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[Memory]First Taste of Dirt

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:04 pm
by Elizana Celamyrsa

First Taste of Dirt
8th day of Ash, 113 Age of Steel

Elizana paused as she looked down the hills. The hills were spotted with trees and bushes but her focus was drawn to a group of people that were gathered in a clearing a couple dozen yards away from the main road. Her family’s carriage continued down the road as she continued to look on with interest at the crowd and ignored the rest of the view. Next to her sat her twin who was also watching the crowd but also was looking at the world around them. The two sixteen year olds had managed to convince their father to allow them to come on this expedition. While still within Lorien borders and within the county itself it was close to that neutral zone that existed between the great northern kingdom and its closest neighbor Daravin. The two had then slipped away in the family’s crestless carriage before their mother had become aware.

“Do we know what they are looking for here?” Vincent asked as the carriage began to slow down.

“I am not sure. I just heard that Professor Grovest was leading up a dig here, and that he was starting today.” Elizana said barely able to maintain her seat. Her brother watched her with amusement and almost wishing he was able to show such excitement about the things he enjoyed. Another part of him also wished that his sister was more reserved. They were members of an elite and frankly dangerous part of society. Vincent was sure that his sister would survive but he was worried about what pain might happen.

It was then that the carriage came to a stop. Ella didn’t wait for the driver to open the door but pushed it open and almost burst out of the carriage. Vincent was a few steps behind her but where her exit was filled with excitement and joy even, his was much more dignified. He glanced sideways and noticed that the driver was actually safely out of the way of the door. The driver knew his passengers well. Vincent nodded at him and followed.

Elizana was a few yards away before she remembered the behavior her parents had drilled into over these past 16 years. Her skipping came to a stop and she turned to look back at her brother who was jogging towards her. His movement kind of reminded her of a deer moving with a kind of grace. He slowed down as he came level with her and the two smiled as she took her twin’s arm. The two then moved with dignity across the remaining yards. The two, despite dressing in ‘plain’ clothing still drew the attention over every member of the gathered group. Their clothing was nice and made of practical materials for the current activity. The issue was that it was still designed to look like what rich people thought labors would wear.

The only nicely dressed member of the party walked forward to meet Elizana and her brother. He was an older man in his late thirties also dressed in a suit but a lot more worn than the twin’s outfits. His face was curious and a eyebrow was raised as he approached his two guests. Elizana slowed her walk and clung to her brother’s arm in excitement as she attempted to restore dignity to her movements. Soon they found themselves face to face with each other.

“Can I help you?” The Professor, Elizana was fairly sure it had to be him, said as he drew out his syllables creating a unique accent.

“I am Elizana Celamyrsa and this is my brother Vincent.” Elizana replied her own words clear and crisp, but with an excitement in them. Her brother nodded his head but with a smile at the man. Both eyebrow shot up at the mention of their names. “I was hoping to talk with Professor Grovest about joining this dig.” Everything was polite though a bit forward as she had cut through most of the small talk. While she was sure this man was the Professor making that assumption would be bad manners. The man’s face showed his surprise.

The two sibling stood there waiting for the man to say something. He recovered relatively quickly and smiled at the two of them. “I am Professor Grovest, and it is a pleasure to meet both of you.” He clearly recognized them, and while his expression was friendly Elizana thoughts there was a weariness there. “Did I understand correctly that you wanted to join this dig?”

“It is nice to meet you.” Elizana said. “You did hear me correctly. I have been interested in the study of Archaeology since I saw you excavation of the Oprina settlement.” It really hadn’t been a hug site, but had been an old pre kingdom village and had hooked the young woman with the Archaeology bug. “Your report was interesting but I am afraid that I didn’t understand parts of it as not having formal field education. With this dig to close I was hoping for the chance to get first hand experiences.”

The Professor looked at her, his expression still friendly but there was still something like reservation there. He did nod his head and then motioned for the two of them to follow him and the moved closer to the main crowd. “So how much do you know about what we are digging here?” Grovest asked as they walked.

“Honestly my sources just knew you were doing a dig here, and didn’t really know anything about what it was you were doing.” Elizana said as her brother took her elbow to help support her as they walked. She glanced at him and smiled in thanks.

“Well we are here because I believe this is the location of last great battle between Lorien and the Empire in those final days.” The Professor said not needing to remind the two nobles of world history. Vincent expression perked up as the professor explained what they were looking for.

“Why do you think that?” Vincent asked speaking up really for the first time. The Professor glanced at him his expression growing a bit excited.

“I like to keep my ear to the ground.” He said and smiled like the statement was a great joke. The twins smiled at him but didn’t say anything and soon the Professor continued. “People have reported finding bits of weapon and other such military odds and ends in this area for a while now. Unfortunately politely society doesn’t really hear about them.”

The Twins nodded again, but this time in understanding, stuff like that tended to make its way into questionable hands instead of to the schools and scholars, and usually found place in rich people’s collection. The group had stopped just outside of the group as Grovest continued explain about the various items that he had seen make and appearance. Elizana could see a different person in the scholar. She suspected he still didn’t trust them, which she wasn’t sure why, but he liked talking about his work to anyone. Elizana continued to listen with happy and focused expression as he talked.