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The Meeting

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:28 pm
by Taelian Edevane
32nd of Ash, Year 120

Only a night ago, a Kindred had been spotted flying overhead, headed towards Brandt's south from Lugen, though it had passed by Branderbren without any sort of hitch -- causing alert to move across the realm as a sort of gradient, fluctuating with the flap of its wings. Taelian had learned -- and so had others -- that the Kindred did this to invoke terror, to keep people worried and afraid, and to force House Galbrecht to commit their resources to chasing shadows.

Yet, with the firing of the Aether Cannon's cold steel mouth, he was certain the bird was silenced -- perhaps it had fallen into the sea, or somewhere else upon Brandt's coast, even Breven. The shadowy crows quickly learned that showing themselves to it, even once, was often a lethal mistake.

Still, with the raven traveling south, Taelian and some others from his same retinue had been sent to Branderbren to hold post and ensure no harm came to the locals, and particularly the Nobility. They were given no chance to idle or investigate, as any breach into Count Friedrich's palace would have meant a rapid death for him and his family. Instead, Taelian was urged to open the Lychgate and portal himself and others through with haste, arriving within the city of Branderbren - the seat of a county of the same name - by night.

As the Kindred passed by, the man decided to stay, at least for the coming few days. This was the place from where Riven's family descended, according to Regis, and so it was of interest to him. If he were to formalize his marriage to the Velsign, he would be one of the region's local Nobility, instituting orders and running estates here. He found himself far from opposed to the idea: it only took a moment to recognize how utterly quaint Branderbren was, from the comely pine forests to the warm springs, to the finely-kept cobbled streets and red brick buildings. It was... somewhat enchanting, even in the moments where it was obscured by snowfall, or by a retreating sun.

The Argent had decided he would meet with the Count of Branderbren while present. Meeting with local power provided him further avenues to pursue his ambitions, such as acquiring full Knighthood, or having his requests petitioned to the Duchess. He was aware of his importance to their aims in the war, though he was also aware of the resistance from the powers-that-be to shift and alter tradition merely for practicality, even if it was to ensure the loyalties of their more murderously-capable subjects.

Taelian -- whose legal name in Lorien was Stephan Lange -- called on Regis through a Window portal, asking the older man to prepare a meeting between himself and Aldur, the Lord of the area. Much to his dismay, however, Lord von Graditz informed him that unlike in Atinaw, the Covenant did not have the influence to simply call upon Lorien's most influential Lords. In this land, they were relative strangers, only known to House Galbrecht and their closest inner circle. Even then, there were layers of bureaucracy before any meeting could be arranged.

He could attend court as a subject, if he managed to acquire an approved request for petition. Or, he could simply lurk around the Count's castle interior until he managed to persuade one of his courtiers to bring his request forward. Taelian opted for the latter, as the former took too much time for his interest to keep.

When morning came, he flashed his Argent emblem, being allowed into the castle courtyard with that alone. Countless courtiers gathered around with drink in hand and thick, furred attire. The courtyard was -- like most places in Lorien -- insulated, surrounded by walls, with its ceiling a dense layer of thick glass panes that allowed view of the sun and the snow. Few people approached him, though he managed to overhear a few commenting on his Rune: the visible one, at least, a dark sigil upon the back of his neck, though greatly concealed by his hair and collar. He supposed the courtiers of Branderbren had a discerning eye.

Finally, he thought to approach one, only to be stopped in his place by his own nerves. There was a pit in his stomach. He had never been particularly good at managing himself in the setting of the court.

Re: The Meeting

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:00 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

The Meeting
32nd of Ash, Year 120

Elizana did have to admit there were a few benefits to being a widow in the lands of your dead husband. Unlike other members of the court she it was acceptable for her to be fashionable late. She wasn’t the countess anymore just the dowager so she didn’t have free run of the palace but very few places weren’t open to her if she really wanted in. The daughter of the Celamyrsa house had matured much since she had first arrived in the Friedrich Palace and because less afraid so when she visited and stayed in residence she would often hold a small court. Elizana hadn’t ever been a late riser so she was always up early.

The young woman walked into the room where the other courtiers were gathered and paused as etiquette demanded so she could be admired. Elizana was dressed in layered skirts like the other ladies with a jacket over her torso. Both skirt and jacket had fur lining in an effort to fight the cold, but unlike the others who wore more subdued colors her clothing proudly announced her heritage among the seasons and plants of Ludren as the coloring was yellow.

Her gaze traveled around the room as she held the book she had spent the morning reading against her side. Her expression was kind, welcoming, with just a hint of mischief behind it. She hadn’t ever mastered the sneering air that main of the rest of her class were experts at. She only paused for the required moment before continuing into the room. She moved with a grace that also spoke of her joy in life. Her blue eyes did continue to scan the room taking in all of the regular leches that hung around the court here.

It was then that she did notice a new face among the crowd. She tilted her head in interest as in all of her years since she had come as a kicking and screaming bride it was rare to find a new face in this gathering. Not particularly shy Ella move and made as much of beeline towards him as etiquette would allow. Which actually gave her her a chance to hear bits of gossip. A Kindred had openly flow overheard the other day and it as well as current events were the main conversation. Though she did hear mentions of this visitor as he was the second topic. She heard whispers of Argent but also that he bore a rune.

So it was that she approached the stranger. Again the benefits of being a widow. Elizana smiles and titled her head in greeting as she came to stand in front of the handsome man. “Welcome to the Palace.” Her gaze was still openly friendly and curious. “I don’t believe we have meet.” She held out her hand for him to take. “Lady Elizana Celamyrsa ....” she briefly considered, “ Friedrich” she added her married name. Outside of here she no longer used that part of her name but here she kind of had to.

Re: The Meeting

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:08 pm
by Taelian Edevane

It was not long before a woman of the court approached him, elegantly dressed as she was, perhaps moreso than the average run-of-the-mill courtier there. As the woman greeted him, he courteously bowed, though the would-be Knight paused as she offered him her surname or, an addendum to one. 'Friedrich,' she said -- he could distinctively remember that name. Pondering on it for a moment, he recalled that it was the surname of the Lord of this place, meaning she could perhaps be the Lady or... some near or distant relative.

Well-aware that he was in the presence of someone of import, the Argent bowed somewhat lower, and offered her a warm -- if generated -- smile. "Stephan Lange," he replied. "My father was from Branderbren, so I thought to return here," said the man. It was a lie, but it was a part of his... state-approved backstory. One he couldn't compromise just yet, if ever. "I have been away from this Kingdom for a time, though the war has brought me back. I'm tied to the service of Lady Galbrecht, you see," he added. The man was well-aware that he had perhaps given too much information on so brief a greeting, but -- he'd been practicing his introduction for some time, and he had to admit his nerves whenever he met with one of the Celebrant, even though he was engaged to one.

There were already other eyes upon them, though they fluidly shifted away as he peered around. He supposed that as a stranger to this place, it was a matter of interest that he had been approached by one of the effective members of the household for conversation. Stephan had noticed an abundance of curiosity around him. He held the height of a full Knight-Argent, one that had undergone their mutagenic therapy, yet did not bear their pupil-less, pure white colored eyes. He did not bear their emblem nor their armor, nor even really their posture and the pride of their step. He was clearly not a fully-fledged Knight, which called into question his size.

Over time, people understood, he thought. They would notice the slight gloss of his facial features as he turned and faced the light, and the dulled patterns across his cheeks. The hint of gold and ivory in his otherwise sea-colored eyes. And then, of course, the somewhat dulled but still undeniably sharp cut of his ears. He was not a man, or not fully one, at least, which made his appearance here all the more strange. Surrounded as he was by people, there was not a single person in the crowd who likely possessed an ounce of foreign blood.

"Are you the Lady here?" he asked. "If so, I apologize for not announcing myself to you earlier. I thought to find someone from the household here, in the courtyard, so that I might meet with the Count. You see... I am in the process of gaining my full Knighthood, and I am uncertain as to whom I might swear my vows to. I thought it might be wise to... query on my selection," he said. "Though I must admit, Branderbren is a beautiful place. It is one dear to my heart."

Another mistruth, as he had never been there before. Though the first statement was not a lie: this place was wildly pleasant, and quaint. Even as news of an invading Kindred came to their ears, the people around appeared to be in good spirits.

Re: The Meeting

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:37 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

The Meeting
32nd of Ash, Year 120

Being up close with this man, the young woman could tell that there were some oddities about his appearance. He was tall, but that was just the nature of Argents, but that really seemed to be where the Argentness about him seemed to stop. There were other oddities that became more apparent to Elizana as they talked. The formal greetings were extended by the knight though Elizana did notice his bow deepening as her married name registered with him. The young woman, as a children had driven her mother to distraction with her own distaste for the nuances of Lorien etiquette, but learn she had and she suspected that while this knight knew the rules she wasn’t sure if he had as much application.

Her smile, which was genuine and drove some of her fellow nobles crazy, though Elizana was a little in the dark about how much it bothered some of them, remained in place as he introduced himself as Stephan Lange and originally from Branderbren. Actually he claimed his father was from the county. Elizana corrected in her head. In reality, the man made no claim as to where he was from. Though he did says he was returning to the kingdom.

The young Celebrant had a number of questions now, but she kept from asking them. The man’s introductions were skilled but it left you asking more questions instead of thinking it was too boring to ask about. That was the key with the nobility. If they thought you boring, you were safer than if you were mysterious. Elizana out of the corner of her blue eyes could see various member of the court gathering in smaller groups and she was well aware that she and the knight were part of the conversation common among the crowd. It wasn’t uncommon for her to be a topic of conversation as many weren’t sure what her agenda was. She had been a stranger who had come to the court a few years ago and married the aged count with the intention of producing an heir. It was also well known at that time that the court would have a power struggle over the child as the Count’s days were clearly numbered. In the end no child had been produced and Elizana had backed her husband’s adult nephew as new count. Everyone thought they had the situation figured out but now no one knew what to expect as the once boring Countess, instead of being shunted to some remote lodge was now not only on friendly terms with Count Aldur, but her own family had welcomed her home.

So Elizana was more than aware what kind of stir her actions were causing but honestly wasn’t concerned. So while she did keep an eye on the other Celebrants her focus was on this conversation. He was direct in his next question which Elizana found refreshing. She tilted her head and said. “I am the Count’s Aunt. The Dowager Countess and widow to the previous Count of Branderbren.” Her expression slipped into a guarded smile at her own mention of the Count.

After listening she waved away his apology. “You had no way of knowing.” She paused and looked at him considering. He was a mystery and a bundle of questions, and that made him dangerous. “Would you mind walking with me. There is a gallery with some lovely paintings, and it’s much easier to talk.” Honestly the pretty young woman could have cared less about the art but it was a public place that one could talk with out all of the court on your heels. Many of her peers would have just turned and walked away but she watched and waited. There was expectation of him saying yes in her looked, but there was still the option of saying no. Her glance did indicate the large amount of people around them.

After a moment, the two began to move towards one of galleries off the courtyard. Elizana chatted as they walked about some of the art in the gallery, it was neither important nor did she expect Stephan to care or pay attention to silly facts about art. If they walked quietly out of the room though that would have drawn attention. But since she was prattling about history again many of the nobles who had suffered from this conversation began to loss interest. Once in the gallery Elizana stopped her lecture and spoke. “I can certainly get you into see the Count, that isn’t a problem. He is open for more Argents to swear allegiance, but you aren’t like some young man wet behind the ears, you are different and that makes you are a risk.” The widow spoke as if they were discussing a recent shopping trip. Her tone friendly, and her expression was curious. she was serious about what she said, but she wasn’t like a gate guard but more like teacher. “Or possible a secret weapon.” Her eyes danced at that last statement. “I do find your arrival at the same time as that obvious display by the Kindred convenient.” She said rather out of the blue. This really was the crux of her concerns. A rune bearing novice Argent, who she was sure now, wasn’t wholly human. She paused in front of yet another picture of warrior men and naked woman in ridiculous poses.

Re: The Meeting

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 3:27 pm
by Taelian Edevane

He quickly learned who the woman was: the Count's... Aunt. She appeared rather young to be the Aunt of Count Aldur, considering Stephan had heard that he was in his late twenties. She must've been in her early twenties; years younger than Stephan himself. That meant that either she had a much older brother, or--

She had married a much older man, as she essentially confirmed. The Dowager Countess. Widow. He wondered how such an arrangement might have occurred - a penchant for younger, beautiful women? Some attempt at forming a political alliance? The intention of a woman who did not wish to marry, therefore consigned herself to the perpetual status of a widow? There were so many possibilities that might have led to such a marriage, and Stephan was curious as to which ones were fiction. Immediately, Elizana's status as a widow made her a more interesting woman to him. As they spoke, he nodded with a glint of intrigue in his eyes.

"Of course," he responded, as the woman ushered him towards the gallery. She likely did not wish for anyone to hear a prolonged excerpt of their conversation, or for prying eyes to continue prying. He felt much the same way, and so rather than purely being compliant to the request, the would-be Knight actually seemed to find it appealing. He followed the woman and made sure to keep pace, despite being a fast walker, remaining side-by-side with the Dowager Countess as she moved from the courtyard to the gallery hall.

The man nodded as she spoke of the ease with which she could acquire an audience for him. That was good: he did not wish to struggle to meet each candidate, and some sort of 'in' would be helpful, he thought. However, he had learned of the pragmatism and - equally - cynicism of the Rien people, and so he immediately expected a follow-up as she spoke words on the audience. That follow-up did come: she mentioned that Stephan was, somehow, a risk.

Or, as she phrased it, a 'secret weapon'. The man smiled faintly, though his quick glimmer of a smile faded after only a moment. She had assessed him well, though he wasn't eager to reveal too much too quickly. He would allow her to finish what she said before he added any point of purpose. And, as it was, the woman appeared to conclude shortly thereafter, mentioning the convenience of his appearance. He supposed -- in order to dispel any suspicions of hers -- that it was best to be transparent on his timing, on that front.

"I am meant to track and follow the Kindred as they go, My Lady. I am a member of the Pact-Covenant; a Thespian at that, meaning I am among the most powerful mages in Lorien." He admitted this with a grin: he was proud of the fact, evidently. "I am also... among the most mobile. One of the few who can keep up with the Kindred as they move, one of the few able to track them. My... skillset specializes in hunting, particularly otherworldly beasts. Therefore, I came south in order to ensure the Kindred were not able to perform a strike without repercussions. That is what this war is all about, at the moment: deterrence. We cannot allow them to go murdering Celebrant in Ravenset and Branderbren, or Brandt's social order will crumble," he said.

"As such -- I am aware that I am an invaluable asset to any court I may join. And, my organization holds the favor of the Duchess. Any such risk is only a risk if we lose this war, and if we do, may the Living Gods have mercy on this entire Kingdom."

Re: The Meeting

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:20 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

Elizana appreciated the prospective Knights straight answers. The young woman from the West End remembered her years here under her husband and his steward. There were so many layers of plots going on that no one could or would answer just yes to if they wanted eggs with their breakfast. That wasn’t to say her home in the West End and Ludrin didn’t have intrigue. It did and Elizana had lived through a couple attempt cous by lesser members of her families’ house. Elizana felt that the difference was that they viewed the Kindred as dangerous player in the game and possible the greatest opponent. Here the Celebrant seemed to forget about Kindred and their danger. Elizana was sure it was because Kindred were much more common, and they tried to distract from their involvement.

Elizana glanced sideways so that only Stephan could tell that she was looking at him as he gave her a direct answer. The young woman wasn’t sure if she was being told everything about the young man who was browsing for a lord to serve, but he was either exaggerating or a excellent secret weapon. She thought about what he said for only a second, he clearly showed one of his runes, which spoke of confidence of some backing. He also directly address his connection with the Kindred, and it made sense to the young woman. Elizana wasn’t a military tactician but could see the importance of making sure that the houses of Brandt were safe. To her the appearance of the Kindred was unnerving though she wouldn’t show it, but to may of those in the other room, they weren’t something to worry about. The Lordly houses were in a safer place at least at this point. If the Kindred did kill and remove the Counts of Brandt it would only open up position for them occupy. Since at this point they could claim innocents. If the Duchess was successful then there would be positions to fill among the supporters of the Kindred. At least Elizana was aware that was the attitude of many.

She agreed with Stephan though. If they didn’t win this there would be trouble and only some kind of god could save them. “I can only agree. To many of these Lordlings only see opportunity in this conflict and think they can wiggle out of making a commitment. They will be in for a surprise how nasty the Kindred will be if they win.” Elizana said and then glancing around noticed they were alone as someone just stepped out. “Follow me.” She said and then stepped through a semi hidden servant door waiting for him to follow and then quietly closed it.

“I feel that while that there is more to you, I also feel that you fight to the same end and will take you to see the Count.” Elizana said. “Please follow me.” She said and then swept down servant hall, and then suddenly turned down another hall. “The best way to lose most of those Lordlings is to take the back halls, though it is best to avoid the servants as well since you don’t know whose slipping coins into their palms.” She said by way of explanation. She didn’t really say anything else as they made there way through the warrens of halls. Soon they came to a door where a older man sat whittling. He glanced up at Elizana pulling his knife away from his block of wood.

“Anything I can help with your Grace.” He asked in a gravelly voice that sounded slightly vague.

“I have a guest to see Count Aldur.” Elizana said calmly and the man nodded and allowed them to enter the room beyond. Elizana had led them to an office. There currently wasn’t anyone there, but a pot of something steaming was sitting on the desk.

“Please take a seat. The Count will be here in a couple minutes.” Elizana said. “Would you like some coffee?” she asked and regardless poured herself some. “I am sorry about the cloak and dagger, but it was easier than just marching you through the public corridors. Besides, it keeps the Lordlings jumping.” She paused and sipped her coffee. “Count Aldur has worked hard to make changes here in Branderbren. The previous Count, my husband, lived convinced there was a conspiracy around ever corner. At the end of his life he was right though most of them had been brough about by his own madness.” Elizana normally happy expressions faded. “Aldur proved to independent for the voices that controlled Otto, my husband. So in the face of his life long vow to never had children, a political alliance was made with me as the sacrifice.” Here expression was serious but not at all asking for pitty. “Well that child never came.” There was a hint of smugness. “Otto died, and Aldur took over and has brough stability back to the County.”

Elizana glanced at the cloak before looking at her guest.