, probably wealthier ones, involved in at least moderately impactful circles. Not the typical droll architects or scholars, nor bookkeepers. Vintners, they were. The man continued to nod his head, eyeing each piece of furniture, every accent to the room. The hospital was somewhat decadent in a way, though it was built in that cold, stony Rien style. Elegant, simple, effective. He liked it.

At least their culprit seemed to be a man fairly easy to recognize. He nodded along as the doctor spoke, before leaning his posterior against the edge of the man's desk and looking back to him, changing his focus. The man was asking about his magic -- Stephan's gaze immediately narrowed again, though only momentarily. "There are other ways to kill them, but -- they're less sure. It is always better to decapitate or burn," he clarified. Still, enough damage before they could regenerate was... theoretically enough. Cardinals, though, could recover a lot faster; it was always a gamble to settle for less than a significantly damaged brain. Even then, a lot of Ebon Knights low on ether or unskilled in magic liked to bring torches to their skulls as they were down.

"Some Sigilic Pyromancers can share the art," he said. "True masters -- those who have learned all that there is to know, and who can traverse the Dead Realm freely. I am one such master, probably the only one outside of Sil-Elaine. Until twenty years ago, the magic was lost to the entire world; it was our Lord, Aldrin SIl'Jalus, who acquired it by the grace of Malek. Malek has seen fit to make its acquisition a privileged thing -- only a few may share it, and they will be visited by Aldrin while they try," the Argent informed him. While this may have seemed like particularly private or hidden information, he did not mind proliferating it. Information on Sigilic Pyromancy and the Dranoch was good to share; the other societies around Sil-Elaine needed to be informed of the scourge coming, and the proper tools to deal with it.

Still, as the other man went on, it appeared he did have some sort of heart -- some emotional attachment of his own. He was, like Stephan, a foreigner... but one who felt a deep connection to this place. Like him, the Argent could understand. Lorien had its own, unique beauty, as isolated as it was from all else. It was like a rare, untouched thing, with a society so distinct as to seem surreal. Free of magic, yet filled with promise. He, too, did not wish to allow the Dranoch to degenerate its social order.

The mage stepped forward and placed a hand on Cyrus' shoulder. He nodded once. "I understand," he told him, almost a whisper. "You sound as others I have known, in my home away from here." He realized, then, that he had to bite his tongue: he had to be vague. He had a reputation to uphold; that 'home' was meant to be Atinaw, where his foreign mother was from. At least according to the lie. "I... also wished to join the fight, and I was initiated by Aldrin himself. It was a long time ago," he remarked.

A thought crossed his mind: he had wanted to try initiating someone. To have a first, 'progeny' of his own, another practitioner of the magic. Aldrin would come and attempt to judge him worthy, and his interest in killing Dranoch would do well to earn his favor. Cyrus became clear in his mind as a prospect: a man to consider for his first student. Though it was an incredibly dangerous path to take.

Stephan began to faintly smile, from the corner of his lips. The other man had offered him too obvious a cue: his words flowed freely. "I enjoy your passion, Mr. Faust. I am equally as passionate where it concerns protecting innocent life from these fiends, and doubly so in destroying them. Malek is my patron, and I do his will. That fact remains, even here in this place," said the mage. Stephan pressed his lips together, stepping away from the other man, his back turning to him as he contemplated; he thought of the right thing to say.

"If you swear your loyalty to Malek, to Aldrin, to our Order -- then perhaps I might see fit to extend to you this gift. You will be playing with your life, offering it freely to me and to the Jailor's whims. Even if you survive, I will be your Commander; you will follow my lead. You will share your goals with me, your purpose. Information, trust -- all of these I would ask of you. I could use a man with such fire in his heart; but only if he is willing to extend that flame to my grip."

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:40 pm
by Haldir
☠ 47th of Ash, Year 120, Earth's Rest ☠
Company: Stephan| Theme: Si Deus Me Relinquit| Thoughts: Damn Dranoch| Mood: Compliant/Emotional

☠ His concern for how I dismissed Cullen's emotions was interesting. Granted what I was trying to mold the young man into, he would need to learn to leash those emotions. Ser Stephan went on to elaborate that these creatures seemed to provoke such sorrowful feelings in others, which was just adding to the list of reasons for their eradication.

When he spoke of the mental weight of knowing someone's last moments were their most excruciating, It brought a faint smirk to my lips. Had the Argent truly known me and my activities, he would know I reveled in such moments, fascinated by the final moments in death.

After I had rambled on about my desires to rid Lorien of Dranoch, and Stephan confirmed that his magic and decapitation were the only ways to kill the stronger ones. I wasnt all too surprised by that as I never expected it to be easy to kill these things. There was no telling if this man would even be willing to share his magic with me, it felt far too precious to just hand out all willy nilly like that, but I could hope.

He continued to give a brief synopsis of Sigilic Pyromancy, that there are few masters of it in particular. To add to that he admitted to being among these select few, and even more so that he is the only one outside of the Sil'norai homeland, which only confirmed Ellisan's suspicions of the man. It seemed this magic was regarded as a sacred one, as even trying to share its power with others warranted a visit from Aldrin, someone I could only assume to be the prophet of Malek.

I had seen depictions of the God of Death within my father's study but was not truly religious enough to look into the god. But If he was the progenitor of the only way to kill them, then there was no better time to become devout than now. I would bend to the will of any god if it meant purging the dranoch from existence.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, staring out the window into the city below, Stephen came to rest his hand on my shoulder. It was an odd feeling, being comforted by a man we were suspicious of, but it was welcomed, as I turned my head slightly towards him as she spoke.

It seemed he had met others like me, and he sympathized with me, having been in the same situation as me in terms of being a foreigner. He also empathized with my passion for Lorien. Despite the civil unrest, this country was a good one. It had its faults but so does every land. I appreciated his words, but what he said next drew my attention even more.

He was initiated by Malek's prophet himself, having shown that same passion for the need to exterminate the Dranoch, which made him something special. We shared a commonality in that we both wished to protect innocent lives, granted I spent my time killing those sick with the disease most mortal men and women fell prey to; vanity, selfishness, greed, violence.

He described himself to be an envoy of Malek, an extension of the diety's will. My eyes widened with what came next as I wasnt expecting it, yet I fully embraced his words. He was conscripting me it seemed. It was perhaps an opportunity I would be foolish to reject.

He spoke of fealty, and bending to his command and to the command of Aldrin and by proxy; Malek. I weighed my options, simulating in my head if there was any alternative than this. But from what Stephan had informed me of the dranoch, and with my skill in swordplay as it was currently, this was my only shot. My eyes looked to him with uncertainty for a brief moment, But Cullen's sorrow and malignant aura of that man in red, of Johnathan, had convinced me.

If it meant selling my soul to an ancient power and its order, then so be it, as i was not one to squander such a fortuitus chance like this. Extending my hand out to him, a smile formed. "I know a fateful meeting when I see one. I have no qualms gambling my life if it means cleansing this city of such a vile scourge. My loyalty and fire is yours Ser Stephan, may we set them ablaze with it."

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅲ

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:32 pm
by Ruin

Review Request:

XP: 8 for Taelian, 12 for Cyrus.

Magic Experience: None.

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
Etiquette: Introductions are key
Investigation: Asking questions pertaining to the subject matter
Investigation: Inspecting a corpse
Spycraft: Passing notes
Medicine: Assisting with an autopsy

Taelian: Is an Argent Knight
Taelian: Is not all he appears to be
Taelian: Knows about the Dranoch
Taelian: Knows how to Kill them
Taelian: Is from the Pact-Covenant

Investigation: Using your credentials to gather information
Investigation: Following a lead
Investigation: Speaking to witnesses
Investigation: Questioning the main witness
Investigation: Privately questioning someone
Investigation: Taking over an investigation
Investigation: Demanding further information
Spycraft: Not letting others know you can understand them

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

Comments: Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Build to last,