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Re: Progeny

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:05 am
by Taelian Edevane

"I am not repelled by you," he corrected him, lowering his eyes. "I understand that you have... probably, every reason to feel as you do. I told you just now that my love was unyielding -- it is. I am telling you all of this now so that you might know that I am aware of your hesitation, and that I accept it. I don't live in some... deluded state about all of this. I know you doubt me. Right now, you're making that all the more clear; somehow my words seem to have justified a fear of yours, that I am prepared to ruin you if you do not provide me every one of my needs; that I am keeping you here at my leisure alone. That is not true."

He sighed, shaking his head. "I won't do that to you," said the man. He knew what Thomas meant -- the loss of their relationship would make his life unbearable. He knew this, because he had experienced it himself. This time, it would be all the more raw, for the both of them. "I want to be with you, Thomas, and I want you to be your own man. You don't need to fulfill all of my needs, or conform to what I want. What I want you to do is to stop being afraid of me, and yet somehow bringing that up is only making this fear burgeon. I don't know what I can do to relieve this in you, but -- I want to."

He stopped, and allowed the other to speak. Thomas explained to him that he was, in fact, raised an orphan like him. Latham felt a tension in his chest, knowing what he did of that pain, remembering it so vividly despite all the years that went by. He recalled the loneliness, the doubt. The man was scarred indeed, especially as one who loved as strongly as he did. His parents were his world, and when they were gone, it felt as if he could only wander an open void for the remainder of his life. Some part of him still lingered on that, even now.

The man stepped over to Thomas, pulling him from his chair and into his chest. He kissed his forehead, wrapped his big arms around his back, and sighed against his hair.

"It is... my wish that I provide you the love that you so clearly have not felt, for all this time. Even if you cannot feel exactly as I do... I will continue to try. You said mere minutes before all this that I was an honest man, so please believe me when I tell you that I will not throw you out, or abandon you, or disregard you, or tire of you. I mourned what we shared for three years, only to be given a chance again. You think I would throw that away?"

He frowned. "I finally know the man you really are, Thomas, and I love him dearly." The man kissed him again, stroking his upper back as he stared forward, thinking. "...I wasn't telling you that I'd be willing to make you my Arlaed to hurt you. It was to let you know how committed I am to this -- committed enough to bond my life to yours forever. If you ever feel the same way as I, then I will offer it to you in earnest. You are, to be blunt, Thomas... the love of my life. All I ask is that you accept that. You were orphaned, I know, but that does not mean that every person living is doomed to abandon you. I haven't, after all of these years, and I won't."

Re: Progeny

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:27 am
by Thomas

Thomas had to admit, Latham had a point. They shared an origin, and that made him more inclined to trust that Latham had some idea about what exactly it meant to grow up in a world without the comforting delusion that people would care for or protect those that were weak or helpless. Curious, then, that the man still had as big a heart as he did. Prior to meeting Latham, Thomas had thought that he was open to love just because he got attached easily, became infatuated and doodled love poetry on little notes for people. Afterward, he'd wondered if he ever really had, and upon their reunion, if he even really could. He would try, though. Latham deserved to feel loved in return. He would do his best, then, to make Latham feel that way.

Maybe one day, Latham wouldn't remember he was a rotten apple. Maybe one day, he could forget, too.

He wanted to make light of it, but he knew Latham wouldn't appreciate it, and hearing "you should have picked someone else," probably wouldn't inspire much confidence. So instead, Thomas returned his embrace. "I don't think I'll ever feel about anyone as I do about you, Latham," he said, careful not to emote too much or be too wooden.

It wasn't that he was pretending, exactly -- he just didn't want to overcommit. Last time, he'd let Latham get attached and torn the man's heart in two. He couldn't bear to do it again. It felt wrong. It was one thing to accept that life was unkind and that sometimes people put puppies in a sack with a brick and threw it in a river, it was another to tie the knot and throw the sack into the river personally.

One thing was certain, though: Latham believed everything he was saying. Thomas wasn't sure which he more reservations about: the idea of dating the child of a supposed "god," or of being with someone who pledged to love him eternally.

Re: Progeny

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:09 am
by Taelian Edevane

I don't think I'll ever feel about anyone as I do about you, Latham.

The man smiled warmly, as a quiet, but soothing sensation smoothed through him like a steady tide. He closed his eyes, and all of these... vivid sensations followed, memories from moments that felt so long ago. In some ways, they were. In just a few years, a lifetime of events had transpired, and his world had given rise to uproar.

He remembered walking through the cobbled streets of Leiden, eyeing the gilded names of the shops, laughing beneath his breath as he saw some obscure scene unfold. He wasn't, perhaps, so industrious back then as he was now... but he had a sort of life in him that he felt diminishing, within his own head. He wanted to convince Thomas that he was still the same man, but in so many ways, he was not. The world was ugly, and it had gnarled him along its twisted edges, driving him to compromise the person he wanted to be.

If there was one feeling, though, that he could always access regardless of how much had changed, it was this longing for what could have been between him and the man without a name, the specter that crossed through and beyond his life, leaving a mark so raw that it could be felt.

"...I know, Thomas," he whispered back, nodding his head slowly as he buried the smaller man within his chest. "I'm the love of your life, too, whether you'll say it or not."

- - -

Time passed. Latham encouraged that Thomas finish his food, heating it up with his Divinity amidst some brief distraction. When all of that was over, the man brought his lover out with him for a long walk, wherein they wandered through the city streets of Retzen and Latham introduced him to his new home. He informed him that he would, perhaps, not wish to live there forever, but for the moment their fine city would serve them as well as any other. It was quaint, safe, and in truth very lovely. If there were two things Latham loved nearly so much as Thomas, those things were animals and trees, and Kastran had an abundance of both. Even Retzen had evergreen trees casting shade over much of its span, and even numerous parks. Retzen was warmer than the rest of Lorien, too; it was just outside of the grasp of Von Rabe's frost, and things only became warmer as one went west.

At some point, the man suggested that they have a treat beside the river harbor, their legs looming over the edge of the docks with some strawberry rhubarb trifles in hand. He wrapped his arm over the man's shoulder, kept him close against him, and declared himself his steadfast protector. Then, as the sun began to set in the late afternoon, he took his hand and guided his beloved home.

Re: Progeny

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:07 pm
by Salen


Psychology: Draeden characteristics and abilities (Basic)
Acting: Feigning Interest
Acting: Ignoring Hunger
Persuasion: Generic Lore x3
Rhetoric: Poking Holes in Fallacies
Rhetoric: Constructing Logical Arguments

Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

Comments: Poor Thomas, he must be having a metaphorical heart attack after what he's brought to the table. I look forward to seeing more action from Thomas. Let me know if I've missed something.


No lores requested.

Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

It seems Taelian likes scaring Thomas with the possibility of the Arlaed (The life bond), this was an interesting interaction between Tae and Thomas. Hopefully he wont scare him off. Any questions or queries let me know.