
The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:30 pm


”Hphm.” he groaned in agreement.
Apparently he was. His limbs felt like they were made of lead, as if the intensity of the activities was just beginning to take its toll on the muscles, degenerated by his stay here.

Maladan felt as if his celebrant tormentor was becoming more playful by each passing day. As a wolf smelling blood, he must have smelled his weakness, his strength of will fading. The things he was showing him so he could look forward to the next encounter actually made him want to succumb to his injuries.

The pain itself would still be bearable – even if nightmarish – if it wasn't combined with… training. The humiliating tasks, and following commands, like he was trying to make a Hollow out of him. He felt like a dog with a red-hot iron instead of a choke collar... not that the collar itself wasn't also involved.

He saw Thomas doing something in the periphery of his vision, in the shadowy corner he used to inhabit himself. He heard the voice as Thomas called to him, beckoning him with an open gesture. He didn't understand his motives, and it reminded him unpleasantly of instructions from the man he had just come from... but what did he have to lose?

Maladan scrambled to four and moved towards Thomas. Every step was painful and uncomfortably slow, but eventually he reached his destination.

"What are you doing, Thomas?" There were strips of cloth in his hand. Beautiful cloth. Cloth... from the coat? He shouldn't have, it was such a nice piece! He grunted disapprovingly at the sight of it. But then he could smell the alcohol in the air. Antiseptic?
"How… did you... where did you…?"
Last edited by Maladan on Tue Feb 08, 2022 5:23 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 298
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Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:00 pm


"The guards here are not good at searching people. Especially not people they view as harmless little playthings of a Lord." Thomas murmured into Maladan's ear. "I have all kinds of stuff in this coat that they overlooked."

He put his coat on the stone bench again. It wasn't exactly sterile, but it was more sterile than whatever moldy slime was growing on what served as Maladan's bed. Once Maladan was lying prone, Thomas began to do his best imitation of a doctor. He didn't know much about healing beyond the basics, but he did a good imitation of the authoritative mannerism and caring bedside manner he'd seen of some of the better class of physicians in Grisic and Lorien. If all he could offer was clean wounds and emotional reassurance, well, Maladan would still be better off than if he had nothing.

"This will sting a bit," he cautioned the Elf, before pressing the cloth soaked in alcohol into the wound on the poor man's neck. It reopened the wound, which looked to be a nasty combination of a cut and a burn, like someone had decided to scratch him with a tool that had been in the fire. Once the wound was weeping clear fluid, he bandaged it with some brocade from his jacket's lining. He proceeded with each wound on the man that he could see from head to toe until Maladan was adorned in strips of brightly colored brocade. If his wounds were not healed magically as they would have been through necromancy, at least they would not succumb to sepsis.

Thomas knew, then, that he had to get Maladan out with him, no matter what. If Latham wanted him to rot in jail to atone for what he'd done, he was certain he could at least get the man to care about a fellow elf, a Nameless suffering in exactly the way Latham sought to prevent. Then Maladan could perhaps be counted upon to get Latham to return. One thing was clear, though -- if he didn't get Maladan out of here, quickly, the man would be warped such that he would not readily recover.

"Why don't you take a rest, my friend? When you wake up, perhaps we can try something else that will help a bit." Thomas was uncertain it would actually work, but maybe it was time to use his blob.
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Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:23 am


He smiled faintly. That was useful information to remember; not only important considering who Thomas probably was as a person, but also in terms of learning a lesson from situations like this. Having at least one tool from his toolbox with him would be an invaluable aid.

He closed his eyes and opened them only at the next sound of the man's voice. He knew what was coming, as an apothecary Thomas could certainly handle it. He gritted his teeth in anticipation of what was to come... and it came. Maladan groaned muffledly and muscles all over his body clenched, until he just started breathing more regularly and... relaxed.

As always, the first one was the worst. The next injuries were getting easier and easier, finally it wasn't pain for pain's sake and it didn't last long. It was frighteningly easy to adapt.

"Yes... that would be... wise... thank you." He was only half taking what Thomas was telling him. But he registered the word 'rest' and that was enough.
"I feel... awfully tired."
He passed out almost instantly.
Last edited by Maladan on Tue Feb 08, 2022 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 191
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Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:05 pm



Persuasion: Convincing Someone Not to Kill You
Persuasion: Invoking the Names of Authority Figures to Induce Compliance
Deception: Lying by Omission
Medicine: Making Bandages
Medicine: Sterilizing Wounds
Medicine: Bedside Manner
Acting: Pretending to be a Doctor
Acting: Feigning Sleep

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

Thomas' comforts are sweet, even though he is a pretender, theres a certain charm to him; I look forward to seeing him develop. Any questions or queries about your rewards. Please contact me.


Medicine: Use What's Available
Medicine: Generic Lore x1
Necromancy: Using a Necromancer's Kit
Necromancy: Negative Reputation in Lorien
Bodybuilding: Enduring Pain
Psychology: 5 Stages of Grief
Psychology: Strength of Will
Psychology: Moral Integrity

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Torture-related cuts, scrapes, and burns

Points: 3 for Necromancy, 5 for Normal Exp

Maladan seems like he's been through alot at the moment. I look forward to seeing him shine as a character. Great thread, let me know if theres anything I have missed.

word count: 179
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