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Evil in Human Clothing Ⅰ

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:14 am
by Haldir
☠ 43rd of Ash, Year 120 ☠
Company: Greiving mother &fatjer| Theme: | Thoughts: Stop Crying| Mood: Curious

☠ I had been living in Essen of Brandt for a few days now, getting comfortable with my new surroundings. I spent most of my time walking the city watching the machinations of the people Essen. I found this place to be far more of an opportunity than I first realized when discussing it with my father.

In the beginning, I saw this move from the capital of Lorien as unnecessary but didn't want to argue and agreed to go along with the plan. Establishing myself here as a presence, a symbol of hope to the people was paramount, especially if I wished to continue my killing hobby. I came to realize his objective was going to be harder than I thought to accomplish.

Looking at the demographic of Essen, I came to know without a doubt that I would have my work cut out for me. For now, I would settle on spectating the people of my new home. The day was still early and I had much of the city to take in. I found myself meandering through the crowded streets listening and watching, etching every detail I could into my mind.

From a spectator's point of view, I seemed like a tourist taking in the sights, but in reality, I was making notes of the type of business Essen had. Despite the talks of civil war on the horizon, the city was alive with life, something I could come to appreciate. A smile painted my features as I continued to walk through the bustling streets of the city. The smell of fresh bread and food on the air was refreshing to me, so much so, I decided to stroll into one of the eateries.

Picking a seat outside and ordering a drink from the attendant, the sun had been kissing my skin as I waited for it. It was a silent toast to myself, to a new beginning, to a new proving ground to test out my experiments and hone my skill. Though despite the good day I was having, not everyone was so fortunate.

Looking over my shoulder, I noticed a woman, sobbing into the shoulder of the eatery owner. She was upset, and it didnt take a genius to see she was clearly distraught. Taking a sip of my wine I moved a little closer, making sure not to be noticed, sticking to the darker parts of the establishment, finding a seat, and listening as the woman went into detail as to what was bothering her.

"My Lynora has been missing for 4 days now, I and my husband have gone out to look for her but nothing. We checked all the usual spots she would normally go, but there was no sign of her. All of her friends say the last time they saw her was at a gathering in the city, thinking she had gone home after having too much to drink. I'm beside myself and there is only so much a mother can do. To make matters worse no one cares that a girl from a fishing village is missing." The mother began to weep even harder now, surrounded by her husband & the shop owner, both men not having the slightest clue what to do to console her

Sighing I couldnt help myself, finishing my glass of wine and paying, moving to where they were. normally something like this was none of my concern, but this was unacceptable. As much as I wanted to believe that maybe this Lynora girl just simply ran off, something in me could not accept that.

Coming from behind the trio, I took the hand of the worried mother. "You should save those tears, for when I bring your daughter back to you, and cry tears of relief and happiness." I assured, watching the faces of all three twist in confusion. The husband taking a more defensive stance spoke first.

"Why would a complete stranger help us, we can't afford a reward for you?" he retorted, suspicious of my intentions, as any parent would be. "Do you really think you can find her? Can you bring my only child home?" she added, wanting to believe in my intentions.

I nodded, removing a stray lock of hair from my face. "Let's just say I believe no mother should bear this burden, especially when she has pleaded for help and those words go on closed ears. As for why I'm helping you, I lost my mother when I was young, and I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like for a mother to lose her only child. Tell me is your Lynora the only girl missing? Are there others?" I explained, putting my best effort forward in showing them empathy.

The owner of the eatery looked to me, clearing his throat as he spoke. "From what I gather from patrons, Lynora makes the 5th girl to go missing in the past several weeks. it seems to happen at night, during the mage hours here in the city." he explained, which prompted one of the nearby patrons to chime in.

"Not only that, it seems that only those that come in from the countryside that goes missing, ya know those not from Essen." he added, going back to his meal. The Eatery owner tapped me on the shoulder motioning me to come in close, allowing the grieving mother to be embraced by her husband. "If you are going to pursue this I would suggest you hang around the city when the mages come out and ask them if they have seen anything. I pray you to put an end to this, its a shame really, all these young women are no older than 17 years or so."

That revolution made my heart sink. To think the authorities would let such a thing happen and not look into it, but with things developing the way they are, I could see why it could have slipped their purview. With a kiss to my forehead, she thanked me numerous times, her husband fighting back his tears as I could only guess he was hoping I would find peace for them. To that extent I would, I had no choice but to find these people peace. First things first, I needed to get familiar with the area before night came.

From what I gathered, the city came alive with magic, which meant that the streets were gonna be filled with people. It meant that if I wasnt careful the lead I had would go cold. Like a bloodhound, I made my way into the heart of the city, looking for the nearest sign of a clue.

Luckily for me, I had an extra set of eyes at my disposal. Cullen had been running up to me as I had sent for him, a few days ago. Catching his breath, he waved to me which gained a smile from me. "I have a special task for you Cullen. I need you to be my eyes and ears hear, specifically, I'm looking for information." I spoke, motioning for him to follow me.

"Girls have been going missing, they are from outside of Essen, and they seem to vanish around at night when the mages are out and fill the town. I need you to gather information on what can possibly be the cause of their disappearances." I instructed, looking to the young blonde male.

"I'm counting on you Cullen." I added, my eyes shifting over to him seeing the fear of faliure in his eyes. "I will be back later tonight, hoping you have something of use to me upon my return."

Oh....oh I will, dont worry. I won't let you down sir. he assured, bowing to me as I went to leave him. For his sake, I hope he was right. This was important to me, I had given these people my word I would find out something, and if anything I was a man of my word.

All in all this was not the way I wanted to intergrate myself into Essen, but I would take it. It would be the best way to gain contacts, and building a repor with the common folk. Part of me was hoping for there to be a normal explination for these vanishings, but given that five girls have gone missing, I couldnt be so optimistic.

"Common Tongue"
"Silvain Tongue"
Cullen Speech

Re: Evil in Human Clothing Ⅰ

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:32 am
by Taelian Edevane


Investigation: Ensure you know all the details
Investigation: Asking the important questions
Leadership: Setting expectations for those who serve you
Leadership: Giving orders to subordinates
Spycraft: Eavesdropping on conversations
Stealth: Going unnoticed

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 5

Comments: If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please let me know. Enjoy your rewards!